VOLUME XLVlll t NEMAHA, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 1904: NUMBER 41 5 i Millinery Wo haya and will carry a full lino of Millinory. If any , lady wants anything special in this lino wo will mako it tho way they want it Givo us a trial. $ Fine Shoes Will receivo in a fow days Women, ladios and children. You aro invited to call and see our stock whether you want to buy or not. Gents' Dress Shirts We have just received Shirts we over carried. Ladies Waistings A nice line in latest spring stylos. J. H. VANDERSLICE Local News SeoMT Hill for Ore insurance. Garden bead way. making is now under fnll Joe Smith has moved on the Gerlaw farm southeast of Auburn. A flno line of silverware suitable for wedding presents at Heeling's. II. E. Williams of Shubert Nemaha a short visit Tuesday. paid One nearly new Deere riding lister for sale. Enquire of E. L. Paris. Horses for sale or trade for cattle. A. L. P. Thompson. Kiss "Vera Mlnick came in Bracken Wednesday to visit i days. from i tew George Stilwell came down from Omaha last Saturday on a visit to bis parents. Dr. W. W. Keeling, quite sick, was able again Tuesday. who has been to get up town A street crossing has been put in from the opera bouse to the corner by tho public well. Dr. Dillon drove dewn from Auburn through the snowstorm last Friday to aee8oyraour Howe. Geo. McOlure, former B. & M. agent at Nemaha and now agent at Wayne, Kansas, is also landlord of the hotel at that place. Package Coffee 12Jc per package Granulated Sugar 18 pounds for $1 Best Prints, latest styles, 6c per yard LL Muslin, 7c per yard Groceries at lowest prices Call in and see goods and get prices W. M. SNELLING rri rvx me uomor oture 5 a flno lino of Shoos for gen in $ tho best lino of Gent's Dress Come in and soo thorn. i i John,H. Knapp was given the seen ond degree in Odd Fellowship list Saturday night. Frank Woodward had the Heover the Keeling drug store room south of store reshinngld. lira. H. E. Williams of Shubert visited her mother, Mrs. James Titus, the first of the week. See the flno and complete line of 14k and 18k wedding rings at S. H. Avey & Co's, Auburn. H. Denny has built a Bidewalk on tho north sldo of his property. Let the good work go on. Misses Norab Burson and Minnie Bpeecc came down from Peru Friday night, returning Monday. Nelson Hadlock went to St. Joe Monday nigat with a car load of cattle shipped by W. S. Chambers. Clean up your yards, fix up your fences and walks, and Improve matters generally about your homo. Mrs. C. W. Wheeler of Auburn died Thursday of last week. She was one of the pioneers of the county, J. R. Russell, who has been quite sick with pneumonia, is getting better and is now able to bo op again. Warren 8tekos,who has been visiting at Deroin for two or three weeks, returned homo Monday evening, Mrs. Ed Littrell and Mrs. Frank Frazier drove to Brownville Wednees day and spent the day with Mrs. A. N. Sedoras. t a. JMtmana, NeDr. SAY! OUR New Wall Paper is in. Big Lln Paints too All Kinds Yours for choap house cleaning, m. X. H ILL The ''narrows" this side of St Derotn wero impassable for several days last week aud the first of this week. Mlse Carrie 0. Burg visited in the country Saturday and Sunday, the guest of Mrs. W. E. Wbeeldon. mi.. ti . . . m xuBie win oe pieucy or peaonea un less they are killed later, as many of the trees are loaded with bloom. The best place In Auburn to take your watch for repairs Is S. II. Avey So Co. They are thoiough and careful workmen. W. w. Sanders Is agent for several good reliable insurance companies mutual and old line. Call on him for insurance Leslie Woodward came up from Kansas City Monday on a visit to par eats and friends. He returned to Kan as City Wednesday. Mrs. wra. u. uoover has bad a sidewalk built frem town to her borne, so she will not have to go through the mud to get ever to town. Miss Dora Morton came home last Saturday, the school she has been teaching in Aspinwall precinct having closed for the summer vacation Carpontera and plasterers are so busy iu Nemaha that somo of them now work seven days id the week, not stopping for Sundays or holidays. Dr. Hutchison, optiolan, will be at Nemaha again on Tuesday, April 10. Call aud have your eyes carefully treated for glaeses. Examination free. J. W. Armstrong came in from Au burn Friday arternoon of last week to superintend the funeral of Mrs. Sarah L. Blair, returning the next forenoon. Mrs. Letlt a It. Strain is getting no better MO (iUHUIHUU IB UiiblUdi Her many friends hope for ber recov ery but are very much worried about ber. J. II. Linn, who baa been working at the elevator at McCandless Siding ier several weeics, nuuuing an audition and making some changes, returned to Lincoln Wednesday. Mort McComas has sold bis farm of 120 acres In London precinct to John Bath for $60 per acre. Mr. Bath now owns 000 acres of good farm land in London precinct. Walter S. Naxwell has leased the Park hotel of Mrs. 8. 