The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, February 12, 1904, Image 2

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W. W. 8ANDERQ & BON, Pnbllaheri.
1004 1 FEBRUARY 1004
I 2 3 4 5 6
y 8 9 10 n 12 13
14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 2324252627
O C 3
TA If) tall Mm L f
" J III fl'ti IBil" 2'l
liny HIiiihIm St-t to Corn.
Tho hay crop, excepting corn nlone, la
the, greatest in value, (ho gross reali
zation during lant yenr on 01,305,910
tona being ?5n0,:t7G,88O.
No, Indeed.
Ex-Mayor Ames, of Minneapolis, also
gets off. Tho Indictment 1h quashed.
But, fellow-citizens, you muHtn't lose
your respect for "law"; no, Indeed.
Not I'riiutlt'nI.
While it has been demonstrated tbnl
speeds of 100 mllou an hour and more
on steam railroads aro possible, engi
neers say that thoy arc not practical.
Tho Hero of tho Hour.
The man behind tho gun Is all right
In his place, hut tho man of tho hour in
tho man In front of the furnace, shovel
in hand and determination written on
hlB face.
Only for the llcnltliy.
Sneezing has boon said by at least
ono great medical authority to bo evl
denco of robust constitution. In proof
of this ho doclared that tho pcoplo in
fooblo health never do sneeze.
.Hnlnlirlniin Climate.
In tho Island of Luzon there nro
nearly 1,000,000 acres of rolling pine
land, with no underbrush or tropical
vegetation, whore tho climate is liko
that of tho upper Allegheny moun
tains In June.
Jupnn Hold tho Age
Japan's public debt Is $27G,000,000
and that of Russia Is $:$,200,000,000, tho
Becond largest In tho world. Last year
Japan had a surplus of $21,000,000 and
Russia a deficit of $30,000,000. Finan
cially, Japan holds tho ago.
Will Ho 'Home I'otntoeH."
Colorado will exhibit potatoes at tho
world's fair of monstrous proportions.
Tho commission haB r00 tubers that ag
gregate a ton In weight. Tho heaviest
weighs ten pounds and the lightest ono
thrco and one-half pounds.
WvttiCHN from HH Stalen.
- That low-lying territory of the Mis
sissippi should at times bo ovorilowed
is not surprising If ono considers that
the "Father of Waters" draws supplies
from 28 states, draining one-third of
Uio area of the" United States.
(rent V nl ue. of Whiilehone.
Two and a quarter tons of whale
bono have boon sold in Dundee for
$15,000 a ton, and only four tons are
left outstanding in tho world's supply.
There is no "corner" on this pictur
esque commodity. The demand has out
run tho supply so rapidly that In 70
years tho price of whalobono has risen
from 110 cents to nearly $7 a pound.
WimiIiI llooui Pud (li Coimiieree.
War between Japan and Russia will
make commerce boom along tho Paclilc
eoast in far greater mcasuro than the
impulse given trade and shipping by
tho Philippines campaign which poured
millions of dollars Into San Francisco,
and lesser amounts Into other cltlos.
Pugot sound got a largo share, but In
nn oriental war Seattle would got more
In proportion, ns sho is now more fully
represented on tho Pacific.
I.tterntiirc ami Mloo.e."
Five times (is much money In 1903,
It Is estimated, was spent for literature
na for "booze." Under this slang
term for drink Is doubtless included
all kinds of Intoxicants from cider to
absinthe, and under llteraturo every
grado from reprints or ShaUospoaro to
tho latest novel of Mario Corelll. It
would bo amusing, wore It posslblo, to
bco if drink did Hvo times tho harm
How much beer would equal In sodden
consequences tho season's output of lie
lionized history?
' It In, It In Not.
