The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, May 13, 1904, Image 7

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    Promoted by
foanpos of
And light dressings
great Skin Cure and
sweetest of emollients.
This treatment at once
stops falling hair, removes
crusts, scales, and dandruff,
destroys hair parasites,
soothes irritated, itching sur
faces, stimulates the hair fol
licles, loosens the scalp skin,
supplies the roots with energy
and nourishment and makes
the hair grow upon a sweet,
wholesome, healthy scalp,
when all else fails.
N. B. Complete External and Internal
Treatment for every Humor from Pimples to
Scrofula, from Infancy to Age, coniitting of
CUTICURA Soap, Ointment, and Mill, may
now be had of all Druggist! for One Dollar.
Sold throughout the world. Cutlcura Soap, lie, Oint
ment, AOe., HaioWaot, Me. (In form of ChocoIiU Coated
l'llli, lie. per tUI ol CO). Depot. i Ixindoo, tj Charter
home Sq.i I'arli, Rua dc la I'tli i Boitnn, 1ST Columbua
Arc Totter Vtuf A Cham. Corp., Sola Proprietor!.
ut-SeuJ (or " lloir to I'reierTe, I'urllr and Beautify
the Skin, Scalp, Hair and Hatidi."
Remarkably pretty negllees are of
ihin wool in accordian plaits, with
I large cape collar and (lowing
Ho Tour Feet Ache and Jlurn?
Shake Into your 1iom Allen's Foot -Unse.
a powder for the fact. It innkfn tlfht or
now shoes fpr-1 easy. Cures Corny, Hun
lons, Swollen, Hot nnd Sweating Feet. At
nil DniBRlBts and Shoe Stores, li.lo. Samples
hunt KHKB. Address Allen S. Olmsted, Le
Uoy, N. Y.
Fall hat models received in the
wholesale trade show high crowns
long plumes, and velvet.
Any one can dye with PUTNAM
WA DHL, ESS DYE, no experience re
color, Run metal and pretty
shades of blue and pink aio
most fashionable tints in oilets.
Ilare used Plao'a Care for Consump
tlon noarly two years, and lind nothiuK
to coiuparo with It. Mrs. Morgan, lierkt-
toy, ual., Sept. a, 3001.
Friendship formed
pMlcy's sako will fall
crucial test comes.
lor mere
when the
I low to Clean rmeo.4.
To clean delicato laces, take a largo
glass jar, cover with old cotton am
hpread the lace carefully on it. Set tho
bottle in warm Ivory soap suds and leave
lor an nour. tr stains are Uilllcult to re
move, place in the sun and thevv will (lis
appear, Uiiiso by dipping the bottle in
ciear water.
Tho society woman is a person who
posseses no tremendous opinions or
Mrs. Wlnslow s SOOTHING SYUUP for chit
ri'ii teutmng.RoiieiiH me kiwis, reduces inlla
mattoii, Hiiuysimin cures cone. mco'JSo uottl
in tne rnysicain and Surgeon for
December there appeared a paper by
Dr. Charles B. Nancrede, professor
of surgery In tho University of
Michigan, ou Gastroenterostomy by
means of tho elastic (McGraw)
ligature. Fifteen cases were re
ported up to tho date of the paper.
This Is a safer method of operating
for tho euro of several stomach con
ditons, nmong them astrlc ulcer,
than has '-Dm fintomarlly empoyed.
Br A tirnmtnnnf rlnK nrnmnn V
tiromincnt chid woman.
Mrs. Danforth, of St. Joseph,
..,,,', r I
Midi., 1C1I5 HOW Sue was CUreu
Of falling Of the WOItlb and its n'J.i. fvMn.nki
byLydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
" Deau Mas. Pinkhasi: Life, looks
dark indeed when a woman feels that
her strength is fading away nnd sho hns
no hopes of ever being restored. Such
was my feeling a few months ago when
I was advised that my poor health was
caused by prolapsus or i'nllhiLr of tho
womb. Tho words Bounded Ulco a
knoll to mo, J felt that my stin had set ;
but JLiViiia 16. JL'inicnniirs vcirc-
tivblo Compound came to me as an
elixir of life ; it restored tho lost forces
and built mo up until my good health
returned to me. For four mouths I
took the medicino daily, and each doso
added health and strength. I am so
thankful for thehelp I obtaiuedthrough
its use." Miss. Florence danfoiitii,
1007 Miles Ave., St. Joseph, Mich.
S5000 forfeit If orlalnal of abovo letter proving
genuineness cannot bo produced.
