The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, April 08, 1904, Image 7

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Ho (dcslKnlDRly) "What a torri
blc thing it would be if some rosea
Rbould mnrry you for your money."
Sbe'discouraglnKly) "lb would
bo for him If I found it out."
Young Lady "I must have somt
money to ro oil on a Journey."
Father "EbV Whore?"
"1 don't krow yet, but I must
go somowhere at once."
"Good lands! What's happened?"
"The dressmaker misunderstood,
and instead Of a walking enstume,
fine mado a polng-away gown."
DfnM Cannot llo Curort
oy local applications. r they cannot reach tin
dlsoiisBtl portion of the tar. Tlier - Is only one
way to cure Deafness, and that h ly constlM
llonal remo(llo8. Deafness Is chumhI by an In condition of tho mucous llnlUK of tlis
Eustachian Tube. When this tubo pots Inflamed
rou have a rumblliiK sound or Imperfect hear
init, and when It Is entirely closed Deafness li
the result, and unless tho Inflammation can be
taken out and this tube restored to Its normal
tondltlon, hoarlne will bo destroyed forevorj
alno cases out of ten are caused by catarrh,
A hlch I nothing but an Inllamod condition of
the mm surfacos.
We w bItc Ono Hundred Dollars for nay
use of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot
be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for clr
Hilars, froo.
F. J. CHUNKY & CO., Toledo, O.
Hold by DrueclsK 75c.
Uall'a raiailj 1'llU arc the besU
Free to Twenty-Five Ladies.
The Dotiuucc Staich Co. will lvi
5 ladies a round trip ticket to the
St. Louis Exposition, to live ladies
in each of the following states:
Illiulus, Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas and
Missouri who will send in the lurgcst
number of trade inatks cut from
a ten cent, 10 ounce pjclcagu ot De
fiance cold water laundry starch.
This means from jour own home,
anywhere iu the above named states.
These trade marks must be mailed
ko and received by the Dctianee
Starch Co., Omaha, Nebr., before
September 1st, 1904. October and
November will lie the best months
to visit the Exposition. licmembei
that Defiance is tbu only starch put
up 10 oz. (a lull pound) to the pack
age. You not one-third mote starch
for the same money than of aoj
other kind, and Delia nee never sticks
to the iron. The tickets to tin
Exposition will be sent by registered
mail September 5th. Starch for sale
I? all dealers.
Binks "They hay that tiiera ar
tens of thousands of faith tourist!
in tills country."
Winks ''Yes, and there'll bo tens
Df thousands more if the doctors
don't cotoe down on their prices."
Tor Infants and Children.
he Kind You Have Always Bough!
Boars tho
Bignaturo of
Forty years ao ond after rrw years
of use on the eastern coast. Tower's
Woieroroof Oiled Coats wore MraAwA
in the West and were called flickers by
name has come into such general use that
it is frequently though wrongfully applied
io many suDsxiiuies. you want the genuine.
, Look tor the oign of the rish.and
we name lower on ine uuttoru
In after years tlie tjirl with auburi
tresses becomes a retlhaired wife.
CURES catarrh of the stomach.
nmrc u'litLr mi tier rm
Haul Cmitfh Hvrnti. Tmim Crukl n
in tltiiA t a hy dnurirUu
d 1 M-
3am&3 SEDGES
W. it. Douglas
shoos have by their
excellent stylo,
easy-fitting, a u 1
superior wearing
Qualities, achieved
tho largest salo of
any shoes hi tho
Tlioy aro lust as cood
as thoso that cost you
S4 to S5 tlio only
difforonco is tho price.
Sold Everywhere,
Look fop iirmin .mil
nrice on bottom. sb&
Doitirlnit usi'H Cnronii
Cultxkln, whluli Novoryw lioro eoiirnileil
mi imi'Hi i immi 1,' inntir yi' prod ucr
fait Co or Eyelets usui. Slioixb) ninll.S&r.oxtri
rite for Cataloir. W.L.Dnuzlaa. Ilrork tiu. II a J
N. M. U. PI8 15 YOt(K
U .hi:. I. j .. ul
ii a iiiuibu nun j h
'4 Jfc-JVv Mi
CjUYED fitz to his sorrow.
