The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, May 20, 1904, Image 2

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W. VV. SANUUltS. Publisher
Dogmatists are sound beeutno they
nro nothing l)iit sound.
A womnn Isn't iioeofcwn'tly a thief
bOCfiuio Blip hooka a dt'OM.
In Utah they do not appear to eo
anything slngulnr nuout plunil wire.
There nro a good ninny prannn who
will hope to Hpond next winter In a
warmer place.
How wo onvy the moil who can han
dle kerosene with one hand and vIolotH
rlth the other, and ho happyl
"True poverty Ih a blowing." wild
Kntlior Huntington, and no It undoubt
edly Ih; hut ah -what is truth V
The Ued Cross Society Ih prohahly
the only Important organization in the
world that Ih sincerely anxious to loso
Its Job.
The present president' of the stool
trim! apiioars to he tin; unfortunate in
dividual who In hired lo stop In and do
the worrying.
It Is thought that the ltaltlmore lire
was canned hy a cigarette. Anyway,
if It wasn't It might have boon. A has
tlie cigarette.
Ono of the latest reports from Rus
sia Is to the effect that the Kins arc
preparing for an uprising. However,
It may he only a llsh story.
.IIJI Is the name of tho leading news
paper of Japan. It requires a pretty
long stretch of the Imagination to llml
that no Japanese breakfast can Incom
plete without .IIJI.
The "displaced mine" seems to be
about as unpleasant for tho Russians
at Port Arthur as the "salted mine"
was for the guileless In the earlier
days of the West.
In London recently a newly married
man took out an Insurance policy for
$ 1.0()0 Insuring him against twins. He
found tho Insurance company perfectly
willing to bet with him.
Persons who have been divorced and
remarried have been given a new des
ignation. According to Dr. McKlm
of tho Hplphany Church at Washing
ton they arts "progressive polygam
lsts." According to the tenets of the "new
thought" practitioners, all nvtterlai Ills
vanish before the vigorous onslaughts
of our mentality; hut nobody has re
ported thai new thought will bring
down tho price of Hour.
Texas has a citizen who Is under
1.M7 Indictments. If the Texas courts
move with the swiftness to which peo
ple are accustomed In this part of the
country It Isn't likely that he will over
Miecood In proving his Innocence of
tho 1,117th count.
Here Is one of the mistakes of our
education, moral and social. Hoys and
J-oung men look upon It as better to
Uuard themselves against deception or
Imposition by studying to know the
tricks and subterfuges of trade and
of morals. Wo breed, in short, a great
Burplus of smart people people who
take pride not In (hiding much to be
lieve In, but In seeing how much they
can underrate things and men.
Now that tho scientists are discov
ering everything to be germ-Infested
uid dangerous only one more point of
attack remains. That will fall when
Ihe germ hunters discover that the
human breath Is swarming with bacil
li and that the only way to bo entirely
safe Is to atop breathing. Already the
Bat has gone forth that wo must stop
tHtlng and drinking, so that the last
alternative Is perhaps merely the logi
cal conclusion of the whole germ the
ory. The new German law regulating the
NiSployment of children, which went
Into effect at the beginning of this
ymr. provides that no child shall work
t any building operations, in any
brickyard, at breaking rocks, swoop
ug chimneys, grinding or mixing
(Mint, or In any cellars or vaulLs. With
in the moaning of the law a child is a
boy or girl less than KJ years old. The
law not only regulates the employ
ment of children In factories, but In
their own homes as well. This was
necessary, as more than live hundred
thousand children are working for hire
ouhddo of factories, whereas only
twenty-seven thousand are employed
In tho factories. Tho prevalence of
homo Industries In Germany has made
It necessary to arrange for the Inspec
tion of the homes to discover whether
tho children of tho family are over
worked or not.
.Money spoils so many men that It
aoeBiVt'secni fair to expect "too much of
a hoy And jet. there Is Jo,!kc$ I hll
Hps, at New Oilcans, who gets it iwih
Inry that exceeds tho yearly pay of n
member- of the Supremo Court of thi
i United States. Ho Is a country hoy,
Ho knows horses ns you know youf
. A H Ch, and he has tho wonderful
knack of getting every nit or speed out
of his mount. That Is how ho wIiih
race. He Is nit Interesting elm meter,
hecniise his money has not In any way
spoiled hliu. He saves It. and his pel
amusement Is playing mnrblus. Thcra
la a little sermon In tho lad. There ii
not an easier plaeo In tho world to
go to the devil limit at tho race truck.