The medical fraternity almost with
out exception maintain that tho use of
tobacco is deleterious to the health In a
greater or less degree. Palpitation of
tho heart, disturbance of tho nervous
system, decllno of physical and mental
vigor,, and resultant death aro frequent
and indisputable evidences of its ovll
effects; whilo on tho other hand many
people addicted to an excessive uso o
tobacco have enjoyed uninterrupted
nnd exuberant health to tho em, and
fually died of old ago.
Business Portion of Baltimore De
stroyed by Terrible Fire.
l"nr 'JH Mourn I'lninr Itntri'd In Npttn of
riromon'n IJfTortd (-'It v Kndiir Martini
l.iiu MO AiTi'Kiir llnlld
lng III Ailie.
Baltimore, Md., Feb. 9. Baltimore in
staggering under lire loss which no ono
has tho temerity to put in figures.
rho important commercial district la
ilackcned ruins, laid bare by a con
flagration which raged without mo
mentary check from 10: 45 n. in. Sun
day until late In tho afternoon yester
day. At three o'clock yesterday aft
ernoon the city officials again
breathed. It was agreed tho llameu
were under control. They had raged
28 hours In spite of almost superhu
man efforts put forth by the best fight
ing forces which more than half a
dozen cities were ablo to mustor. Tho
city Is overcast with gloom. Apparent
ly there Is but one causo for gladncsa
nnd that is that thcro aro no home
less. The residence section of the city
Throughout that terrible contest In
which firemen and fire waged for su
premacy, humanity was handicapped
by a galo which carried burning
brands over the headB of the workers
and beyond tho reach of hundreds of
streams of water poured into tho rag
ing furnaces. But. for tho work of
volunteers in seeking out and extin
guishing these embers It is almost
certain the burned area would have
been twice larger than It 1b. About 75
squares or 140 acres arc In ashos, ex
tending from Lexington street on tho
north to Pratt street on tho south;
from Liberty street on tho west to
Jones' falls on the cast.
Men last night talked in figures that
wore appalling and almost Incompre
hensible In their vnatness. An ex
pert, tho city building inspector, esti
mates tho loss In buildings alone at
$150,000,000. On tho other hand, It la
said that Insurance estimates do not
plnco tho total loss at a greater figure.
Not a slnglo life has been lost and
not a human being has been even dan
gerously injured. The hospital lists
consist of minor bums, with the excep
tion of Jacob Ilglnfrltz, a fireman from
York, Pa. He has a fractured leg and
la badly burned.
There has been no disorder nnd, to
the credit of tho city of Baltlmoro, It
bhould bo said thero has been no loot
ing or attempt at looting. Baltimore
last night was as orderly as a village,
and only tho throb of the laboring fire
engines and the reverberating boom of
dynamite, as it brlngB dangerous walls
to tho ground, disturb Its wonted quiet.
Men who hnve lost all, who wore mer
chant princes Sunday and practically
beggared now, view their great losses
with a calm that is either the apathy
of dazed senses or quiet resignation
to tho Inevitable. This constitutes tho
most remarkable phase of the mcasuro
less calamity that has befallen tho
monumental city.
Tho common remark of citizens is
that Baltimore lias recolvod a blow
from which It cannot recover for years.
Mayor McLane is among those who avo
optimistic and whllo expressing his
sorrow over tho calamity expressed tho
hopeful conviction that this city will
quickly rise liko a Phoenix from Us
It Is anticipated that there may bo
much suffering and destitution follow
ing upon tho heels of tho destructive
visitation and Mayor McLano and other
city officials are already discussing re
lief measures. It Is estimated that as
many as 20,000 persons will bo thrown
out of employment and many of those
and their families will bo without re
sources. .Gov. Warfleld called an oxt.ra ses
sion of tho legislature to empower him
to declare tho city under martial law
and suspend all business for ten days.
Gov. Warfleld declared tho day
a legal holiday. It Is expected
this will bo oxtonded for several
days, or until such tlmo as tho chnotlo
conditions in tho business and financial
districts can bo straightened out. This
proclamation closes all banks and other
financial Institutions uud defers tho
payment or commercial paper. This
action of Gov. Warfleld Suspends the
operation of various business contracts
nnd greatly relieves tho complex con
ditions which confront tho business
and financial Interests.
