The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, May 20, 1904, Image 8

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Cnlnccl Forty Pounds In Thirty Days
For hevernl inotitliH our jounger
brother had been troubled with lndl
best ion . Ho tiled several remedies
but got no benefit from them. V
purchased some of Chamberlain's
stomach mid Liver TablotH and ho
commenced taking them. Insldo of
thirty days lit; Intel gained forty pounds
in flesh, lie is now folly recovered .
We ha vu a good trade on the Tablets.
llollt'V Bros. Merchants, Long
Branch. Mo. For sale by W W
Oatarrk of tho Stomah.
When tlio Htoiiiiteli is overloaded;
when food is taken into it that fail to
illgest, It decays and InllmneH tint inns
cons membrane, exposing the nerves,
and causes the glandH to secrete mucin
In-tend ot the mitutal juices of digest
ion. This is called catarrh of the
stomach, caused by indigestion Doc
tors and medicines failed to henelit me
until I used Kodol Dyspepsia Cure.
J I 'hi !im ... i V
W. Keeling.
Notice- of Probato of Will.
In tlin County CniirtorNiiiiinlia county, Noli.
I r Hlalo of Ndliriislcn, County or NhiiiuIiii.hh
To Kll.aliiitlt Unclear, Malllti A. Doram, Nl
tlo k'uwlizlty, M irKiint A. Kiirxoii. .lolin
. HI nil n, Aitlmr Htmlii, LHtltla O.
('union. Ocortxlu i Toulon, Orinii Ocil Moirl
John (;. A. Motrin, Lloyd Morrli, Alary
.M -rrlH, IttiNHOll it. Mon Is imii mull paiHon
IiiIi'K'hIimI In tin) I'Hliiliiol l.i'ttltla A.Htralti.
licet iisi'il:
You aro hereby notlllcd Unit John 0. Hi nun
Iiiin Hied u notltlon pr i.vIiik Unit, im in to
unit Hied In UilH court, pu r pot 1 1 tin to hu tho
bint will and tcHtiiniuiit or wild tlewiiHi'd, limy
i proved, tillowt'il mid rncotdod iik tlid IiihI
u Hi n ml tiHU.ntint or Lottllla A. Hindu, dr
c -i'd: tliuL Hultl liiHtriiincnt tnuy Im ml'
inlttcd to ptoliatu, mill iidinltilHlia loii oIhhIU
t hin onrniiti'd to John I), Htriiln as executor
.in i i lint thu lstli dny of Jnnu A. I), lid I at
i ii o'litoulc it, in. tit county court, room ol
aid county. In Auliurn, bus Iiciui IIximI iih
tliol tniiand place ol tirovlnic Hiild will, ulicn
v o i and nil IntiiriMtcil may uppii ir mid nIiow
- iiiw ll ilwrn bo any, why tho p'hv r ol tho
p I' Ion hhotild not ho K'tuitcd, imii content
n hi otiiito thereof.
Wiuiokm in himd mid Mu I of hiiiiI court
H in Is h duv ol' May A. I). Mil 4.
J 8 MtUAHTV, tounty Jnd.'.
Mtnndiird nnd roKlstcrcd. Hired hy Itopiih'l.
in, HflOV. Pain Miidhi Voru hy Tnlnvfi u,2.:iO;
iiu! iliim, HotNy Trotwoml hy MoMahoo, .
I ted hay, ti) utile p llnU, ID yonrn old, hIiwhIh 111
IiiiihIh, woIkIih I2D0 poundx, do Ihih ijood
lilnh notion, with lino h ylo.
Standard and rculHtorod. Hired liv Pat I,.,
IMi'.l!,; tin in Hiiilln V i' rn hv Tultivurii; 'Jnd dutii
HotHy Trotwool hy MoMahon, 2 21. Diirk
hay, hluclc tiotiitH, 7 .vhuh old, Htuiidn UMi
IiiiihIh, welnht i;i() poiindH,
Moth horsos will iniilio MtimmiHon or WOI
every day except Hundiiy at Muplo Hideo
stock rural. '.'K miles southeast ol llowu, nl
310 to Inmiro mart) In foal. (ito will I hi taken
to orovoul acoldnnlH hut should any occur It
will tin at ownor'H rMi,
You will malco no mistake In hrccdlnu tt)
Kepuhllcaur Jr., as Nome of his oldest coIIh
uro Holllnu lor $2HJ.
