The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, February 26, 1904, Image 8

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    TjieNebraska Jdvertte
XV. AV. Sander AV. I .Sunder
W. VV. Sandehb & Son, I'rop'H.
FRIDAY, F KB. '2(5, 11)04.
If you wun', (Iris ItiHiiruncis, either
hi old lino or mutual coin piuiiea, cull
on W. W, Sundorn.
Talto tho wngoueUo when in Aus
burn If you want to tio to any part of
ttiu city. John MoKl h.inoy prop.
Will l Sanders and Frank Harford
wont to L'orn Saturday afternoon, ats
tended a lecturo that nlglit, and visited
friends until Monday. Thcro souina to
bo groat attractions at Peru for sonio
of our young men.
Goorgo Cornell received a telegram
1 to L'lni a Iny evening Htating that Dr.
A. Opporman had died at his homo at
Cordell, Okla. The reinaiiiu will be
brought to Auburn for burial; the f un
cial will probably be Sunday afters
noon. Dr. Opporman was on.) of the
first settlers of Sheridan. IIo built tho
ilrst drug atore in the town and for
tweuty-ilvegyears was one of our leads
iug physicians. He removed to Oltlas
homa about two ye.irs ago. Post.
WooircrOnu It u nil rod Dollars Howard for
nnycano of Catarrh that cannot uo ouro.l by
UnlTs Catarrh Cure,
F. J. CHENEY A CO., Props., Tolodo, O.
Wo, tho umlornlKiied, have known V. J.
Cheney for tho last lf years, and hollo vo lilm
perfectly honorable In nil biiHlnoHH trausao
lions and financially able to carry out nny
obligations made by thulr linn.
WoHt&'lraax, wholesale dniKKlatt, ToIcdo.O.
WnldltiK, Khman A Marvin, wlinlesalodruu
KtH, Toledo, O.
Hall'H Catarrh Curo In taken Intornally.nct
lug directly upon tho blood and iiiiioouh sur
facosof tho system. Prlco76opor boltlo. Hold
by all driiKKlHtn. TcNtlmonlalH free.
Hall'H Katnlly I'illw a.e tho host.
Major Church Howe, United States
CouhuI to Antwerp, has been ap
pointed a membor of tho building coins
mitteo for the Anglican church
to bo erected In the "Hue Gentry.'1
riio major is also actively engaged in
rganizing the Anglo-Amorcian club.
Friends of tho major will rejoice at
thoovldonco of liis activities along
social and spiritual lines. As a oliureh
builder and promoter he is the origitm
hummer Irom Nemaha. Lincoln
The supremo court has rulod that
freeholders tniuleto-ordor for saloon
license purposes ahull hava no potency
for the object Intended. This decision
is pleasing to that largo class of poople
who like to see tho law observed
spirit as well as In letter. The law
that saloon licenses shall bo granted
only upon tho petlton of a ceitain
number of freeholders evidently cons
tomplated keeping the business under
the control of financially responsible
citizens, but tho methods somotimes
employed have practically nullilled
this provision. Granger.
Old papers for sale at this office.
Ono was pale and sallow and tho
other fresh and rosy. Whence tho
difference? Sho who is blushing with
health uses Dr King's New Life Pills
to maintain it. By geutly arousing the
lazy organs they compel good digestion
and head olt constipation. Try them.
Only 2Go at Keellug'a.
You never heard any ono UBlng Fos
ley's Honey and Tar and not being
satlsllod..-ir Hill.
Mr. II. flagging of Molborne Fla
writes, ,4My Dr. told mo I had con
sumption and nothing could bo done
for me. .1 was given up to die. Tho
offor of a free trial bottle of Dr. King's
New Dlscoverp for Consumption, in
duced mo to try It. Results were start
ling. I am now on the road to recov
ary and owe all to Dr. King's Now
Discovery. It surely saved my life.'
This great cure is guaranteed for al
throat and lung diseases by Keeling
Druggist. Price 50c & $1.00. Tria
bottlos free.
