The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, April 29, 1904, Image 1

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4 )r
Local News
See M T Hill for Ore inaurance.
Walter Hadlock is repainting his
Farmers are behind with their
spring work.
The weather keeps cool for this
time of the year.
Elmer E. Allen and wife spent Ars
bor day at Auburn.
Frank Dressier received a new bugs
gy Wednesday evening.
II. Denny has had a now barn built.
Joe Bunger did the work
Hay for sale at S4 per ton by Wes
Boice, Brownville. NobrJ
Mrs Shorwood and Ethel went to
Shubcrt Wednesday night.
A fine line of silverware suitable for
wedding presents at Keeling's.
Jimmy Jonea of London precinct
was a Nemaha visitor Monday.
One thoroughbred shorthorn malo
forsdle by John S. Scull, Auburn.
Elmer E. Allen is now smooth faced
having shaved off his moustache.
One nearly new Deere riding lister
for sale. Enquire of E. L. Paris.
Next Sunday is May day, but there
will not bo very many May flowers.
Mrs. S. C. Cummlngs started for Sil
ver Lake, Ind., Saturday of last week.
Mrs. ltose Gilbert wont to Auburn
Weduesdby, returning Thursday afters
Born To Mr. and Mm. Claude Scott
Saturday afternoon, Aipil 2:3, 1004, a
line girl.
Several of trio trees south of J. II.
Vanderslice'd store were cut down
Harry Hoover and Elmer Humbaugl
have been shearing goats and sheer
this week.
Mrs. W. E. Wheeldon wont to An
burn Saturday and visited, relative
until Monday.
The freight train from the west
m ide a special trip to Nebraska City
Thursday foreuoon.
Call in and see us if you want to
anbscribe for any paper published
the United St ites.
Mrs. A. F. Wat ih went to Lincoln
Saturday to join her husband, who is
on the Lincoln Star force.
Olo Roberts went to Carroll, Neb.,
last Monday to visit lilts friend, Willard
II. Dressier, for a few days.
ttev. M. S. Foutch attended the
ministerial association at Johnson
Tuesday and Wednesday of this week.
Mrs, Letitia A. Strain was worse
the first of tho week, but is now rest
ing easier Ilor condition is very ser
ious. We have rocelved word from rail
road headqunrters that unless we lot
up on shipping in goods they will be
compelled to put on another train.
Edwards & Biadford Lumber Co.
Package Coffee 12c per package
Granulated Sugar 18 pounds for SI
Best Prints, latest styles, 6c per yard
LL Muslin, 7c per yard
Groceries at lowest prices
Call in and see goods and get prices
The Corner Store
Mrs. Jane I. May and Miss Minnie
have both been sick for several days
but are now getting better.
Dr. Linn, dentist, of South Auburn,
will be In Nemaha Monday, May 2.
Oflloo in hotel. All dosiring flrsc class
dental work bo sure and aeo him.
S. Cooper last week sold his blnck
Percuoron stallion, Black Diamond,
;o A. E. Ilolonbeck, living west of
Ho wo. He got $450 for the horse.
F. L. Woodward n few doys ago
sold an eighty aero farm near Stella,
bolonging to Mrs. David Brlmble of
Mold, Washington, for 875 per acre.
John H. Uussoll is able to bo out
again but iB quite weak from the effects
of his severe sickness. It will prob
ably take him aomo time to fully res
On account of a washout botween
Peru and Nebraska City the passenger
train duo in Nemaha at 0:4o a. m did
not arrive here until 2:27 p. m. on
L. A. Lawhon has added a stock of
undertakers' goods. This ia a needed
addition to the business ot Nemaha
and ho should have the patronage of
our people.
F, E. Gaither, who is attending
the Creighton medical college at Oms
aha, came home Saturday to spend the
summer vacation. He will assist hia
father this summer.
Miss Florence Mlulck is taking a
course of instruction in elocution, dra
matic art, physical culture, etc., of
the celebrated actor, Henry Keono of
the Now York theatre, New York.
