Iflebftika VOLUME XLV11L NEMAHA, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, MARCH 25, 1A04 NUMBER ji MRS. TIIEO. HILL HAS JUST RECEIVED A FINE LINE OF NEW k - Grand. Millinery Opening1 OF J. H. VANDEE.SLICE SATURDAY, MARCH 26 Up-to- date line to suit all. $sure and come and bring your friends. Doia't Foroet tlie Date! Will have other bargains on competent lady to wait on you "JLocal ISTews Spring rains. Bad roads again. See M T Hill for lire inaurance. Miss Iva Catlin returned from Monday. Peru Louie Kerker Wednesday. visited Auburn J. I). Ralney of Auburn spent Suns day in Nemaha. E. J Maxwell went io Lincoln Mon day, returning Tuesday. W. W. Seid went to Omaha and Council Bluffs Thursday. S. II. Avey & Co. sell the Famous Miller organB best made. Call and seo us for reduced rates on magazines and newspapers. Mrs. Bessie Roberts started for IIaz ard, Nebr., Friday morning. Incubator and brooder for Inquire of A L P Thompson. sale. A line line of silverware suitable for wedding presents at Keeling's. For Sale A piano, only been used short time. Inquire at this office, Walter Curttright started for Syra cuse Wednesday, driving through. Horses for sale or trade for cattle. A. L. P. Thompson. For sale About -100 bushels of oats F L Woodwahd Jud Wright, representing the Lins coin Star, was in Nemaha Wednesday The best place to buy a piano or or inn is of S. H. Avey & Co , Auburn J1 or bal9 A tresn cow, tnree years old a good one, Inquire of E. L Paris. Mrs. S C Curaunngs nas had a new sidewalk laid iu front of the Par hotel. Mrs, Jimmy .Jones or ueutora pres !nct viBited Nemaha friends last i Can suit young and old. Be that date. There will be Wra. Daniels camo in from Auburn Wednesday to viait his grandson, John McQechle. Mr. Bullis of Humboldt has been visiting his uncle, David Frazier, for several days. S. II. Avey & Co. sell the "Hamili ton Watched" the most accurate time keepers made. It. E. Bucher has Bold his toam and will move to town, having rented the Galbraith house. Uituort & Meuanuless nave nau a new root nut on the nortli part ot their store room. Mrs. Alice A. Mintck nas uad a good sidpwalk laid on the east Bide of ier residence property. You can have all your jewelry clean ed and polished free of charge by culln mg on S. H. Avey & Co., Auburn. lolin W MimcK and wile are re joicing over tho birth of a fine daughs ter who arrived one day last week. For sale One hundred tons of baled hay, at 87.50 per ton at Nemaha. F. L. Woodward. Elijah Stanley, who haB been draw lng a pension of SO per month, has had the same increased to $8 per mouth. Sheridan coal for sale In largo or small quantities, Clean as wood. J. II Vandicksuoe. Hogs for Sale Several brood sows. Inquire at this oilice. Mrs. Frank West of Bracken returns ed homo Monday forenoon after two or three days' visit with Mrs. W. W, Seid. Some horBe traders, with two wag ons, camped in the nortneast part of town two or three days the first of the week. W, F. Sanders went to Peru Satur day afternoon to attend the cantata of "King Rene's Daughter," returning Monday forenoon. Foley's H-moy and Tar contains no opiates and can safely bo given to children M. T.. Hill .v . . . . c . lt's MeatSmokingTime We have Lee's Extract Smoke it s ino Dosi) ana iowosu in prico Very respectfully, 7V. X. HILL Ml88 Vera Mintck came in from Bracken Friday and was tho guest of her aunt, Misa Florence Minick, until Monday. John R.Russell went to Sidney, In. last Saturday to spend a week with friends, but took nick bo was obliged to come home Tuesday. Mrs. J. 13. Hoover, who has been visiting at Brownvil le, came home homo Saturday. Hon daughter, Mrs. D. Rainoy, came with her. Tho Christian Sunday school will give a bean sociablo Saturday night of next week at Leo Luwhon's pump shop. Everybody is invited. Seed oats for sale on my farm, two miles northwest of Nomaha. First como first served W. G. Maxwkll, Mr. nnd Mrs. F. L. Woodward went to St. Joe Saturday to vlBit their son, (J. M. Wood ward. iratiK roi turned Monday but Mrs. Woodward will remain a fow days longor. W. W. Sanders wont to Lincoln Monday afternoon to attend the Con gressional convention, to which ho was a delegate. D. II. Clark wont up Tuesduy morning, over tho M. P. Do you make garden? If you do buy your seed from tho Old Reliablo seed house cheaper than you can buy elsewhere in Nomaha county. P. Kkukkk. Tho Methodist ladies' aid society met with Mrs. George Yackly Wedneas day. There was a largo attendance and those present say they accomplish ed much work. Of course they did not do much talking. Married At the residence of John B. MoElhaney, Auburn, Nebraska, on Monday evening, March 21, 1001, by the Rev. W. DiiTenpach, Mr. Henry O Schmidt to Miss Anna B. Elliott, both of Lincoln, Nebraska. POTATOES