Two Men Implicated In nn Attempt to
.Snun;i:l (lumn from MInnt'Hntii to limit
Ordered to I'ny syM),OUO.
St. Paul, Minn., Fob. 9. Fines of
$20,000 ouch havo been imposed by tho
district court of Jackson eountv nnnn
William Kerr and Kobort Poolo, who
wore convicted of having been Impll- 1
cated In a wholesale attempt to smug- '
glo game from this stato across "the I
lino Into Iowa. In default of imvmont
of tho fines Kerr has the alternative
of :i00 days In pall and Poolo of 200
days In Jail.
Tho prosecution of Korr and Pool
grow out of tho largos seizure of game
over mode by tho authorities of tho
stato, 2,490 ducks and other, game birds I
being captured.
Till (lorrrnor of Nmv York Ti-IW the Iov
mor of MIotirl WUr Zll:r Wu
N.t (II veil Up.
JofTerson Clty,Mo., Fob. 9. Gov.
Dockery yesterday received from Gov.
Odcll, of New York, the lattcr's reasons
for refusing to honor tho requisition
mndc upon him for tho return to this
state to answer to an Indictment charg
ing bribery, William Zleglcr. the bak
ing powder king. It simply states that
tho fact was neither shown nor proved
that Zlcgler waa In Missouri when tho
alleged bribery was committed. A very
voluminous document, being tho report
of tho New York attorney general to
tho governor of that state, accompanies
the letter. Another effdrt will bo made
to havo Zlcgler brought to Missouri to
answer tp tho Indictment returned
ngnlnat him.
Col. I. IC. Anthony Kch'ciimIh to Mnyor
Hellc'i Add rem h of WVlconm ! II. At
wood nnd I'rof. Curruth HpenU,
Lawronco, Kan., Feb. 9. The meet
ings of tho Stato Editorial association
of Kansas proved very Interesting yes
terday afternoon and last night. Tho
formal wclcomo to the city was made
in an address by Mayor A. L. Sellg.
To this a response was made by Col.
J). It. Anthony, of tho Leavenworth
Times, after which J. II. Atwood, of
Leavenworth, mado an address. Prof.
"IV. II. Carruth, of tho University of
Kansas, spoko on "The University and
the Newapapcra." Music was furnished
by tho Haskoll Indian band. To-day's
sessions will be held at the University
of Knnaas and tho Haskell Indian In
dustrial Institute. The association will
conclude its work this afternoon.
City Almlnlntnitlon of I.nwton, llolmrt
mill Annrdnrlco Want to Uho Lot
Hulo Fund for Improvement.
Lawton, Ok., Feb. 9. Representa
tives of tho city administrations of this
city, Hobart and Anadarko mot In An
ndarko Sunday to discuss ways and
means for getting relief from the In
terior department In tho matter of pub
lic Improvements, to be paid for out
of tho lot salo funds of these cities.
Resolutions wero passed recommend
ing thnt tho mayors of these cities be
sent to Washington to try to get re
lief. Tho city council met In special
session yesterday and agreed to send
Mayor Turner.
Thn Agricultural Depart inofK of tho Mis
souri University Invited to C'o-Opernto
Iti Kxperlmmit.
Columbia, Mo., Febf 9. Tho agricul
tural department of Missouri univer
sity is in receipt of an invitation from
the United States department of agri
culture asking tho co-operation of tho
university In a series of cattle feeding
experiments In which 250 head of high
grado steers will be used. Dr. F. B.
Mumford will superintend tho experi
ments, all of which will bo carried on
at tho Missouri experimental station
10 v I up Herbert In Fearful.
Kansas City, Mo., Feb. 9. Ewlng
Herbert, of Hiawatha, while here on
his way to Lawrence to attend tho
meeting of tho Kansas Stato Editorial
assoclattlon, says that, while E. W.