A runaway almost endlsg fatally
started a horrible ulcer on tho leg of J
R Gruer, Frauklin Grove, III. For
four years it dellod all doctors and al
remedies. But Bucklen's Arnica Salvo
had no trouble to oure. Equally good
for burns, bruises, and skin eruptions
and piles. 250 at Keoling's Drug Store
Here are the pointers that should be
born in mind by rural fu delivery
Do not forget that
Every lettor mailed on a route re
quires two cents pastage one cent in
not enough.
Written matter of any kind, wheths
or In sealed or unsealed envelopes
must havu a two-cent stamp
No one has a right to open or even
touch any other mall box than bis
own. Instances have been k no W n
where notes havo boon placed in peo
pie's boxed unstamped Tlih Is
strictly forbidden by law and is sub
ect to a heavy penalty.
You havo no light to place a lector,
stamped or unstamped, in any one's
mail box and are liablo to bo arrested
at any tlmo for doing so.
While you have a right to keep vour
boxes locked if you choose, it is an
unnecessary precaution, and ono that
adds much (rouble to the carrier, more
paiticularly in cold weather.
Patrons should keep well supplied
with stamps the carriers havo them
for sale do not compel tho carrier to
fish around in a box for looso pouuies.
Remember he has a long and tedious
trip and do every thing you can to
help him along. Ex.
Spring Ailments
Thoro is an aching and tired feeling,
tho liver, bowels, and kidneys become
sluggish and inactive, the digestion
Impaired, with little or uo appetite no
ambition for any thine and a feeling
that the wholo body and mind needs
toning up. The trouble is, that dur
ing tho whiter, there has been an over
accumulation of waste matter in the
system. Herbino will remove it, t-e-curo
to tho secretions a right exit, and
give strength in place of weakness.
bOc at Hill's.
Ouros When Dootors Pail
Mrs. Frank Chiasson, Patterson, Ia
writes June 8th, 1001: "I had malaria
fever in a very bad form, was under
treatment by doctors, but as soon as I
stopped taking their medicine the fev
er would return, I tiHed a sample
bottle of Herblne, found it helped me.
Then I ' bought two bottles, which
completely cured me. I feel very
grateful to you for furnishing sucha
splendid medicine, and can honestly
recommend it to those Buffering witi
malaria, as it will surely curo them."
Herblne, SOc bottle at Hill's.
Oatarrh of tho Stoinah,
When tho stomach is overloaded;
when food is taken into it that fails to
digest, it decays and inllames the inns
couh membrane, exposing the nerves,
and causes the glands to secrete mucin
Instead ot the natural juices of digest
ion. This is called catarrh of the
stomach, caused by indigestion. Doc
iors anu medicines laiieu to ueneiit me
until I UBed Kodol Dyspepsia Curo.
J. R.ltiiut, Coppell.Tex. Sold by W
W. Keeling.
Holds Up a Congressman
"At the end ot the campaign,"
writes Champ Clark, Missouri's brilli
ant congressman, "from overwork
nervous tension, loss of sleep and coil'
Btant speaking I had about utterly col1
lapsed, it seomod mat ail ot my
organs weie out of order, but tluee
bottles of Electric Bitters made me all
right, it's the beat nil-round nitidis
oino ever sold over a druggist's counts
er." Over-worked run-down men and
weak, sickly womon gain splendid
vitality from Electrlo Bitters. Try
them. Only GOc. Guaranteed by
Cures Goldsi Prevents Pneumonia
For walo by M. T. Hill.
KODOL digests what you eatt
KODOL c,eanses purifies, strengthens
and sweetens tho stomach.
KODOL curos Indigestion, dyspepsia, and
1 all stomach and bowed troubles.
KODOL accelerates the action of the gas-
trie glands and gives tone to tha
digestive organs.
KODOL re,,oves an overworked stomach
of all nervous strain gives to
the heart a full, free and uatrammcled
action, nourishes the nervous system and
feeds the brain.
