The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, March 18, 1904, Image 2

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W. W. 3ANDEHS, Publisher
A mnn'B grcnlncHH Is neon lu his re
cognition of goodncflfl.
Tlio cotton crop Id rtufo now. Con
grew given $2150.000 to fight the boll
rt somaUinofl JinjiiKins thnt the par
fKn who gota a $10 mnrriuge fee pro lit a
by tho tnlatfllotf of o1her.
Mr. Wm'h ndmirora fa America lire
glad to hoo Uint oven lu China It In
hard to kedp a good maa down.
Tho RuuAlanB aro carnivorous: the
JnfHi aro vogotarianp. Thnt arue.s
badly for tha fatter In a acrnp.
It ban come to pass that imtlotin do
nhuoflt aa much blnjiberlng and hlufl
lug au prueo flghterit boforo getting Into
Before JLtUsla nd Jipaa get through
the dtiliigflo papers will doubtlesn bo
able to arnioimoq sorno big real wtnti
Wf4n a Wosnan attempts to work off.
a torf-'vford compliment on a man hIio
ahVAfB apolla the effoct by niuklng a
serial story of It
Whon young Mr. Iloekcfeller began
witch in Sunday achooi he probably
414 not anticipate that bbi clasw would
otntfriBo ttie whole country.
David IfjapholcpUoakimokewoonnh
boon appointed a pofltmnstor lu
HAWAII. Lot us bopo that Dave's ad
Hdhtatratfoa will bo O. K.
Iu uat Uuit tbeco years only six poo
Ho n A total 9t 82,000,000 traveling Iu
Pullman Jure boon killed. I'erlutps,
after' all, $z for an upper bcrlii N riot
extra vagAiib
Wuglbih women are rapidly breaking
nwny from the habit of kissing one
another. This being leap year, there
la no reason why miuu a foolish habll
should be popular anywhere
The IDmpefOr of Kdrjjn would feel
(HtHler In hlH mind If. bo know that (he
winning eldo would bo willing to keep
Mm on the pay roll after tho war be
tween Unnsla and Japan (h over.
A. Now Vork girl 23 years of age
kna boon arrested for taking other poo
plo'a inoirey with which to Bpe'ulutc
In Wall Btrcot. Tho fact that she has
Veen nrrefctetl indicates that alio got on
the wrong aide of tho markot
A lltorary column In an Bantern pa
per says that out of tho 80,000,000 In
Hie United Stales, 30,000,000 hnve writ
ten books. We aro slowly growing to
a conclusion that any man who writes
u book ought to be kicked. Wo may be
The "original hero" of Amello Klve's
novel, "The Qutck or tho Dead," ex
pired the other day at Richmond. It
will bo news to a large majority of ih
people who read novels now that there
ever was jmcU a story an "The Quick
or tho Dead."
The London Lancet aayu It In not the
nicotine lu tobacco that hurt you, but
Uie poisonous gas called carbon monox
ide In tho miioTio. One ounco of tobac
co gives no losa than one-fifth of a
pint of carbon monoxide gas when
smoked iu tho. form of clgarottos. The
lttrit dude who smoked one in tin ollloo
may havo thrown out a flfth of u pint,
but wo would have sworn thnt It wax
a whole gas main full.
It Is a .strange thing to express the
value of novols in tonus of wood, but
uu English periodical has lately been
etitlnmthuj what It cnlte the "lnu val
ue" of tho uibdqrn novel. Since paper
Is made of cellulouo, aad the chief
source of supply of colluloso Is llin
her, It Is estimated that nlno popular
novols havo swept away 4,000 tree. Ac
cording to this, every popular novelist
ought In duty bound to spend at least
a part of his spare tliuo In planting
Our transatlantic coualna are often
a subject of Jest on the score of their
ohrthes. This la only partly fair, how
ever. The working out of their Ideas Is
frequently defective, but for one guld
ing principle they deserve unlimited
credit; If an Englishman belloves that
a certain style becomes htm personally
it takes a yoke of oxen and a two
Inch chain to drag him away from It.
