The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, November 27, 1903, Image 6

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    Tiur urn p
U!1!1L!BBB1 Vomn. in. Inhr
Lincoln. Denver
Omh u Helena
Chiongo Butto
St. Joseph Salt Lako City
Kunsus City 3?ortland
St.LouiH and all Sari 3Tranoisoo
Points 3Cast and And all Points
South. "West
No. 07 PftSBonjzor, dally oxceptSun
dny, for Teoumsolt, Uontrlce,
Holdrogo and nil points west 0:(0 a m
No.08Pa88engor, daily MxeoptSnn
duy, (or Nebrasku City, Chicago
aud all points north and cost 4t00p m
No, 110 Looal freight, -dally except
Sunday, for Atchison and Inter
raedlatn stations 7:20 p tn
No 112 Looal freight, dally except
Monday, for Nebraska Ghy and
Intermediate stations ............ 2:00 a m
Sleeping, dining and reollnlng chair cars
'seats free on through tralDS. TlokoU sold
and baggaro cheeked to any point In the
United States or Canada.
For Information, maps, time tables and
HAlrAta pall nn nr wplla Ia UT c WkMnM
agent, or J. Francis, Ueneral Passenger
Agent, Omaha, Neb.
figA Ifliaiwa la J Jaw BIsiU
For stile by M.T. Hill.
wtm Mttai Pravsats Paamasafa
For sale by M. T. Hill.
fmrmhUdrmmt f; rm. Mm aafal
Women as Well as Men
Are Made Miserable by
Kidney Trouble.
Kldnev trouble nravs urvm ihm mtnA ai
courages and lessens ambition; beauty, vigor
ana cneeriuiness soon
disappear when the kid
neys are out of order
' or diseased.
Kidney trouble has
become SO nrftvaVnt
I that It is not uncommon
for a child to be born
'afflicted with weak kid
neys. If the child urin
ates tnn nfton If Um
urine scalds the flesh or If, when the child
reaches an age when It should be able to
control the passage, It Is yet afflicted with
bed-wettlnr, depend upon It. the cause of
the difficulty Is kidney trouble, and the first
step should be towards the treatment of
these important organs. This unpleasant
trouble is due to a diseased condition of the
ktdnevs and bladder And
" V . W . tiiw
most people suppose.
Women as well as men are made mis
erable with kidney and bladder trouble,
and both need the same great remedy.
The mild and the Immediate effect ol
Swamp-Root Is soon realized. It is sold
by druggists, in fifty
cent and one dollar
sizes. You may have a
sample bottle by mall
:ree. aiso pamphlet tell- Home f swamp-nooi.
ing all about It, Including many of the
thousands of testimonial letters received
from sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kllmei
tt Co., Blnghamton, N. Y., be sure and
mention this paper.
2825 Heeler St.,
Chicago, Iix., Oct,, 2, 1902.
I Buffered with falling and con
gestion of the womb, with severe
pains through the groins. I suf
fered terribly at the time of men
struation, had blinding headaches
and rushing of blood to the brain.
What to toy I knew not, for it
seemed that I had tried all and
failed, but I had never tried Wine
of Cardui, that blessed remedy for
sick women. I found it pleasant
I to taKe ana soon Jmow that l had
thn ritrht mpdirdnn. TTnw blond
seemed to course through my veins
and after using eleven bottles I
was a well woman.
Mrs. Bush is now in perfect
health because she took Wine of
Cardui for menstrual disorders,
bearing down painB and blinding
headaches when all other remedies
failed to bring her relief. Any
sufferer may secure health by tak
ing Wine of Cardui in her home.
Tbo first bottlo convinces the pa
tient she is on the road to health.
Ti'nr nflxMM in waAH rflmilrlnf
'V fmnftnl iiiwttnnn nrlfiroq. fTlvtnrr
i D
symptomsr "The Ladies' Advisory
is i ill rm ii ii
i nnnvrmonr ' inn nairnnnnmi
Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tenn.
Dragging bid
The Nebraska Advertiser
IV. IV. Bander
"XV. F. Sanders
W. W. Sanders & Son, Prop's.
FRIDAY, NOV. 20, 1003.
