The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, January 29, 1904, Image 1

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    VOLUME XL VI 1 1
Local News
See M T Hill for lire inRiiranco.
Tlie horse buyer was in town Thurs
day. .
Now ia the time to 1111 your ice
W. P. Sandera
went to Wyniore
Try the Devou paint.
Kerns, Auburn.
bold by J. W
Mra. Andrew Aynea haa
for the past week;
been sick
J. II. Vanderalico
of coal Weclnoaday.
got in a carload
Earle Gilbert's baby has been
sick for several dajs.
E. L. Paris is tilling up his ice house
thin week with good ice.
Call and see us for reduced rates on
magazines and newspapers.
A fine Hue of silverware suitable for
wedding presents at Keoling's.
Dr. Linn, dentist, will be at hotel
Monday, Feb. t. Call and se him.
Sheridan coal, clean as wood, for sale
by Edwards & Bradford Lumber Co.
Itobt Russell, who has been visiting
Iowa friends, returned homo Tuesday
Mrs. Rebecca Collins fell down
Saturday evening and broko one bone
of her wrist.
L. S. Grey, representing the Annum
Tost, was a Nemaha visitor lust Frls
day and Saturday.
Curtis Brown, who has been visits
ing friends at Summertleld, Kansas,
returned home Sunday.
The editor's office phone is No.40 and
that of his residence is No. 1. Call us
up if you have any news.
A. U. Titus went to Syracuse
Wendesday afternoon on business, re"
turning Thursdny o n nlng.
Mr. and Mrs. W . S. Russell, who
have been viMting relatives at Bristol,
Tenn., arrived home Thursday.
W. W. Seid went to Dunbar
day afternoon ami visited his
Marion Seid, until next afternoon.
son, Good b iby buggy for sale. Will take
chickens or a pig fir it.
Mr. A. N. Sudukas
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Larimoro ro
turned home Thursday morning after
a visit of two or three weeks with
friends at Colomo, Mo.
The tv o Collin brothers, who havo
been visiting at Bristol, Tenn., for
several weeks, returned to Nemaha,
Wednesday of last week.
Marshall Webb and Sherman May
have a public sale of livestock, farm
implement, etc , on Tuesday, Feb i)
Ulna will be out ina few days.
The local reading circle of the teach
era ot Nemaha and vicinity mot at the
homo of W. E. Whoehiou Wednesday
night. Only a few were present.
John .I.Green of Osceola, Oklahoma,
renewed his Hubcription to the Advert
user this week. Mr. Green is ahvjiya
piompt in paving his ausci iption .
The sleet that fell Tuesday night of
last week still romains still remains on
the ground, but is now covered with
light snow, m iking fair sleighing.
Wood for sulo either rick wood or
cord wood at my farm or delivered in
John C. Stokes.
All persons indebted to ine are re
quested to call and settle at once for I
am gteiitly in need of money. '
Anduijw Aynes.'
Hev. John W. Thomas, representing
thh Tinley lieBeuo Christian Home of
j Omaha, was soliciting contributiona
from the people of Nemaha Thursday ,
J. W. Davia of Fremont arrived in
Nemaha Monday. Mr. Davia is a
deputy of the Royal Highlanders and
ia doing aome good work for that order
Mr. and Mra. John E. Lambert re.,
turned home laat Saturday from Ox
ford, Neb , whore they have been visit
ing and looking after aomo property
Mr. Lambert owns there.
Married At the residence of the
brido in Nemaha, Nobr., by D. T.
Smiley, justice of the peace, on Fii
day night, Jan. 22, 1004, Mr. D. V
Anderson and Mias Coaby L'eery.
Chas. M. Woodward recently moved
to St. Joe, where ho is manager for the
South Park Elevator Co. This eleva
tor is owned by the company for
which Cnarlio haa been working for
several yeara.
The Madrigal Concert Co. that was
to have given an entertainment at
Nemaha Tuesday night did not get
tere, having missed a train. Many
jeople were dlssappoiuted as a largo
I'udience would have been present.
Uncle Henry Clark says he has a
grandson a littlo over three months
old that he can hoar laugh over a mile.
The youngster is E. L PariB's son and
his laugh can bo heard over the 'phono
at grandpa's?, a distance of over a mile.
Rev. J. W.Sapp closed his meet-
ings at the Christian church Sunday
night. A collection was taken for bis
benefit and the people responded liber
ally. In spite of the stormy weather
there has been a good attendance als
most every evening.
Ilarrv Kimmel oumo in from Aus
burn Friday afternoon and that evens
ing rehearsed tho play "Saved", which
he is arranging to give hero in a short
time, with the assistance of local tal
ent. The pray is a ooU one. ine
date will be given next week. .
