The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, February 05, 1904, Image 7

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Edward Stokes Rescued Woman
fromBurning Building in Chicago.
After I.nylnir lilt Unconscious lttinlrn on
tliu Piivcmoiit. Htoltrn SucciiiiiIxmI to
HI Own IujurliN iind Hn 'Will
l'rnbittily Din.
Chicago, Jnn. .'0. Notwithstanding
recent experience with smoke tind
ilame tenants of tho Masonic temple,
v 20-story structure, failed to scare
Viday when a lire broke out in the
Cosmopolitan building adjoining.
Edward Stokes, who assisted in the
rescue of Miss Verba, wan probably fa
tally burned and was taken to the
county hospital. Of tho 115 nconlu on
tho lloor where the flro started 25 were
girls and women. Tho panic started
with tho explosion of tho chemicals
and the excitement wan increased when
Miss Verba ran from tho room with
clothing in flames. Dropping every
thing tho girls mado a rush for tho
door. As ' they nearcd tho center of
the room the foremost of them fell and
tho next moment nearly all of them lay
in a heap on the lloor screaming.
Meanwhile, Mr. Randolph, with Misa
Verba in his arms, had begun to de
scend tho flro escape amidst the cheers
of thousands of people who stood in
the strcot below. At tho fifth floor,
almost overcome by smoke, Randolph
gave his unconscious burden to Ed
ward Stokes, who carried tho girl to
the street. This duty done, Stokes
succumbed to his own injuries and
was taken to the hospital. While tho
rescue was being performed the safety
of t,he other girls was attended to.
Mrs. I.uln l'rluco Knnniiilv-KrjuiH'r Acquit
ted ut ICu iihiis C'lty of I v 1 1 1 1 i i ur Her First;
lltiKlmml Two Ycarrt Ac,
Kansas City, Mo., Jan. .'50. A jury in
llio criminal court returned a verdict
acquitting Mrs. Lulu Princc-Konnedy-Kramer,
on trial a second time for tho
murder of her first husband, Philip II.
Kennedy, contracting agent of the Mer
chants' Dispatch Transportation com
pany. Mi3. Kennedy killed Kennedy about
two years ago in the New Ridge build
ing, a month after they had been mar
ried, because he refused to live with
her. lie had brought suit to have tho
marriage set aside, alleging that he
had been coerced Into it by tho wo
man's father and brother. Mrs. Ken
nedy pleaded emotional insanity and the
verdict of the jury was to tho effect
that she was insane at the time of tho
shooting, but that she has since recov
ered her sanity. At her first trial Mrs.
Kennedy was found guilty and sen
tenced to ten years in tho penitentiary.
While out on bond awaiting action on
her appeal to tho supreme court, she
married John Kramer, a Kansas City
"Will Prince, a brother of Mrs. Ken
nedy, served a two-year sentence for
complicity in Kennedy's murder. An
other brother, Uort, wa3 drowned in
Pugol sound a month ago.
Proftldi'iit ICoooiivelt Vayn Knmiirlcuhlii mid
Atr!cllnimt Trllmti) to IIU i;trlnv
Neurutury of War.
Washington, Jan, 30. President
Roosovelt, Secretary Root and Gov.
Taft were tho principal figures at Fri
day's cabinet meeting. The meeting,
after the transaction of tho usual de
partmental business, developed into a
farewell for Secretary Root and a re
ception for Gov. Taft. President
Hoosevolt spoke with deep feeling of
the retirement of Secretary Root. Ho
wished it understood that, while, in tho
circumstances, he could make no pub
He expression of his feelings without
tho nppoaranco of trenching upon pro
priety, he was sincerely Indebted to
Secretury Root for the great work ho
had accomplished. Especially had all
this been true of the secretary's work
during tho past six months when ho
had expended lavishly of his energy
and ability, without thought or credit
lo himself, but solely with tho idea at
advancing the interests of tho pres
ident, his successor and tho people of
the United States. In tho president's
Iributo to Secretary Root, the other
members of tho cabinet cordially
AiIvociitiiH of Cnml HoimIm.
Ormond, Fin., Jan. 30. Tho opening
session of the National Good Roada
associalion was marhed by a largo at
tendance. Gov. W. S. Jennings, in his
remarks. Indorsed tho Brownlow bill,
which proposes to divide tho expense
of road construction bet-ween tho gov
ernment and tho districts through
which the roads aro built. President
V. H. Mooro, of the National associa
tion, did not favor the bill in its pres
ent shape. He believed that with moro
comprehensive ideas it would bo pos
sible lo secure government aid. Ho
approved tho plan for tho employment
of convicts in road construction.