('null Ufa Unexpected Dcmonntrntton
of Hla HlttlriK Power.
Hob Fitzslmmons gave an tmexpect
H dotnonstratlon of his physical might
the other day in a downtown sporting'
poods house. The biffjighter drops into
IIiIh establishment frequently and cdl
ties tlte clerks and whatever customers
may be about by his Bkill at drumming
Hie punching bag. 'lie rarely falls to
perform his old trick of knocking tho
Lag loso from its bearings, and on this
occasion, after a hard blow had torn
the bag loose from the string that held
it, one of the ofllcers of tho concern
who was loking on and who knows
VUx well, remarked to tho pugilist:
"Oli, I don't think much of thai
Ktunt, Fitz; that piece of rope was an
old one and it wouldn't take much ol
it blow to break It. It tooK you soma
time to get that bag loose, and my
opinion is you aro getting to lie a back
number. If you couldn't land on Uor
bett any harder than that he'd trim
you in Jig time."
Fitz didn't Hay anything In regard
to the guying, but the mention of Cor
hett's name made his face take on a
more determined expression.
"Then," said the business man la
telling of the incident, "I got n brand
new piece of stout sash cord, nearly
thick enough to lift a horse and rigged
up the punching bag with this eons,
'Now,' I said to Fitz, 'there is some,
thing you could not knock loose in a
hundred years.' Fit, lammed away at
the bag viciously for a while, but didn't
knock it loose. I stood there guyln.;
him some more, telling him how he'il
gone back and all that, and then 1
walked away about twenty feet.
"I turned around to see how Fit?
was getting along, and ns I did so i
saw his arm shoot through the air so
fast It was only a blur iu the air, and
the next thing I knew the bag was
shooting through space like a bullet.
"It was coming straight for me, too,
and at such speed that I didn't have
time to dodge it. It cleared an Inter
veiling show case, and the next instanl
I was wondering -whether I was In th!
ring or In the hospital. The Hying ball
caught me squarely over the eye, and I
surely thought I would have to take
the count. The blow dazed me for a
moment and nearly put mo out.
"I guess I Avas the one that was he
lug guyed all the time, but In anj
event between the kick of a mule and
a man who can drive a punching hafl
twenty feet through the air and hard
enough to almost knock you down, th
mule for mine. I don't think Fitz ij
quite a candidate yet for the home foi
superannuated old men." New Yorli
Trees in China.
Tree planting in Northern China ii
being strenuously enjoined by the au
thorities, not only as a productive in
dustry for tho people, but alike as a
means of strengthening the river em
bankments against Hoods and of check
Ing drought. Of late years trees havt
been cut down wholesale for agrlcul.
tural purposes, while the peasants dc
not take the trouble to plant fresl
ones, because the soil is so loose tha
they must dig down very deep for s
satisfactory foothold. So vast tractl
of fertile land are left barren, whlh
In the northern provinces especlallj
the inllux of sand carried by hlgt
winds from the .Mongolian descr'
threatens to 1111 up the unoccupie(
So in tho important l'l-ovlnee of Chill
which contains tho capital, Teking
Is a government proclamation notify
ing the "eight directions for tree plan
tatlon" most minute instructions ai
to the kind of trees required, tin
depth they should be planted and tin
fertilizers to be used and the "tot
benefits to be derived from tho same,'
such, among others, as the sale of tint
her and fruit, the beneficial Inlluonc,
uf trees in attracting rain, preservin)
the Just equilibrium of wind influences
and purifying the atmosphere, wlilli
"travelers and families will find shatli
mil rest under the branches." a poetli
ruth for conclusion. Golden Penny.
New Typo ol' Kugiun.
From Clerniany comes news of
locomotive worked by steam and yo
Independent of fire of Its own. Tin
engine has Just been completed at tin
llohenzollorn works at Dussoldorf mU
Is of a type designed for shunting ii
explosive factories. Instead of carry
Ing fire in its own boiler It is flllel
with steam from stationary boilers
and when so charged Is capable of sov
oral hours' work. The first warmlii)
up occupies half an hour, and subso
quont recharging can lie done in i
quarter of an hour. The apparatus it
so simple that an unskilled worJ.miu
is able to look after it. The absence a
fire in n place where dynamite or gun
powder Is being handled is the reasot
for tho invention of this type of en
"When does a girl reach the 'mai
riagcablo nge?"
