The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, April 29, 1904, Image 8

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Cainori Forty Pounds In ThlrtyZDnys
For several mouths our younger
Iirol lift liiul been troubled wtli Indl
bastion. He .tried several remedies
but got no benefit from them. Wo
pUICllllHCll HOIIll! oT Uliiiinbui llllll'rt
Stomach mid Liver Tablets and lie
commenced taking lliern. Inside of
thirty days ho li nil gained forty pounds
In llesh. He Is now fully roeovoio.!
Wolmvongnod trail.' on the Tablets.
-Hollov Uros. Merchants, Long
Brunch, Mo. For sale by W. W
For a pleasant pfiynio take Cham
berlain's .Stomach and Liver TablotH
liaHy to hike. Pleasant in effect.
Kor Halo by V. W. Keeling.
Thoiu's nothing like doing a thing
thoroughly. Of all tho Salves you
over hoard of, Buoklln'rt Arnica Salvo
is tho host. It sweeps uway and euros
Burns, Soros, ItruiHOH, Cuts, Boils
Ulcers, Skin Eruptions and Plies. It's
only 25'; and guaranteed to givo satis
faction by W W Keeling druggist.
Catarrh of tlio Stomah,
When tho Htomnuh in overloaded;
whou food 1h taken into it that fulls to
digoHt, it decays and Inllaines tho mih
couh membrane, oxpoalng tho nerves,
and causes tho glanihi to Heuroto mucin
Instead ot tho natural juices of dlgcst
ion. This Ih called catarrh of tho
stomach, caused by Indigestion. Doc
tors and medicines failed to benefit me
until I UHod Kodol Dyspepsia Cure
.1. It UMoi.O ipt ill, ox. Sold by W
W. Kooling.
Foley's H'Uioy and Tar contains no
opiates and can safely bo given to
children M. T. IT 111
.Htnniliirti nml renlNtered, HlrMl Ity Hnpiitill
nun, A'lDtfi. Hndlo Vuru hv Tulovru,a.:);
2nd (linn, Hotny Trotwood by .McMiumii, .
Itud buy, hluolc points, 10 yours old. hiiukIh ill
lituidH, wolnlis 120O poiindH. Ho lum K00,
autlon, with lino stylo.
., ,,,.lyuVlri1 .,.u,.! r5lKtnro"' H,r0(l hvPatU.
V:ul,! ! ,nm H,u,l v"ri1 ,,v Tnlovora; 2nd dam
llotHy Trotwood hy MoMiihon, 2.21. Durlt
hay, hlaolc polntN, 7 yearn old, NtandH 10X
liiinds, wolKht 11100 ponndH.
Moth lioraoM will tnalco tho Mention or 1001
ovary day oxcopl. Sunday at Maplo HIiIimi
Ktpolc nirm.'JX miles nouthimst ol llowo, nl
S10 to InHiiro inuro In foal. Caro will ho tulcen
to nrovonta(!oldnl8 hntHhonld any ouour It
wll! ho at ownor'H rlNlc.
..Voti will mako no mlKtalco In hrt'cdlnu l
llopiih Homo'.of IiIn oldest coltH
aro hoIIIiih, for S200.
A limited unmhor or mnres tulcon In paH
Over-Work Weakens
Your Kidneys.
Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood.
All the blood In your body passes through
your kidneys once every three minutes.
i ne Kidneys are your
blood purifiers, they fil
ter out the waste or
Impurities In the blocd.
If they aresick or out
of order, they fail to do
their work.
Pains, nches and rheu
matism come from ex
cess of uric acid In the
niuncy iiuuuic.
Kidney trouble causes quick or unsteady
heart beats, and makes one feel as though
Ihey had heart trouble, because the heart Is
jver-worklng In pumping thick, kidney
poisoned blood through veins and arteries.
It used to be considered that only urinary
troubles were to be traced to the kidneys,
but now modern science proves that nearly
all constitutional diseases have their begin
ning In kidney trouble.
If you are sick you can make no mistake
by first doctoring your kidrieys. The mild
and the extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer's
Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy Is
soon realized. It stands the highest for Its
vonderful cures of the most distressing cases
ina is sold on its merits
y all druggists In flfty
.ent and one-dollar siz
5S. You may have a
. . . ....... iiuiiiq ui onriuilMllKfl,
free, also pamphlet telling you how to find
.... ir 1 1 1 1 1 . j i . . .