'A limited nunihor or mures taken In piiH
I urn,
Over-Work Weakens
Your Kidneys.
Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood.
All the blood In your body passes through
your kidneys once every three minutes.
,3'ui .(, no Kianeys are your
blood purifiers, they fil
ter out (he waste or
impurities In the blocd.
If they are sick or out
of order, they fail to do
their work.
Pains, aches and rheu
matism come from ex
cess of uric acid in the
blood, due to ntWt'H
kidney trouble.
Kidney trouble causes quick or unsteady
heart beats, and makes one feel as though
.hey had heart trouble, because the heart Is
ver-worklng In pumping thick, kidney
poisoned blood through veins and arteries.
It used to be considered that only urinary
troubles were to be traced to the kidneys,
but now modern science proves that nearly
nil constitutional diseases have their begin
ning in kidney trouble.
If you are sick you can make no mistake
by first doctoring your kidneys. The mild
and the extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer's
Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy Is
soon realized. It stands the highest for Its
vonderful cures of the most distressing cases
na is sola on tts merits
y all druggists In fifty
ent and one-dcllarslz-
;s. You may have a
Homo of Swiwiip-Iloot,
free, also pamphlet telling you how to find
DUt II you nave Kianey or uiaaucr irouoio.
Mention this paper when writing Dr. Kilmer
t Co., Binghamton. N. Y.
The Nebraska Advertiser
V. W, Bandkhh it Son, I'rop'H.
Kill DAY, MAY 20, 11)01.
Mih, Henry I'lasters, living httween
iltownville anil Neiualui, died at 1
o'clock Thinsday mornlnL'. Sim has
heun an Invalid lor several years. !
We did not lea in paftiunlarH eouoeini ;
1 UK her Ixittal.
.Mr. and Mis'. Uurl Cut tLriliL'M baby
died Thursday night of last week of
spinal meningitis The funeral Her- !
vieea, conducted by Kov. ,1. V. Sapp,
were held at the house Saturday tnoin
itiK and interment made in the Neins
aha cemetery. '
We desire to return thanks to thu
frieuris who were ho kind dining the
sickness and burial of our little daugh
ter. Mr. and Mrs. Burl Onittrinht
Mr. and Mrs, .loromo Curttrifjht.
Miss Nessa Konlch, through her ats
tomey, II A. Lambert, has begun
suit in the district court for damages
against school diHtiiet No. lirown
villo iireclnel. I'lal ntill' alleges she
was (!iiiiloyed last fall to teach In that
district for a term of six months and at
the end of Ihtee months the school
olllcers refused to ponnil her to coni
Untie her duties as teacher and dis
lodged her from the school. Her suit
Is lor the recovery of her wages for the
remainder of tho term for which she
was employed. Tho summons which
is against the olllcers of the district
school, is made returnable May, 18
Auburn Herald. .
At a meeting of tho nu'inbors of
Nemaha Chapter' 0. E. S. No. 7(1, held
at their hall Saturday evening May 11
1001, the following resolutions and
preamble were adobled.
Whereas God, our Father in heaven
has in his wisdom removed trom us
our beloved slater, Mrs Letitia Si rain,
Whereas the long and intimate re
lation.! held with hor as ti faithful
member of out chapter makes it befit
ting that we record our appreciation
of hor. Theruforo lie it
lloaolvod, that tho removal of such
a life from our midst leaves a vacancy
that is deeply felt by each member of
our chapter.
Uesolved that we tender our heart
felt sympathy to tho beteaved family
of our beloved sister, and commend
them to Him who doeth all things
Resolved, that a copy of these resos
lotions be placed on the records of this
chapter, a copy bo sent to the Nebraska
Advertise! for publication , and a co
py be given the bereaved family.