Within certain well-defined lines Eng
lish dressers will follow each other llko
a ll ick of sheep, but when It comes to
the treatment of their Individual pecul
iarities they have their own ideas, and
they stick to them.
l-'or untold ages tho Japaneso people
have expressed themselves on paper in
' Ideographic" clmractero; that la, lu
dmiucters which stand for words or
M"fts rather than founds, as do tho
alphabets In uso among Western tw
tlonn. Now It In proposed lo abandon
that Byalein for tho MugHali nlphubot
'flic chango would moan the real open
Uig of Japnn to the outHldc world, an
coiiHcqucnt progreHH In Western Ienrn
big. Tho proas of tlie country will hi
enabled to speak more fully and mor
Intolllgcntly to foreigner who hnv
J moatored tho Hpolten litnf and
mnny will mastor It who have hereto
fore been discouraged by the dlmul
Uoh. Manufacturers and IradeiH. too,
' - .it - . II.. Iu It. 1 1 .... I M..J
win nnu uieir paui miiiuihihu, iu
think of the courngo necessary lo mak(
Hiicb n chango! AmerlcatiB mushier
theniBelves u brave people, yet every
proposal to oubfltltuto tho metric ny
lorn for our own antlqunted and Itieon
venlenl weights and measures Is met
with whlncfl or protests.
Attention Is frequently called to the
wldo distribution of tho stock of Amer
ican corporations. A writer In the An
nals of tho American Academy of l'o
lltlcal and Social Science has compiled
tfomo Interesting figure on the subject
of tho ownership of railways. Tho
number of stockholders lu n group of
prominent railway companion varioi
from six thousand to twenty-nine thou
sand for each company, and tho aver
age holding of tho stockholders are
about ten thousand dollars, The num
ber of portions lntorosted lu the pros
purity of tho railways Is greater than
tho number of stockholders. Having
banks, Innuranco companies and other
Institutions hold vast amounts of rail
way bondr, and every depositor In a
savings bank, and avery sharoholdor lu
any company which Invests Iht asseti
In bonds, thus becomes In a limited
way a capitalist. It Is Impossible to
estimate the number of those Indirect)
owners of railroad property, but It In
certainly many millions, and In the
nggrcgato they ace a large fraction of
tho whole population. Tho stock o4f
many of tho Industrial corporation Is
more widely distributed than that of
tho railway companies, and men and
women who have no practical knowl
edge of tho stoel or tho oil business orf
drawing dividends from tho stock of
tho oil and the stool companies. This
used to be a nation of small trades
men and manufacturers, and each mau
was hie own master. It Is fast becom
ing a nation of stockholders, who com
bine to employ as servants the best ex
pert brains of the country to mauago
tho business in which Uioy InveBt their
capital. Hvcn the farmers own stools
In tho creamery or tho grain elevato
or the cotton gin.
in tho last analysis the lesson of the
Iroquois Theater fire In Chicago is
this: Human life In our day Is cheap.
Material things aro more than men.
q.'ho managers of tho Iroquois were not
sinners above all others. A few OhU
cago theaters wore safer than this one.
Many of them woro not. In any of.
these playhouses a panic would likely
have brought on a calamity. Tho proof
Is to be found in tho fact that tho OliU
cago Mayor closed all theaters until
such time oh tho owners should provldd
safety appliances lu ucordunce with
law. And tho situation In Chicago ,1s
the situation in almost every city. Our
clvllizutlon Is above the Aztec in this,
that wc sacrifice human life Incidental
ly and through neglect while the Axi
tecs offered up human beings dcllbci:'
atoly. The loss of human life lu train
wrecks, lu building operations, In Held,
factory and stores Is less spectacular
than the Iroquois holocaust, but. us In
human. Rlood and flesh arc less than
dividends. Take the theater as an il
lustration. The dollar mark is over It
all. Art. Is prostituted to thrift A
pluy is gauged entirely by the box of J
lice receipts. Theoretically the drama
exists for tho entertainment and In
struction of tho people, ll exists lu
fact for Ihe profit of the managers.
What is tho remedy for Ihe man-destroying
commercialism or our modern
life? Public opinion must he revital
ized and the public conscience must
be aroused. The communal sense of
right and wrong must be keener than
It Is. And above all, there must be a
higher regard for humanity, a mora
vital feeling of brotherhood. Lot the
laws punish tho violators to tho limit.
Compel a decent regard for tho public
safety. But. Deeper than law, be
hind the law, below the law, must b
the education of tho public conscience!
No Vowel" Town.
