4 V VOLUME XLV11L NEMAHA, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, PEBRUARY o, 1904 NUMBER 33 1 Local JSTews Seo M T Hill for lire insurance. MarionSeld went to Dunbar Wednes day, J. II. Linn came down from Lincoln Monday.j Clifford Catlin went to Nebraska City Monday. Try the Devoo paint. Sold by J. W, Kerns, Auburn. , We are certainly having some good winter weather liow. David Frazier, who has been very j eick, is uow much better. Call and see us for reduced rates on magazines and newspapers. "Saved" at Hoover'a opera house Saturday night of this week. M, II.Taylor, postmaster of Shubert, gave us a social call Thursday. T.J. Hall of St Ierolu ia a new subscriber to The Advertiser. A lino line of silvorware suitable for wedding presents at Reeling's. Sheridan coal, clean as wood, for sale by Edwards & Bradford Lumber Co. Henry Lund has moved into his houte south of the MethodiBt church. A. It. Titus went to Dunbar Monday afternoon, returning Wednesday even ing. T. J. Hall of St Deroin visited his daughter, Mrs. W. W. Stokes, WedueB lay. Mrs. C. L Barker has been very sick for several days with congestion of the liver. Glendyn Crother was quite sick last week but was able to go to school again Monday. Miss Fiossie Waterman of Auburn was the guest of her friend Miss May Kerker this week. Those who have sleighs or accoms modating friends have been enjoying sleighin gthis week. Walter S. Maxwell has bought two lots south of his home of Harry Hoov er, paying 670 for them. The editor's office phone is No. 40 and that of his residence is No. l. Call us up if you have any news. Born To Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Farson jr., a fine daughter, on Wednes day evening, Feb. 3, 1004. Miss Doshia Frazier of Ilnmboldt, who has been visiting her nncie, David Frazier, returned home Monday. Good baby buggy for sale. Will take chickens or a pig for it. Mrs. A. N. Sedokas Wood for salo either rick wood or cord wood at my farm or delivered in town. John C. Stokes. AllperBons indebted to me are re quested to call and sottlo at once for I am greatly in need of money. Andkeit Aynes. Mrs. David Frazier returned homo Sunday morning after a visit with her son, Dr. W. W. Frazier, of Goodman, Mo. Elmer E. Hill, who has been living here for two or three months, shipped his household goods to Boone, Iowa, Thursday. Miss Reka Fulker, living near St. Derion, has been very sick and for awhile her recovery was doubtful, but she is now better. Cyrus Minirk wont to Brackon Tuesday to look after the tho B.& M. station while C. T. Miuick was haviag a roundiup with the dentist. ' Horses for salo or trade for cnttlo. ' A. L. P. Thompson. Judge Broady came down from Lincoln Wednesday, returning Thurs day. Prank Shubert and family started for Sapulpa, Indian Territory, Thura day. J. M. Workman went to Imperial, Nebr., Tuesday, to be gone about a weok. Mrs. N. B. Catlin wont to Johnson Thursday to visit her brother, D. D. Adams. Col. Joe Harper, C. II. Henderson and Charley Smiley wero up from Shu, bert Thursday. Mrs. J. E. Crother and Glendyn weut to Brownville Tuesday afternoon returning that evening. John W. Knight came down from Syracuse Friday of Inst week, returning home the that of this week. An extra came down from Nebraska City Thursday morning and took back a lot of cars loaded with grain. Mrs. Geo. R. Lindsey returned to Auburn Monday. Her mother, Mra. J. II. Flack, went home with her. Itev.M. S. Foutch of Biownvllleatul a brother from Sheridan county, Nob., wero Nemaha visitors Thursday evens ing Hany Kimmol, the actor, camo in from Auburn last Saturday and has been busy getting things in shape for tho play "Sayed" to bo given Saturday night. Dr. Randall, surgeon at the old sol dier's home at Grand Island, gave us a pleasant call Thursday afternoon. He went to Shubert on tho 7 o'clock freight. Postofiieo Inspector Sinclair of Nebs raska City was in Nemaha a short time Wednesday forenoon long enough to find that the postoilice finances were nllriglit. N Dr. and Mrs. W. II, Linn of Johnson were in Nem&ha Monday. Tho doctor made his regular visit here to do dental work and brought his wife along for company. Marshall Webb will have a public salo of livestock, farm Implements, etc.. at his farm, four miles southwest of Nemaha, on next.Tuesday, beginning at 10 o'clock . II. M. Tollinger, who has charge of the Edwards & Bradford lumber yards at South Sioux City, Neb , writes that it has buen very cold there. Ho orders The Advertiser sent to him and eonds regards to all friends. Mrs. H. C. Noe of Auburn, who has been visiting her sister, Mr?. T. J, Hall, near St. Deroin. came to Nemaha Wednesday morning and will visit her noice, Mrs. W. W.Stokes, for awhile before returning home. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Shubert of Nemaha were called to St Deroin few days ago as it was thought Mrs. Shubert's sister, Miss Reka Fulker, could not live. Mr. and Mrs Jackson of Dunbar wore also there,Mra. Jack son being another sister. The Odd Fellows hold a long session last Saturday night. They initiated Frank Dressier, W. F. Sanders, Ole Roberts and Frank Hartford, and af tor wards installed officers, besides trans acting other business. The lodge is growing and getting in good material. MYSTERIOUS 0IR0UMSTAN0E Ono was pale and sallow and tho other fresh and rosy. Whence the difference? She who is blushing with health uses Dr King's New Life Pills to maintain it. By gently arousing the lazy organs they compel good digestion and head oil constipation. Try them, Only 25c at Keeling's. VALENTINES This your uro movo beautiful over We have a fine assortment at from one cent to one dollar each See them they are very cheap Very respectfully, m. T. HILL Most of those who intend putting up ce this winter havo their houses filled. The Ico Is now from 15 to IS ihches thick and of splendid quality, and clcau and nice. Misses Nora Burson and Minnie Speece came down from Porn Saturday and visited their parents in Aspinwall irocinct until Monday, when they res turned to their studioc at tho Normal school. MiBS Minnie May wont to Peru Mon day. Tuesday she wont as far as Au burn with Dr. Cap Graves, who started for California. Miss Minnie returned to Nemaha in the afternoon. J. D. Rainey of Brownvillo is opens ing a stock of drugs in South Auburn. south of the court house, Mr. Rainey is a fine druggist and a good business man and will undoubtedly soon do a big business. Mrs. Scott Ilinkle. living about half way between Nemaha and Stella, died last Sunday from consumption. She leaves a husbanb and two small child ren. She was buried at Prairie Union on Tuesday. W. F. Sanders returned Friday arternoon from Wymore, wliero he had been to take the physical examination pleliminary to going into tho B. & M. ofllce here to learn telefraphy. He nasseu the examination aausi factorily and is now a student under W.E. Wheeldon. It is reported that considerable steal ing is being indulged in about St. Deroin. A shert time ago some one stole twentysflve or thirty cans of raspberries, blackberries, cherries, a lot of preserves, some sheets and other articles from T. J. Hull. They were very choice and picked out only be best of the fruit. Anothor car load of flour from tho Aurora mills just unloaded at the Paris building the flour that pleases everybody in quality and price. Bran, shorts, chop feed, Graham and corn meal always on hand. Crother, tho harness man, will wait on you. E. L. Pakis. What is Poley'a Kidney Oure? Answer: It is made from a preserips tiou of a leading Chicago physician, and one of the most eminent in the country. The ingredients are the purest that money can buy, and are scientifically combined to got the best results. M T Hill. Ran A Ton Ponny Nail Through His d. While opening a box, J. C. Mount of Throe Mile Bay, N, Y,,ran a ten penny nail through the floshy part o his hand. "I thought at once of the pain and soreness this would cause mo," he says, "and immediately appli da Chamberlain's Pain Balm and oo caslonaliyafterwards. To my surprise it removed all pain and soreness and the Injured parts wore soon healed. J For sale by W. W. Keeling, SAVED SAVED This lino comedy society drama will bo given by Harry Kimmol, the sterling young actor, assisted by local talont, at Hoover's opera houso on Saturday night of this weok. This is a lino play and will bo well rendered. It is ono of tho best socioty dramas written. Admis sion, 15, 25 and 35 