. W. W. Keeling,
Mrs. M. A, Woodward,
Mrs. .. M. Sanders
How's This?
Wo ori'or Ono Iliindrod Dolhirs Howard for
any oiiho ot Catarrh that cannot no fitted hy
IImIPn Catarrh Curo.
l J. CI I ION ICY &. CO., Toledo, O.
Wo, tho untloiHlnnod, havo known I'. J.
Ohniioy ror tho lust lfiyoiirn, and hollovo lilm
porlootly honorahlo In all IuihIir'nh tiunsur.
llotiNand tlnimolally alio to curry oat tiny
ohlliatloiiN mudo hy IiIh linn., IvIN.NAN it MAIIVIN,
WholoHiilo Di'iikkImIH, Toledo, O.
IIiiII'h Catarrh Cnro Ih talcon Intoinally,
noting directly upon tho hlood and iiiucoun
HiirlaueH of ho system, ToHtltnonlals sent
Itoe. PrleoTflcontH por holtle. Hold hy all
Tuuo 11 II'h Family IMIIh for constipation.
There's nothing- like doing a tiling
thoroughly. Of all the Salves you
ever heard of, Hucklln's Arnica Salve
is tho best. It sweeps away and cures
Burns, Sores, HruiBos, Cuts, lloils
Ulcers, Skin Eruptions and Piles. It's
only 25c and guaranteed to give satis
faction by W W Keeling druggist.
Robbod tho Crnvo
A startling incident is narrated by
.JohnOliver o f Philadelphia, as follows
"1 was in an awful condition. My
skin was almost yellow, eyes sunken,
tongue coated, pain continually in back
and sides, no appetite, growing weak
er day by day. Three physicians had
given mo up. Then 1 was advised to
take Electric Hitters; to my great joy
the first bottle mudej a decided im
provement. 1 continued their use for
three weeks, anil am now a well num.
1 know thoy robbed the grave of
anothnr victim." No ono should fail
I to try them, Only 50c, guaranteed at
Keeling s drug store.
To attend the Western Normal Sunm
mer School) Bhcnandoah, Jowa, open
Inn June 7. Approved by State
Hoard. All branches of studies and
teacher's Hpeeialtles, ICxpenses the
lowest. Reduction in railroad fare.
Write for atiy information desired.
J. M. IIu?sKV, President,
Shenandoah, Iowa,
An effort is being made by some of
our citizens to secure the necessary
funds for cleaning and Dxlng up the
Nemaha cemetery. Elmer E. Allen
is taking subcriptiona and all who are
interested in tho improvement of this
cemetery should subscribe at once for
some portions of it lias been sadly
neglected. It is thought that it will
take about $100 to put it in good shape.
About one half of this amount lias
been nubscribed, Nemaha lias a good
location lor a cemetery and if it were
well kept would have one of tho pret
tiest cemeteries in this county.
Every housekeeper should know that
if they will buy Defiance Cold Water
feturch for laundry use they will save
not only time, because it never sticks
to the iron, but because each package
I contains 10 oz. one full pound while
I all other Cold Water Starches are put
up in pound packages and the price
is tho Biime, 10 cents. Then again bo-
caitso Dellanoo Starch is free from all
injurious clieinicals. If your grocer
tries to soil you a lii-oz package it Ib
because ho has a stock on hand which
hu wishes to dispose of before he puts
in Defiance. He knows that tho Do
Dance Starch has printed on every
package in large letters and figures
"Idozs". Demand Defiance and save
much time and money and the annoys
ance of the Iron sticking. Dellanco
never slicks.
Foley's llonev and Tin is peculiarly
adapted for asthma, bronchitis and
hoarseness. M T Hill.
Via Burlington Uoulo
Tickets to St. Louis and return, good
all summer, .$l.:r.
On and after April i2., sixty day
tickets, 814 4f.
On and after April ii", tenday tick
ets, $1:1 05,
For full information about train sers
vice ask the ticket agent.