Sanday, Monday and Tuesday wore
very cold days, the thermometer rang
ing from 10 to 18 degrees below zero in
the morning. Monday tho thermomes
ter stood at 4 or r degrees below zero
all day. It lias thawed very little this
week but is wanning up some.
Mr. and Mrs. Marion Seid and f-on,
Master Burkett Soid, of Dunbar, Neb..
came to isemaim Saturday evening
and are visiting parents and friends.
Marion lias to walk on crutches on ac
count of his lame foot which ho cut
severely with an ax a few days ago.
The retail grocers of this state havo
formed a mutual insurance company,
to insure themselves, cutting out the
old line organizations. The headquai
ters of tl.o company will be at Omaha.
J. T. Swan of this city has been elects
ed one of the directors Auburn Hers
J. W. Taylor of Auburn was shak
ing hands with Nemaha friends Saturs
day afternoon. Ho came in oh the
passenger going on to Shubert on tho
7 o'clock freight. Wray is how a
gentleman of leisure, as lie has quit
tho drug store with which lie has been
WalterS. Maxwell went over the
edge of the bluff along the "narrows"
this side of St. Deroln, Saturday after
noon, with the mail wagon, apillina
nut mail and driver and breaking
the fifth wheel of tho wagon. The
road was very slick from the effects of
the sleet.
One was pale and sallow and the
other freBh and rosy. Whence tho
difference? She who is blushing with
health uses Dr King's New Life Pills
tf maintain it. Bv Pfintlv nrmifdinr Mm
, ,, ,ii...,
lit,., u.Hu..o vC, wwm,,a. Buwu u.ouuu
and head oil constipation.
Try them,
Only 23 e at Reeling's.
Notice to
Stock Feeders
Wc havo just added a line line
of the
Celebrated Standard Stock
and Poultry Food
which wo can soil you at factory
prices from 50 conts to $5.00 per
Very respectfully,
Georgo Fisher is a great admirer of
the red hogs and says they are tho
most prolific breeders of any hog. Ho
has good reason for tliis belief as one
of Ids big sows brought forth twontys
two pigs a few daya ago. So far aa-wo
have ever heard this beats tho record.
If anyone can beat tiiia let them como
N. II. Cornell, one of the proprietera
of the Chimney Rock Medicine com
pany of Omaha, was in tho city
Wednesday transacting business. Mr.
Cornell is well known here, having
married a Nemahsi couniy girl, Isabel
MeCandlass, who formerly taught in
the Auburn public school. Auburn
J. II. Seid's llock of sheep is In
Lcreasing at a rapid ,rate. Tuesday
night, one of the owes gave birth to
four lambs. Henry says if any of our
readers are from Missouri to tell them
to come over and ho will show them.
If all his sheep are that prolific ho will
soon bo overrun with sheep. Thefonr
lambs are nice thrifty fellows and are
doing nicely.
George Fisher, Alf B. Kinton J. II
Seid, John II Knapp and L. S. Color
ick are proprietors of a circle saw for
pawing wood and made a record break
ing performance recently. In just 50
minutes they sawed 1 cords of dry oak
wood twice in two. Who can heat
this record? The wood belonged to
O. G. Whitfield, and the boys got
through no quickly they had no excu-e
to stay for supper They will know
better next lime.
Came to my place Sunday, January
10. 1004, a red heifer calf with
wbito'spot in forehead, weighing about
400 pounds. Owner can have same by
paying charges for keeping and adver
tising the sumo. W. W.Skiij.
Another car load of flour from the
Aurora mills just unloaded at the
Paris building the Hour that pleases
everybody in quality and price Bran,
shorts, chop feed, Graham and corn
meal always on hand. Orothor, the
harness man, will wait on you.
E. L Paris
What is Foley's Kidnoy Ouro?
Answer: It is made Irom a preserips
tion of a leading Chicago physician,
and one of the most eminent in tho
country. Tho ingredients are the
purest that money can buy, and are
scientifically combined to get the best
results. M T Hill.