KODOL ls ,hc wondcrful remedy that is
- making so many sick people well
and weak people strong by giving to their
bodies all of the nourishment that ls con
tained in the food they eat.
Boltlas only, 41.00 Size holdlne VA times the trial
J she, which sells for SOc.
ttnuti enlf fcy E. C. DtWITT i CO., CUICAOO.
Why tho Twlco-aWook Republic
has Aohlovod Wldo Popularity
Established for nearly a century and
read regularly by more than G0fl,0U0
persons in the west and southwest
the Twlce-a-week Republic of St.
Louis, can justly lay claim to this en
viable distinction, "Favorite home
It is great because it has always aim
ed to inform, instruct und entertain Its
readers on (all mattors of public and
home interest. In 1004 It will be es
pecially interesting and valuable.
Hero are some reasons why you should
subscribe :
This is campaign year, and you will
want to be informed of the movements
of party leaders, reports of the great
national and stato conventions, the
progrees of the campaign, reports of
the election, etc.
You will want to know all about the
World's Fair, to be held in St. Louis
from April :10 to December 1, 1004.
r.. in i... !..... .....i i., .....I I
I uu will lit imuiunLcu in tiuu nuiu
well informed by tho Farm Visitor, a
regular supplement of the paper, proi
pared especially for the farmer and
his family.
You will want to know what the
world Is doing in every field of activity
and through the unsurpassud iiowh
and special sdrvice of the Twice a
week Republic you will not be dls
appointed .
In short sketches, choice bits of lies
tion, articles of interest to women,
children and home, fashion hints and
helpful household suggestions the
Twice-a-woek Republic nssily leads
among tho weeklies of thd great west.
If you want the Twlcesa-week Re-
pubilo sent to your address order it at
once direct from the office at St Louia
Mo., or through the postmaster. It
costs only 81 a year.
For a pleasant physic take Cham
berlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets
Easy to hike. Pleasant in effect.
For sale by W. W. Keeling.
Foley's H-moy and Tar' contains no
opiates and can safely be given to
children M. T. Hill
A Jaunt to Old Mexico
On Feb. 18th the Rtirlington will
uo a personally condtiuted excursion
from Lincoln to Old Mexico and re
turn. This is a rare opportunity to
seb the "Egypt of the Western Hemh
spore" at mluinum cost.
Early intimation of your intention
to accompnny this party is necessary.
For full information write to G. W
Bonnoll, City Passenger Aont, Bur
lington Route, Lincoln, Nebr.
Ho Lonrnod a Croat Trurh.
It is said of John Wesley that lie
once said to Mistress Wesley. "Why
do you tell that child the same thing
over and over again V" "John Wesley,
because once telling is not enough."
It is for the flame reason that you are
told again and again that Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy cuies colds and
grip; that it counteracts any tendency
of these deseasea to result in pneus
monia, and that it is pleasant and safe
to take. For sale by W. W. Keeling
Call in and Heo us il
you want to
published in
subscribe for any paper
the United States.
Dr. Bergin, Pa mi, III. writes :I
havo used Ballards Snow Liniment,
lilwayu recommend it to my friends,
and I am confident that there is uo
better made. It is a daiidy fori
burns. Those who live on farms j
ore especially liable to many accidental
cuts, burns and bruises, which heal '
rapidly when Ballard's Snow Lini
ment is applied. It should always be
kept in the house for oases of emer
gency, 25c. 50, and $1.00 nt Hill's.
I BaaaaW:
trade Marks
Copyrights Ac.
Anyono sending a sKOtcn and description may
quiokir aacortaln our opinion free whether nn
liiTontlon Is probitblr patent nhlo. Communlca.
aent f roo. Old est nponcr for nucuriiiRtiatontii.
tptcial notice, without chargo, hi tun
Scientific American.
A handsomely Illustrated weekly. I.nrccst cir
culation of nnr sclentlUn Journal. Tonus, (3 a
roart four montliB, L Bold by all nnwudealcrs.