cento. Resorved seat tickets' on salo at Koollng's drug store. Doors open at 7::10: curtain rises ut 8:30. LastBunday afternoon Olo Roberts and Frank Harford wore sleighridlng when one of tho horsos was struck ou tho anklo by tho Bloigh. This started them to running, and they ran from noar tho homo of Frank Titus, In the wost part of town, almost to David Fraztor'a houso before Olo got them Btopped. Ono of tho horse's ankloB was badly bruised. Seymour Howe has bought three lots n block :), across tho street east from Dr. Koeling'a home, and has let tho contract to Joe Bungor for the orectlon of a flvo room nottaco. Work will m commonced at once. As soon as the uonso Is completed Mr. Howe will move to town. Ambrose llawo will run the farm this year. Jiast Monday niirht tho youim folks gnvo Alfred Rowon a surprise prtrty, on tho occasion of his birthdav. Tim event was a total surpriso to Alfred ut was none tho loss heartily enjoyed by him and by all thoso present. And still they come. As I camo up to my friend W. T. Kear's box tho other day I found two rabbits alroady dressod. I didn't do anything but take them along and when served were very line. Routij No. Onis. ESTEAT N0TI0E Camo to my placo Sunday, January 10, 1004, a red heifer calf with wbito spot in forehead, weighing about 100 pounds. Ownor can havo samo by paying charges for keeping and adver" Using the same. W. W. Seid. Just About Bedtime take n Little Early RlBor It will cure constipation, biliousness and liver troubles. DoWitt'B Little Early Risers are different from other pills. They do not gripo and break down tho muc ous membrane of tho stomach, liver and bowels, but cure by gently arous ing thu secretfons and giving strength to these organs. Sold by W. W. Keels ing. Travoling is Dangerous Constant motion jars the kidneys which aro kept in placo in tho body by delicate attachments. This is the rea son that travelers, trainmen, street car men, teamsters and all who drive vory much, suffer from kidnoy disease in sorno form. Foley's Kidney Cure strengthens tho kidneys and cures all forms of kidney and bladder disease Geo. Ellausan locomotive engineer, Lima, O., writes, "Constant vibration of the engine caused mo a great deal of trouble with my kidneys, and I got no relief until I used Foloy's Kidney Cure. -M T Hill. Will Oure Consumption A A Horron of Finch, Ark. writes, "Foloy's Honey and Tar is tho best preparation for coughs, colds and lung trouble. I knowthat it has cur ed consumption in the first stage. MT Hill. A Lesson in Health Healthy kidneys filter the impurities from tho blood, and unless they do this good health is impossible. Fos ley's Kidney Cure makes sound kids noys and will positively euro all forms of kidney and bladder disease. It stronghtens tho whole system. M T Hill. A New Invention MlnickVFleldCorn Husking Machine husks the corn from tho stalk, leaving stalks standing in tho Held. Exclusive statu and maniifacturer'H right for sale by tho inventor and patentee. Curresn pohdence solicited. Address 1 4 II. T. MINICK, Nemaha, Neb. Foley's IIney and Tar contains no opiates and can safely bo given to children M. T. Hill Old papers for salo at this ofllce. FOUND The cheapest place to buy goods. W, M, Snelling of St. Deroin, Nebr., Is closing out his stock and will sell on Satur days lor cash at actual cost of goods, with ten percent added. Call on him for bar gains. STULL & HAWXBY ATTORNEYS IiAW, UK AT, 10 STATIC, COIiLKCTIONS OMce over PoNtolllrn Hit I Mini;, nt Kraiilc NciU'h old Bland, AUIUiriN', - - NKBKAH1CA r. . W. Reeling, Nomaha, Nebraska. Office in Kooliug drug store. DR.JG. M. ANDREWS Medical and Surgical Diseases of Women Stella - Nobraaltn C. O. SNOW Auctioneer Fifteen years oxporienco. TormH and dates at Tho Advertiser ofllce. PETER KEllKEll. Dealer in Highest markot price paid for Xlidos, Lard, Tallow, etc, KNAPP & SON Proprietors of tho Livery & Feed Stable NEMAHAJNEBR, Gcod Dray in connection with Livery Satisfaction guaranteed. T- El. Orotlxei- in tho PARIS BUILDING Shoe Repairing Harness Repairing Hand Made Harness a Specialty WESLEY H. CLARK Dealer In Windmills and Pumps, Tanks, Pipes, etc. ALL WORK CUARANTEEC Thone calls answered promptly, 'l.'hoi.e Nr2() N.KMAIIA, NKfUi,