The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, May 20, 1904, Image 1

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XUM13ER 48
Local News
See M T Hill for Are insurance.
Frank Harford has a new buggy.
Frank Dressier was an Auburn visi
tor Tuesday.
Gilbert McCandless
list this week.
was on the sick
Hay for sale at 84 per ton by Wea
Jioiee, Brownville. Nebr.
Mifw Nellie Sanders visited friends
in Peru Sunday and Monday.
A tine Hue of silverware suitable tor
wedding presents at Keoling's.
One nearly new Deere riding lister
tor sale. Enquire of E. L. Paris.
I have 100,000 sweet potato plants
for sale.
E. N. Bukl.
W. Y. Steuteville was visiting
Nemaha friends Wednesday and Tnurs
Gilbert it McCandloss are having
the front of their store repainted this
G. N Titus is in Falls City and Lin
coln this week attending to business
Miss Florence Minick visited liracks
en from Friday morning till Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. Warren of Brownville
were visiting Nemaha friends Friday
of last week
T. A. Clark came to Nwnaha sever
al days ago on a visit to his mother
and brother.
Several parties have been trying
their luck fishing this week, but so far
few catches are reported.
John Watson and Mrs. Sinia
are both on the sick list this
Also Mrs. P, Kerker.
Miss Ethel Chambers of Auburn re
turned home Friday morning after a
week's visit with relatives here
M. T. Hill is replastering and re
papering his drug store this week.
Fred Seabury is doing the work.
Mrs. Wheeldon returned to her
home in Auburn after a few week's
visit witli tier son Ed of this place.
Dick Chambers shipped a car of
cattle from here Monday evening, and
a car of hogs Thursday morning.
The streets and stores present a
deserted appearance these days. The
farmers are all too busy to come to
town .
Call in and see us if you want to
subscribe for any paper published in
the United States.
W. V. Steuteville returned to his
home in Brownville Monday afternoon
from Gering Nebraska, whore he has
been teaching for the past year.
Joe Bungor reports satisfactory pro
gress on J, I. Dresslor'd house. It is
now being plastered aud ready
lor occupancy in two or three weeks.
When finished it will be one of the
haudsomest residences in Nemaha.
Mrs. Wheeler, who is living at St.
Paul. Minn., was the victim of a dis
tressmg accideut recently. When
about to enter a street car the car sud
denly started up, throwing her to the
brenking a bone in her hip nd others
wiBe bruising her.
All parties interested in the Nemaha
cemetery are requested to meet at the
cemetery Monday, May 23, and help
clean off the dead grass, etc. Bring
your dinners and stay all day.
By order of tho Association.
Fortysiivo acres of good land for
rent house, burn, and orchard bears
ing fruit of all kinds. Apply to John
Webber, Nemaha, or J. W. Webbor
South Auburn.
00 hedge posts at 8 cents each at my
form. N. B. Catmn.
G. N. Sanders of London precinct
was transacting business in Nemaha
Take- the wngonetto when in Aui
burn if you want to go to any part of
the city. John MeElhaney prop.
John W. Minick has leased a farm
for five years time, near Dunbar. Neb.
and moved thereon thu latter part of
net week.
A gang of ten men came in Wednes
day evening to work on the trestle
work of the B. & M, between Nemaha
and Bracken.
A ItiBt year's account is like a lust
veara nirus nest it neeua uxmg.
Come in and Ox up yours. Edwards
& Bradford Lumber Co.
Miss Dillio Webber, who has been
teaching at the Latkiu school hoiiae,
has been engaged to teach in the Au
burn schools next year.
A week from next Monday will bo
Memorial day. So far we have not
learned of any arrangements being
mud a to observo that day in Nemaha
Miss Dora Morton has been engaged
to teach the Harris school in district
No. 58, for another year. This will
make the third year for Miss Dora in
this district
Miss Minnie May went to Peru the
latter part of last week to pay a short
visit to her friend. Dr. Cap Graves
who has just recently returned from
her trip to California.
