The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, February 05, 1904, Image 8

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    tun imiuh ixujnajtjiva uaiamrcrn
Tae Nebraska Advertiser
XV. XV. Hmidci V. I SniHlvrn
W. V. Sanhkiih & Son, 1'rop'H.
Fill DAY, FJ5H. ft, 11)01.
A Kehruiiry tliuvv bi'Ouih lo he HOtLiiifr.
The kiouikIIiok oortnluiy miw Ills
shadow Tuoaduy if liu wuh out looking
for It.
If yoil Willi' II 10 itIHUMIIICO, ultlior
in old lino or mutual compiinioH, cull
on W. W. Sundcri).
tin) city.
tlio. Wfii'onotto wluui In Aus
f you want lo no to any part of
Tuenday cvt'iiliiK Kleliard Knnpp,
MIhh Anna Knapp aim Minn Cnrrio
l'.tii'K wcro out fllt'lKhi hMiik. Just
south of town out) fllolgliruniiiT hroko
batches forSthe Boys ("
Tlio Lincoln Daily Mar la mnking it
possible for any boy In Nebrnaka to bo
tlio owner of a handsome American
the proken part i uniting into the snow watch. The watuhes are open faced
Cainod Forty Pounds In Thirty Days j Or.p Minute couch euro (jives relief
For several months our younner in one minute, because It kills the mi
John McKlhauoy prop.
T II. hytlo his boon in Oklahoma
and Indian Territory for Uio past two
weekn, looking over the country to hce
if he can llnd any place ho likes well
enough to make It his home.
The Nemaha A O U W Indira on
Tuesday night installed tlio following
M VV 15111h Young
Foreman J) J3 Workman
Overseer John McOechio
Ilocorder W F Keeling
llecelver Joe JJunger
Financier A 11 McOundless
and turning tlio sleigh upside down.)
Tlio tongue was broken looso and tlio
hoisos ntarted on but tlio driver held
to them. No one was injured , but the
sleighing was spoiled fot tho party
that night.
Monday evening Dunravon castle
No.JJO, lloyal Highlanders, Initiated
live refuyees Mr. and Mrs. Win.
Smiley, Frank Fra.ior, Charley IIowo
and Harry Russell arm oaiioteu on
three moru. After lodge adjourned i
line supper was served in tlio hall
No meeting will be held next Monday
night, as the Masons desire to use the
hall and it was voted not to nave
Highlander IoiIjo that night. At the
meeting one week from next Monday
night it is probable there will bo sev
oral candidates initiated.
The editor said to
'What do you know?"
Dr. Guilder,
His reply wiir:
"Horn Monday morning to Mr. and
Mrs. JiOii Glllisple a girl Tuesday
evening to Mr. and Mrs. Win. Norn
villo a girl, weight 1ft pounds WedneB
day morning to Mr. and Mrs. Eugene
Kerst a girl Wednesday evening to
Mr. and MrB well, I must go to tho
country will llnlali later '
Monday night Frank Dressier and
John Vandoralioe stinted out to Itiil'tia
Rowon s to tlio surprise party given to
Alfred, taking a load of young ladies
in u sleigh. Hoforo they loft town the
neckvoko broke and tiiey had to hunt
another one before tliey 'could go on
Coming la k the tongue cam out of
the sleigh just south of town, and all
parties had to get out and walk tho
rest of tlio way.
J. H. Hoover probably has tho old
est sleigh in the county, if not in the
state. It. was made forty two years
ago. Tho woodwork was made by J.
H. Dye, then a resident of llrownvillu
but wlio now resides at tinn Diego,
California. Jim Gibson, who died a
few years ago, did tlio ironwork. Mr
Hoover bought the sleigh a year or two
after it was made and has used it every
winter for at leaBt forty years. It is
in good repair yet and from all appears
uncos will stand many winter's sleighs
ing. It will probably bo liko the old
"One IIoHBdhaj" that Oliver Wendell
Holmes made illustsious In poetry, and
which all gave way at the same time.
Mr. Hoover has had his his sleighride
tills winter and expects to keep the
sleigh and use it as lone; as bo lives.