A Croat Sonsation
There was a big sensation in Leess
villo, lad., when W. II Mrownof that
place, who was expected to die. had
his life saved by i,r. King's New Dis
covery for Consumption. Me writes:
I endured insufferable agonies trom
Asthma, but your Now Discovery
gave me immediate relief and soon
thereat ter effected a complete cure."
Similar cures ef Consumption,, Putin-
II mil, II ronclittis ami Ktipure tinnier
ous. It is the peerlnss remedy fur all
throat and long troubles, Price oik
and $1.00. (Suaraiitcn'd by W W
Iveo'ingDruggist Trial buttles free.
"I find Thedford'ft niack-Drancht
R rood nicdlcino for llvor disease.
it cured my ron attor ho had spent
$100 with doctors. It Is nil tlio incd
iclno I tako." MH8. CAHOLINH
MAIITIN, Parkoraburg, V. Va.
If your liver does not act reg
ularly go to your drucgiRt and
secure a packago of Thedford's
Uiack-Draupht and take a doso
tonight. This great family
inedicino frees the constipated
bowels, stirs up tho torpid liver
and causes a healthy Bccretion
of bile.
Thedford's Black - Draught
will cleanpo tlio bowels of im
purities and strengthen tho kid
neys. A torpid liver invites
colds, biliousness, chills and
fever and all manner of sick
ness and contagion. Weak kid
neys result in Bright's disease
which claims as many victims
as consumption. A 25-ccnt
Eackago of Thedford's Black-
'rauglit should always bo kept
in tho house.
"I used Thodford's Black
Drftucht for liver and kidnoy com
plaints nnd found nothing tb excel
jt 'VlLUAM COFPmXn; mSf
blehoad, 111.
agazinos should havo u well-dunned purpose.
Genuine entertainment., amusement and mental recreation are the
motives of The Smart Sot, the
lis Novels, a comomplcto one in each number, uto by tlio most bvifog
Hunt authors or" both hemispheres.
Its short stories are matchless clean and lull of human interest.
lis poetry covering; the entiro field of versepathos, love, humor,
tcndornessis by tho most popular poets, uron and women, of tho day.
Its jokes, witticisms, sketches, etc., aie admitedly the most mirih
Nopufcs arc wasted on cheap illust?ations, editorial vaporinys or ior.ariiiy
essays and idle discussions.
Every paie will interest, charm and refresh you.
Subscribe now--2.50 per year. Remit in cheque, P, 0. or J'Jxprcs
order, or registered letter to THE SMART SET, -152 Fifth Avenue, New
N. B. Sample Copies Sent Free on Application
ac1..-'.aa -jg
W.M. OAMI'lUJLL, Pres. F. E. ALLEN. Vlcc-Pres.
J Capital Stock, $5,000
One Minute cough cure gives relief
in one minute, because it kills the mi
crobe winch tickles the mucous mem
brane, causing the cough, and at the
same time clears the phlegm draws out
the in 1 1st in mat ion and lieal.4 and sooth
es thu al'fecto I parts. One Minute
cough cure strenghens the lungs, wards
off pneumonia and is a harmless and
never failing cure in all cural le cases
ot coimlis, cold.-, and croup. One Min
ute cough cure is pleasant to take,
harmless and good alike for young and
old.- W. Keeling.
World-Wide Roputation
White's Cream Vermifuge lias ac
hieved ti world wide reputation as be
ing tho best of worm destroyers, and
lor its tonic influence on weak and un
thrifty children, as it neutralizes the
acidity or sourness of the stomach,
improves the diostionand assimila
tion of food, strenglitoiis tho nervous
system and restores them to the health
vigor and elasticity of spirits natural
10 childhood. 2'c at llill'b.
A Thoughtful Man
M M Austin of Winchester, Ind.,
knew what to do in tlio hour of need.
His wife had such an unusual case, of
stomach and liver trouble, physicians
could not help her. Ho thought of
and tried Dr King's Now Life pills
and she got relief at once and was lln-.
ally cured. Only 25c at Keeling's
drug store.
