Mmmiti . ,, VOLUME XLVlll NEMAHA, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, DECEMBER Li, 1903 XUMBER 25 HOOSIER CASH STORE $ i GOOD GOODS We still have a few 0 LadiesWalking Skirts left, on -which we will make the following t t 1 J Our regular $3.50 skirt for this week at Our regular $4.00 skirt at x Our regular $4.50 skirt at 2 Our regular $6.00 skirt at These skirts are cut full in size and values at these prices. SPECIAL PRICES ! $2.50$ 8.25$ s Men's half -wool pants, the regular $2.00 kind, we sell at-$1.50 Fancy cotton wristing in pink, blue and green, regular price 15 cents, this week at -L' 12-$ are Also leggings, shoes, overshoes, duck coats, xjind every- $ tiling you want for cold weather. 4 i s s JXTO, W. RITCEET I Phone 4 BROWNVILLE, NEBR. $ Local News See If T Hill for Ore insurance. Only two weeks until Ouristnas. We had another little enow Thurst day. lira. J. B. Fisher, we learn, is quite sick. Another light snow fell Tuesday night. v Try the Devot paint. Sold by J. W. Kerns, Auburn. A, F. Walsh went to Lincoln Saturn day of last week. Wes Clark is suffering from a car buncle on his right shoulder. A flne line of silverware suitable fer wedding presents at Heeling's. Miss OUio Fisher of Colerado is visiting Miss Anna Knapp this week. Dan Fauver of Wymore is visiting the family of James If. Burns this week. Too bridge across the Nemaha south of town is impassible on account of . repairs. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Sbubert of Bracken were visiting Nemaha friends Monday. A Claud, Grace and Lynn Jarvis went to Wabash, Neb., Monday to visit their grandmother, Jas. A. Stepeeuson was feeling good Wednesday morning, as he finished husking corn Tuesday. The editor's office phone is No. 7 and that of his reaidenoe is No. 1. Call us up If you have any news. Joe Bunger is getting his house pretty well enclosed and is rushing the work as rapidly as possible. Miss Lizzie Lownrk started for Granite. 111., Monday, where she will visit until after Christmas. . , Mrs. Fearl Finch Roberta of Browns ville was the guest of Mrs. Cora Crother Wednesday. The editor Is living on "he and hominy" now and can appreciate the fondness of Mliaourlans for this food. Homer H. Dewees, who has been working near Nebraska flit for tk past six weeks, returned to Nemaha last Friday. ' Faint oil, machine oil, harness oil, coal oil, bicycle oil, any kind ef oil at the right price at Edwards & Bradford Lumber Co, Miss Edith Swan of Molint. Ills.. arrived in Nemaha Thursday of last week on a visit to Mrs.lWm. H. Hbovn er and family. F. L, Woodward, manager of the pcra bouse, says be has booked a good minstrel troup of eighteen per sons for December 25. Marie Scofleld of Taylor, Neb , visit- eo her graudmotber, Mrs. E. A. Miniok, and her aunts in Nemaha Monday and Tuesday. We are requested to thank the peo ple, especially those from Nemaha, for the liberal patronage given the oyster supper at Champion Tuesday night. For 8ale Bay herse, weight 1100, 7 years old, goed driver. One buggy, nearly new, also a good set of single harness. See W. E. Wiieeld9n. I. N. Vogel of Omaha, deputy for the Boyal Achates, was in Nemaha several days'iast week, and until Tuess day of this week, in the interest of chat order. We have received from Congressman Burkett a copy of Diseases of the Horse, a apeciul report published by the U. S. department of agriculture. It is an excellent work. Prof. Eugene Howe of Exeter, Neb., arrived In Nemaha Saturday afternoon, called by the serious illness of biB fath. or, Seymour Howe. He returned to Exeter Wednesday, Will Davenport, a former teacher in the Nemaha schools, was shaking hands with his many friends in Nem aha last Saturday. Will has been oms ployed in the stockyards in Chicago for some time. ' There will be an oyster supper at the Larkin school house en Saturday, Dei cember 12. Price of snpper, 15 cents for adults, 10 cents for children. Pros ceeds for the benefit of school. Every bedy is invited. Street Commiseltner Zook this week put in 10'lnch tiling aoress the street from the Advertiser office to the liv ery stable, to carry off the water com ing down the ditch on the south side of Washington street. We humbly apologize to Mrs. W . E. Wbeeldon for a mistake we made last week . It was Mrs , Earle Gilbert and Mrs. Wheeldon that entertained the Rebekaks at the Kensington Saturday afternoen of the week before, F. L. Weodward has leased the Hoover epera bouse for the next year aad will theroughly overhaul the same inside and put it in geod shape. He will get some good attractions for the remainder of the season, if passible. Another car load of fleurfremthe Anrora mills just unloaded at the Paris building the flour that pleases everybody in quality and price. Bran, shorts, ohop feed, Graham and corn meal always on hand. Crother, the harness man, will wait ou you. E. L, Paris. MRS, THEO HILJL Is closing out her Winter Hats, Ribbons, Tips, and all Winter Millinery. Call and see her for Bargains. ST" Any one knowing themselves indebted to me will please call and settle. Ed Knapp had another little runs away Wednesday. He stepped into the meat market, leaving his dray team standing, and had just get inside the door when the horses started on a run for the barn. They ran into a wagon in front of the little brlek house and stopped. No damage was dene. Mise Mae Phillips and Mies Minnie Nelson are helding revival services at the Methodist ohurch this week, Miss Phillips gives some excellent talks and Mias Nelson is a flne singer. Sunday ight the house was orowded and a great many had to stand. It is hoped much good will be accomplished by these ladies. Dr. I, H. Dillon of Auburn and Dr. James Kay of Nemaha operated on Seymour Howe's leg Snnday. The growth ou the side of the bone was re moved and the decayed piece of bone were taken out. He rallied from the operation as well as could be expected and is now feeling better, although he is yet very weak. On account of atom aoh trouble he can take but little nourishment and of course this keeps blm very weak. FOUND The cheapest place to buy good. W, M, SneMtig of St. Deroin. Nebr., Is closing out his stock and will sell on Satur days for cash at actual cost of goods, with ten per cent added. Call on him for bargains. Old papers for sale at this office. If you want fire insurance, either in eld line or mutual companies, call n W. W. Sanders. it it i I 1 i i I ? $ I it i it $ HOLIDAY GOODS We beg to announce to the good people of Nemaha and vicinity that we are now open ing the LargestsBest Line Holiday Goods in the county WE MEAN IT There are too many items to even attempt to mention them Our long experience makes us know your wants. Please call and you will find the Quantity and Variety r AS TO PRICES The goods were bought right. "W e pay no rent or clerk hire We can and will save you money. A visit will convince you $ i Very respectfully, HI T. HILL i J.