Ml)NNSCo.36,Bfoad New York
Urauch Ufflco, C25 V BU Washluutoii, I). C.
, Vatcho3 for !tho Boys
( The Lincoln Daily Star Is making it
possible for any boy in Nebraska tube
the owner of a handsome American
watch. The watches are open faced
stem wind and stem set, and are guars
anteed by the makers to be good time
Many boys throughout the state have
already socuroc one of the watches
and they are invarably well pleaseb.
Fred Robinson, Pekamah, writes us
as follows: "I am vory much pleased
with tho watch I got. It keeps very
good time. Thank you." A M Litis
tier, Iloldredge, writes after getting hit;
watch as follows:
"I think it is a good little watch you
sont me." Wo could tflve tho names
of many more Nebraska boys who
have secured tho watches and are
more than pleased.
Any boy In Nebraska who will wrUo
to us, wo will tell him how he can ob
tain one of these watches We do not
task you to send us money for them
You can do ns well as tho other boys
who have already obtained their
Write us a postal card or a letter
now, asking for particulars.
Address Watch Department, Daily
Star, Uncoln. Neb
Calnod Forty Pounds In Thirty Dnys
For several months our younger
brother hud been troubled with indi
bestion. He tried several remedies
but got no benefit from them. Wo
purchased some of Chamberlain's
Stomach and Liver Tablets and he
commenced taking them. Inside of
thirty days he had gained forty pounds
in flesh. He is now fully recovered.
Wo have a good trade on the Taldots.
IIollov Bros. Merchants, Long
Branch, Mo. For sale by W. W
Chris Miller of Fremont Nebr.
writes - "I suffered from dyspepsia for
more than 10 years. I was under the
care of a number of doctors, made three
trips away, and still uo relief. Kodo
Dyspepsia Cure being recommended to
mo by several who had used it, and as
the last straw, 1 concluded to try it
After the first two or three doses I be
gan to improve and have taken several
bottles and feel like a new man. I
write you this in the Interest of hu
manity, hoping it may fall into the
hands of some sufferer, and my prayer
is that they may sectito l ho same bene
fit that I have." Sold by W. W. Keel
"IflndThodford'a Black-Draught
uoa meaicino ror nror enscaso.
It cured my f on after ho had apent
$100 with doctors. It is all tho med
icine I take." MRS. CAKOLINB
MARTIN, Parkersburgr, W. Va.
I your liver does not act reg
ularly go to your druggist and
secure a package of Thedford'a
Black-Draught and take a doso
tonight. Thia great family
mcdicino frees the constipated
bowels, stirs up tho torpid liver
and causes a healthy secretion
of bile.
Thcdford's Black - Draught
will cleaii80 tho bowels of im
purities and strengthen tho kid
neys. A torpid liver invites
colds, biliousness, chills and
fover and all manner of sick
ness and contagion. "Weak kid
neys result in Bright'a disease
which claims as many victims
as consumption. A 25-ccnt
Eackago of Thcdford's Black
draught should always bo kept
in the house.
"r .used Thedford'a Black
Draucht for llvor and kidnoy com
n1?.,n&?Tnd.f0?nd nothing lo ezcel
blehoad, 111. '
VTM. CAMPBELL, Pres. v, E ALLEN. Vlee-Pres.
JELMEIl E. ALLEN, Cashier.
f) Capital Stock, $5,000
Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable.
Almost everybody who reads the news
papers fs sure to know of the wonderful
cures maaa oy Dr.
Kilmer's Swamp-Root,
tho prcat kidney, liver
IL and bladder remedy.
1. 1 - . i i a
fe il 15 wie t;rcui meal
Iat n I rlnrrmli of f li nln."-
tccnth century; -4g-covered
after years of
scientific research by
Dr. Kilmer, the emi
nent kidney and blad
der specialist, and is
wonderfully successful In promptly curing
lame back, kidney, bladder, uric acid trou
bles and Brlght's Disease, which Is the worst
form of kidney trouble.