Mmn m hnttlft hv mnll it o ......
oui ii you nave money or uiauucr irouoie.
Mention this paper when writing Dr. Kilmer
& Co., Blnghamton, N. Y '
The Nebraska Advertiser
' S r s s r v s- r s v s vr s- r vaaa
W. V. Sandkhh it Son, I'rop'H.
FH1DAV, AIMUl, 2l, I no I .
srisa liertha Vanlandiiifthum of
Hraukon was tho miest of hor sister,
Mrs. (1. W. Cliailman, the llrst of the
week .
On account of tho weather and bad
roads, the play DiainotidH and Hearts
whs postponed until Saturday night of
this woek. Jt is an interesting play
and will undoubtedly have a good
audioncu, judging from tho number
of seats hold.
Nemaha chapter No. 7(1, Order of
Fasturn Slur, l their regular mooting
last Saturday night elected tho follow
ing olllcers for tho ensuing year;
W M. Sarah Thompson
W I' W W Sanders
A M Hulle Skoon
Sec'y A L T Thompson
Trcas. Julia M Sanders
ConductroHS Alico Seld
Assoclato Con.--riaiir(!ttii Sold
Tho Methodist Statu Historical Sos
ciety is arranging for tho celebration
of the iiemiscontennial of Methodism
In Nebraska. It will take place in
St. Paul's Church, Lincoln, June 8
and 0 next.
This immediately follows the com
mencement exercises of Nebraska
tVosloyau University. This was so
arranged witli design to accommodate
tnoso who would wish to attend both.
A special railroad rate with limits cov
ering time of both gatherings will bo
secured and announced latei, and spots
lal rates will bo given at the hotels in
Lincoln. A program of groat interest
and oxcellenco has beon arranged It
includes 0. B Mitchell I). D. of Clev
1 nd, Ohio, who will spoalc upon "Tho
Achievements of tho Methodist Oirn
cult Kidei"; ulsoGovornor.Miokoy, and
a Hishop who will Bpeak Thursday
evening on "Tho Veteran Preachers
and the Debt of tho Church to Tlinn "
All day Thuistlay will bo filled by
tho discussion of equally important
and interesting subjects by able
preachers and laymen.
Will Ouro Consumption
A A Ilorron of Finch, Ark.
writes, "Foley's Honey and Tar is the
beat preparation for coughs, colds and
lung trouble. I knowthat It has cur
ed consumption in tho Urst stage.
M T Hill.
Call and see us for reduced rates on
magazines and newspapers.
If you want lire insurance, either
In old lino or mutual companies, call
on W. W. Sanders.
Your sparo time will bo well spent
if you williiBeit in making a trip to
this now irrigated country. Tho
United States will not bo long now in
getting under irrigation all the land
that is subject to this class of farms
lug, as It is becoming tho most popular
way to farm for sure results. This
country is yotin Ub infancy, and home
seekors should avail thomsolvos of this
opportunity to get a farm in tho Hig
Horn liasln. Just nov you can get
your choice of this land at a very low
prico, and you will be surprised what
a delay of a few days will do for you
in tho prico of tho land.
Post yourself on this country by
writing for booklet descriptive of tho
Hig Horn Basin and any other Infor
mation you may desire.
Wo will nmko very low round trip
rates to this country tho llrst and third
Tuesdays In May. J. Francis, General
Passenger Agent, Purlington Koute,
Omaha, Net).
Robbod tho Crnvo
A startling incident is narrated by
JohnOHvor o fPhiliuiolphia, as follows
"I was in ail awful condition. My
skin was almost yoilow, eyes sunken,
tonguo coated, pain continually in back
and sides, no appetito, growing weak
er day by day. Three physicians had
given me up. Then 1 waa advisod to
take Electric Bitters; to my great joy
tho llrBt bottle made a docided im
provement. 1 continued their uso for
three weeks, and am now a woll man.
I know they robbed the gravo of
anothor victim." No one should fail
to try thorn. Only 50c, guarunteod at
Keoling's drug store.
Bright, helpful and entertaining from
cover to cover Is tho May number of
Tho Housekeeper which greets us with
a charming cover design, portraying a
dainty maiden arranging a beautiful
bouquet of May blosioms. The no
tion maintains its usual high stan'1 ird.