He has always taken good enre of it or
it would not have been in such good
lepair now, but has bad a great deal
of uhu of It, as ho did a great deal of
sleighridiug when ho was a young
stem: wind and stem set, and are guars
tintoed by the makers to be good time
Many boys throughout tho state have
already aoouroo one of the watches
and they are invurably wwll pleaseb.
Fred Itoblnson, Tekamah, writes us
as follows: "I am vory much pleased
with tho watch I got. It keeps very
ood time. Thank you." A M Llus
nor, Holdredge, Writes after getting his
watch us follows:
'1 think It is a good little watch you
aontiue." Wo could give tho names
of many more Nebraska boys who
have secured the watches and rro
more than pleased.
Any boy in Nebraska who will write
to us, wo will tell him how lie can ob
tain one of these watches Wo do not
ask you to send us money for them.
You can do as well as tho other boys
who have already obtained their
Write us a postal card or a letter
now, asking for particulars.
Address Watch Department, Dally
Star, Lincoln, Neb
brother had been troubled with Indi
bestion. He tried several remedies
hot trot no benellt from them. Wo
purchased some of Chamberlains
Stomach and Liver Tablets and he
commenced taking them. I initio of
thirty days lie had gained forty pounds
In lledli. Ho Is now fully recovered.
We have a good trade on the Tablets.
Hollev Hros. Merchants, Long
llrancl), Mo. For sale by W. W
crobe which tickles the mucous mem
brane, causing the cough, and at tho
same time clears the phlegm draws out
the Inlliimuiation and heal.s and sooth
ei the affected parts. One Minute
cough curestrenghens the lunge, wards
off pneumonia and is a liai inlefs and
never falling cure in all cuiat le casea
of coughs, colds, and croup. One Min
ute cough cure is pleasant to take,
harmless and good alike for young and
old.-W. W. Keeling. uff
You never heard any one using Fos
loy's Honey and Tar and not being
satlslleJ. -Ml1 IIlll.
A Jaunt to Old Mexico
On Fob. IStii tho liurltngton will
tin a personally conducted excursion
from Lincoln to Old Mexico and re
turn. This is a rare opportunity to
see tlio "Egypt of tho Western Hemii
spore" at tuininuin cost.
Early intimation of your intention
to accompany tills party is necessary .
For full (information write to G. W.
Honnoll, City Fassonger Agent, Bur
lington Route, Lincoln, Nebr.
Chris Miller of Fremont Nebr.
writes - "I suffered from dyspepsia for
more than 10 years. I was under the
euro of a number of doctors, made three
trips away, and still no relief. Kodo
Dyspepsia Cure being recommended to
mo by sevaral who had used It, and as
the last straw, 1 concluded to try It
Alter the first two or three doses I be
gan to Improve and have taken several
bottles and feel liko a now man. 1
write you this In tho interest of hu
manity, hoping It may fall into tho
hands of some sufferer, and my prayer
is tltat they may secure the same bene
fit that 1 have." Sold by W. W. Keel
I bg-
Call in and see us if you want to
snbscribft for any paper published in
the United States.
To George 13, Mt-DuDlcl, non-resident do
Yon uro hereby notified thut on Uto istli
dity or ,!ununr , lOOt, Hunih 1. MoDanlol tiled
u pt-liiloii atfiiinsl you, In ttiu Ulstrlcl Court
of Nemaha county, Nehrnsltn, the object and
prayer ot which in o to obtain a divorce Hum
v on. on the mound that you liuvo wilfully.
wantonly and cruelly fulled and relused to
upport Iter aim nor two niiiuren, me issue
I mild marriage, and to obtain the etiie, ed
ucation and custody ol mid children.
You are root! red to answer Mild petition
on or helore .Monday, the U'.itli day ol Febru
ary, 10(11. HAHAH 1. MuDANIEL.
ny ttrui.i. v iiAWxny, ner Atiorneys.
Wo oiler One Hundred Dollars Rowan; for
nnycanoof Catarrh that cannot no cured by
Hall's Catarrh Cure,
F.J. CHUNKY it CO., PropH., Toledo, O.
Wo, tho undersigned, have- known F. J.
