f VOLUME XLVlll NEMAHA, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, JANUARY 8, 1904 NUMBER 29 x I1 Local News See U T Hill for Ore insurance. Richard Knapp visited Stella friends J rat Week. G. P. Larimore started for Coloma, Mo., Tuesday. John H, Knapp is a new reader of the Advertiser. Try the Devoe paint. Kerns, Auburn. Sold by J. W. Gilbert & McCandlass got in 000 lbs. of poultry Tuesday and 1000 lbs. Wed nesday. The passenger trains from the north and west were both about an hour and a half late Monday. Walter Thoninson returned to the Western Normal school at Shenandoah owa.last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. J. B,IIoover,wbo have been visiting at Brownville. returned the first of tho week. We had another and Sunday night. light enow Sunday There are numerous cases of grip in town nono very bad. School opened again Monday after a two weeks' vacation. Ode Stokes went to Barada Monday and is visiting friends. Two of D. II . Clark's children have been sick far several days. John White ef Aubura was a Nem aba visitor Monday evening. A fine line of silverware suitable for wedding presents at Reeling's. Mrs. W. S. Maxwell and Miss Lena returned from Wy more Monday. Warren Burns statted for Broken ArrowJIndian Territory, Tuesday. Miss Vera Minick of Bracken visited Nemaha friends Monday and Tuesday. Clarence Connor was able to come -down town Wednesday, after bis seige of sickness. Nate beaoris nas rented a rarm near Brownville and will move about the iirst of March. Mrs. fat Kiicoyne or Auourn was the Sliest of Mrs. W. W. Seid last Pri day and Saturday. Mrs. Frank Frazier, who has been spending the holidays at York. Nebr. returned home Friday. Tho editor's otlica phono is No. 7 and mac oi nts resilience is. wo.-i. unii us up if you have any news. Notice to Stock Feeders We have just added a fine lino of the Celebrated Standard Stook and Poultry Food Mrs. Josphine Llndsey returned to which we can sell you at factory Violet, Neb., Monday, after a low prices from 50 cents to $5.00 ner aays visit in nemaim. box Mrs. W. H. Hoover Is having a lot of lumbor sawed from tho timber en I the Nemaha river west of Nemaha. Miss Carrie Burg returned to Neras aha Saturday after a two week's vaca tion at her home in Dallas Clty.'JUs. W. E. Seid and C. Derosa went to I Dunbar Wednesday of last week and visited a day ar two with Marion Seid. Grandma Skeen of Eskridge, Kan sas, Bpent the belidays as a guest or her son, Ben T. Skeen, of London pre cinct. Very respectfully, m. X. HILL Eiliett Minick, son of C. T. Minick of Bracken, is attending the Nemaha school. He is staying with his aunt Mrs. Elmer E Allen. Justin E. Long has rented the Wm. Anderooh farm north of the Champion ) school house, and will movo thoreon about tho tlrst of March. Eugene Kerst, who'haa boon on this farm, will meveon Marshall Webb's farm. Soymour H ewe's condition remains about the samo, there being littlo change. He is very weak and on ac count of the condition of his stomaoh is able to take but very little nourish ment. His leg Is healing slowly. Y. P. Peabody says if the Nemaha I citizens would put in the time spent in arguing the Bidewalk question in hard work, enough could bo oarned to build sidewalks all over town. And he finds no ono to dispute this nssertion. J II. Seid and his good wifo invitod a number of their neighbors and friends to take dinner with thorn New Year's day and fifty three were present A feast of good things were prepared by Mrs. Seid. who is a Quo cook. The day was thoroughly enjoyed by all present. What Thin Folks Need Is greator powor of digesting and assimilating food. For thorn Dr (C irNNWLUa Pill a work wonders They tono and regulate tho digestive organs, gently expol all poison from the system , enrich tho blood, Improve appotito make hoalthy flesh. Only 25c at Keollng's. Old papers for salo at this ofllce. Peter Kerker commenced putting up ice Wednesday morning;. The ice is about seven inches thick and is of a fair quality. Miss Emma Crim, whe has been spending tbe holidays with her aunt, Mrs S. Yates, returned to Nebraska City Monday. Mrs. J. L Knfght has been quite sick for some time, there being a gathw ering of some, kind in her head. She has suffered severely. Mrs. H. Curse returned home Saturday, after visiting a few with her daughter, Mrs. E. S. Candless, at Thurman, Iowa. last days Mci W. E. Whoeldon has bought of Sherman May the twelvo acre tract joining Nemaha on tbe northwest that Sherman bought of John W. Skeen last August. The price paid was 1400 S110.00 per acre. Ed will sot out a lot of fruit in the spring but will not move on it. Some people think it is a terrible imposition to call on them to put in sidewalks or do anything for the bones (it of the tewn. Richard F. Neal has opened up law ofllces in the new brick block built by the Gilmore Armstrong Co., west of tho court house. Miss Flora Hancock, who has been visiting her uncle, J. II. Vanderslice, returned to her home at Severance, Kansas, Tuesday. For Sale Seven fine thoroughbred male PolandCbina hogs, A. B Paris. i. r' ISALE 5 ' I AT VANDERSLICE'SI Caps And all I am making Special Prices on Underwear Shoes Hats Ulnter Goods i I will make Special Prices on Winter TVVIts We carry a complete line of FRESH