An article of special interuttotlio.n'
who have to provide meals for a family
is "MavTidhlU lor Fconomical House
wives," by ICli. UHjth W Morrison, tho
well known writer of domestic topics.
The article Is frcoly Illustrated from
photographs. Tho children's departs
inont this month is lllled witn fairy
Btorlcs contributed by youthful readers
of The Housekeeper. The usual prac
tical departments, including helpful
Hints for the Busy Housewife. What
tho Mother Should Know, Homo Talks
Holps for Home Dressmakers, Talks'
With Flowers Lovers, Homo Hundls
work, Little Aids to Smartness and
Tho House Practical, round out a
most excellent number of the Magazine
of Helpfulness. Published by tho
Housekeeper Corporation, Minnea
polis, Minn.
What is Toley's Kiduoy dure?
Answer: It is made from a preserips
Hon of a leading Chicago physician,
and one of tho most eminent in tho
country Tho ingredients are tho
purest that money can buy, and aro
scientifically combined to get the best
results. M T Hill.
Via Burlinjton Koute
Tickets to St. Louis and return, good
all summer, 817.35.
On and after April 23, sixty day
tickets, 814 .1.).
On and after April 27, ten-day tickn
ets, $13 05,
For full information about train sen
vice ask the ticket agent.
Just About Bedtime
take a Little Early Riser it will cure
constipation, biliousness and liver
troubles. DoWitt's Littlo Early Hisers
are inherent from other pills, i im
do not gripo and break down tho muc
ous membrane of the stomach, liver
and bowels, but cure by gently arous
ing the secretions and giving strength
to these organs. Sold by W. W. Keols
A Croat Sensation
There was a big .sensation in Leess
villo. I ml., when W. II llrowuof that
place, who was expected to die, had
IiIb life saved by Lr. King's NTow Dis
covery for Consumption. Ho writes:
I endured insufferable agonies from
Asthma, but your Now Discovery
gave me immediate relief and soon
thereafter effected a comnlete euro "
Similar euros cf Consumption,, Pneu
monia, Bronchitis and griparo numer
ous. It is tho peerless remedy for all
throat and lung troubles. Price Rue
and $1 .00. Guaranteed by V y
Keeling Druggist Trial bottles free.
"Iflnd'HiedforcVii niack-Draucht
Rood mcdiclno for livor disease
ir&UrwJ '?y Jon aftor ho ,ia1 l)ent
ir,i0,JLt.ake-MK8. CAUOLINH
MAUTIN, rarkoraburg, W. Va.
If your liver does not act reg
ularly go to your druggiat and
ecpure a packago of Thedford's
lllack-Braught and tako a doso
tonight. This great family
medicine frees the constipated
bowels, Btira up tho torpid liver
and causes a healthy secretion
of bile.
Thedford's Black - Draught
will clcaiiBo tho bowels of im
purities and strengthen the kid
neys. A torpid liver invitea
colds, biliousness, chills and
fever and all manner of sick
ness and contagion. Weak kid
neys result in liriglifB diseaso
which claims as many victims
as consumption. A 25-cent
package of Thedford's Black
lJraught should always bo kept
in the houso.
"I used Thedford'H Block.
f0.r ,1,Tor kidncy com-
1 Uijfk
('oniiirisos some of tho world's host lmilcos, such its tho
Estey Huntington
and Singer
Got prices from any linn and thon net ours and comparo uu-m.
,ro will imrantoo a savin"1. Our line of
Comprises the famous
Miller, Mason & Hamlin, Estey, Ferrand.Votey
and others. Call and see us and
we save you money.
-VCJ 13 UAfclV , IS
VM. UAMIM1ULL, Pres. V. 1J. ALLEN. V k-i-l'ies.
Capital Stock, $5,000
One Minute cough cure given relief
in one minute, because it kills the mi
crobe which tickles tho mucous mem
brane, causing the cough, and at the
same time clears the phlegm draws out
the inllain ination and heals and sooth
03 the a ff acted parts. One Minute
cough curestronghens the lungs, wards
off pneumonia and is a harmless and
never failing cure in all curat le cases
of coughs, colds, and croup.. One Miu
ute cough cure is pleasant to take,
harmless and good alike for young and
old.-W. W. Keeling.