As a man is known hy tho company In
keeps, so the racing gamo loses cast
iH'caiise It almost always carrion with
It gambling, heavy drinking, and at
tracts an element of society that has
very little moral standing. Most of
the famous Jockeys have spent money
as fast as they have made It, or faster.
They gambled, spent heard-oarnod dob
lars In riotous living, and In a very lit
tle time they passed on, and tho world
forgot they had lived. Little Phillips
Inherited strength of character. Ho
lives plainly. lie lets whisky severely
alone. He Is not even ashamed of tho
fact that he has not forgotten tho
teachings of his mother, and any boy
who doesn't forget tho woman who Iiiih
been tho best friend he ever had, or
ever can have- -his mother can con
tinue to be clean and upright, even if
ho Is a successful Jockey and lives In
the very center of temptation. So,
here's to the raw-boned country boy,
the best of !ho riders. Ho Is 'worth
all the salary he is paid, and more, If
he will continue to prove that charac
ter Is superior to every form of temp
tation. The search for the fountain of
youth has not been abandoned, as tho
numerous dietary experiments abun
dantly attest. Science Is the modern
Ponce dc l.eon. The era of strietlv
sclentllle living for the most of us has
not downed, and Is afar oil", but may
we not hope that the time Is coining
when the most casual caller at tho
lunch counter will order as ininy
graine ol protein, ft, carbohydrates
and the rest as his physical or intellec
tual necessities seem to require? The
man who Is about to produce an epic
will see to It that his bill of faro con
tains the requisite amount of nitro
gen and phosphorus, and that ho se
cures a sulllelcnt number of calorics
of boat value dally. The strictly m len
tlllc dletarlan. we are assured, Is a
hopeful candidate for longevity, though
there Is some confusion among; tho ex
perts on this Important point. Ono of
the eminent Hrltlsh authorities rec
ommends moderation in eating mil
drinking. Another says that tho
stress of a long life entails a tremen
dous strain upon the vital energies,
and he therefore holds that "ho who
would live long must eat heartily."
L'he weight of the evidence, as tho
lawyers would say, tends to provo
that our chances of long life depend
upon the quality rather than upon tho
quantity of our food. Prof. Ell Mlteh-
nlkoff of the Pasteur Institute. Is
quoted as saying that a man who lives
a sclentllle life from birth may hope to
live J-IO yours. On the economic side,
scientific living Is cheap. Its cost Is
almost a negligible quantity. It was
shown by a recent test that a man
can live on nourishing food for only
20 cents a day. There must be a limit,,
of course, to the minimum cost of llv-l
lug, but. there Is no telling what sci
ence may do for us in this direction.
Probably the best medical iidvh
co eve I
that of
given to a valetudinarian was that
the sage physician who counseled his
rheumatic patient to live on a six
pence a day, ami to woric ior u.
Whether tobacco Is to be prescribed
or proscribed for those who aspire to
centenarian or bi-centenaiian laurels
Is a moot point. The number of per
sons addicted to the seductive weed
who have reached or nearly reached
the century goal Is provoktngly large.
Further more, niuoh of the world's
best work, Intellectual or otherwise,
has been performed In clouds of to
bacco smoke. Napoleon hated tobacco,
but Hluehor, who helped In Napol
eon's dlscomtUuro at Waterloo, it Is
said always went Into action with a
well-tilled pipe. In the Held of Intel
lectual achievement, Newton, Huxley,
Tennyson, lUsnmrok and many moro
are the despair of the anti-tobacco
Viewed (is a Past hue.