Cheney for the lust 16 years, and believe, htm
perfectly honorable In all business transitu,
tlons and llnanclully able to carry out any
obligations made by their tlrni.
West it lrim.x, wholesulo druggists, Toledo.O.
Walillng, Klnnan it Marvin, wholesale drug
gists, Toledo, U.
Hull's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, act
lug directly upon tho blood anil mucous sur
faces of tho system. PrIcu7Gopor bottle. Hold
by all druggists. Testimonials free.
Hall's Family Pills a.e tho host.
Last Sunday afternoon Mr. and Mrs.
Elmer F. Allen went sleighridiug and
met witli an accident that might
liavo provetl vory serious. As tlioy
were coming down tlio hill near E. L.
Paris's farm the horso slipped and fell
(hit, jerkintr Mr. Allen out at tho
horse's foot. As tho horso struggled in
nettinir up it Btruck Mr. Allen's left
hand, dislocating one linger at tin.-
second joint and bruisim; it. His
kneos wore also wronched badly. Fors
tunately when the horse got up It mado
no attempt to run away. One shall
and tho cross bar weto broken, Mr
and MrH. Allen went in to Mr. Faris's
and not him to bring them homo, and
Dr Gaitlior bandaged tho hand. Mr
Allen Iiub suffered considerably from
tlio effects of tlio accident, lint is vory
thankful It was no worse.
World-Wide deputation
White's Cioain Vermifuge lias ac
hieved a world wido reputation as be
ing the best of worm destroyers, und
for Its tonic Inlluenco on weak and tin
thrifty children, as it neutralizes the
acidity or sourness of the stomach,
improves the diostionand assimila
tion of food. BtrenuhtotiS tho nervous
system and restores thorn to tho health
vigor and elasticity ol spirits natural
to childhood. 2fc at Hill's.
For a pleasant physio take Cham
berlain's Stomach and Liver Pleasant in
by W. W. Keeling.
Easy to
For sale
The St. Deroin literary society
at the school housoTuoaday night.
hTBt tart of the program was a debate
on the subject: "Resolved, That Art is
More Pleasing to tlio Eye than Nature"
This was discussed at length, the judg
es deciding that tho alllrmativo mado
tho bettor showing. There wore a
number of excellent recitations, und a
lino program by tho children. Tlio
society is doing good work, Tho
achoolhouao was crowded Tuesday
Mr. II. llagglng of Melboino, Fla.,
writes, "My Dr. told mo I had
sumption and nothing could bo
forme. I was given up to die.
oiler of a freo trial bottle of Dr. King' a
Now Dlscoverp for Consumption, in
duced mo to try It. Results were start
ling. I am now on the road to rocov
ary and owe all to Dr. King's Now
Discovery. It surely saved my life.''
This great cure is guarauteed for all
throat and lung diseases by Keeling,
Druggist. Price COo & $1.00. Trial
bottles free.
Foloy's llonoy and Tar is peculiarly
adapted for asthma, bronchitis and
hoarseness. M T Hill.
Oatarrb of tlio Stoinah.
When tho stomach is overloaded;
when food is taken into it that fails to
digest, it decays and iullames the mu
cous niombrano, exposing the nerves,
and causes tho glands to secrete mucin
Instead ot the natural juices of digest
ion. This is called catarrh of the
stomach, caused by indigestion. Doc
tors and medicines failed to benellt me
until 1 used Kodol Dyspepsia Cute.
J. II. itlioa, Coppoll, Tex. Sold by W
W. Keeling.
I wiib troubled for several years with
chronic indegestion and nervous debil
ity," writes F G Green, of Lancaster
N II. "No remedy helped me until
began taking Electric Hitters, which
did me more good than all thomedlcin
osleverused. They have also kept
my wife in excellent health for years
She Bays Eloctric Hitters are just apleu
did for female troubles; that thoy ar
a grand tonic and Invigorator for weal
run down women. No other inediciuo
can tako its place in our family." Try
them. Only no c Satisfaction guari
antoed by Keellng's Drug Sotre.
