THE NEBRASKA ADVERTISER W. W. SANDERS & BON, FnblUheri. NEMAHA, '- - NEBRASKA. TOPICS OF THE DAY. No CHpiiI.i. It takes n long tlmo for Tlio Hague tribunal to build .ip a pructlco. Th Clih'UKn Tlilrwt. Thoy couldn't keep tlio saloons of. Chicago closed an long as (hoy havo tho theaters. ENTOMBED IN MINE. Nearly 200 Killed in Hardwick Plant Near Cheswick, Pa. t'p to Dnltt. Russia calls (ho Japanese pagans; but tho Japanese havo sense enough to figure up their calendar ho oh not. to bo two weeks behind tho right time. ('(MIIIMMINIll lollN. A St. LouIh paper complains that thoro Is only ono handsome man out of 22 American novelists. But consider how handsomo they alwayH make their heroes. Too I'll! to Itreiithe. Joseph Wolaver, J 4 years old, who weighed 300 pounds, Is dead at his homo In Harrington Center, III. When live years old ho weighed 100 pounds. At ten years old ho weighed 210 poumlH. Death was duo to a coughing tpcll. Dnlr Ono Miin of All Tlinnn Who Wont to Work In tlio Mornliiir Wim Huvml mill Jin Wn UnCOn SCloUS, rittsburg, Pa., Jan. 20. From all that can be gathered at this hour be tween 180 and 100 men aro lying dead In tho headings and passagowayB of the Ilarwlck inlno of tho Allegheny Coal company at Cheswick, the result of a terrific oxploslon yesterday. Cago after cage has gone down into tho mine and come up again, but only ono miner of all those that went down to work yesterday morning bus been brought to tho surface. Tho roscued man Is Adolpb (Inula and ho Is still in 11 semi-conscious condition at tho tem porary hospital at tho schoolliouso on the. hlllsldo above tho mine. Tho oxploslon occurred at 8:20 o'clock yesterday morning and tho first warning was tho sudden rumble underground and then a sheet of llaino followed up the deep shaft. Both mlno pages were hurled through tho tipple, 20 feet abovo tho landing stage, and tho three men on tho tipple wero COLDEST FOR MANY YEARS. I BURTON IS ACCUSED. At Ht. I'uul mid OrotuI ItnplcU It Wi 57 JJclow-Ooldent Since 181)0 Ht Ktiiinh C'ltr St. Paul, Mlnn.,Jan. 2C Fifty-seven degrees below zero and seven deaths from freezing, the loss of 13 tralnloads or sheep and cattle and the delay of traffic is the result of tho cold spell in tho northwest. Tho weather at Pokcgama dam, near Grand Rapids, was 57 below zero yes terday by the government thcrmome Federal Grand Jury at St. Louis Indicts the Kansas Senator. Accented Veen from in Allocnil Uct-Itlch-U ulck Concern That Wwt .Seeking n'Con cesslon from tho Tout OOlco. Department. St. Louis, Jan. 2i. Tho federal grand jury Saturday returned an in ter there. At Hibblng It was 12 below dlotmcnt aganlst Joseph Ralph Burton, and at Tower -18. United States senator from Kansas, r.xtr.,,.,,, Ail over mImouH. charging him on ino counts with Kansas City, Mo., Jan. 2C.-The ad- accepting ?2,o00 from tho Rlalto Grain vent of the present cold snap marks & Securities company while a Un ted tho beginning of tho coldest porlod States senator, for his alleged services In Mils cltv wince tho memorable month In Interceding with tho postmaster gen- of February, 181)!). Then the tempera nniDGING A5 IMiANn SEA. Stupenclou I2iiRlneerlnic, We hnva in titnes past been told mncto of wonderful feats in railroad building,, and much has been written of the en einccritiR nktll nnd daring that directed the course of the iron horse across the plains nnd mountains that lie between, the Missouri river and the Pacific Ocean.. "In the grandeur and magnitude of tho undertaking, the Union Pacific-Central Pacific has never been equaled. 