Women would save time and
much sickness if they would
write loMrs.lMnkham foradvieo
as soon as any distressing symp
toms appear. It is free, and has
put thousands ol women on Uio
right roau to recovery.
Hemoyej Tan, rlinpUs.Freoklea
mow ratcas. 11111. ana 3x13
dUc&sc. ana rrerr bleuilsb
011 Mftuir, nq
eflei detection. II
as itooil the tell
of 56 yean, and U
10 hirrnUm wt
taste it 10 be sun
ltlirroPf rlyma4a
Accept no counter
UA et ilmlUt
name. Dr. L. X
Htrre uda to a
lady ot U baul
ton (a patient)
-Ai you lad lei
will uh thtm,
r e c o tnto end
'Gouraud's Oraim
ns the least h Arm ful ot all the Ma propauRttoM.
For sale by all Druggists and Fancy GoW Ialerl
in ma u. fa., rnnnati, una r.rojo.
FERD. T. HOPKINS, Prop'r, 37 Great kntt St, N.
Were Welcomed to
during last Year
Tljoy are acttled and Mttllnfr on U
urain ana uraiing iauua.anu aro pro
pcroua ajia miiihik'ii.
fllr WIlfttMl I aiii Irr recently raid 1 "A
new Htar liaa rlKii upon tho horlinn.
and la toward It that BTery Immigrant
who levr the land of hla anreitora to
come aal teek a home fur blniirir no
turna li lit 1,-axo" ,-aniidn. Thete la
3T35t3!13a llninratcud nlvrri
away, Mohnoli, t'burohra, JCh.
waaya, Mnrkrli, I'll mule, every
For adficrljitlvo Atl8 and other In.
formation, apply to Muj-lhintkndrnt Im
MKHUTIOK, Ottawa, Canada: or autho
rized Canadian OoTnrament Aaouv
n, v, ijiint. IUI How York lAln BId.. Omaha. N.u.
Free to Twenty- Five Ladies.
Ibe Detiance Starch Co. will ivc
25 ladies a round trip ticket to the
Sc. Louis Exposition, to live ladies
in each of tin; following states:
Illinius, Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas and
Missouri who will send lu tho largest
number of trade marks cut from
a ten cent, 1(1 ounce packago Df Dc
llance cold water laundry starch.
This means from your own home,
anywhere in the above named states.
Those trade marks must be mailed
to and received by tho Dellance
Starch Co., Omaha, Nebr., before
September 1st, 1904. October and
November will be the best months
to visit the Exposition. Remember
that Defiance is the only starch put
up 1G o.. (a full pound) to tho pack
age. You uct one-third more starch
for the samo money than of any
other kind, and'Dctlancc nevor sticks
to tho iron. The tickets to the
Exposition will be sent by registered
mall September 5th. Starch or sale
l)t nil rioulnra
Given Away
Wrlttt ns or aalc
Alnbnstlno dealer
p&rtlcniart and True sample card of
Tho Sanltiiry Wall Coating
d ruha oracalea. You can nnply It mix with
cu(d water. Beautiful effects- in whit and
delicate tintJ. Notn, disouAe.lircedt tr. out.
t-iof-Unte Imt vrator sluo preparation. Iluy
raui-uaia not waior Giuo (lreparaliu
li Alulmatluo (n 6 lb. package. iro
ti belled, of jiuint, hardware and drug
" illuts on DocoratlnK.-' 0.0 A ur
-eriy to
dtulom. ideas tree, i LABIUM CO.. Quit Sxtlli. Kith..
or 105 Water St, M,
fin llliuoln Fnrmor In Western Cnrn
a tin.
A recent issue of the Shelbyvlllc, 1111.
hols, Democrat contains a long and In
teresting letter from Air. Ellas kost,
formerly a prosperous farmer of that
State, who recently emigrated to West
em Canada, taking tip a claim for him
self and for each of his three sons.