Many ( places have curious uam4
but apparently (here Ls only ono placl
which luus a name without any vowels
That place Is the little hamlet of wU
near Paris. Ws being an uirpronouueil
able name, the inhabitants of tho ham;
let have transformed It lntx "d'U.s,''
but tills change bus uot been snnct
Honed legally, and on all tho ofilciaj
roeorda tQio niamo Ws still appears,
hoiulot has 117 inhabltnnb), audi it!
sole attractions are the Chateau d'Oti
ny, which has been for many years In
tho possession of Edmond About's fam
ily, and the Chateau do Yigny, which
1b ono of tlw best specimens of tho Ito
nntssance stylo of urchltectpre known
So far us Is known, thoro Is onlj
ono person In Europe at present wh(
has a uaiuo without any vowels, an
that Is M. Srb, the mayor of Prague,
StrangerM to the city who find l
uocossary to Interview the mayor tk
care first of all to I urn the pivpor pro
28 Army Generals Send Letters of Endorsement To
The Inventor of the Great Catarrh Remedy, Pe-ru-na
Brigadier-General King of Confederate
Writes: "I unlieItntlngly statu that I
ntn convinced Periuia Is a medicine thnt
will effect nil the cures that is claimed
for Its uh." -J. Floyd King, Washing
ton, D. 0.
General Smalls, Beaufort, S. C.
Writes: "I huve used Peruna for cn
tnrrlinl trouble and find It beneficial nnd
to be nil that It promises, and freely give
it my unqualified recommendation.
Robert SmallK.
General Abbott, of Washington, D. C.
Writes: "I am fully convinced that
your remedy Poruna is an excellout tonic.
Many of my friends hava used it with
the most bentflclal results for coughs,
colds and catarrhal trouble." Ira C.
Abbott, 000 M. St., N. W., Wuine
ton, D. 0.
Captain Yarnell, of Washington, O. C.
Writes: "Tour medicine, Peruua, I be
lieve to be the best medlclno for catarrh
on the market. I have taken only a
small amount, and can soe very bene
ficial results." W. O. Yarnell, 2022 Liu
cola streat, N. E., Washlngtoa, D. a
General McBrlde of U. S. A.,
Writes: "I have no hesitation la rec
ommending Peruna to all persons who
are- afflicted with catarrhal troubles."
J. D. McBrlde, 400 Pennsylvania Ays.,
N. W., Waahlngtoo, D. a
General Longstreet of th Confederate
Writes: "t cam testify to the merits ot
Peruna, both as a toulc aad a catarrh
remedy. Peruna enjoys tho grentest rep
utation as a catarrh remedy of any med
icine yet devised." James LoagstCMt
Gainesville, Ga.
OoHeral Noske of O. V. U.,
Writes: "I commend Poruna to thos
who are troubled with colds producing
catarrh aa a most efflcuclons cure aad aa
a good general tonic." Cfcaa. P. Noske,
MO B. St, N. W., Washington. D. a
Genoral Erwln'a Recommond.
"Many of my friends have used Pe
runa as a dyspepsia remedy with the
moBt bonoflclal results." John B. Er
wln, Washington, D. 0.
Brlg.-Gcneral Schell Benefited.
"Peruna la Indeed a wonderful tonic,
sud for coughs and colds I know of
nothing batter." IT. M. Schell, Wash
ington, D. 0.
General Duffield of tho Union Army,
Writes: "E have used Peruua in my
family nnd have found It a valuable
medicine, and take pleasure in recom
mending it to all who suffer from ca
tarrh of the stomach or who require a
tonic of efficiency." The Culro, Wash
ington, D. C.
Thare IK no better ovldence ov gen
eral depravity than to boo thozo who
Hatter the most auksecd the best.
I find Piso's Cure for Consumption the
beat medicine for croupy children. Mrs.
F. Gallnhnu, 114 Hall street, Parkers
burg, W. Va.. April 10. 180L
Thirteen counties In Kansas u e
without debt.
Tcoainto ami Billion Dollar Grasn.
The two greatest fodder plnntu on
earth, one good for 14 tons hay and th
other 80 tons green fodder per acre.
Grows everywhere, o does Victoria
Unpc, yielding 00,000 lbs. sheep and
swine food per acre.
John A. Snlzcr Seed Co., La Crosse,
Wis., and rcceivo in return their big
catalogue and lots of farm seed samples.
(a n. u.)
Thare is one trait ov tho bumau
karakter.that tho devil himself must
be proud ov, and that I., the more
we bay Injured a man tho more we
bate Mm.
Germany' Japan, Mexico, Great
Britain, Canada, Honduras and
Egypt bavo placed in the Forestry'
llsih and game palace at the world's
Most people are anxious to git the
f uat; news. I want my news about
four days old, then I can think 1
itand sum chance to hoar the truth.
SI 00 Howard, BUOO.