1 he energy and perseverance with which the ttrirt- wna nrifnil furivnril. nnd tllC ra-- pidity with which it was executed, nra without n parallel in history, were the? rnmeiii, cum-fi of the . lajf para of tl missioners to the Secretary statements of the Fpccial government corner mission terior. Thirlv.fivn venra ntrn there was 110 timer to spend on work similar to that which hns just been completed. Then the world' was watching while the builders of thes Union Pacific and Central Pacific racecL for supremacy. It wiv a magnificent con test, but nowadays t ie owner 01 me- oral, chief post offleo Inspector and road have been brought to consider other tnro dropped lo 22 degrees below zero; other high post office officials, to Induce I prolans One of these sitated the. yesterday moming at 11 o'clock It was them to render a favorable decision u BtraWi tening of the track. seven below and after a slight reaction In matters affecting tho permission of Quo of the most interesting nnd diiR- Ktlll We IiiKUili u nil I.Ito. The United Statos spends as much money for patont medicines ns for bread. This Is a fine thing for tho druggists, but terribly hard on tho to tho scene of tho disaster, but to hurled to tho ground. A mule was thrown high above tho shaft and fell - Bcg,nnIng wIth 14 dcgrcC8 bolow zcr0 dead on tho ground. The Injured men i , T t .ii,i,,inV mrn. lng, the highest reached during tho day was six below. From all sections nf thn otnln pnmn rnivirfn nf tho tfiWPRt blon and tho crash at the pit mouth tonipcratureB for yoara and much suf etartled tho little village tho wives fer, b man ond beMti ami cniKiren 01 ino men ooiow rusiicu J . .. ... .. ... ...... 41. ...nit.. In tho middle of tho afternoon a steady tlio uiatto compuuj iu uau ...a..0. fall occurred, tho forecaster predict ing that by seven o'clock this morn ing tho reading would approximate 15 tlegroeH below zero. Reports from all over Missouri Indicate extremo cold weather. I.owoit Temperature for Yen In Nebraska. Lincoln, Nob., Jan. 2C Practically all of Nebraska Is experiencing the coldest weather of tho winter and there is no immediate prospect of a change. wore brought at onco to tins city, whoro two of thorn havo died since. As soon as tho rumble of tho cxplo- stomachs of tho people of the United 1 gain no encouragement. Thoro was States. Tho recent novelist who al- no way to get into tho deep work- tuded to Americana as "the people who havo Invented 57 varieties of dyspep sia," had mnro than a grain of truth on his side. linn Tmi Son In CotiKri'Nii. In all the big crowds who attended. I he opening of congress none among (ho visitors was more proud thnn Mrs. Mary Kumler Landls, of Kokomo, Ind., who from a scat In the members' gal lery looked down and saw her two Kons, Frederick II. and Charles B., tako (heir seats among tho nation's legis lators. Mrs. Landls Is 70 yoarB old and Bho enjoyed to tho full an opiKirtunlty given to but few American mothers. Ings. Tho cago that lot the men Into the mines nnd brought them out aguln when the day's work was dono wore both demolished. DEATH ENDS DIVORCE SUIT. lng by "W'cnther Hororrifl llrokeu In Wisconsin. Milwaukee, Jan. 2C Now Richmond, Wis., reports all cold weather records in that region broken yesterday by a temperature of 46 to 48 degrees bo low zero. At Manitowoc, Wis., all tho public schools wero closed on account of tho cold and business was practi cally at a standstill. Tiki IHmi Found lrro7.nn to Dentil. 8 12 NATO U JOSEPH RALPH UtillTON. Milt feiita of railroad enciiieeniiir ever- undertaken has just been completed by the owners of '"flic Overland Route.'" Union Pacific nnd .Southern Pacific Rail roadthe building of a bridge across the Great Halt Lake between Ogdcn, Utah,, and Lucin, Nevada. The work being prncticnlly completed,, the new track waa formally op.ncd on Thanksgiving Day when Mr. K. 11. liar riman, head of the llarriman Lines, nndi n big party of railroad magnates partook: of Thanksgiving Day dinner in the mid dle of Great Salt Lake. The Ofjden-Lucin "Cut Off" is 102 miles in length, 72 miles on land nnd .10' miles on trestle work nnd fillins over the wnters of Great Salt Lake. It presents' a practically level track except for a short distance on