GROCERIES at all times J. H. VANDERSLICE Mrs. Curtis returned to Peru Tues day after a visit with her daughters, Mrs. A. "N. Sedoras, Mrs. E. H. Knapp and Mr D. E. Littrell. Dr. D.F. Hutchison, Optician from Omaha, will Jbe at Nemaha again on Tuesday, Jan. 10, and HrownvUlo, en Monday, Jan. 18. Eyes examined free. Marie Woodward wa five yeari old Wednesday and bad a party -of her young friends in tue atteinoon. Twelve were present and enjoyed themselves heartily. F. E. Qaither, who. hue been spend ing the holidays with his parents, Dr. and Mrs. II. S. Qaither, returned to Omaha Monday. He is atteuding tbe Creighton medical college. C. P. Scovil sold his household furniture Saturday and the next day weHt to Hiawatha. Kansas, where he will make bis home. He subscribed for the Advertiser before leaving. A. B. Smith went to Louisville, Nebr., to see a brother whom he heard war verv tick, but when he sot there he found bis brother had died and was buried. He returned to Nemaha Mon day. Misses Edna and Blanch Lytle, Grace and Nora Burson and Minnie Speece ef Aipinwall precinct returned to Peru Monday. They are attending tbe Normal school. All are graduates of the Nemaha high schaol. Tbe Methodist ladies' aid society last week elected the following officers Mrs. Fanny Yackley, president. Mrs Sarah Watson, vice-president. Mrs. M. A. Woodward, secretary. Mrs.. Rebecca Berger, treasurer. FOUND The cheapest place to buy goods. W. M, Snelling of St. JDeroin. Nebr., Is closing out his stock and will sell on Satur days for cash at actual cost of goods, with ten percent added. Gall on him for bargains. Another car load of fleur from the Aurora mills just unloaded at the Paris building the flour that pleases everybody in quality and price. Bran, shorts, chop feed, Graham and corn meal alwaya on hand. Crother, tbe harness man, will wait on you. E. L PAIII8. At a meeting of tbe Nemaha county mutual Ore insurance company, held at Auburn Monday, John I. Dressier was elected treasurer and Will S. Hus- sel a member of the executive com mittee. Delrss Hughes was elected president, W.K. Blount vice president and O. P. Dovel secretary. A. N. Harris was called to Chicago Friday by a telegram announcing that his bretberin-law had been killed that day. He was employed by the railroad company and was standing on the track checking cars when he was truck by a train, and was killed. Mr. Harris returned homa Tuesday. Grandpa Prall was elghtyxseven years eld Friday of last week New Year's day. His health has been very poor recently, but his many friends hope be will rally and will bo with us many years yet. He is spending his last days with bis daughter Mrs W. W. Seid, who looks carefully after tbe needs of her father, and seee that he wants for nothing, Ed Knapp came near killing himself off Monday morning while unloading a barrel of oil at Vauderslice'a. The bottom of the wagon bed was frosty and bis feet slipped from under him, throwing him to the ground with the barrel of ell on top, striking him heavily on the chest. He was quite sore for two or three days but cons eratulates himself mat it was no worse. Sherman May has bought of the Edwards & Bradford Lumber Co. the property where II. M. Tollluger is now living rna uiier expects to leave Nemaha Boon. His health has been poor for some time and he will go to another part of the country , hoping the change will be beneficial. He also gets a better paying position, with less work but greater responsibility Miss Minnie May will have charge of the central for the lelephone company Mr. May has a fine property, in one of the best lecations in town. r. (g. W. Keeling, Nemaha, Nebraska. Office in Keeling drug Btore. DR. G. M. ANDREWS Medical and Surgical Diseases of Women Stella - - - Nebraska 0.0. SNOW Auctioneer Fifteen years experience. Termu and dates at The Advertiser ofllce. Ran A Ten Penny Nail Through His Hand. I Whilo opening: a box, J. C Mount of Three Mile Bay, N. Y., ran a ten penny nail through the flenhy part of his hand. "I thought at once of the pain and soreness this would cause me," he says, "and immediately appli- dt Chamberlain's Paiu Balm and oc- caaionallyafterwurdB. To my surprise it removed all pain and soreness and the injured purts were soon healed.- A Lesson in Health Healthy kidneys Alter the impurities from tho blood, and unless they do this good health is impossible. Fos ley's Kidney Cure makes sound kid neys and will positively cure all forms of kidney and bladder disease, strengthens tho whole system. M Hill. A New Invention Minick'sFieldCorn iluskina Machine I r . . ... . uuskb ine corn irom tue atalK, loavlng stalks standing in the field. Exclusive state and manufacturer' right for sale by tho inventor and patentee. Corros pondencn solicited. Address PETER KE11KER. Dealer in Qig-liCBt market price paid for Hideu, Lard, Tallow, etc, KNAPP & SON Froprletcrnof the Livery & Feed Stable NEMAHAJNSBB. Gcod Dray in cennoction with Livery Satisfaction guarantied. T. JE. Orotlie -in the- PARIS BUILDING Shoe Repairing Harness Repairing it Hand Made Harness a Specialty WESLEY H. CLARK Denier In Windmills and Pumps, Tanks, Pipes, etc. ALL WORK GUARANTEED 'Phone calls answered promptly. Phone No2(5 NEMAHA, NEB 11, -K Bale by-W. W. Keeling. 4 4 II. T, MINICK, Nemaha, Neb