The readers of this paper wlU be plowed to
earn that thare It st least one dreacltxldUiM
that scieuco has bean ablu to cure In all IU
Btaciw. and that U Catarrh. Hall's Catsrrh Cure
ts the only positive cure known to tho inedlcal
fraternity. Catarrh belnp a couktltutloaal dl&
oao. requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's
Catarrh Cure U takes Internally, act In it dlrectlj
on the blood and inucouti surfaced of the sygtem,
hereby dostroylnit tlio foundation of the dis
ease, and kIvuik tho patient strength by bullJlug
up tho constitution and assisting nature In dolny
Its work. Tho proprietors hato so much faith in
Its curutlvo powers that they olTor One Hundred
Dollars for any case that It fullj to ure. atmU
for Hit of testimonials.
Address. F. J. (ill KNKY & CO., Toledo, O.
Bola by DrugKlsUi, 750.
(tail's Family I'llw aro the beat.
Mizcrs are strango krittcrs thry
seem to enjoy only thozo things they
haven't got
Right Along
A good thing Itvcs and
takes on new life, and so
General Butler of South Carolina,
Wrlten: "I can recommend Poruna for
dyspepsia and stomach trouble. I havo
been using your medicine for a short
period and I feel very much relieved.
It ls Indeed a wonderful medlclno be
sides a good tonic." M. C. Butler.
Brigadier-General Klrby,
Writes: "I can recommond Peruna to
all those who are afflicted with cntnrrh."
General D. T. Klrby, Washington,
D. 0.
Qen. Powell, Hecker Post No. 443,
Writes: "After using one bottle of Pe
runn I became convinced of its curative
quulitits, and continued its use to date.
All symptoms of catarrh havo disap
peared, ytt I continue Its moderate use
us a preventive, and an old tnan'a tonic."
W. H. Powell, Belleville, IH.
Qen. Sebrlng of th Confederate Army,
Writs: "I can cheerfully recommend
your valuable remedy Peruna as a very
excellent tonic, and also good for coughs,
colds, catnrrh and general debility. '
W. II. Sebrlng, 133 W. 4th St, Jackson
ville, Via.
Geserai Lumax of Washington, D. C,
Writes: "I can cheerfully recommend
your remedy as a permanent and effec
tive cure for catarrh, colds and to any
one who needs an Invigorating tonic to
build up their system." L. L. Lumax,
1003 10th St., Washington, D. O.
Qen. Payne of Washington, D. C,
Writes: "I Join with my comrndes in
recommending Peruua to my friends ns
an Invigorating tonic to bul'd up the
system.'1 Qen. Eugene B. Payno, 407
4th 8t., N. W.. WiiBhlngton, D. 0.
General Talley of Pa., Vol. U. S. A.,
Writes: "Your Peruua has been used
by me and my friends as a relief for ca
tarrhal troubles with the most beneficial
results. I am so convinced of the eillcacy
of I'erunu that I do not hesitate to give
It my recommendation." Wm. Cooper
Talley, Tl.'I D St., N. E., Washington,
X3 0
When liupudenro deserts a mau It
leaves him nothing on earth to fall
bak upon.
tors. WltitloWs 800THrNQ BY It UP tor chil
dren teethlnir, softens the sums, reduocs lnlla
instlon, allays pain euro colic, i'llco'ifxi bottle
A snalk'B belly and a lying tongue
are tho 2 slippleryest things wo kno
Any person may earn good income in simro
time at home wrltliiB for ut; experience unneoci
tury: lend stamp for partloulaw. Amprloau Art,
Uox 801, llrooklyn, tt. Y.
The most ploazant prospekt from
the top ov a hi mountain Iz to look
Dak and see tbo ragged way wo bar
Mustang Liniment
cures Cuts, a, Bruines.
Seven hundred and sixty-five
cases of the German exhibits have
been received at the world's fair for
installation In seven dlirercnt exhib
it buildings.
aa tUey Immediately rtJIore tlio stomach from
Iolaonoua matter by dlKeitlni; tan food. Sold for
Wo a box. auaranteed.
Bold only by Arthur Dyspepsia Tablet Co..
Conoord, Mich. Largo Mtmplu lOo.
Buy in the Black Hills
Hidden Treasure Quid Mlnlnir i Millluir
South Dakota. U offering It Treasury Stock, a llrnltud
mount, for tuile.
litvfttoin looking for a tiafo placo to put their
uiuiu-j , Yinuiu uo wen 10 uivutiiitrate luu I can fur
ohh the Kvnulno S. T. Corhran vtock.
nigh Clmi BllnliiK Stock,
11 urunuway, xu y'ork
General Blzclow Cured.
Gen. J. G. Blgelow, 151 0. St., N. W
Washington, D. 0.. writes: I
"Peruna has wado me well and it haa
given me more than ordinary strength!
and spirit for work."