"When her father's purse lias reach
nd the marriageable size." Detroi
Free Press.
"When a leap-year girl proposes it't
up to the young man" to lose his self-
Many Women During the Spring Months Suffer From Extreme
Lassitude, Loss of Appetite and Nervousness
What They Need Is
Peruna, the Great Tonic
Miss Ilerthn M. Rush, 51.15 Kincnrde
litrect. Pittuburg, Pa.. Superintendent
.lunior Society of Methodist Protestant
Church and leading Soprano of the
choir, writes: "Words ennnot describe
my thankfulness to you for Perunn. I
was a sufferer from systemic cntarrli for and wns iu n very much run-down
condition. I was extremely nervous and
luid the most foolish fears over nothing,
I wns thin and emaciated.
"My physician advised tne to leave tills
rlimnte, but as it was not convenient to
do so at this time, I took the ntlvicc of a
friend to use n bottle of Perunn. I took
it faith fully nnd when the first bottle
was gone 1 felt so much better thnt 1
hotight six more nnd took them faithful
ly, after which 1 looked like n new
"1 gained In flesh, my nppct'.te return
cl and all my old symptoms hail ilisap
poured. 1 nm more tluui thankful to
Perunn." Miss Ilertha M. Uiibh.
Everybody Is Tired Spring
Weather Docs It Everyone
Should Be Cautious.
Depression of the nervous system at
the approach of spring is the cause.
General lassitude, dull, heavy sensa
tions, continual tired feeling, with irreg
ulnr appetite, nnd sometimes loss of
sleep. Perunn meets every indication and
proves itself to lie perfectly adapted to
nil their varied peculiarities. Perunn in
vkorates the system, lejuvenntes the
feelings, restores the normal appetite nnd
produces regular sleep.
That tired feeling which is the nnturnl
result of the depressing effect of wnrm
weather immediately after the invigorat
ing cold of winter, quietly disappears
when Perunn is taken. Thousands are
daily testifying to its priceless benefit.
Mrs. II. Kassatt, UtO!) W KUh street,
IJes Moines, In., writes: "I nm happy to
uive my endorsement for your valuable
medicine, Perunn, ns I consider it a val
uable medicine to lake when the system
is run down from overwork. About
two years ago I felt that 1 must take a
long rest as 1 had been unable to work
for over a month and could not regain
my strength. I could not sleep at night
and wns in a very nervous, high strung,
condition. I decided to try what Pe
luiia would do to build up my strength,
and nm pleased to say that I began to
improve very shortly, and in less than
two months I was able to take up my
work, nnd felt better than 1 have for
years. I take it now twice a year and
find thnt it keeps me in perfect health."
Mrs. Knssntt wns for over ten years the
manager of a plant furnishing ladies'
wear and employing hundreds of
a omen.
Tired, Nervous Women.
There are thousands of them every
where. A few bottles of Perunn would
lo them untold benefit. As a tonic and
lerve mvigorator it has no equal. It
builds up the nerves, it gives strength
to the circulation and at once restores
the appetite and digestion. No feeble
woman should be without Pcruuo.
Hie Intramural utilway, wltn its
14 milis of track, was auspicousiy
opened during tne last week of Janu
ary. There are six cars now in com
mission. During tho exposition the
ears will be run In trains or three
jars each.
.Huslang Liniment
is a ponlti cure for Piles.
10,000 IMnnts for iOc.
This is n remarkable offer the John A.
Snlzer Seed Co., La Crosse, Wis., makes.
They will send you their big plant and
seed catalogue, together with enough seed
to grow
1.000 fine, solid Cabbages,
2,00!) delicious Carrots,
J.OOO blr.nching, nutty Celery,
'2,(100 rich, buttery Lettuce,
1,000 splendid Onions,
1.000 rare, luscious Kadishes,
1.000 gloriously brilliant Flowers.
This great offer is nunle iu order to in
duce you to try their warranted seeds
for when you once plant them you will
grow no others, nnd
providing you will return this notice, and
if you will send them 'JOe in postage, they
will add to the uhove n package of tho
famous lierliuer Cnulitlower. (C. N. U.J
Spendthrift "I see nothing before
me but poverty and disgrace."