Hoch'a chances to bo elected governor
of Kansas aro first-class, the republican
party In Kansas Is temporarily In dan
ger. Tho Leland-Balley crowd, Mr.
Herbert says, may hold the "balance
of power" In the election. If tho ma
chlno republicans don't join tho other
sldo, ho believes thoy will try to knife
Hoch and tho result will bo possibly
tho election of a democratic governor.
Woman I'nimenirer IMudo to Walk.
Kansas City, Mo., Feb. 9. The first
movo of tho striking hackmon was to
Btop n cab at Sixth and Bluff streets
and compel a woman passenger from
tho Union depot to alight and continue
her journey on foot. Tho non-union
driver was then made to leave the box,
and having obeyed, ono of the strikers
took charge of tho team and drove
it back to tho stables of the Depot Bag
fjago and Carriage company.
A I.01111 Wonted for 1'ursoiiH AhvIiiiii.
Topoka, Kan., Feb. 9. In order to
completo the now asylum at Parsons
at tho earliest possible moment, the
btato board of charities proposes to
borrow $50,000 and pay It back when
tho appropriation becomes available,
on July 1 next. It Is claimed that the
institutions are so crnmped for room
that the new asylum must bo com
pleted before tho appropriation be
comes available.
MlitHoiirl Democnttte Convention,.
St. Louis, Feb. 9. Tho democratic
etnto committee decided on dates and
places of holding conventions as fol
lows: State convoutlon at Jefferson
City, July 19; delcgato convention ni
Joplin, Juno 29; judicial convention
at St. Joseph, Juno 21.
Will II00111 l'r-inelf.
St. Joseph, Mo., Fob. 9. The D. It.
Francis Democratic club was organized
hero with a largo membership, for the
purposn of booming tho president of
tho St. Louis world's fair for tho dem
ocratic nomination for the presidency.
Six Japanese Transports Unloading
Troops in Korea.
Form of KiimIiiii lleportmi Nrnrtho (Jronl
Willi of Chlmi rrnnro Kxpeot .Inpiin
to lie Defeated -What Will
Undo .Sam Do?
London, Feb. 9. The Chefoo corre
spondent of the Dally Mall cables that
six Japanese transports arc landing
troops at various ports In Korea, from
Masampho and Fusan, on the south of
Kunsan, Mokpho and Chemulpo, on
the west. Seoul Is to be occupied and
the landing is being covered by tor
pedo division. The main body of the
Japanese fleet, the correspondent con
cludes, will sail In the direction of
Port Arthur.
In a dispatch from Tientsin a corre
?pondent there of the Standard says a
Russian forco Is reported at Kalgan,
Pechlll province, 110 miles northwest
af Pekln and near the great wall, and
that preparations are making for the
(light of the Chinese court and tho re
moval of tho Imperial treasure, as it is
feared that Russia will descend upon
The Mukden dispatch repeats the ru
mor that a Japaneso squadron Is off
Wei-Hai-Wei, on the north coast of
the Shan-Tung peninsula with the ob
ect of intercepting the Hussian ships
coming from Europe.
Japan CntH Korean Cable.
Paris, Feb. 9. Tho French foreign
ofllco is advised that the Japanese have
cut tho cable connecting Japan and
Korea. The object of this action Is be
lieved to be to prevent news of the
operations of tho Japanese reaching
the Russians, which was possible no
matter how closely censored the de
spatches sent might bo. Following tho
breaking off of relations between Rus
sia and Japan, the cutting of the cable
Is regarded as significant of the pur
pose of tho Japanese to begin hostili
ties. Ittifltla'fl I'nth llc.iet with Tliornt.
London, Feb. 9. Assuming Russia
Jefeats Japan she will be confronted
with n demand for the acknowledge
ment of Chinese sovereignty In Man
churia from Great Britain nnd the
United States, and that she must either
grant it or fight both countries. An
understanding, the paper adds, lias
been roached in this sense between tho
United States and Great Britain.