From Mr. Kost's letter, which was
written Feb. y, 3001, we publish the
following, believing it will prove ol
great interest to those who have con
templatcd settling in tho Canadlar
'I had In August, 1902, secured t
claim for myself, and tiled on thrct
quarter sections for my sons. My clalii
Is one-half mile south of tho Edmon
ton and Lake St. Anne trail.
"Coming so late In tho season, we
1,n'1- ,lu, ovnmuy vo muu
prepare ground lor a llrst years crop
Rtm wo n,ised over 100 bushels of verj
Hue potatoes, and sowed n few acres
of hurley, but the scasou was too fai
advanced for the barley. However, w3
m,uri,d p00ll fced from lt, lUHl 0Il roIlt.
ed ground 18 miles enst of us, raided n
line crop of oats, so that we will linvo
nlentv of feed for liorscs. Wo cul
abitit 00 tons of hay nnd thus wll
have nn abundance. We have, all told,
about '2 10 acres of hay meadow, which
would yield tho oust year over three-
tons to the acre, and In an ordinary
season the meadow would furnish GOO
tons of liny. The trass. is very nutri
tious, and cattle o. the ranges beconii
very fat without being fed u pound ol
"On tho upland the grass grows from
eight to ten Inches tall. This Is en Med
range grass, and Is suitable for stocli
at any time, even in the winter wheq
tho ground Is not covered too deep with
snow. Horses subsist on It alone, a
all times, provided they aro nntlvi
slock. The grass in the hay meadowi
hero is called red-top, nnd grows froin
five to six feet In length, and when cu
at tho proper time yields an abundan'
ciop of nutritious hay.
Our cattlo havo not cost us n cenj
since we came on our homestead, onlj
the small outlay for salt and labor in
putting up hay and shelter. All eatth
have been doing well this winter, and
feeding up to tho llrst of January wai
unnecessary, ns tliere was goou rang!
up to that time.
"All tho snows up to tunt dale wetM
followed by winds from tho Nortliwesl
that melt it very rapidly; these wind.
are called Chinook winds, and are al
ways warm. In ono nigh. a ChinooS
wind may take away three or foui
Inches of snow.
"We have built on our claim a oonv
fortablo house of hewn logs, 20s2l
foot, one nnd one-half stories in height
with a good cellar. During the latlei
part of June we rafted logs down tin
Sturgeon to a sawmill, about eight
miles away, and thus secured 5,000 feel
of good lumber which was needed for
the house. Later in the season a shin
gle mill located six miles away. T
this we hauled logs and had shingles
cut for the roof.
"We had an abundance of wild frul'
the past season, consisting of gooseber
ries, strawberries, raspberries, eyeber-
rles, blueberries, cherries and oiiska
toons. The latter are a lino looking
berry, red, and quite pleasant to tin
taste, but not much to be desired it
cookery. The strawberries aro tin
same as those that grow wild In Till
nols. Kaspberrles aro red in color
large and equal to any of the taim
varieties, and so are tho gooseberries
The cranberries consist of the high and
trailing varieties. The latter are niosl
sought and contiguous to the swamps
The ground Is literally covered wltl
them ns with a red carpet, but the best
and most sought Is the blueberry, fit
called by tho Indians. This is tin
famous 'huckleberry' (whortleberry) ol
the Blue Itidge .Mountains in Ponnsyl
vnnia, and cannot be excelled for ex
cellence by any fruit cultivated, it h
found hero both on the prairie and li
the timber in Immense quantities.
"Game is very plentiful so far ai
prairie chickens, pheasants, ducks o;
all kinds and geese are. concerned. .'
have taken nearly 500 chickens an
pheasants, also a great many ducks.
"An occasional deer is seen, but an
uot plentllul, only one having beei
taken during the seusou in this settle
"Fish nre very plentiful at all sea
sons of the year. Fish wagons and
sleds aro passing nlmost daily alonj
tho trail with heavy loads of fish, des
tlned for St. Albert and Edmonton
From tho latter point they are ship
pod south on tho Calgary and Kdiuon
ton Railroad to points along the Una
and also to Asslnlbola, on the Cauadlni
Pacific Railroad,
For further information apply to an:
authorized Canadian Governmen
Agent whoso address appears else-
Our minister never reads the Bible
lie expounds it.
