The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, March 11, 1904, Image 1

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Local News
See M T Hill for Ore insurance.
Preaching at
next Sunday.
the Methodist church
S. H. Avey waa in
days tblt week.
Nemaha several
We are certainly
weather this week.
having March
For 8ale Three young aowi, bred.
Inquire at this office.
Seymonr Howe's house is about
ready for the plasterer..
W. . Motsloger has moved n
county line near 8hubort.
S. H. Avey Co. sell the Famous
Miller organsbest made.
Call and see ub for reduced ratoe on
magazines and newspapers.
A tine line of silverware suitable for
wedding presents at Koeling's.
The NeraabaTelephoneExchange got
out a new directory this week.
For Sale A piano, only been used a
short time. Inquire at this office.
Cba . Stilwell has moved into his
property in the west part of town.
Mrs. Wm, H. Hoover is getting a
big pile of wood and native lumber.
Horses for sale br trade for cattle.
A. L. P. Thompson.
For sale About 400 bushels of oats,
F L Woodward
The best plsce to buy a piano or or
can is of S. H. Aey & Co , Auburn.
Charley Burns went to Syracuse
Tuesday, returning Wednesday evens
For Stile A fresh cow, three years
old a good one.
Inquire of E. L
We bad a
just enough
little snow Thursday
to say that theie was
Three wetka
election day.
trustees V
from next Tuesday is
Who will be our next
For Sale A half jersey cow, coming
three yeiud old, giving milk. Inquire
at this office.
8. H. Avey & Co. sell the "Hamils
ton Watched" tho moat accurate time
keepers made.
A positive guarantee on every
piece or jewelry purchased of S. H.
Ayey & Co., Auburn.
See the fine and complete line
UK. and 18 K. wedding rings at d.
Avey & Co , Auburn.
II .
Miss Florence Minick went to
Bracket) Friday and visited relatives
until Sunday afternoon.
Tiie village trustees have fixed up
the sidewalk leading to the depot and
the one north of the park.
P. G. Swan moved to Nemaha Tues
day. Ho is living in tho small house
east of Dr. Keeling's home.
ill F. banders and Frank Harford
were g ven the third degree in Odd
Fellows' ip laat Saturday night.
Tare the wagonette when in Aus
bin.; if you want to go to any part o
the c t,y. John McElhaney prop.
You can have all your jewelry clean
oil and polished free of charge by calh
in on S. H. Avey & Co., Auburn.
For sale Olc hundred tons of baled
hay, at S7.50 per ton, at Nemaha.
F. L. Woodwaud.
Lao Lawhon and Charley Clark have
.moved in tiie E. E. Ilumbaugh pro
t'ei ty'iii.tho northeast part of town.
Friday of next week tho republican
primaries will beheld. Tho conven
tion will bo held at Auburn tho next
Miss Maud Miller of Brownville Is
working for Walter Hadlock, during
the sickness of Mr. Hadlock and bis
8herm Merritthas moved into the
bouse where Chas. Stilwell has lived
for several vears. on the Hoover land
north of tewn.
The beat place in Auburn tetaktl
your watob fer repairs is S. H. Avey
&Co. Auburn. They are thorough
and careful workmen.
Elmer E. Allen went te Auburn
Tuesday and to Johnson Wednesday .
Mrs. Allen acted as cashier in tho
bunk during Elmer's absence.
hauncey Parker came in from Aus
burn on bis pony Saturday forenoon
and visited his frandmother, Mrs.
Btrgtr, until Sunday afternoon.
Seed oats for sale on my farm, two
miles northwest of Nemaha, First
come first served
W. G. Maxwell,
Mr. and Mrs. John Dorram of Neck,
Mo., arrived in Nemaha Monday, on a
visit to Mrs. Dorram's mother, Mrs.
Letitia Struin, and old friends In this
Jacob Mann, a former resident of
Nemaha but who has been living near
Stella for a number of years, died
Monday. Mr. Mann bad many friends
among the old settlers here.
Mies Dora Morten beads the list of
the contestants in this district for the
Auburn Post's free trip to tho St LouIb I
exposition. Sba leads all the others
in the district by a big majority.
waiter uumriguc nas rented a
farm near Syracuse. It is rumored
that Walt is going to take unto him
self a bettersbalf before ho takes up
his permanent abode on the farm.
August Quiller is building an addl
Hon on the bouse ho recently bought
of A. R. Titu8,making it about twice
the present size. We understand Ans
drew Ay lies will move in as soon as
the changes are made.