The Christian Sutiday school is hav
ing a contest in getting now scholars
for the school. The wearers of the red
buttons and the blue are putting forth
a strong effort to win ucholars for
their Bide.
The Auburn Post's world's fair cons
test is getting quite exciting in district
No. 1 . The throe leading contestants
have the following number of votes:
Dora Morton, 4270; Iva Catlin, 3905;
Clera Dlltz. 4010.
F. L. Woodward has had a new
stairway and platform bulit to the
stage entrance of the opera Iiouho, and
bus also had an additional railing put
around the platform and stairway of
the main entrance.
Carl E. Sanders closed his term of
school at the London school house last
Friday. ThiB ia his second year . in
this district. Mrs. J. O. lied fern,
where Carl boarded, gave the scholars
and visitors a tine dinner.
The 13. & M. is now having consld
erable work done along their track
near Peru, where they have so many
elides. Piles are being driven along
the river side and fills will be made to
prevent the washing if possible.
John I. Drossier haa moved into the
brick house north of F. L. Woods
ward's, where he will live while his
own house is being rebuilt. He is go
ing to have most of the old houso torn
down and will build a good modern
house. Joe Bunger is doing the work.
W. W. Sanders is agent for Beveral
good reliable insurance companies
mutual and old line. Call on him for
Nemaha, Nebr.
New Wall Paper
is m.
Big Line
Littlo Prices
Paints too All Kinds
Yours for cheap house cleaning,
m. X. HILL
Take the wagonette when in Aus
burn if you want to go to any part of
the city. John McElhanoy prop.
Mrs. J. M. Sanders returned homo
Friday evening, after a we.ik's vlBit
with her son, G. N. Sanders of London
The school in the McCandless dis
trict, In Asplnwall precinct) closed
last Friday. Tho patrons of the dis
trict assembled to listen to the closing
exercises and had a big dinner at the
school house. E. M. Morton was tho
i uau uuariy inruu ami n uui
inches of rain fall Saturday, Sunday
and Monday. On Saturday 1.30 inches
I fell, Sunday the fall was two inches.
and on Monday 12-100 of an inch
Tho ground is certainly thoroughly
wet now.
E. C. Clark, a nurseryman of limits
ville, Alabama, visited the Tltns Nurb
sorieslast week. Mr. Clark sa8tha
crop of peaches in the south will be
immense, judging from tho present pro'
apects. There will be a big crop al
over tho United States.
Three trains laid over in Nomalu
Monday night the freight from the
west, which stops hero regularly, the
freight from the north, which laid over
here on account of a washout farther
down the line, and a work train whici
is here to do soaie ditching.
Joe Bunger sprained his ankle badly
last Saturday. II o stepped off tho
porch at II. Denny's house, when
his foot turned and his ankle w8
sprained. 11 is back was also badly
wrenched. It will probably interfere
with hia work for some time.
John W. Hawxby's cave fell in Mon
day morning. One-half of the top
first caved in. John began to carry
out his canned fruit. While ho was
out of the cave with a load the other
half fell in. If he had been in th
cave then he would have been killed
as there was thiee feet of dirt on top
While you are looking over our stock
of luinbei , just take a little more time
ami look at our hardware, Htoves, tin
and cryaolite ware dont forget to cons
aider tho quality of tho goods in cons
alderlng the price we also have
stock of furniture, harness, etc. In
fact we can sell you almost anything
and sell it right too. Come aud see-
Edwards & Bradford Lbr. Co.
Traveling is Dangerous
Constant motion jars the kidneys
which are kept in place in the body by
delicate attachments. Thin is the rea
eon that travelers, trainmen, street car
mon, teamsters and all who drive very
much, suffer from kidney disease i
borne form. Foley'a Kidney Cure
strengthens the kidneys and cures u
forms of kidney and bladder diaean
Geo Ellausan locomotive englneor
Lima, O., writes, "Constant vibratlo
of the engine caused me a great deal of
trouble with my kidneys, and I got no
relief until I used Foloy'a Kidney Cure,
M T Hill.
Tho heavy rains Saturday anil Sun-
1I11V rmimnri f ho Numiiliu rlvwr ti nvur. !