the west end near Lucin, Ne vada, where a slight grade is encoun tered. The use of this cut off will throw out. the trans-continental traffic over the old! line from Ogdcn to Lucin, Nevada, around! the Lake. This strip of track is ono of the most expens've of the llarrimaiii system, the maximum grade over tliei long Promontory hill is 10-1 feet to the mile and helper engines are always neces sary. The elimination of the use of the80 engines will mean the snving of at least. ?1 ,500.00 a dny in operating expenses nnd1. nlso a saving of several hours in running: time. Active work wbb commenced in 1002., and thus the nlinost impossible task wnn placo within two miles of their homes. Sovcro Cold In Iowa. Marshalltown, la., Jan. ' 20. Scvcro weather prevails In central Iowa. A Hint for Diu'lf Kiiin. Germany Is still anxious for moro colonies, though so far they havo been a losing Investment for her. Her colo nics now have an area of 1,021,202 square miles nnd contain only 5,125 Germans, many of whom aro In gov ernment employ. It has cost the em pire $75,000,000 so far to distribute and maintain thnt small number of Ger mans in tho colonies, and the expend iture for this year is estimated to roach $5,750,000. It is rather an ex pensive fnd for Germany. TIu I.tiNt Siii'rtMiiler. Tho two last of tho great confeder ate generals Longstreot and Gordon havo now made tho final march to tho last great camplns ground on the other Bide of the. river. Doth of them wero stout antagonists In war, but after the war was ended dovoted followers of tho flag and lovers of tho union they had so fiercely fought to .dissever. Doth lived to soe a now generation of Mrs. iTolui C, Crowltty, of Lit Ilorpe. Iviin., AVim Klllcul WIiIId ;urrl-HHly llnn illlntr it Itavolvor. Lallarpe, Kan., Jan. 2G. Mrs. John C. Crowloy, aged PJ, lost her life from a bullet wound In her temple Indicted by herself while handling a revolver. w r '3,, T . Vi ,Z i Thermometers show 22 degrees below who was with her at the tlmo and ho i T, ,, I., i. i..i .I- i. 0i.itu i.pM - iuuiiuuu iruiuu lb lmiiuuuii. ho compiled with her request .o lot her havo It. She first pointed it nt hor mother and then snapped It at her own head. Sho lived about. 20 minutes, denying that sho did It. purposely. Sho leaves a small child and had a divorce suit pending in court. Sho had been married twice. Mnj. Hugh C. Dennis, president of the company, and W. D. Mehaney, as- Prvnr nrooir i t Tn w vnont soclated with him, are named in tho . , t j h h t .,2 monthc The last indictment as the men who made tho i pilu was driven during the last week of to death during the recent blizzard In the Osago mountains southwest of this "GRAFT" IN WYANDOTTE. tiriiiul Jury Itntiirns Ten Truo Indlct inentH for Corruption In .Srliool mill City Affairs. HOLD MAYOR HARRISON. check to Burton. Senator Burton Is charged with ac cepting money from tins Itlalto Grain & Securities company In the form of a check on the Commonwealth Trust company November 22, 1902. The purpose of Senator Burton's al leged Intercession was, it Is stated, to prevent the Issuance of a fraud order against tho Itlalto Grain and Securi ties company. As a result of his con- October. fins great work has cost over 0.200,000.00. The cut off runs from Ogdcn 15 miles over level country before reaching; the lake proper, then across the east nnn of the Lal;e 9 miles to Promontory. Then five miles of solid rond bed nnd then ft)' miles west over the west nrm of the Hake' toward Lucin and thence across the Great. Salt Lake Desert to Lucin, Nevada.. Across the east arm of the Lake, it wilL be almost a continuous fillin supported", by trestle. Near the middle of tins will: be n gap of 000 feet of open trestle w.'rlc. Clilcutro Coroner's Jury Thinks lln .Should AiiNwor lo the Criind Jury for Jroiiuol DlHiistiir. Chicago, Jan. 20. Evidence In tho inquest over the victims of the Iroquois