Furnituie well, I guess so. The
price? Oh, that is cheap enough that
you can afford to uso all your old fur,
niture for kindling wood It s atEd1
wards & Bradford Lumber Co. '
Yes, we are still in the "ring".and
our prices have the right ring to them
too. Follow the multitude and go to
Edwards & Bradford Lumber Co
when in need of any thing in our linp,
Are you goiug to build a house, barn,
granery, hen house or any old thing
this dummer then take your bill to
Nemaha and have it figured on by
Edwards & Bradford Lumber Co.
We are eelling all that comes.
Estray Notice.
Pound at my farm southwest of
Nemahs, on May hV 1004, a dark bay
horse, weight about 1000 pounds.
Owner can have same by paying all
Ben Colkuioiv
Going home the other night wo ran
into a dry goods box kindly placed in
middle of the sidewalk in front of
store. Picking oursolf up wo went on
few steps and walked off tho sidewalk
into the mud. A few steps farther
and we walked into a pile of brush .
Next we fell over a lawn swing. At
last wo arrived home bruised but
tuaiiKiui. Atui we insist, we were
strictly sober.
IVe, the bereaved sons, daughters
and brother, wish to express our heart
felt thanks for tho abundant kindness
aud sympathy shown during tho sick
ness, death and burial of our dear lov
ing mother and sister.
J. C Strain
A. J. Strain
Mrs. J. O. Hacker
Mrs. John Dorram
Mrs. D. E. Kuwitzky
Mrs. Von Farson
Mr. T. It. Sayle
Just About Bedtime
take a Little Early Riser it will cure
constipation, biliousness and liver
troubles. DeWitt's Little Early Risers
are different from other pills. They
do not gripe and break down the muc
oua membrane of thu stomach, liver
and bowels, but cure by gently arous
ing the secretions and giving strength
to these organs. Sold by W. W. KeeK
New Wall Paper
is m.
J Big Line
Little Prices
Paints too All Kinds
Yours for cheap bouse cleaning,
Call and see us for reduced rates on
magazines and newspapers.
The pile driver went to Sterling
Salurduy, having finished work here.
If you want lire insurance, either
in old line or mutual companies, cal
on W. W. Sanders.
Mrs. J. D. Rainey of Auburn came
to Nemaha Friday afternoon and is
visiting her parents, Mr and Mrs. .1. B.
the commencement program this
year is one ot tho very best Nemaha
has ever had. Miss Burg and
school are to be congratulated.
W. W. Sanders is enjoying tho
sights at tho St. Louis exposition this
weoU, with the other Nebraska editors
A letter received Tuesaay says lie is
behaving well so far.
Do you make garden? If you do
buy your seed from the Old Reliable
seed house cheaper than you can buy
elsewhere in Nemaha county.
P. Keuuek.
W. M. Harness, one of the works
men on the pile driver, was quite bads
ly injured Friday. He was at work
on the Pile driver when tho jim pole
gave way. letting tho heavy rope
strike him, knocking him off. Tie
was brought to Nemaha and Dr.
Gaither examined him. He was badiy
bruised aud his spine injured. Dr.
Gardner of Wyrnore, the company phy
sician came in on the freight from the
south early Saturday morning am
took the patient to his homo in Wy
Stoves yos, wo have thorn big
stoves, little stove38toves for the rich
and stoves for the poor, but the etove
for everybody is tho Monarch malln
able iron range. You can't break it
and if you 41 ve long enough to wear it
out you wont have any kick coming
as you will be too old to kick. Drop
in at Edwards & Bradfofd Lumber
Co. and see it.
Lesson in Health
Healthy kidneys filter the impurities
from tho blood, and unless they do
this good health is impossible. Fos
ley's Kidney Cure makes sound kids
neys and will positively cure all foruiB
of kidney and bladder disoase. It
atronghtous tho whole- system. M T
Traveling is Dangerous
Constant motion jars the kidneys
which are kept in place in the body by
delicate attachments. This is the rea
son that travelers, trainmen, street car
men, teamsters and all who drive very
much, suffer from kidney disease in
bomo form. Foley's Kidney Cure
strengthens tho kidneys and cure3 ull
forms of kidney and bladder disease
Geo. EHausan locomotivo engineer,
Lima, O., writes, "Constnnt vibration
of the engine caused me a great deal of
trouble with my kidneys, and I got no
relief until I used Foloy's Kidney Cure.