W. E. Wheeldon bus moved on bis
farm northwest of town. He has be
gun to sell products already, as be dis
posed of part of bis chickens this week
He expects to show the rest of the
armerB how to raise fruit, corn, bogs,
chickens, etc.
Rev. M.S. Foutch received the sad
news Saturday that bis younger bro
iner naa oeen uauiy injured in a
wreck whloh occurred near Des Moines
Iowa while enroute to Illinois with
car of stook and household goods.
Rev. M. S. Foutch left Saturday evens
ing for Iowa, where the brother died
Monday morning. Tho remains were
taken to Illinois for interment, accoms
panied by Rev. Foutch. We have
been unable to learn the full particu
lars. Brownville Biograpb.
A Lesson in Health
Healthy kidneys filter the impurities
from tho blood, and unless they do
this good health is impossible. Fos
ley's Kidney Cure makes sound kid
neys and will positively cure all forms
of kidney and bladder disease. It
stronghtons the whole system. M
Ran A Ton Penny Nail Through His
While opening a box, J. C. Mount
of Three Mile Bay, N. Y., ran a ten
penny nail through theflrphy part of
his hand. "I thought at once of the
pain nnu soreness tma would cause
me," he says, "and immediately appll
do Chamberlain's Pain Balm and oc
casionallyafterwards, To ray surprise
it removed all pain and soreuess and
tho injured parts were soon healed.
For sale by W. W. Keeling.
It's MeatSmokingTime
Wo hav
Lee's Extract Smoke
It's the best and lowest in pric
Vei'y respectfully,
m. X, HILL
The editor has been suffering from
an attack of grip for two or three
weeks part of the time in bed and
part of tbe.lime just miserable enough
t be around and find fault with oth
era but is now better and hopes to be
himself again soon.
Wo wish to thank the kind friends
and neighbors for thoir assistance and
sympathy at the death and burial of
ourdear and beloved daughter.
Mr and Mrs. L. E. MoNinoh
and Family.
Tho Christian Sunday school wil
give a Sock social at tho Hoover store
building, first door south of Reeling's
drugstore, Saturday evening,March 10
uvorybody le invited to coraa nnu
bring their socks, which will be de
livered trier. Refreshments of and"
wiches, coffee land pickles will bo
serve:!, also icecream and cake.
Frank Titus made application some
ime ago for a position as brakesman
on the B. & M. Thursday "oreuoon
Roadmaster E. Zook of Nebraska City
wai in Nemaba und told Frank be
thought they might uso him at once
and the same afternoon Frank got a
telegram telling him to come at once.
He went up on the afternoon passen
ger and we suppose Is now a brakes
Another car load of flour from the
Aurora mills just unloaded at the
Paris building the flour that i'c es
everybody in quality and price. Bum,
shorts, chop feed, Graham and corn
meal always on hand. Crotber, the
harness man, will wait on you.
E. L. Pakis.
'Will dure Consumption
A A Herren of Fincit, Avk.
writes, "Foley's noney and Tar h tho
best preparation for coughs, colds and
lung trouble. I knowthat it bis cur
ed consumption in the first stsr.e.
M T Hill.
Catarrh of tbo S:oun0h.
When the atomRCli is ove. !o,i?cd;
when food is taken into it that fails to
digest, it decays and Inflames the mus
cous membrane, exposm tue tike,
and causes the glands to seciele uMca
Instead ot the natural juices of d'eal-'
ion. ThiB is called cut?.'ii of ine
Htomach, caused by iiKMe L'ou. Doc
tors and medicines failed to beuetit uie ,
until I used Kodnl Dyspeps'a Cute.
J. R.Rhe,C oppel.Te::. t'o-d by W
W. Keeling
Just About Bedtime
take a Little Early like' '.i, wf! t- e
constipation, blliou-siu's: mi Ivor
troubles. DeWitt's Littlo Early Risers
are different from other piijs. They
do not gripe and break down the inuc
us membrane of the stomach, liver
and bowels, but cure by gently arous
ing the secretions and giV'iijr hliey,h
to these organs. Sold by W. W. Keels
Mrs. Dr. Kay visited AubumThurst
Charley Thompson returnod
Shenandoah, Iewa, Monday.
David Burns wont to Shubert Tues
day evonlug, returning tho next day.
Mrs. Keker of Richardson county
visited her (parents. Mr. aud Mrs.
Wi3t, lust Sunday.
J. B. Hoover has made several
changes in his hsuse that Improves I
the lOOkS Very mUCh.