theater disaster was concluded lato yesterday afternoon. The jury entered upon Its deliberations promptly and last night returned a verdict by which tho following persons aro held to await tho action of tho grand jury: Carter 11. Harrison, mayor of Chicago; Will Indicted both In tho federal and state courts, but the United States court ac quitted him. TAFT HOME FROM MANILA. Kansas Cltv. Kan.. Jan. 26. Tho Wvan.lntln eonntv urand lurv vester- J. Davis, proprietor in part and man- day afternoon returned ten truo bills war of tho theater; George Williams, tO JlldgO McCabC Moore, Of tllC district , ummmK uummaaiuuu ui uic v-.ij, ii- nectlon with tho company, Dennis was left for the waters of the Hear river wh'clu now niio me arm oi mo jaKe. Across Promontory Point runs ftvet miles of solid road bed nnd here difficult work was encountered. A cut of 11,000' feet long m sand nnd rock of barrcm bluff being necessary. At this point, the most beautiful on this inland sea, ur veys have been made for an immense sum mer resort. Across the west nrm of the Lake is 11-. miles of trestle work with a fillin ap proach nt each end of four miles. In completing the work of spanning the Lake,, one great difficulty was encountered ncl'ossi the east arm by the settlin": of lillins tmd. trestle work. This was caused bv the salt; Tlio Next Seerotiirr of War Koiiclied San I'r.inclsco Saturday and Took a Train for tlio National Capital. court, Indicting thrco men for bribery and seven for violating the Cubblson gambling law. Tho men Indicted for bribery were: Frank M. Campbell, member of (ho board of education; Chnrles M. Bowles, member of tho board of education; Chris Kopp, ex councllmnn. Thoso indicted for gam bling wero: Gcorgo Maltby, Fred soldiers marching sldo by sldo under Young, Ed Clark and Russell Burnett and three negro policy piayers. BURTON FOR AN EARLY TRIAL. tho stars and stripes to do battle against a foreign foe In behalf of tholr common country. Qmtr St.orjro Kronel 'I'm 1 n. George Francis Train, who passed away a few days ago, nover ceased to nay brilliant things, no matter how far his mind seemed to wander from a per fect equilibrium. Do was eccentric, but most of his utterances wero not only rational but Indicative of genius. In his later years he deliberately snubbed tho world, but tho world did not cease to enjoy his frequent wild nnd witty jeremiads. Ho often spoke truth as keen and incisive in its ex pression as Curlylc. Ituforo Ills Departure for Washington IIo Said Ho Would AVulvo All KlclitM us Unltod .States .Senator. ward Laughlin, building Inspector un der Williams; William Sailers, fire man in the theater; James E. Cum mings, stage carpenter; William Mc Mullen, who had charge of the lights thnt caused the fire. San Francisco, Jan. 21. Former Gov. Taft, of tho Philippines, arrived hero Saturday on tho steamer Korea. With him worn Mrs. Taft. their two children ! of the flow of the Bear river haviuir col lected lor centuries over the bottom ot rait wall! rock in. on leave of absence. The governor was 1 piles which appear to have readied that llllll .Ul Kj A Ilk l Wltl 111 U VilllVII VII ' - ...... " -- ! and Judge Wolfloy, attorney general ' f0'1 ,for centuries over the hot .... to mi i ii i ! the Lake and having formed a s;i ot the Philippines on his way homo j of 100 ft,L,t It t0ok 1,000 tons of TWENTY LIVES FOR ONE. Moros Wlio Treacherously Shot I. lout. Flulco Had Swift nnd Deadly Ven geance Visited Upon Them. Manila, Jan. 20. it has just been learned hero that Lieut. Campbell W. Flake, of tho Twenty-second infantry, who was killed whllo trying to enter Moro cotta, in Mindanoa, for tho pur pose of examining tho locality, waa met by a number of representative army and navy men and civil officials at tho Oakland mole, where Gov. Taft boarded the eastern overland train for Washington. On arriving at tho cap ital he will at onco assume