Franco Predict Jnpnn'H Dofitnt.
Paris, Feb. 9. Opinion at tho for
ilgn office Is very pessimistic, but a
high official says that French dbplo
aiacy will be equal to the task of striv
ing to effect a reconciliation and "spar
ing Japan tho crushing defeat which
threatens her."
IttiRHln Neuotlatinir for n III? Loan.
London, Feb. 9. "Russia is nego
tiating with a syndicate of French,
Belgian and Dutch bankers," cables
.ho Brussels correspondent of tho
Standard, "for a loan of $200,000,000."
Hussian Trading Vexm-ls Seized?
London, Feb. 9. A special dispatch
from Berlin says that a strong fleet of
Japaneso wnrshlps, reported to bo on
ts way to Chemulpo, Korea, has seized
several Russian trading steamers.
Ilorlln Ileum of Captures.
Berlin, Feb. 9. The conservative
Deutch Tag Zeitung nlllrms upon
diplomatic nuthority that three Rus
sian ships havo been captured by the
With 1.000 Itecnliir Troop the Head of
tho Kegiilitr Army Will Maintain
Order In llaltlmnre.
Washington, Feb. 9. At the urgent
request of Senator Gorman, and upon
tils pledge and that of the governor of
Maryland that the legislature of Mary
land would pass a resolution calling
upon the nationa lgovornment for mil
itary assistance, Lieut. Gen. Chaffee,
commanding the -general staff, sent
telegraph orders to Maj. Gen. Corbin,
commanding the Department of the
East at New York, to proceed forth
with to Baltlmoro and tako military
command of tho situation there.
Nearly 1,000 soldiers havo been ordered
to sorvo under him. It Is explicitly
stated at the war department that the
national troops are to serve as a police
force under ho direction of the mayor
md local authorities.
No Moris Branch Siimmir SrliooM.
Columbia, Mo., Feb. 9. An agree
ment has been entered Into by tho Mis
souri university and tho Missouri nor
mal schools not to hold any branch
schools next summer. Last summer
:hn university maintained schools, with
mr-mbers of the university faculty na
teachers, in Joplin, St. Joseph and
other Missouri towns.
lliildod nn Kinporlii Hold.
Emporia, Kan., Feb. 9. Tho Fifth
Avonuo hotel, ono or the three loading
hotels of this town, was raided by tho
sheriff and a policeman, and about a
tlrnyload of whisky and beer was con
fiscated. litdlof lllll In Cont:r'H.
"Washington, Feb. 0.A bill was in
troduced by Representative Emerich
( (111.) appropriating $1,000,000 for tho
j relief of sufferers from the'Bultlmoru
1 Qro.
Orntltndc Well Exp r caned.
Fault St., Marie, Mich., Feb. 8th. Mr.
C. L. Smith, pniatcr nud decorator, whosi
home is at 309 Anne street, this city,
makes the following statement:
"I wnH laid up with some kind of pain
Some said it was Lumbago, others Sciatica
nnd others again lllicumntisiii. A few 01
my friends suggested that it waa lead
poison, but whatever it was it cava mo a
great deal of pain, in fnct, almost com
plctely crippled inc. I had to uso two
canes to walk nbout and even then it -waa
a very painful task.
"A friend advised me to try Dodd's Kir
nev Pills and I began the treatment. Aftci
I had used the first box 1 was able to
11. ......... . . r 11. ........ ,1 .1.1.1 f.AV.
fiiderably improved. The second bojr
Btruightcncd me up bo that I could .ru
nbout free from pain without any assist'
mice nnd very soon after I was yomplcte
ly cured, well nnd happy, without a pain
or nn nclic. Dodd's Kidney Pills Bcemed
to go right to tho spot in my casc.and
they will always have my greatest praise.'