Friend "How much have you
left?" '
"just iifty dollars."
'That's plenty."
"Plenty-"' ' 1
"A superfluity. I3uy a pastc;pot
and shears. Then go' over tafiam-
don and start a comic paper."'
, k c.
Never Judgd a man's reputation
fdrtTuthfulnops by what ho says
when in love.
VfftIHfI'r'44!!lM4'l M.fc4i,K,IM'r'l
4. .1
Miss Rush Suffered Willi Systemic Catarrh Wi s Nervous. Had
No Appetite, Grew I bin ami Emaciated. She Now L oks Like a New
Woman After a Course of Pc-ru-iia.
If you do not receive prompt and satisfactory results from
the use of Peruna, write at once to Dr. Hart m in, giving a full
statement of your case, and lie will be pleased to give you his
valuable advice gratis.
Address Dr. Hartman, President of the liurtman Sani
tarium, Columbus, Ohio.
An Drgeut C;iso A happy conplo
wetc made one the other day, and It
was learned subsqeucntly that it had
been a very "near thing" for the
bride. Two months previous to tho
ceremony she told the object of her
alTcotlons that she would not mnrry
him until he had laid by $2,fi0().
Tho young man set to work, became
discouraged and gradually censed his
visits. The lady became alarmed,
Out meeting him shortly after the
following con vers itlon ensued:
"Well, Ned" sighing "how aro
you g It Ing on"
"Oh, first rate," cbcorfully.
"Do youthink you'll ever get
it, Ned?"
h yes, in ten or twenty years."
"II -n In w much have you saved,
dea . stV"
About two hundred dollars."
"Well, Kod, d don't you think
til that vuj oe enough?"
And so now they are happy
Mrs. Wlnslow's SOUTHING SVKUP for chil
dren teething, softens the imiiiih, redact IiiiIh
inuttoit, Hlluyn pulii mirchcoUe. IMw Ale bottle
The meaning of an onluram is con
cealed by the brilliant eilect it pro
Sale Ten Million Boxes a Year. M
-l1UA Tllr r A I HIP B-AB.nn fclV4
25c, 50c."
Too much of the in Ilk of human
kindness sivors f the pump.
prunes run rkcrriM
f '1 Stoma-ll Trouble. Tnntliln
"J."" . ."("Villi Oil Of
lien, Tootlilng
!nl Dcntiu?
Ilntlinr flrnv
Vurm Thcj it
t reals
Kunolu Olilld-
nil i;olel
In it hi, tn At all III
ruxicutc, ota.
mn'ii lliinc,
Hunmli. ITIM'tr 1 .1.4.' .
A. S. 0 -1VJSTED. Lo Itoy. N Y.
lodkiig fur a Home ?
i lien wny nut iirrp in iriv inn
I'ai-t tliut tli iirnitnu IniiiU of
am Hiilllcli t to Buppoi t (i population of
60,ioo,i0o ivo ' TliKlmiiiltnntlnn for
tlio paxt ul y ea Imn been phenomenal.
FKEE flomostoad Lands'
oaslly nco ilUf, whll6tliurlaiidinny
tiu purrliu il f urn Ullay ami
Compaiiloi The Krnlit and Krftzlnif
ImhIh of 1 't-m 'uti'lu mo th
bunt on t: coiiUnent, producing tlia
bo Kt grab nml vattlo (fud ou KOui
aluno) reai ' ror limrL-ut.
Mni'Uc . Nnliool. ll.nllviiy
unit all tliitr oi,inHtloti iiiiikn
Wi'iii'rn Caiitiiln mi cuituble
not for lhenttlut'.
Wrlto t thfl Bi'iirniKTSSiiic Itrnu
flllATlON, J.tUWIl. ('llllltilll, fllf II UMCripl
tlviiAlbiH ciilotlipr Iriforniiillnii; crt
tliiiiiuthoi '."il Omnium (iur'mriit Agt
W. V llKiinott, m Now 1 ulcLlfo llldt . timi.liu, KeU.
I L. 1
ink rniiiiM a rnvuiiuu MbUIUINE A bU
THR T3 rHT r?i o- m