his duties as secretary of war. AN IMMENSE PIPE LINE. Washington. Jan. 2G. Senator Bur ton, of Kansas, against whom a federal shot treacherously, the Moros firing on ArfVndjury at St. Louts on Saturday ro- tho party while Maj. Bullard was par- Sillelilo MotMtiiHC of (,'rlt li'luni. The Kentucky writer who committed suicide becauso his writings wero bit terly criticised should have taken turned an indictment for accepting a bribe from tho Rlnlto Grain company, has Indicated to his friends his In tention of waiving all his rights as a United States senator and accepting service In the case at once. He left for St. Louis Sunday ovenlng, express ing his determination to force tluj mat ter to an Immediate issue. leying with them. Moro cotta was at once taken by assault, with no further loss to the expedition forces. Tho es timated loss among tho Moros Is 20 hilled. Standard Oil Company Will K.vpfiid 81. 000,000 In Coiiuectliiir the Kuiikuh Indlan Territory Fields. Cleveland, O., Jan. 25. Tho Standard Oil company ha3 mado an appropria tion for tho construction of a pipe line, to connect tho new Kansas and Indian territory oil fields with tho refinery at Whiting, Intl., near South Chicago. Tho project Involves tho laying of 700 miles of lino at a cost of $;5,5OO,O00, and with pumping stations, the total outlay will be over $1,000,000. bottom of the Lake proper and which lias resulted in a nrm nnd splendid road bed. In a speech which he made at the Alta. With, knit Luke Lity, on the eve of the opening of the "Cut Oil," Mr. IIarrim.n eaid: "The completion of this undcrLakiniz: will reduce the distance between San Francisco nnd Salt Lake bv 41 miles, nnd! will eventually bring the time bctwcciii the two cities down to 22 hours. "It is intended to reduce the running time from Salt Lake to Chicago to 3ti houtt., and put passengers into cw York, in f)t5 hours from Salt Lake. "lliese two railroads Union Pacific and'. Southern Pacific have spent iu the last; three years somewhere near SK10,0llt, 000.00 in repairs and improvements asides trom the expenses ot operation or main tenance. TWO KINDS OF LAW. Itrldce. ICnirluo and Cars Iturned. St. Louis, Jan. 20. Tlio Denver ex press on tho main lino of the Burling ton road, duo here nt G:li5 p. m., was run into from tho rear by a local pas senger train whllo taking water at Gardccno creok, about -10 miles north of hero last night and threo passen- MADDENED BY THE COLD. Dietrich Drops l'icht on Summers. Lincoln, Nob., Jan. 2C Senator Die trich has wlthdrnwu his opposition to the reiumolntment of W. S. Summers. courage from that fact. Suppose they (tnitcdStates attorney for the district of i gors were killed, four seriously Injured nan not ueen criticised at an, not cvon Nebraska. Summers Is tho man who nnd seven badly hurt. The wreck oc noticed. That Is tho worst robuko a 1)rosocuted Dietrich for bribery, tho writor may suffer. If the Kentucky miter's friends saying that ho did It be writer's literary efforts wero held up . onuso Dietrich refused to Indorse him to ridicule, ho was m good company. Everybody whoso contributions to 1 it cmturo aro now considered of any ac count was treated tho samo way. It is tho fate of literary genius to bo kicked into fame. ItooKttVcIt "Wan .Hurried Alirotul. President Roosovolt's marrlngo reg ister is In Loudon, nt St. George's, and for reappointment. l'or the ItutttcNhln Mlsniurl. Washington, Jan. 2C Enlisted men of tho new battleship Mjssourl aro re joicing over the possession of a fine pluno, toward tho purchaso of which President Roosevelt gavo $100. Mrs. Whitolnw Hold has shown her Interest In tho Missouri by presenting to tho curred on a bridge over Gardeone creok. Tho bridge and two cars of tho local train and tho local engino wero burned. An Elephant. Which Had IU Kars and Truulc Frozen,. lniost Killed Its Keeper and Wrecked a Freight House. St. Paul, Minn., Jan. 