They IMiiyrd with Mntelien.
St. Louis, Jan. HO. Playing with
matches resulted In tho death of I3aby
Agnes McLaughlin, aged 18 months,
and tho serious burning of her four-vear-old
brother. Edward, yesterday.
France has four classes of roads. They
are, respectively, 50, 40, 33 and 21 feet
Collections or cartoons which have ap
peared in the newspapers are among
tho best selling books in France.
Mile. Dllhan, a member of the bar in
France, has successfully defended a mur
derer in a trial at Toulouse. She con
vinced the jury that her client had been
guilty of assault merely, and the man
escaped with a sentence to a short term
of imprisonment
As a result of the large increase- in
the supplies of oleaginous seeds tho pro
duction of cake in France has augmented
in a similar proportion. During the year
11)02, 148,922 tons of the native product
were exported, against 111,431) tons in
1901, and 98,521 tons in 1900.
It Is understood thnt the number ol
French historical treasures In the Lux
embourg Us to be increased by a set ol
six Lou is XVI. chairs, which are said to
have been made for Marie- Antoinetto
They are upholstered with Gobelin tap
estry, and recently brought 20,000 at
an auction in London.
Tho French minister of war, Gen.
Andre, Is one of the best abused men in
France because of his recently an
nounced purpose to promote equality In
tho ranks of tho army. To further this
object he has recently abolished the cus
tom of "presenting arms" as a mark ol
respect. Ho Is accused of fostering so
cialism in the French ranks and of de
liberately following out n policy of re
ligious and political persecution. He
condemned to two year's hard service
in the ranks GO Polytechnic students
who rebelled against tho severity of nn
examination. Gen. Andre is a great fav
orite with tho common soldier. He be
gan life in tho army as a lieutenant in the
imperial guard.
Every fifth Moro is a slave.
Florida's orange and pineapple crop
Is estimated at $2,500,000.
Tea pills are now sold. They run
,14 to tho ounce and each makes a largo
cup of tea.
A nlaster cost of a gigantic whale
J has been recently made in life size by
tho National museum tor cxmuuton
i at tho St. Louis exposition.
The financial advancement of Cana
da rivals that of the United States. In
18G7 the Dominion banks had less than
$S0,000,000 of assets. They now have
The work done by the vessels of the
United States revenue cutter service
for the last fiscal year was: Lives
saved (actually rescued) from drown
ing, 19; persons on board vessels as
sisted, 799; persons In distress taken
on board and cared for, 31; vessels in
aistres3 assisted, 71; vessels boarded
and papers examined, 21,404; vessels
seized and reported for violation of
law, 230; fines and penalties incurred
ay vessels reported, $34,080; value of
vessels assisted and their caries,
$2,40S,549; net expenditures, $1, 390,000.
Capt. John Anderson, U. S. A., has
been detailed as professor of military
science at tho Massachcsotts Agricul
tural college.
J. II. Worst, president of tho state
agricultural college at Fargo, was re-,
yarded the best man for president of
the North Dakota Teachers' associa
tion and was placed in that office.
Work is to bo begun Immediately on
the orectlon of a large museum in Ot
tawa, to bo called the Victoria Nation
i.l Musuem,
Kansas Olty, Fob.
CATTLE Beef steers ?.. M fr I
Nn live liciter.s
Western steers
51 1 HHP
V 1 110 AT .'o. 2 hard
No. a rod
CO UN-No. '2 mixed
OATS-No. 2 mixed
PLOL'It Ilnrd winter iuit.v.
Soft winter patonts...
IIAY-Tlmothy C 00
Pralrlu ! 00
I HI JT'tTOU Fancy to extra...
CIIEKSK-Full cronm
POTATO KS-TTome Brown ..
CATTLK Boef steers .'5 "5
Texas steors 2 IT)
HOGS Packers ! GO
SIIKKP-Natlvcs !1 "5
WJIKA'J'-No. 2 rod
COUN-No. 2
OATS-No. .2
FLOUn-Urd winter
CATTLE Steers fl 75
UOGS-Mixed and butchers.
WHEAT No. 2 red
CORN No. .2
OATH No. 2
LARD '.May
PORK-May ;
CATTLE Steors ;i 75
hogs r. ir.