Ran A Ton Ponny Nail Through His
While opening a box, J. C. Mount
of Three Milo Bay, N. V., ran a ten
penny nail throiih the fle-hy pattof
Ilia hand. "I thought at once of the
pain and soreness this would cause
me," ho Bays, "and immediately appli-
do Chamberlain's
Pain Balm and oc-
! casionullyaf'terwards. To my surprise
, u ,XMmm,(l all Willi (111(1 HOmiCSB Ullfl
the injured parts were soon healed,
j For sale by W. W. Keeling,
Tho members of the Madrigal Cons
cert Co., who wore to havo given aa
entertainment hero Tuesday night, ars
rived on tho puBaoncer Wednesday
forenoon. Thoy wore delayed by tho
Wabash train being four hours late,
and could not make connections to get
here. They expoct to return hero tho
latter part of February or the first of
March. They drovo from hero to Shun
11. W. Furnu3 was re-olected scores
tary of the stato board of agriculture
at tho meeting held at Lincoln last j
weeit. Mr. l' urnaa ia one or tho best
managers of fairs and expositions in
the west and always makes a success If
he has half a chance. Rut he should
bo relioved of much of the hard work
that lie has hitherto done, as ho cannot
stand so much work at his advanced
age. Wo hopo ho will bo spared to
mnnago many more fairs.
Tho Auburn papers are enterprising
and each ia tiying to got ahead of tho
other. Tho Herald, which recently
had a piano voting contest and gained
many now subscrbera, is arranging to
publish a magazine. Tho Post is going
to havo a voting contest, the pilzea to
bo tickets to the St. Louis exposition,
with all expenses paid, to the most
popular young ladies, with gold watch
es us consolation prizes. Tho Granger
is arranging to print a county directory
J desire to return thanks to tho fols
lowing named persons for something
good to eat. First is C. W. Roberta and
family for two boxes of honey. Furth
er along the lino wo llnd a fine duck
presented by Robert Jones and family.
A littlo further along we llnd a lot of
spare ribs presented by T L. Willians
and family. Today I found a fine rabs
bit at David Lewis's box, No wonder
I am getting hearty after my sick spell.
R F. D. Cakimku No. 1.
Just About Bedtimo
take a Littlo Early Riser it will cure
constipation, biliousness and liver
troubles. DoWitt's Littlo liarly Risers
are (liflerent from other pills. They
do not gripe and break down tho muc
ous membrane of the stomach, liver
and bowels, but cure by gently arous
ing the secretions and giving strength
to these organs. Sold by W. W. Keels
Traveling is Dangerous
Constant motion jars the kidneys
which are kepi in place in the body by
delicate attachments This ia the rea
son that travelers, trainmen, street car
men, teamsters and all who drive very
much, suffer from kidney disease in
some form. Foley's Kidnoy Cure
strengthens the kidneys and cures all
foims of kidney and bladder disease
Geo. F1I iimiti locomotive,
Lima, O., writes, "Constant vibintion
of the engine caused me a great deal of
trouble with my kidneys, and I got no
relief until 1 used Foloy a Kidney Cure,
-M T IIlll.
Will Ouro Consumption
A A Horren of Finch, Ark.
writes, "Foley's Honey and Tar is the
best preparation for coughs, colds and
lung trouble. I knowthut it has cur
ed consumption in the ilrst stage.
MT Hill.
Take tho wagonette when in Au
burn if you want to go to any part o
the city. John McBlh.inoy prop.
A Lesson in Health
Healthy kidneys filter the impuiities
from the blood, and unless they do
this good health is impossible. Fos
Jey's Kidney Cure makes sound kids
noys and will positively cure all forms
of kidney and bladder disease, it
strenghtens tho whole system. M T
A New Invention
MiuiokVFioldCorn Husking Machine
husks the coin from the stalk, leaving
stalks standing in tho field. Inclusive
Mute and lunuiifactn.-er'ri right lor sale
h the inventor and patentee. Cones
poudence solicited. Address
1-1 II. T. MINICK, Nemaha, Neb.
Foley's IInoy and Tar contains no
opiates and can safely be given to
children M. T. Hill
Old papers for sale at this ofllcc.
The cheapest place
to buy goods.
W, M, SnelHng
of St. Deroin. Nebr.,
Is closing out his stock
and will sell on Satur
days for cash at actual
cost of goods, with ten
per cent added.
Call on him for bar
Unices over IVmloiueo Ilulldlti, at
I rank Neat's old stand,
r. g$. W. Keeling,
Nonmha, Ncbraflkn.
Offico in Keeling drug store
Medical and Surgical
Diseases of Women
Stella -
- jNobrrcslin
Fifteen years oxperienco.
Terms and dates at Tho Advertinei
Duulur In
ILighoHt market price paid for Aides,
Lard, Tallow, oto,
I'roiirlutorHof tho
Livery & Feed Stable
Good Dray in connection with Livery
Satisfaction guaranteed.
T. IS. Oi'ofclief
in the
Shoe Repairing
Harness Repairing
Hand Mat'o Harness a Specialty
Deulor In
Windmills and Pumps,
Tanks, Pipes, etc.
'Phone calls answered promptly.
Thfi e : 20
N15MAIIA, NI2M11,'