2.r). Maddened by tho Intense cold, which had frozen its ears and trunk, an elephant be longing to an animal show, which had been exhibiting at a local theater, yes terday almost killed its keeper, Con rati Castens, nnd partly wrecked tho Milwaukoo freight house. Many of the attendants had narrow escapes from serious injury. A l.arire Number Non-C'ntiiinlttal. Washington, Jan. 20. Nearly ono hundred democrats in congress wero asked whether they opposed or sup ported Mr. Bryan's contention that tho Kansas City platform Should be re- Senate Committee on l'rlvllei;e and Klec SMOOT'S SEAT IN DANGER. eo many American tourists have ship two piano playing instruments, Hocked to seo It that It has been placed In an accessible alcovo of the old church building. Presldont Roosevelt's .marriage to Miss Carow took placo so lung ago 17 years ngo, to bo exact that fow porsons remember that tho American president wis married In a foreign land. Ho is, it is said, the only American president whoso wedding was not celebrated under tho stars and tripes. - ono for tho officers and ono for tho men. One of the Famous .Sherman Itrotherx. Dos Moines, la., Jan. 20. Mnj. Iloyt Sherman, brother of Gen. W. T. Shor man and of Socrotory John Sherman, died at his homo horc Monday. Maj. Sherman wns ono of tho oldest resi dents of Des Mol:io"s ond tho Shor man homo on Woodland avenue is ono of tho. finest in the city. . affirmed, with tho following result: Personally canvassed, 9!); number op posed to Mr. Bryan, 02; number sup porting Mr. Bryan, 4; non-committal, Ki'Hult lii Five Kaunas Counties. Topoka, Knn., Jan. 2G. Republican primaries wero held In five counties Saturday and a votd'wos taken In gub ernatorial preferences. E. W. Hoch carried Reno, Brown, Jefferson and Johnson counties; Gov. Bailey carried Nemaha tioni Votes to I'rolie Charue-t Against the Utah .'Mormon. Washington, Jan. 21, Tho senate committee on privileges and elections has determined to enter upon an lu vestlgatlon into the charges against Senator Smoot In connection with tho demand for his expulsion from tho One for l.iiiv-Ahld Iiik- Citizen unci) the Other Kend'oiix-Spl ritoil Neighbor. Georgia hn a law intended to induce stock ownei'b to keep thfir animals in their owm fiehlf, says the Atlanta Constitution. Wheni a farmer finds his neighbor's cattle in his. corn, instead of feuding them to the pound, or .-hooting them, he puts tlicm in his own, coi tal, and when the owner conic? tor tl.ein,. charges him fiU cents a hcud to pay for the' trespass. It happened that when the law wnstmder di.-fU.-sioii two neighbors wei every violent,, the one in favor oi it, the other a'gltintt it.. After the law had been pacd the cattle of the man who had opposed it got into the oth er man's field and were captured. Their' owner went for them. "A I am a law-abiding citizen." ?uid thet other farmer, "and as there ate I I cuttle, it. will cost jou seven dollars." Theinan who.e cattle had been impounded w:ts indignant, hut Jie paid the bill. A little later he captured his neighbor's cattle in. his field. Wallet in pocket, the owner of tnci cows rode over to get them. "Well." he demanded, "how much do I. owe you V "ot n cent," replied the other. "I may not he a law-abiding citizen, but I'm a nehju--bor." On I'ueiiinat lc CiiMterN. The rapid multiplication of motor-carriages bus ceiled a demand for cxpcricncctL drivers or onaull'curs, and schooU ot tiuni ing have hen establish to lit men for receiv ing the license which the lr.v requires. Art automobile expert in charge of one of lliose schools says thatanoppiieant recently senate and authorized Sonator Bur- - entered and approached him. "1 want to. taKe lessons, lie sain, to iu myself to he a rows, chairman of tho committee to liresont a resolution In tho senate per mitting tho committee to send for wit nesses and documents. chitTonier." Kv Me boes. Milwaukee Sentiuel. .