Gen. O'Belrne of Washington, D. O., u
Writes: "As many of my friends audjf
acquaintances have successfully used
your Peruna ns a catarrh cure, I foer
that it is an effective remedy, nnd I roc-,
ommeiid it aa such to those suffering
from that dlsonse as a most hopeful'
source of relief." James II. O'Belrne,,
200 Broudway, Washington, D. 0.
Genoral Chase, Ass't AdJ.Gen'I.G.A.R.,'
Writes: "The excellence of Peruna
a cure ot relief for catarrhal disturb
ances Is well established. Many of tayj
friends have been benefited by its use."
ll. jr. unase, Harrison Hr., &aa-
cosua, u. v.
General S. S. Yoder of Ohio,
Writes: "I hsve found Poruna to be a.
wonderful remea. I only used It for
short time and am thoroughly satlsQe
as to us merits." 3. . ouer vraaa
Ington, D. 0.
Genoral O'Connor of U. V. Legfooa,
Writes: "If vou srs sufterlnir from csH
tarrh or physical debility, Immediately,
commence tue use or reruns, it nsjr
been of the croatoat benefit and service
to many of my friends." Dennis
O'Connor, 738 82nd St., N. W., Wash
ingtou, D. 0.
Gen.Wright of the Confederate Army J
Writes: "I take pleasure In recom'
mending Peruna. It is a romnrkabl
medicine and should be used by person
who are in need of a good tonic an4j
by sufferers from catarrh."' Marcus
Wright, 1724 Corcoran St, Washington
D. 0.
Gen. Hawloy of Washington, O. C,
Writes: "I have used Peruna and flnJ
it very beneficial for kidnoy trouble anot
especially good for coughs, colda an
catarrhal troubles." A. F. Hawley.
Gch. Urell of Spanish War Veterans
Writes: "Many of my friends hav
used Peruna with beneficial results a
aa effectlvo remedy for cats-rh." M-i
Emmet Urell. 813 12th St., N. W.,
Washington, D. C.
Other Axwf Generals who praise Pe
runa nret
BrlgadlerQenarat Cook ot Wash
lagton, D. C.
General Sypherot Washington, D. C.
General Middleton, Hancock Regi
ment, U. V. V., Washington, D. C.
It you do not derive prompt and satis
factory results from the use of Peruna
write at once to Dr. Hnrtman, giving a
full statement of your case nnd he will
bo pleased to give you his valuable ad
vice grutis.
Address Dr. nartmiui. President ot
The Hnrtman Sanitnilum, Columbus, O.
The Oat Wonder.
The Editor must tell its readers of this
mnrvol. It originated with the largest
farm seed growers In the world, tho Joht
A. Salzer Seed Co., La Crosse, Wis. Itf,
lias stiff straw, atands up llko a stout?
wall. Is white, heavy, and has long oarar
filled to the tip with fat, plump kernels.
It Is a great stooler, 80 stocks from on
to above address, you will get a sample
of this Oat Wonder, which yielded IS
1003, In 40 States from 250 to 310 but
per acre, together with other farm need,
toguo and farm seed samples. (0. N. U.)
Arid r,aud Made Fruitful.
Those parched, drj, arid plains 01
Montana, Colorado, Arizona. Idaho nnd
other dry lauds respond quickly and give
a bit: yield when planted to Salzer'&
Spelts, Hanna Barley, Macaroni Whoatt
CO Day Earliest Oats, Billion Dollar
Grass and Broinus Inennis. Abovo soeni
to flourish and laugh at droughts and nricl
and this notico to John A. Salzer Seed
Co., La Crosse, Wis., for their big catak
Iogue and farm seed samples. )0. N. U:
Without trials and temstashtins
man would be nothing more than a
Yon can do your dyeing in half an
The best way to manage children
Iz to spank them privately and prase
them publlkly.
r ITO Ponaanaiitly Cured. HofltaornerroasnaMaftat
M I 0 ant day' iwa of Or. Klina'i Great Notts Ho
itorcr. bo ad for KKEK $11.00 trial bottlo anil trraUsa,
I VIC U. U. ICXUUC Ltd., (31 ird au rWladelpUia, tt6
Things that must happen are a
grate deal eazier to git along wtth
than things that may happen.
CURES catarrh of the stomach.
1'oste Good.
IT drums Uta.
N. U. 81 -I
Olai ItsOlsibl
St Jacobs Oil 1
keeps right along curing
Pains and Aches
Pries 2 Sc. nnd 80c.