CURES catarrh of the stomach.
Iffl Deal Cough Brruu. Yutee Uoofl. Uie pf
N. N. U, fl23 - 20 YORK Ngiu
V 1
Dorothea von Schlegel, tho clovei
wife of a great husband and th
aughter of a great man, was often
urged to lay down her knitting ncedlej
and take up her pen. Sho replied,
Tliere aro far too many books in tin
world and far too few stockings." Mrs,
Louise J. Miln, in "Woolngs and Wed
dings of .Many Climes," says that thlt
remark Illustrates the point of view ol
ninny German women.
With most German women house-
Iceeplng is both a sclenco and an art
The woman who is daily and hourlj
engaged in sclenco and art is not a
woman of stagnant mentality, llei
kitchen is her laboratory. Her linoi
room is her studio.
The average German housewife doel
as much work as any, but she make,
far less fuss about it than most. Sin
does no dirty work. There is novel
any dirty work for her to do, for dlrl
is only matter out of place. The gooi
German housekeeper never displace!
anything, never allows anything t
misplace Itself. It Is a line lesson it
good breeding to see a German womai
make a cake or brew a cup.
In the early seventies, In Chicago, 1
knew a German family. From tin
baking of their bread to the seeing ol
their bread baked, from tho dlulnf
room to tho kitchen was an easy stei
for tho child-stranger within thost
simple German gates. And L had nij
llrst nnd greatest lesson in eleganct
and the grand manner when I watchet1
Fran von Hitter pickle peaches.
It was a sermon on high thlnkln)
nnd right living. She was so cool, si
dainty, so unllushed, so self-possessed
so cheery, but so dlgnllled, so every
thing that I had supposed it lmpossl
blc to be In a kitchen. Although 1 wni
only a little girl, I realized that tlilt
simple German housewife had lu boll
her mind and iter manner many lhu
and high traits, which were often sad
ly lacking In the mothers of other,
of my playmates. Most of them wen
women of lavish wealth, but not one ol
them could ever hope to wear her dla
nionds with half the distinction will
which tills German woman wore hej
spotless cooking apron.
(Jut the Old Card Player Thought
Wouldn't Count in the Game.
Things had progressed to a point
where the young man had been practl
cally received into tho family circlo
While ho hadn't yet mustered up suf
ilclent courage to ask tho old niiin'i
consent, it was evident Unit ho woul
in (lino.
Thus It happened that tho old man
who liked nothing better than a good
game of whist or eucliro or hearts, in
vited him to a little game ono evening
and, of course, lie didn't feel that II
would be policy to refuse.
"You and moUier," said tho old man
referring to his wife, "can play against
Gladys and me. That will be fair. II
you and Gladys sat opposite eacli
other you would probably persist In
looking into each other's eyes, to Uu
great detriment of the game."
Naturally the young woman and tin
young man blushed, but they said
nothing, and the game began,
It wasn't much of a game. Whlh
the young woman wasn't sitting oppo
site the young man, she was sitllnjj
next to him, and every few mlnutet
one or tho other of them forgot tc
play when It was his or her turn
Then, too, there were frequent in
qulrles as to who took tho last trlcli
nnd what was trumps and, altogether,
the old man fell a good deal like swear
Ing on ono or two occasions.
Filially he made up his mind thai
patience had ceased to bo a virtue,
The game had come to a standstill
while Uio young people exchanged con
fidences in a whisper. It was notice
utile that each had one hand under th
"Young man," said the old man,
sharply, "I should Infer from the wa
you are playing that you havon')
much of a hand."
"On the contrary, sir," protested the
roung man, "I think 1 havo as good a
nand as I over held."
"Well, suppose you drop It for a few
ailnutos nnd try to play tho cards that
ire on tho table," suggested thegon
tloman dryly.
ITo did; Ills missing hand nppeared
ibovc tho table almost instantly, and
lo did hers, and they both blushed.
Tow York Press.
"Your now minister is quite tiro
omo, isn't ho? Doesn't his preaching
bother you?"
"Well, not at Wednesday nlghl
prayer meeting."
"Gracious! You must be pious. 1
mly go to church on Sunday.".