How Ub banks. The ovorflow did not
reach Nemaha, as tho Missouri river
was low enough to allow the surplus
water to be curried oil rapidly. At
Auburn It was over tho wagon road
and between Nemaha and Bracken
was over tho low lands Tho farmers
are hoping this is the last overllow tor
tho aoason.
Prof. Chittenden of Koarney gave a
lecture at the opera houso Friday
night of last week on "Scottish High
lands," illustrated with storoontlcan
views. II ia lecturo aud the 'views
were good. Ho oloaod his lecturo with
a talk in favor of tho Royal Highlan
ders, under whose auspices the lecture
was given. Amazlah Johnson, a
Highlander deputy, alao gave a good
talk on the Highlanders. The lecturo
waa enjoyed py a largo audioneo.
For low prices and a square deal go
to Edwards & Bradfords Lumber Co.
Brownville had another lire Thurs
day morniug, but fortunately got it ex
tingniBhed before a great deal of dam
age waa4done. Mr. llanney, tho editor
of the defunct Biograph, has been liv
ing n a house just east ol the lumber
yard. Ho moved out Wednesday, Tho
next morning about six o'clock Mr.
Barber, manager of tho lumber yard,
discovered flro in the upper story of
the vacant buliding. A bucket bris
grade was formed aud the fire put out
How it started is a mystery,
A work train is now at Nemaha aud
will put in ditches sufficient to drain
oil tho water ou the bottom laud
when the Nemaha and Missouri rivs
its are low enough to take the surpliid
water. For the past two or three
years the pastures east aud south of
town have been flooded after uvury
rain, and tho water would stay on for
Beveral days. Through tho efforts of
F. L. Woodward tho B. & M. Co.
have been induced to ditch tho right-of-way
to take oil the water. Tho
work, it is estimated, will cost about
Bring us in your bill and lot us fig
ure with you. None too large and
nono too small to itiHiire lowest prices
and a square deal.
Edwaids & Bradford Lbr. Co.
Do you make garden? If you do
buy your seed from tho Old Reliable
aeed house cheaper than you can buy
elsewhere m Nemaha county.
P. Kkuuku.
Lesson in Health
Healthy kidneys tiller tho Impurities
from tho blood, aud unless they do
this good health is impossible Fos
ley's Kidney Cure mukes, sound kids
noya and will positively euro all forms
of kidney and bladder disease. It
stronghtona tho wholo ayBtom. M T
Holds Up a Congressman
"At tho ond of the campaign."
writea Champ Clark, Missouri's brilli
ant congressman, "from overwork
nervous tension, loss of sleep and con
stant speaking I had about utterly col
lapsed. It seemed that all of my
organa were out of order, but three
bottles of Electric Bittere made me all
right. It's the best all-round medis
cine ever sold ovor a drugglBt's counts
or." Over-worked run-down men and
weak, sickly women gaiu splendid
vtality from Electric Bitters. Try.
them. Only 50c. Oanranteed by
Foley's Honoy and Tar is peculiarly
adapted for asthma, bronchitis and
hoarsonesa. M T Hill.
Uffloon ovor PonlollW HtillrtliiL', nt
1' rank Ncr.l'n old Htaud,
Q.r. . W. Keeling,
Noninlm, Nebraska.
Office in Keeling drug Btoro.
Medical and Surgical
Diseases of Women
Stella - -
- Nebraska
Fifteen yoara oxporienco.
Terma ond dates at The AdvertiBorv
Doulor In
Highest markotpricopaid for Hides,
Lard, Tallow, oto.
I'ropriotornof thu
Livery & Feed Stable
Gcod Dray in connection with Livery
Satisfaction guarantood,
Wind jJlill.H and JPumps
Tin Rooting andGnltering
Your l9ttt'0nagc Solicilctl
T. 15. Oi'otliei
in tho
Shoe Repairing
Harness Repairing
Hand Made Harness a Specialty
Doulor in
Windmills and Pumps,
'Phone calls answered promptly,
'Phono No2