The man from Chicago looked with
scorn at tho lJraniblevllle ticket ngent
as he handed out a dollar bill and
pushed It through tho opening
"You've got a pretty lot of citizens to
allow themselves to bo charged at tho
rate of 5 cents a mile from hero down
to Kushby on a miserable little crawl
lug one-horse branch road," ho said,
The ticket ngent looked at him with
a calmness which nothing could dlsi
"I'd like to call your attention to one
fact before you go on usin' any morn
language," ho said, mildly, "and thaj
Is that while It may be f cents a mile,
It's only :i. cents an hour!"
Roys full to-realize that some dn
they will know as llttlo as 'their par
on Is. '
Tharc arc people who disparage
everything and everybody. They
are constantly looking for faults and
blemishes. There are homes where
tho children hear continual criticism
from their parents, where tho con
versation Is made up largely of
adverse judgments of everybody and
everything, whero every character
Is dissected and the Haws rather
than the pond traits held up Lo viow.
Whether these judgments bo Just or
not, tho olleet upon the children Is
the siune they loam suspicion, con
tempt uousncss a' (1 denuricltalou,
three things quite unnuturul to the
child mind. As a result we have
pessimists, made such not hy harsh
experiences ol life, hut by the habit
of looking on the wrong side. Par
ents should remember that their
viiw-points aio those of the little
ones, an J will be theirs until each
young llfo has Its own experiences
What color does It'inake a hoy to be
It makes him yellow (yell "Oh!")
What kind of a wind should a
hungry sailor wish foiV
Ono that blows foul (fowl) and
chops about.
Whon may a chair bo said to dis
like you?
When It can't bear you.
Why Is a proud glil like a music
Heeause It Is full of airs.
Why is a pig In a parlor like a Hro?
Because the sooner lb Is put out
the better. Herald and Presbyter.
The latest unique trip to the
world's fair Is one contemplated by
Henry Huffman of La Crosse, Wis.
Ilollinan who is a deep water sea
diver, Intends to walk from La
Crosse to St. Louis, a distance of
1500 miles on the bod of the Mississippi
river. Ho will start as soon as the
water warms up a little and he ox-
pecls to make tho trip in four
months time. He will be accom
panied by a boat carrying ulr pumps
and provisions and claims he will
leavo tho water only for meals and
to sloop. Hoiran has ordered spe
cial diving suit In which to make
Mie novel trip.
Mtgclable Prcparationfor As
similating llicFootlniitlRcdula
liitg the Stomachs andBowcls of
Promotes Digcslion.ChceTful
ness ancincst.Conlains neither
Oputm.Morpliine nor "Mineral.
llAlt. C OTIC .
IunfJiui Srefl"
lloch.ll, SU
sltiixr Sent
Jhfrnninf -Jit
Clmfitd Sitanr
Vintnyi-ren Flavor.
Apcrfecl Itamedy PorConslina
Ron, Sour Slotnach.nianhoci
Worms .Convulsions ,1-cvcrish-ncss
nml Loss of Sleep.
Fnc Simile Signature af
The hardest working and tin
poorest paid people In this world
are those who have nothing to ooj
I hav sed to 2 thirds ov all thei
rltcti men in the world, make the,
meat ov yure mutiny, for it makes
tho most ov yu
The Columhus Gunrns, Columbus,
Ga., embracing fifty otllcers and men
will camp at the world's fair July
17 to 23 Inclusive.
If afflicted with
tore Fyes, use
'i WMmmm-SrA
"I Have Every Reason to Praise Pe-ru-na,"
: w
mm: y
V 111 CI.... CI I. .
Mrs. K. Kane, 172 Scbor Street,
Chlcatro 111., writes:
"Pcruna has been used so long In
oar family that I do not know how
to get along without it. i nave
given It to alt of my children at
different times when they suffered
. . am a . t
with croup, colas ana we many ail
ments that children are subject to,
and am pleased to say that It has
kept them in splendid health. I
have also used It for a catarrhal
difficulty of Inner atandlmr and it
cured me In a short time, so I have
every reason to praise Peruna."
Mrs. K. Kane.
Pc-ru-iiii Protects the Entire House
hold Against Catarrhal
One of the greatest foes with which
every family lias to contend is our
oluiiigonble climate. To protect the
fiimllv from oolds and coughs is always
u serious problem, and often Impossible.