TJte- One Wkoic Good Deed And Kind
Word Spring from a Geer-
It is not always the jrl who is most
beautiful in face and form that wins
our love and holds it. Very often such
a girl's head is turned by .flattery,
and her thoughts so Given to bar out
ward appenrance that her real self
Is burled out of sight, and instead of
developing a beautiful, Btrong char
acter, she becomes conceited and sclf-
The girl who thinks she is an author
11V on nnv Slimrot mnntlnnnH on,1
docs not hesitate to try to convince
others of the same fact, Is another
type of the unlovable irirl.
The rapid girl, with her Blong, her
decadent novels, and her club, may be
gooa company nntl do to pass the time
that would otherwise hang heavily
wnue a man is looking around for his
ideal, but even the fellows who call
her a real jolly trirf don't for thdmn
dredth part of a second imagine she's
There is another class of eM nrn
nounced "smart" by her associates
who takes special deliirht In mnkW
cruel thrusts at those not quick
euougn xo retaliate, such a girl Imag
ines she is witty, because others laugh
when she speaks, but it is a biting,
stinging wit, and not one that makes
The timid, suspicious girl, the one
who is continually regulnting her ac
tions by what "people say," who is
afraid to act impulsively for fenr of
aomg (something not quite correct,
who has no self-reliance, no will nf
her "own, who condemns everything
outside ot her narrow world as fast
and dangerous. Is certainly not a lovn
ble type.
Neither is the frivolous girl, coquet
tish and entertainincr. n irirl th nt rta.
mands our love, though she is usually
zouna surrounded by admirers listen
ing to her gay chatter und paying her
ine compliments so essential to her
happiness; by her very lightness she
mny make a pleasant comnanlon for
a time but that is all.
Which, then, is the lovable type of
girl? She iB. without mipstfnn f,B
one whose kind words and good deeds
spring irom a generous heart. She
is one who is loyal to her friends and
shares in their sorrows ob well as in
their joys. In faet, Bhe enters their
very lives and urges them on to finer
thoughts and nobler deeds. Be she
rich or poor, light or dark, pretty or
piain, sne is the most lovable of all
Lawyer (to the widow) The law
gives you a tnirn, madam.
The Widow Well, I'm not going to
take any chances in that dlrentlnn t
shall proceed to hustle for mv third.
jubi as i am ior my flrst and second.
Chicago Dally News.
NMt Brown Bread.
Add chopped nuts, hickorv nr
lish walnuts, to nnv entlrn wlimi
graham bread recipe, nllowing two-
miras oi a cupiul of nuts to each medium-sized
loaf. Ladies' World, New
FlxlBK the niamr.
Tom (after a year's absence) By
me way, om man, are you still engaged
to Aii8s jey
Jack No; the engagement Is off.
"Why, how'B that?"
"The minister is to blame. IT mor.
rled us six months ago." Chicago
jjauy xNews.
If He Were Read.
An auctioneer in Willouchbv at
Brooklyn, said- of a set of mourning
jeweiry wmcn ne was trying to dispose
of that it was "just the sort of article
he would purchase for his wife If she
i were a wiaow." indiannpolls News,
i Drcakfuat anil Loutr lAte.
I Statistics show that the 'longest
' uvea people nave generally been those
who made breakfast the nH
meal of the day .--Science and Health,
Reveals a Croat Sooret
It la often asked liow such startling
cures, that puzzle the beBt physicians
are effected by Dr. King's New Dis
covery for Consumption. Here's the
secret. It cuts out the phlegm and
germ-Infected mucus, and lets the life
giving oxygen enrich and vitalize the
blood. It heals tha Hummed, couch-
worn throat and lungs. Hard colds
aud stubborn couplis soon yield to Dr.
King's New DlBUOvery, the moat in
fallible remedy for all throat and lung
diseases. Guaranteed buttles BOc and Trial bottles free at Keeling's.
A Pew StiKKcMttnnn am to Vnrlotui
Matters ComlnK Under the
JUO'ievrJfe, Care.