I was troubled for several years with
'hioiiic indegestion and nervous debil
ity," write.' l? G Green, of Lancaster.
NT H. "No remedy helped me until I
began taking Electric Bitters, which
did me more good than all the medicin
es I ever used. They havo also kept
my wife in excellent health for voars
she says Eloctrio Hitlers are just splen
did for female troubles ; ihat they are
a grand tonic and lnvigorator for weak
run down women. No other medicine
an take its place in our family " Try
hem Only r0 c Satisfaction guari
mteed by Keeling's Drug Sotre.
Ouros Whon Doctors Fail
Mrs. Frank Chiasson, Patterson, la.,
writes .lime 8th, 1001 : "T had malaria,
fever in a very bad form, was under
treatment by doctors, but as soon as I
stopped taking their medicine the fev
er would return, 1 used a sample
bottle of llerbine, found it helped mo.
Then 1 ' bought two bottles, which
completely cured me. I feel very
grateful to you for furnishing snchn
splendid medicine, and can honestly
recommend it to those suffering with
malaria, as it will surfly curo them."
llerbine, oOc bottle at Hill's.
Will Owe Consumption
A A Horren of Finch, Ark.
wiites, "Foley's Honey and Tar is tlio
best preparation for coughs, colds and
lung trouble. 1 knowthat it has cur
ed consumption in the tirst stage.
M T Hill.
ww "'nti nt sum ""sriry
Ran A Ton Ponny Nail Through His
While opening a box, .). C. Mount
of Three Mile Bay, N. Y., ran a ten
penny nail through thefleshy part of
his hand. thought at once of the
pain and sorenes. this would cause
me," lie says, "and immediately appli
do Chamberlain's Pain Balm and oc
cusionallyafterwards. To my surprise
it removed all pain and soreness and
the injured parts were soon healed.
For Bale by W. W. Keeling
There is an aching and tired feeling,
the liver, bowels, and kidneys become
sluggish and inactive, the digestion
impaired, with little or no appetite no
ambition for anything and a feeling
Unit the whole body and mind t-eds
toning up. The trouble is, that dur
ing the winter, there has been an over
aoeumalation of waste matter in the
system. llerbine will remove it, t-e-ctire
to the secretions a right exit, and
give strength in place of weakness.
50c at Hill's.
Chris Miller of .Fremont Nebr.
writes - "1 suffered from dyspepsia for
more than 10 years. 1 was under tlio
care of a number of doctors, made three
trips away, and still no relief. Kodo
Dyspepsia Cure being recommended to
me by sevoral who had used it, and as
tlie last straw, 1 concluded to try it.
After the first two or three doses I be
gun to improve and have taken several
bottles and feel like a new man. I
write you this in the interest of hu
manity, hoping it may fall into the
bauds of some sufferer, and my prajer
is that they may secure the same hene
lit that I have." Sold by W. W. Keel-
Ho Loarnod a Croat Trurh.
It is said of ,Iohn Wesley that he
once said to Mistress Wesley. "Why
dojoti tell that child the same thing
over and over again V" ".John Wesley,
because once telling is not enough."
It is for tho same reason that you am
told again and again that Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy cuies colds ami
grip; that it counteracts any tendency
of these deseases to result in pneus
monia, and thai it is pleasant and safe
to take. For sale by W. W. Keeling.
Dr. Bergin, Faun, 111. w rites :I
havo used Billiards Snow Liniment
always recommend it to my friends,
and I am confident that there is no
better made. It is a dandy for
burns. Those who live on farms
are especially liable to many accidental
cuts, burns and bruises, which heal
rapidly when Ballard's Snow Lini
ment is applied. It Blionld always lie
kept in the house for rases of emer
gency. 25c, 50, and .$1 00 at IliU'ei.
Cures Colds; Provonts Pneumonia
Kor huIu by M. T. HIM.
Makes Kidneys and Bladder Right
or lo by M . T. 11 111.