0. Cummtnas and will take possoselen next Monday, lie will run a good hotel and hones for the patronage of the public. Mrs. Peter Kerker hae been sick for somo time, and is now suffering very mucn from eyes, having to stay in a dark room for several days. One or two of the children have also been sick. no you make garden? If you do buy yoor seed from the Old Reliable teed house cheaper than you can buy MRS. THEO: HILL HAS JUST KEOKIVKD A FJUSTB LINK OF KBW CALL AMD i i i mi imii in ii imrm rTTrirrrrnrrnTTniiiiTriiirnfiiiiiii . . . Mrs. W. 8. Chambers of Auburn came to riemana Wednesday on a visit, rrAM c i i o.. mour Howe's farm, decided to ge to Oklahoma, so gave up the lease. Geo, R. Llndsey has leased the farm and will move on It as soon as Mr, Hewe moves to Nemaha.. D. S. Cox of St. Deroltt returned last Friday from a trip to Crawford, Keb. He reports a bad storm In the aorthweeiern part of the state, with a bard wind, unroofing and otherwise damaging many buildings. Mrs. J. F. Bennett of Auburn has been visiting her sister. Mrs. J. 35. Lambert, fer over a week, returning none aionuay . Mrs. Lamueri accomi panlcd her home nnd visited friends ana relatives in Auburn a rew days. Albert II. Titus started for Syracuse Thursday morning, driving through. His wife goes on the train this after neon, taking with her fifty little chick ens which she bought of her brother, Oacar L. Mlnick of Uraoken. They were hatohad eut lu an Incubator. Dr. II. 8. Gaither held a consultation with Dr. Dillon of Auburn last Sunday in the case of Mrs. L. II. Strain, who is very sick with m complication of dts eases. There is little hope of her per manent recovery, although she may rally for awhlls. At the regular meeting of the Res bekah lodge Wednesday night six cans dldatee were initiated Mr. and Mrs O.W. lioberte and Miss Fearle Roberts, Robt. I. Smith, Ed II. Kftapp and Mrs. Flora Anderson. A fine supper was eerved after lodge adjourned. Seymour Howe moved to Nemaha Thursday. Mr. Howe was placed on a cot and carried from the farst to town. over a mile, olght men taking turns, four at a time, in carrying him He stood the trip remarkably well and is apparently no worse for the move. F. W. Wllkenlng, who baa been manager or the JSd wards Bradford Lumber Co.'s business at Nemaha for the oast three months, went to Graf Thursday to take charge of thabuiiJ nisM tViAFA Mr. WlllrAnlrtsv marl a I roany frleud8 durlng h ahort nU ,n I XJumotm Wtut. I.lrv. rn..nl. 1 Mvuinus nuu nigu uiui iuuuii useti ity, He is a flue young bnslnese man. Call In and see ua It you want to subscribe for any paper published In the United States. Take the wagonette when in Aui burn if you want to go to any part of the city. John MoElhaney prop, A Lesson in Health Healthy kidneys filter the Impurities from the blood, and unless the v do I this good health is Imposslblo. FosShO Repairing neys and will positively cure all forms of kidney and bladder disease. It I strenghtons tho wholo system. M Hill. Catarrh of tbe StomAh, When the stomach is overloaded; when food Is taken into it that falls to , it decays aud Inilames the mut digest cous membrane, exposing the nerves, and causes the glands to secrete mucin instead ot the natural juices of digest ion. This is called catarrh of the stomach, paused by Indigestion. Doo tors and medicines failed to benefit me until I used Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. J. R.Rhea ,Coppell, ox. Sold by W SEK nil; i " " " Foley's Honey aad Tar ii Menlbrly adapted for asthma, tsroeeaHk I Boareenwa, M T Hill. STULL HAWXIY ATTORNEYS LAW, KKAI. KfiTATK, COLLlKHnHMW OMMM ovr IVMlefttfA MHlMUr. i AUMUHN, ... imWRAMCA r. W, Keeling, K Ktrwika, Office In Kllng drug store. DR. G. M. ANDBXWS i Medical and SUTrical Biaanjmei nf Wnmsn Stella - - XejbrwilcA 0. O. SNOW Auctioneer Fifteen years experience. Terms and dates at The Advertiser office. PETER KE11KER. A pfMMM I, Hitrheat market price paid for Hide. Lard, Tallow, etc. KNAPP & SON Proprietor of the Livery & Feed Stable N1MAHAJN1BK. vfCOtt VT9,J m OOnntOUOn Witt uvntj Satitf&otioft ffttaraateedL JYemnhH. JWebr, WMJYDMMEtMj Jill Vlfiwk Gumrmntet See Me for Jfrice J. JE. Oirotliei -in th PARIS BUILDING rH5& XVBPeVUing T Hand Made Harness a Specialty WESLEY H. CLARK Bea!r.lu WindlHillS atld PlUTlCS, Tank,5Pipes, etc. ALL WORK GUARANTIEE' 'Phone calls answered promptly, 7,'bone No26 NEMAHA, KXBU, elsewhere in Nemaha county. P. Kl'KUKU. W. Keeling.