The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, January 15, 1904, Image 1

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Local News
Seo If T Hill for Ore insurance.
Mrs, Wm. Smiley isquito sick.
The splendid weather still continuts.
P. L. Woodward wont to Falls City
J, H. Linn came down from Linceln
J. B. Hoover went to Brownville
G. N. Titus went to Peru Thursday
Madrigal conctrt at Hoover's opera
house Jan. 20
Try the Devoa paint. Sold by J. W.
Kerns, Auburn.
Miss Minnie May went U Peru
Wednesday afternoon.
One of 8. C. Lawreace's little
daughters is quite aick.
Fred 6. Hawxby of Aubura wan a
Nemaha visitor Saturday.
One line of eilverware suitable far
wedding presents at Keeling's.
W. S. Chambers ef Auburn was
visiting Nemaha friendB this week,
Joe Bunger is Moving lato his aew
residence in the seuth part of towu.
Jehn W. Knight has moved on a
farm between Dunbar and Syracuse.
Cyrus Minick visited his mother's
timber land near Peru Friday ef last
Mro. Reed, wife of Dr. Reed of Peru,
nd metbei) of Dr. Cap Graves, died
Wednesday morning.
Mrs. A, F. Walsh went to Lincoln
Thursday of. last week, t visit her
husband fer a few days.
The editor's office phene is No.40 and
that of his residence is No. 1. Call us
up if you have any newa.
Good baby buggy for sale. Will take
chickens or a pig for it.
Mrs. A. N. Sedoras
I am making Special Prices on
J Shoes
t And all Winter
I will make Special Prices on
$ Winter Wits
We carry a complete line of
$ at all times
iohn M. Clark had n lot of cattle
dehorned Thursday. Of course John
Flack did tbo work.
Mrs. George R. Lindscy came in
from Auburn Tuesday to visit her
mother, Mrs. Mary . Flaok.
Mrs. J. A. Titus went to Shubert
Friday to visit her daugbtor, Mrs.
H. E. Williams, for a few days.
Robt. I. Smith was a Nemaha visitor
Tuesday . He returned last week from
a visit with his father in Kansas.
T. J. Hall of 86. Deroln visited his
twe danghtors, Mrs. W. W. Stakes and
Mrs. OdeStckes, on Wednesday.
Fer Sale Seven fine thoroughbred
malo Poland-China bogs,
A. B. Paris.
Mrs. Mary E. Flack returned homo
Tuesday after visiting several days
with her daughter1, Mrs. G. R Lindsay
f Auburn,
, Bord well of Nebraska City was
in Nemaha Monday looking after the
interests f the Edwards &, Bradford
Lumber Co.
James Hiatt, who has been at St.
Joe for some time receiving medical
treatment returned to Nemaha Friday
of last week.
Stull & Hawxby have opened law
ofllce!i in Auburn ia the rooms recently
vacated by R. Frank Neal, upstairs
jusc west of the poatoulce.
Pearl Heasley, daughter of Henry
Heasley, was married a few days ago
toE. M. Norval ef Brewnville. The
bride is 10 and the groom is 23.
All persons indebted to me are re
quested to call and settle at once for 1
am greatly in need of Money.
Dr. D.F. Hutchison, Optician, froM
Omaha, will Jbe at NeMaba again en
Tuesday, Jan. 19, and Brownville. en
Monday, Jan. 16. Eyes examined free.
Warren Burns returned to Nemaha
Wednesday after a visit te the Indian
Territory. He is b well pleased with
the country that he is sping back in a
short time.
Notice to
Stock Feeders
We have just added a fine line
of the
Celebrated Standard Stock
and Poultry Food
which we can sell you at factory
prices from 50 cents to $5.00 per
0 Very respectfully,
Clarenoe Peabody, who is brake
men for the B. & M., with headauart
are at Table Rock, came to Nemaha
Saturday and Tiaited until Monday
W. W. Sanders, the handsome edi
tor of the Nemaha Advertisor was in
Auburn Friday rusticating around.
M JT. Hill and family, with the ex
ception of Theodore, drove to Stella
last Saturday evening and viaited Mro.
Hill's mother, Mrs. Noe. until Sunday
Rev. J. VT. 8app began a protracted
meeting at the Christian church Sun
day night. The chureh is well Oiled
every night. Services begin at 7
o'ctcok. and does about 8.
J. I, Dressier, of Nemaha, the treas
urer of the Farmer's Mutual Insurance
Company, was in the city Saturday
and made his financial report to the
company. Auburn Post.
J . R. Cain, cashier of the bank at
Stella, received thirtynine pairs of
socks as Christmas presents from ads
miring friends. Granger.
Earle Gilbert has moved into the
property be recently bought of J. B
Hoover. He had the house thoroughly
repaired, new windows put in, and
made many other changes. He has
a tine home.
Fritz Wilkening, who is to take
H. M. Tollinger's place as manager of
Edwards & Bradford Co'a lumber,
hardware and furniture business at
Nemaha, came down from Nebraska
City Monday.
The latest from Cerdell, Oklahoma,
gives but little reason to expect the
recovery of Dr. Opperuau. His
trouble is pronounced cancer of the
stomach and it is thought that he can
not last long. Auburn Granger.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Derosa, who have
been visiting in Nemana for two or
three weeks, started for their home in
Avery, Iowa, Tuesday. Mrs. Derosa
is a daughter of Grandpa Prall and a
siBter of Mrs. VT. W. Seid.
