VOLUME XLV11L L- NEMAHA, NEB11ASKA, FRIDAY, APRIL 8, 1904 DUMBER 42 jfifjfafjfjfjfjfsfX-sfJfJfJfJfJfJfH-JfJfJfsfJf 4 J i Milliner v i )f)f44fH'tfHi: . I Wo haye and will carry a full line of Millinery. If any lady wants anything special in this line we will make it the way they want it. Give us a trial. I Fine Shoes Will receive in a few days a fine line of Shoes for gen tlemen, ladiei and children. You aro invited to call in and see our stock whether you want to buy or not. Cents' Dress Shirts We have just received the best line of Gent's Dress Shirts we ever carried. Come in and see them. Ladies Waistings A nice line in latest spring styles. J. H. VAXTDERSLXCE Local ISTews And it didn't rain on Easter. J. B. Hoover is sodding his yard. See M T Hill for Ore insurance. There are no vacant houses in Nem aha. Q. F. Larimore has moved to Hum" boldt. The Titus Nursery is now rushed with orders. George Yackly is plowing un the pasture northeast of town. In Brewnville the license question curried by a small majority. Elmer E. Allen has had a picket fence built in front of his home. Incubator and brooder for sale. Inquire of A L P Thompson. A tine line of silverware suitable for wedding presents at Koeling's. Horses for sale or trade for cattle. A. L. P. Thompson. For sale About 400 bushels of oats F L Woodward F. G. Hawxby of Auburn spent Sunday with his pareuts.near Nemaha. Miss Helen Hoover went to Auburn Saturday to spend Easter with friends, Frank Titus commenced the work of assessing Nemaha precinct on Monday. J. H. Vanclerslice has built a good sidewalk on the north of hie store room. Walter Farris has moved to Brown vllle precinct and is working for Dr. McComas. Elias Adams, who has been living at Alliance for some time, has moved back to Nemaha. F. W. Wilkonlng went to Nebraska City Saturday and from there to Elm wood, returning Wednesday. Miss Elizabeth nawxby came down from Lincoln Thursday last nnd visits ed her parents until Monday. 5 i Mrs. Frank Flack of Auburn came in to Nemaha Saturday, to visit reias tives, returning Monday. Mrs. Rachel Smith of Auburn vis lted her sister, Mrs. Dan Maxwell from Thursday until Monday. Miss Mabel Bennett of Auburn was the guest of Miss Adah Lambert from Friday until Wedneeday. Mrs. Alice A. Minick of Peru was the guest of Mrs. Wm. H. Heover from Thuriday until Saturday. We are havinir frequent spring show ers too many to suit the farmers, who are behind with their work. Tho Nemaha gold diggers order the Advertiser sent te them, so they will net forget all about their old home. Misses Blanch and Edna Lytle came down from Peru Saturday and spent Sanday and Monday with Nemaaa friends. Miss Hazel Parker came in from Auburn last Saturday and visited her coueln. Miss Tuesday. Nellie Sunders, until Claude and Charley Scott, who have been working at IIardy,Nebr., for sev eral weeks returned to Nemaha a few days ago. Walter Hadlock and Judge Stull will put in brick sidewalks en the north of block 40 as Boon as they can got the brick. Jehu It. Bussell is very sick with pneumoaia. The members of the W, O. W. are assisting the famlly"in tak ing care of him. Dri J. L. Melvin of Guthrie, Okla., arrived in Nemaha Wednesday on a short visit te friends. Ho left Thurss day for his home. Robt. Bucher's little child fell on the sidewalk in front of the opera house a few days ago, and knocked out two or thieo teeth und badly bruised its mouth. Do you make garden? If you do buy yonr seed from the Old Reliable seed house cheaper than you can buy elsewhere in Nemaha county . P. Kekrer. It's MeatSmokingTime Wo have 5 Lee's Extract Smoke 2 It's the best and lowest in price Very respectfully, 7VY. X. HILL John P. Flnck hud a good eldowalk laid north of his home the Orat of the week. It iiddB much to the looks of tho place. E. J. Maxwell expects to plant two acres of potatoes this year, and J, D Drumm will put in four acres on Ed'B farm on the shares. Sbubert elected the nntislicence tick et Tuesday. Tho threo hold-over members aro license, but it Ib thought there wiil be no saloon thorn this year. Dr. Hutchison, optician, will be at Nemaha again on Tuesday, April 10. Call and have your eyes carefully treated for glasses. Examination free. Joo Bunger 1b putting in partitians in the north room, of the Edwards & Bradford building, and will put in wiudowB and (It it up for living rooms L. P. Deweese, who has been work ing at Nebraska City, returned to Nemaha Wednesday. He will remain on his farm northeast of Nemaha this summer. The electors in Auburn voted direct on the license question this year, aud license won by 03 majority. South Auburn will bo cursed with saloons for another year. J. R. Hoover has voted in Nemahn for the last 40 yearain fact ho has never voted Any whore else, as be cast his Qrst vote here: We believe be has veted more years in this county than any other man. We were misinformed about Mr. Camblin'a assuming tho management of tho lumber yard as he will not take charge until after the stock is invoios ed, probably next week. POTATOES Early Ohio, Rural New Yorker and White Ohio, sorted at 81.00 per bu. Small potatoes, good size to plant in 5 bu, lots at 00c por bu. 0 Barred Plymouth Rock CockerelB, $1 each. Joe Titus. Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Titus drove down from Syracuse Wednesday, arn riving hero about 0 o'clock. They will visit until the Qrst of next week. AK bert 1b well pleased wijh his now locai tion. H. Donny, who moved here from Iowa week before laat, likes Nemaha d mMI Mint Innk 1 A 1. A ... MU . T TT "uu iaii wuu& uo uuuuii j. 11. Bunger's property. Mr. Hunger says V. .. v. 1 1 , , , . . uh u iiu intention ui isuving nere dug will build u larger house as soon aB he can got time. Just About Bodtime take a Little Early Itlserit will cure constipation, biliousness and livor troubles. DeWitt's Little Early Risers are different from other pills. Thoy do not gripo and break down tho muc us membrane of the stomach, liver and bowels, but cure by gently arous ing the secrotlons and giving strength to these organs. Sold by W. W. Keels ing. MRS. THEO. HILL HAS JUST RECEIVED A PINE LINE OF NEW CALL AND SEE HER t V. W, Sanders is still n notary pub lie, although luo impressien seems to havo gottou out that ho no longer holds that ofllce. Nemaha now haa two notaries V. W. Sanders and E. Allen. II. Denny and Joo Hunger swapped places Tuesday, Mr. Denny moving lu the property he recently bought of Mr Bungor, and the latter moving In tho room under tho opera house where Mr, Denny has boon living. TV in. ti. aiaxwillanu uls two sons Alva and Ned, J. II. Llttrell, Olaronco Aynes and Dolbert Webb started for Mystic, So. Dafc., Tuesday. They go to; iiaslat in developing the Auburn Gold Mining Go.'s property. Wo hope they will strike it rich and come buck loads ed with gold. A surpriso party in honor of Eddie Yackloy was given at the homo of Mr. and Mrs, George Yackley Wednesday night. The young folks present en joyed themselves until a late hour. It waB a total surprise on Eddie, Who had gone to a neighbor's and was sent for when tho guests arrived. The Easter services by tho Motho diet Sunday school Sunday night wore floe. Most of tho exercises wore by the smaller children. Ali taking part did well. The house was crowded, a great many having to stand. Mrs! Elmer E. Allen aud Miss Lulu Cooper deserve much credit for the training given the children. Mrs. John TituB of Iowa, Kansas, iB vlsltlne friends in friends in Nemaha and vicinity. Dan Maxwoll weut over to Stolla on Sunday and brought her ovor, as she had bean visiting relas tives there. After visiting hore.a few doys she will return to Stolla and from to Idaho where her children aro living and whore sho name, expects to mako her Dr. Keeling was feeling a groat deal better Monday and came up town In tha afternoon. The noxt day ho was at the store most of the time, but that night was fooling much worso and Wednesday bo was not ablo to sit up. He says ho Is going to Btay in now un til the woathor is sottlod and ho gets to feeling allright, which we hope will be soon. Call in and see ub it snbscribe for any paper the United States. you want to published in I Tako tho wagonetto when in Auil burn if you want to go to any part of tho city. John McEllmney prop. A Lesson in Health Healthy kidneys Alter tho impurities from tho blood, and unless they do this good health is impossible. Fos ley's Kidney Curo raakestsound kids noys und will positively curo all forma 1 n( kidnev and bladdar difloaae. It Ltrnn,ltfln- th . . flVHtflm.M a J I ttmi Catarrh of tho Stomah, When the stomach is overloaded; when food iB taken into it Unit fails to digest, it decays and inflames the mui coub membrane, exposing tho nerves, and causes the glands to secrete mucin Instead ot the natural juices of digest ion. ThiB is called catarrh of the stomach, caused by indigestion. Doo- tors and medicines failed to benefit me until I used Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. J. R.Rhoa.Coppoll, ex. Sold by W W. Keeling. Foley's Honoy nnd Tar is peculiarly adapted for asthma, bronchitis and hoarseness. M T Hill. STULL & HAWXBY ATTORNEYS LAW, REAL KSTATK, COIiliEOTIONH OtTloci ovor roHlotlloo Hulldiujr, nt Frank Meal's olil otaml, AUIIUniV, ... NBBKASICA r. . W. Keeling) Noninha, Nebraska. Offioo in Kooling drug Rtoro. DR., a. M. ANDREWS Medical and Surgical Diseases of Women Stella - Nebraska C. O. SNOW Auctioneer Fifteon years exporlenco. Terms and dates at Tho Advertiser ofllce. PETER KEllKEll.' Ioalorln ' IMIIE.A.'I'S MicrhoBt market prico paid for Hides, Lard, Tallow, etc, KNAPP & SON Proprietors of tho Livery & Feed Stable NEMAHA,NEBR. Good Dray in COnnootlOll with LiVQty Satisfaction guaranteed, JYemaha. JVebr. JiJS'M IlJEJPJiMJH S Jill Worlc Guaranteed See JHe for Prices T- 333. Orother -In the- PARIS BUILDING SllO Repairing tra-HY, "nprmirintf ouaiiiug t Hand Mailo Harnoss a Specialty WESLEY H. CLARK Dealor.lu Windmills and Pumps, Tanks,y?ipes, etc. ALL WORK GUARANTEED 'Phono calls answered promptly, '.'bono No20 NEuIAHA, NElill, A.