Early Ohio, Rural New Yorker and White Ohio, sorted at 81.00 per bu. Small potatoes, pood size to plant in & bu. lots at 00c per hu. 0 Bared Plymouth Rock Cookrel, $1. each . Joe Titus. Another car load of Hour from the Aurora mills just unloaded at the Paris building the flour that ploases everybody iu quality and price. Bran, shorts, chop feed, Graham and corn meal alwnys on hand. Crother, the harness man, will wait on you. E. L. Paris, Just About Bedtime take a Little Early Kiser it will cure constipation, biliousness and liver troubles. DoWitt's Ljttle Early Risers nro different from other pills. They do not gripo and break down tho muc us membrane of tho stomach, liver nnd bowels, but cure by gently arous ing the secretions and giving strength to these organs. Sold by W. W. Keels CALL AND 5 MUSIOAL I Mlaa Mayo Galthor. naslstod by part I of her class, will give a recital at tho Christian church Saturday evening of Iu iimn 1r fW I a it 1 1 1 n 1 rnlt tA I t VlllO M UUIli XIIIO IT HI UMUUU 1 J till a line entertainment. Admission: Childron, 10c; Adults, 20o. A percent of tho receipts will bo glyen to tho Christian church. Mr. Hayoa, representing the High land Park collego of Los Moines, Iowa, was in Nomaha Thursday in the inters ost of that institution Ho secured several pupils for tho horns study de partment. At tho republican primary held In Nomaha precinct Friday of last wook tho following delagates wero elected : W. W. Sanders. F. L. Woodward, D. W. Maxwell, J. M. Clark, G. N. Titus, S. C; Lawrence and W. S. Rub sell. Chas. W. Burns has routed land noiir Syracuse and has bought a toam, wags on, harness and farm implements and will go on his farm as soon as tho roads are fit for driving over. Tho land ho has routed is part of tho tract leased by A. R. Titus. A caucus was held in the bank Mou day ovening and a villago ticket was nominated as follows: For trustees, two years torm EN merE. Allen, W. II. Barker. For trustees, one year term F. L. Woodward, I. N. Cooper, Mr and Mrs II II Denny and doughs tor, Mias Florence, of Runnels. Iowa. arrived In Nemaha Wednesday. They expect to .remain hero this summer, Mid may become permanent residents if thoy like tho town. Mrs. Denny is a srster of Mrs.T. J. Rumhangli. Tho infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Will S. Russeli, living near Btacken, got hold of a can containing some coal oil and drank some Wednesday noon. Tho littlo.fellow showed the symptoms of being poisoned and Dr. Keeling was sent for. By giving emetics the child was soon relieved. The baby is about 20 months old. Notice of Village Election Notice is hereby given that on Tues day, April r, 1001, an election will be hold in tho villago of Nemaha City, Nebraska, for the purposo of electing two trustees for two yoars and two trustees for ono year, to fill vacancy The polls will bo opened at 0 o'clock a. m . and remain open until 7 o'clock p. m. J. I Dkksslkk, Ch'n, Fuank Titus, Villagh Clerk. A"Los8on in Health Healthy kidneys filter tho impurities from tho blood, and unless they do this good health is impossible. Fos ley's Kidney Cure makes .sound kids neys and will positively euro ull forms of kidney and bladder disoaso, It stronghtous tho wholo system. M Hill. Oatarrh of tho Stomah, When tho stomach is overloaded when food is taken into it that fails to digest, it decavs and inflames tho mus cous membrane, exposing tho nerves and causes the glands to secrete mucin Instead ot the natural juices of digest ion. ThiB is called catarrh of the stomach, caused by indigestion, Doc tors and medicines failed to benefit mo until I uaed Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. J. R. Rhoa.Coppell, T ox. Sold by W SEE IIEIt Foloy'H Honoy nnd Tar is peculiarly adapted for asthma, bronchltia and hoarseness. M T Ilill. STULL & HAWXBY ATTORNEYS I, AW, ItKAIi K8TATM, COriliKCTIONS Oillcen over PoHtonion llullriltiR-, nt ITiiult Neiil's old Htfuul, AUIIUKN, - - NKIIKA8ICA r. (Jg. W. Keeling, Noiunhn, Nobrnskn. Offico iu Kooling drug store DRGr. M. ANDREWS Medical and Surgical Diseases of Women Stella - - - Nobrnska C. O. SNOW Auctioneer Fifteen years oxporlenco. Terms nnd dates nt Tho Advortiaor oilice. PETER KERKER. Doalor lu Highest market prico paid for Hides, Lard, Tallow, oto, KNAPP & SON l'ropriotorsof tho Livery & Feed Stable NBMAHA.INBBR. Gcod Dray in connection with Livory Satisfaction guaranteed. IjEE Jl. JLJlWMiOJY JYcmaha, JYebr. Jill Work Guaranteed See Jfic for Prices T. IS. Ofotlxei -in tho- PARIS BUILDING Shoe Repairing Harness Repairing Hand Mado Harness a Specialty WESLEY H. CLARK Dculor.ln Windmills and Pumps, Tanks, Pipes, etc. ALL WORK GUARANTEES 'Phone calls answered promptly. 'Phone No20 . ' , IEMAHA, NEBR;.' i ii i .'f. Friday and Saturday. ing.. W. Keeling.