The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, March 04, 1904, Image 1

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:w 1 i&
Local News
See M T Hill for Are insurance.
Webb bus moved into
Mrs Sherman May haa been sick
several dayB.
Try the Devoe paint. Sold by J. W,
KerriB. Auburn.
For Sale Three youug sowa,
Inquire at tblB office.
Call and see ua for reduced rates on
inagazineB and newspapers.
A line line of silverware Biiltable for
wedding presents at Reeling's.
Mrs. Letitia R. Strain, who has been
very sick, is getting a little better
Horses for aale or trade for cattle.
Wo understand the brother of Rev.
M. S. Foutch, who was injured in a
railroad wreck, baa Blnco died, but wo
have loarnod no particulars of the sad
Cyrus Mlnick will work for his
brotborsinMaw. A. R. THub, near Syra
push this summer. Ho wont thoro
Thursday. I
Ray Anderson haa moved on a farm
two miles northeast of Howe. Fred
Crane has moved on the farm whero
Ray has been living.
Clydo Harford nnd Misses Noran
Burson, Minnie Speece and Blanche
Lytle came down from Peru Thuraday
to spoud a few days at home.
Seed oata for sale on my farm,, two
miles northwest of Nemaha. First
come Qrat served
W. Q. Maxwell.
If the Stationery
You Use
Is from our Store
Your Stationerywill be
All kinds, plain and
N. B. Do not forgot that wo
write Firo and Tornado Insur
ance, both old lino and mutual.
For sale About 400 bushels of oatB,
F L Woodwakd
Preaching at the Christian church
next Sunday at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p.
MIsb Nora Aynea visited friends at
Auburn from Saturday until Tuesday.
For Sala A fresh cow, three years
old a good one. Inquire of E. L.
.Tnhn Beard of Palmer, Nebr.. came
to Nemaha Thursday to aoe Soymour
Walter Hadlock is sick again. lie
hnri nneumonia. but cot so much bet
. i r
ter he was able to bo out, but probably
exposed himself too much and suffered
a relapse.
8herilt Lawrenco drove in from Au
burn Tuesday night and assisted the
members of Hope lodgo No. 20, iu glvs
ncf W. E. Wheeldon the Master Mas
o -
eon's degree.
George Schraelzel of Falls City,
agent for the Canker's Life Insurance
Co. of Lincoln, has been in Nemaha
two or three days, talking insurance
to our pooplo.
P. L.
Woodward is
laid in front
having a new
of the opera
Mtas Dottie Boyd, who haa been in
Omaha for some time, returned home
Nato Sodoraa moved on a farm
northwest, of Browuvillo the first of
the week.
A vnmn and three children were
brought in from Auburn a few day
iigo and placed in the poor house, ner
hiinhand had deserted her and she was
entirely destitute,
A. V. Faraon, Br., came near having
u flrn Tuesdav mornine. lire was
discovered in the roof, hut a bucketfu
or two of water nut it out without
much damage being done
Rov. Foutch of Browuvillo received
n telegram last Saturday Btatlng that a
younger brothor had been dangerously
injured in a rnilroad wreck in Iowa.
Mr. Foutch loft that afternoon for hia
brother's bodsldo. Rov. J.W. Perkins
filled tho pulpit at tho Methodist
church hero Sunday morning. No
sorvices wore hold in tho ovening.
Marrlod At tho Lutheran parsons
age, South Auburn, Nebraska, on
Wednesday nftornoon, March 2, 1004,
by tho Rev. W. Dloffonbach, Mr.
Pleasant M. Swan of Nomaha to MIsb
Maud L. Huaton of South Auburn.
Tho groom is commonly known na
"Dick" Swan. Mr. and Mrs. Swan
have our beat wiahcB and heartiest
Worlcl-Wido .Reputation
White's Cream Vermlfugo haa ac
hieved a world wide reputation aB be
ing tho host of worm deatroyora, and
for ita tonic iniliienco on weak and uu
thrifty ohlldron, as it neutralizes tho
acidity or aournosa of tho stomach,
improvos tho digcstlonand assimila
tion of food, stronghtons the norvous
system nnd restores thorn to tho health
vigor and elasticity of spirits natural
to childhood. 2ftcntiIIU'6.
Foloy'a Honey nnd Tar la peculiarly
adapted for asthma, bronchitis and
loaraonesa. M T Hill.
Very respectfully,
7VV. X. H I
The Granger this week comes out in
smaller sized pages four columns to
the page all homo print John Dun
daa is now responsible for all that goea
in his paper and ia correspondingly
For Sale A half joraey cow, coming
three years old, giving milk. Inquire
at this ofilce.