Sheridan coal for sale ln large or
small quantities, Clean as wood.
J. H Vandkrslice.
Mrs. Lltzle Hackor and two children
ef Heokla, Nebr., arrived in Nemaha
Wednesday en a visit to their mother
and grandmother, Mrs. Lotitla K.
Jaceb Sears, living near Peru, was
in AemauA Tuesday, Mr. boars rev
cently bought some timber land, join1
ing bis farm, of Mrs. E. A. Miulckl
and came down to complete the trans
The Peru Normal building had
narrow escape from burning Tuesday
iqiouuuu. xb is nam vuu uru umigub
from a defective eiectrio wiro in .the
Puilo cs, Ih the third story. By cool
and JJuctlve wetk of studontB and clth
"ena the fire was extinguished. Tho
loss was about 8I0OO, principally from
damago by water.
Olive Canp No. 14, Woodman of
the World, had a supper at the opera
bouse Wednesday night. The members
and their families were present and all
enjoyed themselves until a late hour.
A short program was given, but the
best part of tho entertainment was the
supper provided by the ladies. There
wa an abundance or good things for
at least twice as many as were present.
Tuesday niternoon toe oody or a
new born babe was discovered by the
side of the railroad track between tho
crossing and the IB. fc M. depot at
Auburn, It had evidently been placed
there during the day, as the section
foreman bad been over the traok that
morning and bad seen nothing of it.
We have learned of no clue being
found us to the identity of the party
leaving It there, or to tho mother.
If you wunt Are insurance, either
in old Hue or mutual compauies, call
on W. W. Sanders.
A New Invention
Mlnick'sFieldCorn HuBklng Machine
husks the corn from tbe stalk, leaving I
stalks standing in the field. Exclusive
slate and manufacturer's right for sale
by the inventor and patentee. Corres
nondence solicited. Address
4 4 H. T. MINICK, Nemaha, Neb.
Traveling is Dangerous
Constant motion jars the kidneya
which are kept in place in the body by
delicate attachments. This is the rea
sou that travelers, trainmen, street car
men, teamsters und all who drive very
much, suffer from kidney disease in
some form. Foley's Kidney Cure
strengthens the kidneys and cures oil
forms of kidney and bladder disease
Geo. Ellausan locomotive engineer,
Lima, 0., writes, "Constant vibration
of the engine caused mo a great deal of
trouble with my kidneys, und I got no
relief until I used Foloy's Kidney Cure.
M T Hill.
I was troubled for Boveral yoars with
chronic Indegestipn and nervous debil
ity," writes F G Green, of Lancaster.
N II. "No remedy helped me until I
began caking Electric Bitters, which
did me more good than all tbo medicin
es I ever used. They have also kept
my wife in excellent health for years,
She says Electric Hitters are just splen
did for female troubles; lhat thny are
a grand tonic and Invigorntor for weak
run down women. No other medicine
can take its place in our family." Try
them. Only no c Satisfaction gunri
anteed by Keeling's Drug Sotre.
Woria-Wldo floputatiou
Whlto's Cream Vermifugo has ac
hieved a world wldo reputation as be
ing tho best of worm destroyers, and
for its tonlo Infiuonco on weak aud un
thrifty childron, as it neutralizes the
acidity or sourness of the stomach,
improves the digostionand assimila
tion of food, strengthens the nervous
system and restores them to the heAltk
vigor and olastiolty of spirits natural
to childhood. 2fto at Hill's.
PnWtt tTnnn- anf, m.- ln nflnni,ttr1.
UWnd fnr hrnnnhltU .nri
coarseness. m t mil.
Ofllooi ovor Pofitomoo Building, At
Prank Neat's old stand,
(2)r. . W. Keeling,
Nomahn, Nebraska. t
Offioo in Kooling drug storo."
Medical and SllTttical
Diseases of Women
Stella - Nebraska
0. O. SNOW
Fifteen years oxporlenbo.
Terms and dates at Tho Advertiser
Dealor In
Highest market price paid for Hides,
Lard, Tallow, etc,
Proprietors of tho
Livery & Feed Stable
Qcod Dray in connection with Livery
Satisfaction guaranteed,
JWemaha, JYtbr.
Ml Work Guaranteed
See Jfie for JPriees
T. E. Oi-otliei-
In tho
Shoe Repairing
Harness Repairing
Hand Made Harness a Specialty
Windmills and Pumps,
Tanks, Pipes, etc.
'Phone calls answered promptly.
r o