WHEAT No. 2 93
cornno. 2
OATS-No. 2
Colds Invariably Result in Catarrh, Which Sets Up a
Host of Distressing Diseases.
PERXTNA Both Protects and Cures a Cold Read Proof.
Miss Rose Gordon, 2.10'J Oakland
av., Oakland Heights, Madison, Wis.,
"A few ycni-N ntco I cutiRltt n nevcre
coltl, -which rtiNiilted in chroitli; liron
cliltiM mill ontnrrh. Our family pli j nI-
0 I ut i prcNcr llx-il mellelinN which bhvc
temporal-' relief only. I licunii tiik-
1 up: I'oriMin and improved lit once.
Tvro lioUleN eured me. I reeomnieiiil
Peru n :i to nil MiiliorerN, mid inn moNt
Krrutcfitl to you for your vnliiulile
medicine." MIm Honu Cordon.
VUNhIiion,l.C, UOO II Hfreet.X. AV.
Dear Dr. Hnrl mini : "I lined to thinlc
that the doetorN knew nil ulioiit our
nolle VJid pains mid were the proper
on ex to consult when .sick, hut since
I have hcen hIcIc iiiynoll' I certiiinly
had urood renvoi! to choline my mind.
During the winter I caught n heavy
cold, which developed Into catarrh of
the bronchial tube and it it Inflamed
condition of (he respiratory organs.
The doetorN were tifruld that pneu
monia would net In and prcHcrlhcd
pills, powders and packs until I sick
ened of the whole thhiK', as I did not
improve. )::c of the Indies In the home
hud ti bottle of I'eriinn and she ud
vlncil me to try thnt. .Shortly after I
hcKtiu n si iik it I felt that I hud found
tlie rlvrht medicine. I used two bottles
' and they restored meoiislly and pleas
antly to perfect health. AVhile my
a t mall romaltnli-r of nbsolutiilv socurod fi ponvnt. llrt uiortKiiKu Kold ''"nil IsmioiI fur de
velopment imno-s by A STIIONQ. CONSEnVATIVB WINNO COMPANY, working
vestment orfdr which makes it OKItTAIN OF YIKIiDINO 100 l'filt CKNT nvoimiil above tin' amount
Invented, In adilllloii to th" roKiilnrlnturofct on tlm li'iiulb. Wrilu foriloUlloil Information about tlui alinvo.
ill!:! IJfPWWWfl
77 7T-4 i N Y CANDY M
n nrt A r A vrnrr. nmV nil hnwnl wTiWftn. nrmnTnllMftfi. hlllnnflnnnn. Imil )im1 l.lnv.1 tr.ln.1 H R
IS 5(' -I n on tho stomach, foul inuth, lioudiif'ho, lnilli;otlon, plinpleg. pnlns nftornatliiB, llvor troubio, H a
"t B enllow comnloxion nnd (llzilnfiBH. Whun your bowoU. ilon't mcivo, rou'ulurly you nro slclc. Con- U R
0 Th 111 I Btlpntlon kills moro pooplothnn nil olo' 'VV.Vi'AW?,".!!'.',''' 01 "ii never km won nnU Btay well U M
"! 'I H until yon put your bowoln richt. Htnrt with UABCAK1.TB topay untlar aliRofuto eunrautoo tn euro B I Mn
70 (if b 1 h or money rofunUod. Samplo unil booklet roo. AaUroas Btorlluc Itomcily Co., Chicago or Wow York. H 1 ub HBBS
1 HmUSHBAShwmHh Tf11 SWhmUliAsTS
iiiiiiiMiiM 1 B 1 L I IBiiiMliKiBWW mi Ucst C ukIi oyrup. Tunes (o(xl. U(c Wm
1 iiBilk4llilHIHILSrl'JlliiHHBII c3 Hold hv drnuulsm. Id
stomach wuk very delicate, Per una did
not nauseate me lit the least J hut Rave
me a kooiI appetite, and I wish to ex
press my nriitltinleto you for restored
health." Miss llosalic Von M men nine
la the Beginning of Most "Winter
Ailments Pe-ru-na Protects
Against and Cures Cold 3.
There is no fact of medical science
bettor established than that a teaspoon
fill of lVriina before, each meal during
tho winter season will absolutely pro
tect a person from catching cold. JNow,
if this is true (and there is no doubt of
it), thousands of lives would hu saved,
and tens of thousands of cases of
chronic catarrh prevented, by this
simple precaution within roach of
every one.