Misa Pearl Poberta returned home
Wednesday after a few daya visit with
Auburn friends.
W E. Wheeldon was raised to the
sublime degree of a Master Mason by
the members of Hope lodge No. 29,
Tuesday night. After lodgo was dis
missed a supper waB served.
A. R. Titus startod for his now
home near Syracuse Tuesday, with
loaded teams. Mrs. Titus went on the
train Thursday nftornoon. Their
host of friondB wish them abundenco
of prosperity.
Mra. W. W. Rolf of Topeka, Kan.,
who has been visiting relatives in this
vicinity, haa been sick almost over
aince she arrived here.jbutiB now able
to be out. She axpect to return
home Monday.
Parties wishing to buy or rent any
of W. II. Hoover estate will pleaso
call on Mr. F. L. Woodward, as all
usinesa has been placed in hia hands.
MK8. W. II . Hoovek
A. F. Walah came down from Lin
coin Saturday and visited with hia
family until Tuesday.
Dr- Linn, dentist, will be at
hotel Monday, March 7, ready. for
tiling in the dental line.
For aale One hundred tons of baled
hay, at S7.50 per ton, at Nemaha.
F . L. Woodward.
For aale or Exchange Thorough
bred B. B. R. 6. Bantams, cheap.
(make offer). W. W, Liebiiart.
Claud Suovill writes that he ia now
tnauager of tho Edwards & Bradford
Lumber Co's business at Nacora, Neb.
J. II. Bunger, er., who was danger
oiisiy sick, ia now about well again.
For awhile his recovery was despaired
Mr. and Mra. Eli Knapp of Stella
vittitod Eli's parents, Mr. and Mra.
Miles Knapp, Wednesday and Thursi
Dr. D. F. Hutchison, optician, will
In Nemaha again on .Tuesday, March
8. Eyea examined free. Work guur
tin teed.
Mrs. G. W. Wright of Bolvldero,
Nebr., on a vialt to her daughter, MrB.
Wesley H. Clark. She returned home
Fiiday .
The Odd Fellowa had work in the
initiatory.aecund and third degrees last
.Saturday night and were kept until a
iato hour
Oharlfly Thompson, son of David
Thompson, formerly of Nemaha, but
who has lived in Oklahoma for some
time, arrived here last Friday. lie
xpects to remain here.
The freight train going north Thurs
day morning set fire to tho grass north
of the depot and in a few minutea had
burned to the river. A atraw stack
eaat of the track waa burned.
J. M. Workman and family lett on
Thuraday of this week for Champion,
Chaae county, Nebr., where he haa
bought a large farm. May health and
and good fortune attend tbem.
Wednesday was a very warm day
until about 3 o'clock, whon a cold
wind begin to blow, and inaveiy
short time it was uncomfortably cold.
The sudden change was very disagree
Sevmour Howe's condition remains
about tho Bamo except that he is grad
ually growing weaker. He sleeps
most of the time and does not notice
much that la going on. ne la under
tho influence of narcotica all the time
to keep him from Buffering so severely
A Lesson in Health
Healthy kidneys Qlter the impurities
from tho blood, and unless they do
this good health ia impossible. Fos
ley's Kidney Cure makes sound kids
neys and will positively cure all forms
of kidney and bladder disease. It
stronghtons tho whole syatem. M T
Ran A Ton Penny Nail Through His
While opening a box. J. C. Mount
of Three Mile Bay, N. Y., ran a ten
penny nail through the ne9ny part o
hia hand. "I thought at once of the
pain and soreness this would cause
me, lie aaya, "anu immediately appi
do Chamberlain's Pain Bulm and oc
caslonallyafterwarda. To my BurpriBO
It removed all pain nnd sorenesB and
tho injured pnrta were aoon healed.
For sale by W. W. Keeling.
Walt Muxwoll bus found out who
stole hiB meat. It was a meaoloy
aungry dog. Walt is glad is was a dog
and not some man that was that mean,
but would rather have donated tho
meat to feed eome hungry person than
to lose it that way.
ConBlderablo oxcltomont waa created
Wednesday ovonlng during the high
wind, by the cry that Fuller Bums' auiujun,
Iioubo waa on flro. A crowd quickly
it 1 . a
gatuereu on me scone, when it was
found that tho chimmoy was burning
out. The tiro soon died down and tho
peoplo wont home. If a house had
caught fire that night it would not
have lasted long the way tho wind waa
Mrs. Dora Shubert, wife of James
Shubort, died at hor homo in Nomaha
Monday night, Fob. 20, 1004. Tho
funeral services, conducted by Rev
J. W. Supp, wore hold at tho Chriotian
church Wednosday at 10 o'clock a. m
Tho body was buried in tho Nemaha
Tho deceased, formerly Misa Dora
McNinch, haa lived many yenra in
this community. She loaves a buss
band, a bubo only nino days old, pars
onta, brother and many friends to
mourn her depnrture.