-M T Hill.
Miss Jessie Steuteville went to
Brownville Monday evening to visit
her brother Will, who returned homo
that day.
W. W. Sanders Is agent for several
good reliable iusurauco companies
mutual and old line. Call on him for
fire insurance.
Two of the loading numbers on the
commencement program will bo select
readings by Miss Ocean Dally and
vocal solos by George Cairlngton, jr.
W C. Pariiott will give tho class ads
Dr. J. W. Bourne, who recently pur
chased tho J W. Taylor residence op
posite tho Avenue hotel, arrived in the
city this week and will engage in the
practice of medicine. His family will
arrive In a week or two. In the mean
time, until he establishes an otlice he
will bo quartered at tho Avenue.
Auburn Herald.
Willard II . Dressier, now a resident
of Carroll, Ner., had an oxolting ex
perieuce ono night last week. He
rooms with six others over the First
national bank of that place, and on the
night mentioned they were aroused by
a noise in the bank and tried to arouse
the people over the 'phonos. One of
the burglars saw one. of the boys at the
window and shot into the room, but
fortunately without hurting any one
About this time a charge of nitro
glycerino oxploded In tho bank and
wrecked tho auto, but the burglars did
not get thu cash, but got 821) that had
been left iu tho money drawer, Th
got in the vault by using a skeleton
key. After the explosion they sklppid
out. No one was hurt.
Mrs. Letitia A. Strain was born
April la, 1840. at Bloomington, HI,
aud died May 1'2, 1 !)()!, at her home
three and one half miles northwest ol
Nemaha. She was married to John
Strapi at Marysville, Mo., March
8, 185(1. Shortly after their marriage
they moved to Nebraska and settled
on a farm near Nemaha and resided on
the Hame until death. To this union
eleven children were born, three boys
and eight girls, six of whom are still
living, two boys and four girls.
Mrs Strain united with the Cum
berland Presbyterian church In 187
aud remained a constant member
until death.
Tho funeral of Mrs. Letitia Strain
was held at Cumberland Presbyterian
church, three miles northwest of Nem
aha. at 10 o.clock a. in. Saturday. The
Hcrvices were conducted by Itev. M. S
Foutch and interment was made in
the NouiiWia cemetery.
What is Foley's Kidney Ouro?
Answer: It is made from a preserips
tlon of a leading Chicago physician,
and one of the most eminent in the
country Tho ingredients are the
purest that money can buy, and are
scientifically combined to get the best
results. M T Hill.
Holds Up a Congroasman
"At the ond of tho campaign."
writes Champ Clark, Missouri's brilli
ant congressman, "from overwork
nervous tension, loss of sleep and con
stant speaking I had about utterly col
lapsed. It seemed that all of my
organs were out of order, but three
bottles of Electric Bitters made me all
right. It's the best all-round medls
cine ever sold over a druggist's counts
er." Overworked run-down men and
weak, sickly women gain splendid
v tality from Electric Bitters. Try
them. Only r0c. Guaranteed by
OIIIoob ovor PoNloMro Hullrtlnif, itt
t runk NvHl'n old Htiwul,
2r. W. Keeling,
Noinnlm, Nebraska.
Office in Keeling drug Htoro.
Medical and Surgical
Diseases of Women
Stella -
Fifteen years experience.
Terms and dates at The Advertiser
Doulor In
Highest markotprioo paid for ILidcH,
Lard, Tallow, etc.
l'roprlotorH of thu
Livery & Feed Siable
Good Dray in connection with Livory
Satisfaction guaranteed.
M,EK . fj f V I Y
IVuul .Mills
ami JPirmps
Tin Hooting anil Guttering
IVwr la Iron age Solicited
JWi.WJMMM, WE It it.
T. IS. Oi'otliei-
in the
Shoe Eepairing
Harness Repairing
Hand Made Harness a Specialty
Dealer In
Windmills and Pumps,
'Phone calls answered promptly.
'Phone Nr'Jd