Carrie "Do you think a woman is jtuti
fied in marrving a man she doesn't know?"
Aunt nnc "She certainly wouldn't hn
justified in marrying a man she did know."
Boston Transcript.
Tcoiiliitc nud Billion Dollnr Graaa.
The two greatest fodder plants on earth. .
one good for 14 tons hay and the other 85-'
tons green fodder per acre. Grows every
where, so docs Victoria Rape, yicldinc;
(30,000 lbs. sheep and swine food per aero..
K. L.
John A. Salzcr Seed Co., LaCrosse, Wit-,
nnd receive in return their big catalog ana
lots of farm seed samples.
"I nm doing my best to convince Gcorgv
that I am economical." "What have yo
done?" "1 hnfc worn the same dreus
twice." New Yorker.
Mardl Grn, rebrnnry fO-10.
Rates via Mobile and Ohio Railroad, t.
New Orleans and return, Mobile and return.
Low rates from all points. For all partic
ulars write Jno. M. Beall, M. & O. R. 1L,
St. Louis, Mo.
"Have any trouble with your pipes freez
ing?" "o; they freeze all right; the
trouble comes after they thaw out."
Cincinnati Times-Star.
To responsible men, wc will give terri
tory covering two counties, furnish all:
kuuuo i 11 uuu 1, unarm;, l'uJ CAjJcniics.
You must have a good team and wagon.
It is a good nnd permanent business. Ad
dress, Iowa Medicine Co., .Manufacturers
of Dr. Machin's Famous K K K Remedies,
Keokuk, Iowa.
To pay compliments is much easier than,
to pay debts. Chicago Baily News.
Stop the CoiiKh
and works oft" the cold. Laxative Bromo
Quinine Tablets. Price 25 cents
Waste no time skinning flints or split
ting hairs. Farm Journal,
Piso's Cure for Consumption is an infalli
ble medicine for coughs and colds. N. V.
Samuel, Ocean Grove, N. J., Feb. 17, 1900.
Hypocrisy is theneccssary burden of t3
lainy. Johnson.
Dyeing is as easy as washing when Put
nam Fadeless Dyes arc used.
Straight running makes better speed
than the swiftest circling. Rani's Horn.
John La Rue, of 115 Paterson.
Ave. , Patcr
son, -N. J.,
says : "I was -troubled
about nine
years, and
what I suf
fered no one-
iw i 1 1 ever
know. I used'
about every
known rcmc
d that is said
to bo good for
kidney com
plaint, but without deriving permanent,
relief. Often when alone in the house
the backache has been so bad that it
brought tears to my eyes. The pain
at times was so intense that I was com
pelled to give up my household duties
and lie down. There were headaches,
dizziness and blood rushing to my head
to cause bleeding at the noso. Tho
first box of Doan's Kidney Pills bene
fited me so much that I continued tho
treatment. The stinging pain in the
small of my back, the rushes of blood,
to the head, and other symptoms dis
appeared. "
Doan's Kidney Pills for sale by al2.
dealers. 50 cents per box. Foster
Milburu Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
Tocethor with an incubator nnd brooder cala
oriio, contatnitiK anions much other valuabln and
lntersti!iK IiiforniDiion a colored pinto, showing
by eighteen views tho development of tho chick
in tho Eholl, free, by sanding to
GEO. K. STAHL, Qulticy, III..
tour cents to pay for postaRe and packing.
A Certain Ouro for I"overlnhni'
( oiiHtipntlor, , 1 1 nn duo It (i, 'Pi.ii1il..n rn.....fIi,
Mother Gray,
Nnrinln (1lni;i.
JliKonlcrH, nnd Pom troy
orniii. Therllrcnlc up Cnlda
in 24 hours. At nil Orusiiits, itfeto.
bamiilo intllnrt HHKH. Aildrru.
A. S. OLMSTED, Lo Roy, N Y.
ron'n llnmii,
SYRUP cures coughs and colds.
2, iSESI
ill m