Sooner or later it is the inevitable fate
of every one to entcli cold. Care in
avoiding exposure and the uso of proper
clothing will protect from the frequency
mid perlmps the severity of colds, but
with the greatest of precautions they
will come. Tills is a settled fact of
human experience. Everybody must
expect to be cuught somewhere or some
how. Perhaps it will ho wet feet, or n
draught, or dnuip clothes, or it may be
one of a thousand other little mishaps,
hut no one is shrewd enough to always
avoid tho inevitable catching cold.
There is no fact of medical science
better known than Hint Peruna cures
catarrh wherever locnted. Thousnnds
of families in all pnrts of the United
States o nro protected from colds and
CMtmrh by Peruna. Once in the family
Peruna always stays. No home can
spare Peruna after tho first trial of it.
We have on file many thousand tcsti-
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the I
Signature s y
Jr for Over
Thirty Years
. Mm
baxe ien Million Boxes a Year.
10c AiSK5ST!?7
25c 50c
Mrs. A. Hobson, 225 Washington
St., Lansing-, Mich., writes:
"Peruna has been such a blessing'
to my only child, as well as myself,
that I feel Induced to give my testi
monial. Ho has always suffered
from catarrh of the head and throat,
and I had to use extra precautions
so as not to have him exposed to,
damp or cold weather. Last year
he was taken with la grippe, and as
it was a severe case, caused met
much anxiety. No medicine helped',
him till he took Pcruna. I noticed
an Improvement at once and In'
three weeks he was a different
child; the grippe had been com-'
pletcly cured and I noticed that tho
catarrh was made better. He kept
taking It two weeks longer, wliec
he was entirely well. I now use it
off and on for colds, cramps, lndl-
gestlon or general indisposition, and
find It superior to any doctors or
medicine I ever tried. It keeps me,
as well as my child, In perfect
health, and I gladly recommend It
to mothers. " Mrs. A. Hobson.
moninls like tho ones given nbove. W
can only give our renders a sliglu
glimpse of tho vast nrrny of unsolicited
endorsements we nro receiving over:
month. No other physician in tho worh
hns received such a volume of cntlm
siastie and grateful letters of thanks it
Dr. Ilartnian for Perunn.
Lookisig fir a Heme ?
Then xvliy not !c;ei In vlowtho
I'act Unit tho fui'iuluir land of
nro nutUclont to mpport n population of
M.UOO.OOO or ovor I Tli linniU'ratioii for
tho jwHt six years hub been phenomenal,
FREE Homestead Lands
Oftglly occoMlblo, while other lands may
be purchased from lUUwajr and Land
Companies. The grain and Krazlnii
lamia of Wtitrm Cunniln are the
brut on tho continent, producing tho
best t?raln, and cattle (fod on grua
alouo) ready for market.
Market. School. Xlntlwnyt
and all other condition ninke
MVatrrn Canada au cuvluble.
Clint fur the settler.
Wrlta to the SurKiuxTRXBKKT Ikju.
oiution, Ottuun, ( iimnlii, forudenorin
tlrnAtlHft find cither informntlou; urn
Uio aatliorizocl Canadiiiu Uor'nirut Ant
W. V Ilmmett, bul How York Llfo Hide, Omaha. Nab,
Free to Twenty- Five Ladies.
'I ho Defiance Starch Co. will nlve
25 ladies a round trip ticket to the
Sc. Louis Exposition, lo live ladies
in each of the following states:
Illlnius, Iowa, Nehraska, Kansas and
tWissuurl who will send in tho largest
nutnher of trade murks cut from
'a ten cent, l(i ounce package of De-
liance cold water laundry starch.
This means fiom jour own home,
anywhere in the above named states.
These trade marks must he mailed
to and received by the Detianco
Starch Co., Omaha, Ucbr., heforo,
September 1st, 1001. October and
-November will he the best months
to visit the Exposition. Kemcmber
that Defiance is tho only starch put
up lti oz. (a lull pound) to the pack
age. You et one-third more st'irch
for the same money than of any
other kind, and.Defiance never sticks
to tho iron. The tickets to the'
Exposition will be sent by registered
mail Soptembor 5th. Starch or s'llo
by all dealers.