Oures Whon Doctors Fail
Mrs. Frank Chiaason, Patterson, Ia
writes Juno 8th, 1901 : "I had malaria
ovor in ti very bad form, was under
treatment bv doctors, but as soon as I
topped taking their medicine the lev
or would return, i used a Bumpio
bottle of Ilerbino, found it helped mo.
rhen I' bought two bottles, which
completely cured mo. l leei very
grateful to you for furniBhing ancha
Bplendld medicine, and can honestly
ecommond It to thoso suffering with
malaria, as it will surely euro them."
Herblne, ouc bottle at Hill'p.
A runaway almost ending fatally.
started a horrible ulcer on tho leg o.f J
li Grnor, Franklin Grove, III. For
four years it delied all doctors and all
remedies. Hut Bucklen's ArnicaSalvo
had no trouble to cure. Equally good
for burns, bruises, and skin eruptions
and piles. 25o at Keoling's Drug Storo
Holds Up a Congrossman
"At tho oud of tho campaign."
writes Champ Clark, Missouri's brilli
ant congressman, "from overwork
nervous tension, loss of sleep and con
stant speaking I had about utterly col
lapsed. It seemed that all of my
organs wero out of ordor but Uireo
bottles of Eloctric Hitters made mo all
right. It's the best all-round medls
clno ever Bold ovor a druggist's counU
er." Over-worked run-down men and
weak, sickly women gain splendid
vitality from Electric Hitters. Try
them. Only 50c. Guaranteed by
Spring Ailments
Thoro is an aching and tired feeling,
tho liver, bowels, and kidneys become
sluggish and inactive, the digestioi
Impaired, witli little or no appetite no
ambition for anything and a feeling
that tlio wholo body and mind needs
toning up. Tlio troublo is, that dur
ing tho winter, there has been an over
accumulation of waste matter in the
system. Ilerbino will removo it, se
cure to tho secretions a right exit, and
clvo streiiKth in place of weakness.
50c at Hill's.
Ho Loarnocl a Croat Trurh.
It is said of John Wesley that ho
onco said to Mistress Wesley. "Why
do you tell that child the sumo tiling
ovor and ovor again?" "John Wesley,
because onco tolling is not enough."
It is for tlio aamo reason that you aro
told again and again that Chamber
lain's Cotmh Remedy cuiea colds and
grip; that it counteracts any tendency
of theso deseases to result in pneu
monia, and that it is pleasant and sale
to take. For sale by W. W. Keeling.
Dr. Hergin, Pnna, HI. writes :I
have used Mallards Snow Liniment,
always recommend it to my friends,
and I am confident that there is no
bettor mado. It is a dandy for
burns. Thoso who livo on farms
aro especially llablo to many accidental
cuts, burns and bruises, which heal
rapidly when Ballard's Snow Lini
ment is applied, It should always bo
kept In the house for cases of emer
gency. 25c, 50, and Sl.OO at IIlU's.
ft pood uicdiclno for liver disonse.
It cured my fon niter ho had spent
$100 with doctors. It la all tho med
icine I tako." MKS. CAUOLINB
MAItTIN, Parkorsburg, W. Va.
If your liver does not act reg
ularly go to your drurjgist and
secure a packago of Thedford's
Hlack-Draupht and tako a doso
tonight. This great family
medicine frees the constipated
bowels, etirs up tho torpid liver
and causes a healthy secretion
of bile.
Thedford's Black - Draught
will cleanse tho bowels of im
purities and strengthen the kid
neys. A torpid liver invites
colds, biliousness, chills and
fever and all manner of sick
ness and contagion. "Weak kid
neys result in Bright's disease
which claims as many victims
as consumption. A 25-ccnt
Backago of Thedford's Black-
iraugnt should always bo kept
in tho house.
"I UBod Thodford's Black
Draupht for liver and kidney coin-
filaiuts and found nothinc to excol
bloboad, 111.