After a cold has-been contracted a
teaspoon fill of Peruna every hour will
shortly euro it, leaving- no trace of it
behind. After chronic catarrh has be
come established, or tho Urst stages of
chronic- bronchitis or consumption have
been reached, it will take much longer
to e licet n cure.
It seems stra n ire that as well known
and well established as these facts are
TILL CIS RED 25 years established.
wesenu vkkk unu postpaid a wpssc ircamcon rues, listuia .inn Disease or tl:3
l.'ectum; also 100 page lllus. treatise on Dlseaics of Women. Of the thousands cured
by our mild metliad, nunc paid a cent liHcured we furnish their names on anptfcallon.
DRS. THORNTON & MINOR. 1031 Oaii St., Kansas City. Mo.
N. E. Corner FOURTH nnd OUVE
any one should neglect to profit by
them, and yet no doubt there arc many
who pay little or no attention to them
and go on catching cold, acquiring
chronic catarrh, bronchitis and con
sumption. Catarrh May Permcato the Wholo
Mrs. Mary W. Sampson, West Dcrry,
Rockingham county, N. II., writes:
"1 had terriblo lioadaehes, both ears
run and I was nervous all tho time, also
had trouble, each month; was deaf in
one ear for thirty years. 1 took six
bottles of Peruna and one of Maualm
and am happy to say that it is the best
medicine that I e ver used, I am not so
nervous, my appetite is good, every
thing 1 eat agrees with me, and I am
feeling better in uTory way. I thinlc
Peruna is a Godsend to women and a
blessing to suIVering humanity."
Mary H. Sampson.
If you do not derive prompt and sat
isfactory results from tlieuse of Peruna
write at once to Dr. llartmau, giving a
full statement of .your case, and he will
be. pleased to give you his valuable
advice gratis.
Address Dr. Iiartmnn, President ol
Tho iiartman Sanitarium, Columbus,
Then viy not kcop In view the
fact that tho fanning lunds of
nroMlinvlrnt fo Mirpoitn pnpiilntloiiof
Mfmfloo or ovi-r I Tim IiiiiiiIu'IhII'iii for
tliupiiktHlx yi'uis IiskIiccm phi'iioiiiennfv
FREE Homestead Lands
Pfinlly nri'CKjillilo, wlillcntlier lftliilcnm;f
tio imrcliHt-cd fi urn llnllnay ninl miI
Oiinpaiitf. 'I'lm t-'iuln and mnzliin
ldticlH or W fktfrn 'iiiiiiiIii niH tin
lfnt 011 tho omitlni'iit. proilui'liiK tin
bout irraln, mill rattlo (fed on kiuhI
ulnnc) icaily fciriiinrkut.
Aliirltiitii. Ncliool. lCnllwiiil
iiiid nil other iiiill(lin inituil
Wenlfrn Cniiiiilii nil fiivliililil
Niot i'nv llio kcttlcr.
Wrltoto tlioRi'i'KiiiNTKwnr.ST Immioda
Hon, OCIuwa, Cnuniln, fot a ilui ci Iptlvj'
Atlax, a 11I otfinr Itirornintlon t or totli
ailthoi tci) Cni'ltn (loirrumrnl irrat
J.S. CCltTFOnn, 12S Hut Mntli Klrfft, h'ani Cllj, 13o.
8end for Booklet telling how to
secure accommodation at
Thonnly Hotel within tho urniinils, Hates'; $Ufl
Kit.'i.f.U Kiiropenut f.l.OU to 17.011 Ainnrluan, which
Include dally iidinlsslon. AddroKH Itooin IIU,
AilmlnlHlratlnn Ilnlldlnu
Wmld'u Kutr (1 rounds.
oAlil I LUUIb
llof ninl IMJS1TIVI5-
i.y 't;nr..s
For froo Miinnlo luiitrchs
'AXAICr.NIM.' Trib
uno bulldlni;, Now York.
"V" 18-pnpoboolcritnB,
0 & h I L' hiiK t jL'ffiri'iiri-a.
t'lTZOUHAXil) Z CO., Itux liL.Waohlncton. 23. O.
PAI imUUIA FARMS. Cntiilomiii sent frro,
UALIr UlirilM u. At. WooitorCo.. Sun l-ruucisio.
liluinu otiitii (hut yon hiiw tho AUvck'tlBC
mcnt In thin mi per.
Looking fora Home?
Id s FairP
ide mm"