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root Is not rec
ommended for everything but If you havckld
ney, liver or bladder trouble It will be found
Just the remedy you need. It has been tested
In so many ways, In hospital work, In private
practice, among the helpless too poor to pur
chase relief and has proved so successful in
every case that a special arrangement has
been made by which all readers of this paper
who have not already tried It, may have a
sample bottle sent free by mall, also a book
telling more about Swamp-Root and how to
find out if you have kidney or bladdet trouble.
When writing mention reading this generous
offer In this paper and
send your address to
Dr. Kllmer&Co.,Blng-
hamton, N. Y. The
regular fifty cent and riomo of Bwnmtviux.
nollar sizes are sold by all good druggists.
One Minute cough cure gives relief
in ono minute, because it kills the mi
crobe which tickles the mucous mem
brane, causing the cough, and at tho
same time clears the phlegm draws out
the inilammation and heals and sooth-
e3 mo attecieu parts. Une Minute
cough cure strenghens the lungs, wards
off pneumonia and Is a harmless and
never failing cuth in all curat' le cases
of coughs, colds, and croup. Una Min
ute cough cure is pleasant to take,
harmless and good alike for young and
old.- V. W. KeeliiiK.
To GeoiKO 12. McDuulcl, non-rchldon t de
You are herein- nollfled thut, on n ifiih
(luy of Jtiumr , 1904. Surah J. MclMiilcl filed
ii pi Hi Ion iinltint you, In uiu Ulstrloi Court
ol Neumlia county, Neliruska, llieobjuci and
prayer 01 wnicn u o to oui.nn n divorce Hum
you on iDugiouud thai you have wilfully ,
wantonly and cruelly fitlitd and l el used to
support her and her two rhildiun, the issue
ol Mild mairinuo, and toohtatn tho en e. ed.
ucutlon and cut-tody ol mhl children.
You an'roqulied to answer Mild petition
on or lieloie Monday, the 20th day ol Febru
ary, 10(4. SAICAii i. MulJANItilj.
lly iSTur.i. & HAWxny, her Attorney,
To (JlmrltM A. McLaln, non-resident defend
ant.. You aro heiehy notified that on the 27th
day ol January, 10!) I, AdaM. MoLalu 11 led a
pelt'ion against you In the dlslilct coin t of
Nemaha county. Nebraska, the tbject and
piayer ol which are to obtain a divorce irom
you! on the ground (hat you have wilfully
abandoned the platutllt'iuid ciuelly failed to
support her and her children, wlinoutjust
cause, for more than two .rears lust pant;
and to secure the custody ot her live chil
dren. You are required lo answer said peti
tion on or boloro Monday, the Tin day ot
March, l'JU.
ADA M. McLAIN, I'luintlir.
liy HAW.xnv, her attorneys.
Makes Kidneys and Bladder Right'
Kor gale by M.'l. Hill.
for children t safe, sure. Ifoeplatms
Nemaha, Nebr,
Omh it
St. Joseph
IvuriHitH City
St. Louis und all
PointH ISiiHt und
Salt Lnlco Oity
San ITranoisco
And all XJointH
No. 5)7 PassoiiKor, dully except Sun.,
day, tor Tecumseh, Heatrlce,
Iloldrrge and all points west 9:40 a in
No. 98 Passenuor, dally exceptSun
day, tor Nebraska City. Chicago
aud all points north and east 4iOOp m
No, UO Local freluht, dally except
Sunday, lor Atchison and Inter
mediate stations 7:00 p m
No. 112 Local freluht, dally except
Monday, for Nebraska Chy nnd
intermediate stations 2:00 a in
SleenlllL'. dlnlnu ami rnnllnlm. nbnlr ears
I seats freejon iluouuh trains. Tickets sold
mm iii;kiv(ii uneuiieii 10 any noun in wiu
United States or Canada.
For Information, maps, tlmo tablesjand
tickets call on or write lo V. E. Wheeldon,
auent. or J. Francis. (Jminnil Passenger
Agent, Omaha, Neb.
ii ijt v. i