To Churlea A. McLaln, non-resident defend-
Vnn nrn lirtrehv notified tllllt Oil tllO 27tll
day ol January, li04. AdaM. Mcl.aln tiled a
petition against you In the dlKtrlet couu of
Nemaha county. Nehraslta, the chjeel and
prayer or whlcli are to ooiain a uivuu-u iruju
you on tho mound that you have wlltutly
iilmndoned tlio plain tilt' and eiuelly fiulod to
support her and her children, wltnontjust
ClltlSe, I'll- IllOIO lllllU twu ;n mm Irani,
and to secure tlio custody of her live chil
dren. You are icq ul red lo answer sail peti
tion on or hoforo aionuay, mo im my oi
Match, 19U. ,,r , , , Iir
JIJJ 1. .MUliVin, 1 IIWIlllll,
Hy BTUL.I.A Hawxuy, her attorneys.
1 JOs i
Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable
Almost everybody who reads tho news
oarjers is sure to know of the wonderful
cures made by Dr.
i Kilmer's Swamp-Root,
1 the great kidney, liver
and bladder remedy,
r. It is the great medl-
r 1 1 tvtllmnVl rtf flirt nlna.
f teenth century: dis
covered after years of
scientific research by
Dr. Kilmer, the emi
nent kidney and blad
der specialist, and is
wonderfully successful in promptly curing
lame bad:, kidney, bladder, uric acid trou
bles and Bright's Disease, which is the worst
form of kidney trouble.
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Hoot is not rec
ommended for everything but if you have kid
ney, liver or bladder trouble it will be found
just the remedy you need. It has been tested
!n so many ways, in hospital work, in private
practice, among the helpless too poor to pur
chase relief and has proved so successful in
every case that a special arrangement has
been made by which all readers of this paper
who have not already tried it, may have a
sample bottle sent free by mail, also a book
telling more about Swamp-Root and how to
find out if you have kidney orbladdet trouble.
When writing mention reading this generous
offer in this paper and fvVL
send your address to ri?l!rTp3z'WS!lxK
tops thncotigli and. Hoals lungs
Curos Coldsj Prevents Pneumonia
For sale hy At. T. Hill.
Trade Marks
Copyrights &c.
Anyono Bonding a Bkotch nnd description may
quickly nacortaln our opinion freo whether an
Invontlon Is prolinbly pntentnliln. Communlca.
tlons Btrlctlycontliiontliil. HANDBOOK on t'ntcnta
eoiit freo. Oldeat nuoncy tor Hocurini? patents.
I'atunta taken throuirli Mimn & Co. receive
jifc(al notice, without clinruo, In tho
Scientific American.
A handsomoly lllnstratod weekly. I.nrucst dr.
dilution of any sclontltla Journal. Terms, ?3 a
year; four months, $1. Sold byall nowsdcalcrs.
WDNN&Co.3G,B'oad New York
Uranch onico. C25 F St., WasliliiRton, B. C.
hamton, N. Y. The
regular fifty cent and nomoof Bwnmp-Root.
dollar sizes are sold by all good druggists.
Makes Kidnoys and Bladder Right
For aalohy AI T. Hill.
for cklldraii aafs, cure No oplat
Nemaha, Nebr,
Salt Xjiilce City
Sun UVanciHco
And all 3?ointH
CI liu a ko
St. JoHopli
KnnfitiH City
St. LouiH and all
Point b 32aHt nnd
No. 07 PnssotiKer, dully except Sun
ilay, for Teeuinseh, Heatrlce,
lloldrege anil all points west 0:40 n m
No. 98 Passenger, dully except Sun
day, lor Nehraslta City, Chicago
and all points north and east 4:00p in
No, 110 Local froluht, dally except
Sunday, for AtehlRon and Inter
mediate stations 7:00 p ni
No. 112 Local Irelnht, dally except
Monday, for NehrasUa Cliy and
Intermediate stations 2:00 a m
Sleeping, dining nnd reellnliiK chair cars
seats freo on through trains. Tlokets sold
and haggiiio cheeked to any point In tho
United States or Canada.
For Information, mnps, tltno tahlesjaml
tlekeU call on or write to W. E. Wheehlon,
agent, or J. Francis, Ueneral Passenger
Agent, Omaha, Net).
VM, OAMP11ELL, Pres.
F. E,
ALLEN, Cashier.
ALLEN. VIce-Pres.
Capital Stock, $5,000