Another car load of fltur from the
Aurora mills just unloaded at the
Paris building the (lour that pleases
everybody in quality and price. Bran,
shorts, chop feed, Grubam and corn
meal always on hand. Crother, the
harness man, will wait on you.
E. L. Paris
Ran A Ton Ponny Noil Through His
While opening a box, J. C. Mount
of Three Mile Bay, N. Y., ran a ten
penny null through the fleshy part of
his band. "I thought at onco of the
pain and soroness this would cause
me," he says, "and immediately appli
do Chamberlain's Pain Balm and oc
cauionallyafterwards. To my surprise
it removed all pain and soreness and
tho injured purts were soon healed.
For sale by W. V. Keeling.
R. I.Brewn has been awarded tho
centact as manager of the poor farm,
no is to receive &C50 and the uso of
the farm. There were several bids
but the commlsionerB considered Mr.
Brown's offer the lowest ahd bost.
Mrs. C. B. Celerick of Friend, Nob.,
arrived in Nemaha Saturday and will
visit awhile with hsr mother-inslaw
Mrs. D. M. Coleriok, and other relas
tlves. Her health is quite poor and
it.ia hoped hor visit hero will benefit
Tho Odd Fellows aro making ar
rangemeats for a supper and a bin
time at their ball Saturday night of
tns week, and have invited the Res
bekahs te be present and see how they
do things.
VT. S. Maxwell, carrier on free deliv
ery reute No. 2, enly Made a third of
the trip Tuesday. One horse got sick
after he got started en his round and
he bad to stop at N. B. Catlin'a and
doctor It. He got back to Nemaha
after 4 o'clock.
Henry Kssger, living aearSt.Deroin,
a few days ago brought to Nemaha a
large golden eagle that had been killed
in that section. The bird measured 7
feet 3 inches frem tip to :tp of his
wings and was a Qae specimen. It
was sent U Peru to be ssounted.
H. M, Tollinger, manager of the Ed
wards & Bradford Lumber Co., will
leave Nemaha en .Tauuary 10, 1004, and
be requests all parties in debt to call
and fix their accounts befere he leaves.
Youra truly,
H. M. Tollinoek.
Came to my plce Sunday, January
10. 1004, a red heifer calf with
wbite spet in forehead, weighing about
4t0 pounds. Owner can have same by
paying charges for keeping and adver
tising the same. W.W.Seid.
T. J. Rumbaugb, mail carrier en
routo No. 1, lias boon on the sick list
fer over two weeks, with grip. Sam
Littrell, the substitute, has boen can
rying the mail. Mr. Rumbaugh is get
ting better and thinks he will be all
right in a few days.
J.J. Alexander was in tho country
south of town Tuesday, going on foot,
and coming back bis feet get so heavs
ily laden with gumbo that he bad to
stop and unload. He was a little feari
ful that the pile of dirt left would
frighUn horses, but could not do any
Mrs. John W. Hawxby, who has
been critically ill for two or three
weeks, is some better. A trained
nurse from Lincoln took care of her
for awhile, but Mrs, Hawxby was
feeling well enough a few days ago to
dispense with the nurse's care. It is
hoped she will continue to imprnve.
Roy Brown died Wednesday night,
Jan. 13, 1004, at the home ef Mrs.
Susan I. Shively, in Nemaha, Nebr.,
aged 17 years, 1 month and 20 days
Roy has been a great sufferer for a
long time from consumption. He has
made his home for several years with
his great aunt, Mrs. Shiveley, his pars
ents being dead. The funeral services
were hold ac the Christian church ac
10 o'ejock a. m. Friday, Rev. J. W.
happ preaching the sermon. The
body was taken to Prairie .Union for
A Lesson in Health
Healthy kidneys niter the impurities
from tbo blood, and unless they do
this good health is impossible. Fos
ley's Kidney Cure makes 'sound kid
neys und will positively cure all forniB
of kidney and bladder disease.
strenghten8 the whole system. M T
A New Invention
Mlnlck'sFioldCorn Husking Muahine
huHks the corn from the stalk, leaving
eialks standing in the Held. Exclusive
etato and manufacturer a rifjht for sale
uy mo inventor and patentee. Corres
pondunne solicited. Address
4 4 If. T. MINICK', Nemaha, Neb,
Foley's Htnoy and Tar contains no
opiates and can oafoly bo given tt
childron M. T. Hill
Old papers for salo at this office.
The cheapest place
to buy goods.
W. M, Snelling
of St. Deroin. Nebr.,
Is closing out his stock
and will sell on Satur
days for cash at actual
cost of goods, with ten
percent added.
Call on him for bar
OmooB over Pontoflloo Bnlldlnir, t
Frank Neal'a old stand,
r. . W. Keeling,
Nouinhn, Nebraska.
Office in Koeling drug store.
dr.;g. m. jlndrews
Medical and Surgical
Diseases of Women'
Stella - - Nebrafllca
Fifteen years experience.
Terms and dates at Tho Adver.ti.ser
Dealer In
Hiffhoat market price paid for Hides.
Lard, Tallow, etc.
Froprietora of the
Livery & Feed Stable
Grcod Dray in connection with Livory
Satisfaction goarantaed.
T. B, Orothei
In the
Shoe Repairing
Harness Repairing
Hand Matte Harness a Specialty
Dealer In
Windmills and Pumps,
Tanks, Pipes, etc.
'Phone calls answered promptly.
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