"That's all I do." Philadelphia
That In tho AVay of It.
"Judging from the prlco of eggs, ov
ry hen must think sho Is laying gold
111 ones," said Snooper.
"And I am ono of the geeso that buyi
ho golden eggs," answered Swayback
-Detroit Fruo Press.
Of tha 800 dCRffces conferred by
tho University of Mhihlgnn through
uuu niio year low, nzs woro tiponl
Undents in tho litmiry dopartment;.
IV2 upon law students. 200 upon'
Undents in tho medical and homo
Dpathic departments; 81 uron dental
Undents; 79 upon engineering stu
dents and 22 upon students In
pharmacy. Eight dercos wore lion.
Heed Nn lure's
warnings! Pain toll.
of lurking disease
ltaekaehe Is kidney
pain a w a r n 1 n g
of kidney Ills. Uri
nary troubles, too,
come to tell you tho
kidneys are Hick,
("mutant weariness,
headaches, d I . 7. y
spells, days of pain,
nights of unrest am
danger signals
warning you to curd
the kidneys. Ust!
Doan's Kidney Pills,
which havo uiado
thousands of permit
nent cures.
Frank 1). Ovorbaugh. caltlo buyer?
and farmer, Catsklll, N. Y says: "Doci
tors told mo ten years ago Unit I hai)
Hrlght's disease, and said they could
do nothing to save me. My back ached
so 1 could not stand It to even d.lvq
about, and passages of the kidney sc
cretlous were so freiiueut as to annoy
me greatly. I was growing worse all
the time, but Doan's Kidney Pilli
cured me, and I have been well evee
A Vm TRIAL of this great kid
ney medicino which cured Mr. Oven
btiugli will bo mailed on application ti
any part oftho United States. Addrcsl
Foster-Mllburn Co., HulTalo. N. Y. Fol
sale by all dealers; prlco fit) cents pci
A good authority on horses says
that tho gray will live tho longest,
and that roans come noxL In order.,
Ulaoks seldom live to bo over twenty,
and creams rarely exceed ten or
Soma of the svomon of Slam Intrust
their children to tho euro of tho
clopliant nurses and it is said that)
the trust Is nevor betrayed. Tho
babies play about tho huge foot of
tho elephants, who are very cnroTnl
never to hurt their little charges.
Static of Ohio, City ok Tolrdo,
' stt.
tliiit I
FrtANK J. Chunky makes ontli
ho 1h tlis
fcnlor pjutuorof the firm of 1'. .1. Ciiknk.y it
Co., dome Inutiicfti la tho City of Tolodo, Count
nnd Statu aforem (1. cud Unit said Drill will pay
the sum of 1'1'.HUNI)U1CI) UULLAltS (or cucfi
iuiiI ovory Cuko of Catarrh that ennuot bo curou
uy uiu uso ot iiAi.ia uai
XntAiKK .1. CllKNHY.
id Miuscrlbort In my nro
Bworn to brforo mo and
my nros-
ftiK-o, thU Ctti day of Doceinbor, A
D. lsso.
, jT,t A'otarv J'ublio.
Hall's Catarrh Curo Is takon Internally, nnd ants
illrootly on the bloorl and mucous Kiirfocos of tho
ysU)ia. Bond for teitlmnnlali, frtw.
1'. .1. CHUNKY & CO., Tolodo, O,
Sold by DnifrulstM. 7M. 4
liullla U,amlbsJL,lU9arp the bfNt.
mwm coif out
Thero fa no satisfaction koener
th&o being dry and comfortabl
vhen out In th hardest atorm. ,
lOritH (ANACIAl C0.linillB,IUI'1l0.l
II he will noi mwj you
Miss 1011a harrott of .S-ilumim
Kans., will exhibit at the World''
fair, a table cloth valued at 3500.
Tho Canadian Ticket Agents
Association will visit the word's fnL
In a body during the week of May 10
Pearls of character often form h
tho soro spots of the heart.
Tho Shortest Way
out of an attack of
la to Uio
St Jacobs 0
Which affords not only suro relief,
but a prompt euro. It soothes,
subdues, bnd ends tho suffering.
Prlco, 25c. and 50c.
71 1 I
u. I
M'llcJ fl