"World-Wide .Reputation
White's Cream Vermifuge lias ac
hieved a world wide reputation as be
ing tho best of worm destroyers, and
tor its tonic influence on weak and un
thrifty children, as it neutralizes the
acidity or sourness of tho stomach,
improves the digostionand assimila
tiou of food, 8trenghtens the nervous
systom and restores them to tho health
vigor and elasticity of spirits natural
to childhood. 2"ic tit Hill's.
A Thoughtful Man
M M Austin of Winchester, Ind.,
know what to do in tho hour of need.
His wife hnd such an unusual case of
stomach and liver trouble, physicians
could not help her. Ho thought of
and tried Dr King's Now Life pills
and she got relief at once and was fin-,
ally cured. Only 25c at Heeling's
drug store.
I was troubled for several years with
chronic iudegestion and nervous debil
ity," writes F G Green, of Lancaster.
N H. "No remedy holned mo until T
began taking Electric Hitters, which
did me more good than all tho medicin
es I ever used. They have also kept
my wife in excellent health for vnars
She says Electric Bitters aro iust snlen-
did for female troubles; that thoy are
a grand tonic and invigorator for weak
run down women. No other medicine
can tako its place in our family." Try
them. Only no c Satisfaction guari
anteed by Keoling's Drug Sotre.
Oures When Dootors Pail
Mrs. Frank Chiasson, Patterson, la.,
writes Juno 8th, 1001 : -I had malaria
fever in a very bad form, was under
treatment by doctors, but as soon as I
stopped taking their medicine the fev
er would return, I used a sample
bottle of Horbine, found it helped mo.
Then 1 bought two bottles, which
completely cured me. I feol very
grateful to you for furnishing snolm
splendid medicine, and can honestly
recommend it to those suffering wit'i
malaria, na it will.surely cure thorn."
Herblne, 50c bottle at Hill'?.
wo will explain to you how wo
J-C 13 Lt ,-.V li
Ran A Ten Ponny Nail Through Hi
d .
While opening a box, .1. C. Mount
of Three Mile Hay. N. r.,ran a ten
penny nail through thefleshy p ti t or
his hand. -'I thought at once ot the
pain arid sureties this would caue
me," ho says, "and immediately appli
da Chamberlain's Pain Balm and nc
casionailyafterwards. To my surpilse
it removed all pain and soreness and
the injured parts weie soon healed.
i or salo by W. W. Kneling
There is an aching and tired feeling,
H e liver, bowels, and kidneys bri-nine
luggish and inactive, the digesiior
mi aired, with little or no appetite no
ambition for anything and a feeliim
j that the whole body and mind needs
toning up. The trouble is, that dur
ing the winter, there litis been an ovnr
accumulation of waste matter in tho
system. Ilerbino will remove it. se
cure to tho secretions ;i right exMt, and
give strength in place of weakness.
50c at Hill's.
Chris Miller of Fremont Nebr.
writes: "I suffered from dyspepsia for
more than 10 years. 1 was under the
care of a number of doctors, made three
trips away, and still no relief. Kodo
Dyspepsia Cure being recommended to
mo by sevoral who had used it, and as
tho last straw, I concluded to try it.
After the first two or three doses I be
gan to improve and have taken several
bottles and feol liko a now man. 1
write you this in the Interest of hu
manity, hoping it may fall into the
hands of some sufferer, and my prayer
is that they may secure the same bone
fit that 1 have." Sold by W. W. Keel-
Ho Loarnod a Croat Trurh.
It is said of John Wesley that he
onco said to Mistress Wesley, "Why
do you toll that child tho same thing
over and over ugain?" "John Wesley,
because onco telling is not enough."
It is for the samo reason that you aro
told again and again that Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy cures colds and
grip; that it counteracts any tendency
of these deseases to result in pneun
monia, and that it is pleasant and safe
to take. For stile by W. W. Keeling.
Dr. Bergin, Puna, III. writes :I
have used Ballards Snow Liniment
always recommend it to my friends,
and I am confident that thero 1b no
better made. It is a dandy for
burns. Those who live on farms
are especially liable to many accidental
cuts, burns and bruises, which heal
rapidly when Ballard's Snow Lini
ment is applied. It should always bo
kept in the house for cases of emor
goncy. 25c, 50, and SI. 00 at Hill's.