All parties owing the Nemaha com
etery'nssociation, either by notea ,for
lota or otherwise, aao horeby notified
to settle with tho treasurer, J.
Dresaler. at once, as tho money 1b
needed for cleaning up the cemotery
and making improvements.
All parties owning lota in tho cem
etery, muat remove all nativo treea on
their lota ut once or tho association
will havo it dono at expense of lot
By order of Association.
Ofllcoi over 1'ontonioo nuUclIng, nt
Fmult NciU'd old Bin ml.
7 . W. Keeling,
Nomnhn, Nebraska.
Offico in Kooling drug Dtoro.
Medical and Surgical
Diseases of Women
Stella - Nobraflka
Dunraven caatlo No. 30, Royal High-
andors, on Monday ovening gavo a
arewell reception to Mr. and Mrs.
A. R. Titus and Mr. aud Mrs Nato
Sedora8, who moved from Nomaha
this week. A flne supper was served
and a good time enjoyed by all present.
A New Invention
Minick'sFioldCorn Husking Maobine
husks the corn from the stalk, leaving
stalks standing in tho field. Exclusive
stato and manufacturer a right for salo
by the inventor nnd patentee. CorreB
pondence solicited. Address
4 II. T. MINICK, Nernaho, Neb,
Will Ouro Consumption
A A Horron of Finch, Ark.
writes, "Foloy'a nonoy and Tar is tho
beat preparation for coughs, colda and
lung trouble. I knowthat it has cur
ed conaumption in tho first stage.
Several people from hero attended
Rank Lytle'a sale last Friday. No
horses woro sold but cattle, nogs and
farming implements went readily.
Mr. Lytle haa rontod 560 acrea of land
three and one half mllea from Broken
Arrow, I. T., 300 acrea being under
cultivation. Cbaa Bright, jr., ia to
havo part of this and Amoa Timers
man ia to go down to aasiat in farming
it. MrB. Lytle will remain Mere a
Bhort time. Prairie Union notea in
the Stella Proaa.
Fifteen yoara oxporlonco.
Torma and dates at The Advertiser
Dealor 1b
HighcHt market prico naid for flidcB.,
Lanh Tallomroto,
Proprietors of tbo
Livery & Feed Stable
Good Dray in connootion with Livery
Satisfaction guaranteed.
JYemaha, JVebr,
Another car load of flour from the
Aurora mills just unloaded at the
Parla building tho flour that pleaaeB
overybody in quality and price. Bran,
aborts, chop feed, Graham and corn
meal always on hand. Crother, tho
harness mun, will wait ou you.
E. L. Paris,
Travoling is Dangerous
Constant motion jars the kidneys
which are kept in place in the body by
delicate attachments. This is tho rea
son that travelers, trainmen, street car
men, teamaterB and all who drive very
much, suffer from kidney diaease in
boino form. Foley'a Kidney Cure
strengthens tho kidneys und cures all
forms of kidney and bladder diaoasel
Geo. Enauaan locomotive, onglneor J
Lima, O., wrltcB, "Constant vibration
of the engine caused mo a great deal of
trouble with my kidneyo, and I got no
relief until I uaod Foloy'a Kidney Cure.
M T Hill.
Jill Work Guaranteed
See Me for Prices
T. E. Orotlxer
-in tho-
Just About Bedtimo
take a Little Early Rlaer it will cure
conatlpatlon, blllousneaa and liver
troublea. DeWitt's Little Early RIsera
are different from other pills. They
do not gripe and breai down the muc
us membrane of the stomach, liver
and bowels, but cure by gently arous
ing tho secretions and giving strength
to these organs. Sold by V. W. Keols
I was troubled for several yoara with
chronic indegestion and nervoua debil
ity," writes F G Green, of Lancaster.
N H. "No remedy helpod mo until I
began taking Electric Bittera, which
did me more good than all the medicin
es I ever UBed. They havo also kept
ray wife in excellent health for yeare,
She Bays Electric Bitters aro juBt Bplen
dld for female troubles; chat thoy are
a grand tonic and lnvlgorator for weak
run down women. No other medicine
can take Ita place In our family." Try
them Only 50 c SatlBfactlou guars
anteed by Keellng'B Drug Sotre.
Shoe Repairing
Harness Repairing
Hand Matte Harness a Specialty
Windmills and Pumps,
Tanks, Pipes, etc.
'Phono calla answered promptly.
Thone Np20