Children's school lunch baskets need
a little care to keep them-sweet and
pure. As often as once a month they
should be dipped, in hot salted wnter
and then plunged into cold water.
JJry in the sun If possible, or before
the fire. If Japanese lmnor nnnktiin
are used instead of linen, the basket
will be more easily kept in good condi
tion. Several green coffee beans left to
soak in the unbeaten white of nn egg
win color cake Icing a delicate green.
The beans should be removed and the
egg whipped nnd used for the icing,
says a household authority.
A irood and an inexpensive break.
last sweet is apricot marmnlaUc made
arom canned apricots. Measure1 the
fruit, nnd to each pint allow three-
fourths of a pint of sugar. Cook over
a srow lire, stlurlng once In awhile
until the marmalade is thick.
It is rather dlBCOurmrlmr to th
"would-be economical housekeeper to
read newspaper and matrazine ac
counts of how the parlorH were rcfur-
nisneu at a cost too insignificant to
mention. The process always includes
"an old velvet dress I happened to
have," or "the express cost me noth
ing, as a friend kindly brought it iu
her automobile." The humble Imitator
rarely happens to have an old velvet
dress, and has to buy something new
to take its place, and she usually pays
the lull express on whatever she
brings from a distance. The worst.
feature of these misleading directions
for achieving great results without ex
penditure Is that it establishes a
standard in the minds of the masculine
members of the family which the
housekeeper finds it hard to live up to.
For stuffed cabbage choose a fine
head, from which cut the stalk and
outer leaves. Put into boiling water
and cook for ten minutes. Place the
cabbaire in cold wnter for half nn hour.
drain and wrap in u cheesecloth or thin
muslin cloth. Remove the heart of the
cabbage, and chop half of this fine
and mix with minced ham and freah
breadcrumbs. Season and moisten
with melted butter, and fill the hollow
in the cabbage with the mixture. Put
enough clear stock or water in a pot
to cover half the cabbnrre and boil
until tendei Itemeve the bandacea
before serving, and pour around it in
the dish a little gravy made from the
liquor In the pot, thickened with a
roux of butter and flour and seasoned
with tomato catsup or mushroom
Stand Like a Stone Wall
Between your children and the tors
turos of itching and burning eczema
scaldhead or other diseases.-How?
why by using Uncklen'a Arnica Salve.
earth's greatest healer. Quickest cure
for Ulcers, Fever Sores, Salt Rheum
Cuts, Burns, or Bruises. Infallible
for Files. 2fc at Keeling's drug store,
What is Foley's Eldney Onro?
Answer: It is made from a prescript
tion of a leading Chicago physician.
and one of the most eminent in the
country. The ingredients are the
purest that money can boy, and are
scientifically combined to get the best
results.-M T Hill.
A Surgical Operation
is always dangerous do not submit to
the surgeon's knife until you have
tried DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. It
win cure you when everything else
fails it has done this in thousands of
cases. Here is one of them . I suffered
from bleeding and protruding piles for
twenty years. Wua treated by differ
ent specialists and used many mmedies
but obtained no relief until I used De
Witt's Witch Kazel Salve. Two boxen
of this salve cured me eighteen months
ago and I have not bad a touch of the
piles since H. A. Tisdale. Summer
ton, S. C. For Blind, Bleeding, Itch-
Ing and Protruding Piles no remedv
equals DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve
Sold by W. W. Keeling.
Spring Ailments
There is an aching and tired feeling.
the liver, bowels, and kidneys become
sluggish and inactive, the digestion
impaired, with little or no appetite no
ambition for anything and a feeling
that the whole body and mind needs
toning up. The trouble is, that dur
ing the winter, there has I een an over
accutnalation of waste matter in the
system. Herbine will remove it, Ke-
cure to the secretions a right exit, and
give strength in place of weakness.
50o at Hill's.
Tor a pleasant physic take Chain
borlain'tt Stomach and Liver Tablets
Easy to tnke. Pleasant in effect
Foley's Htney and Tar contains no
opiates nnd can safely bo given to
children M, T. IIlll
Ouros When Doctors Pail
Mrs. Frank Chlaasou, Patterson, l ,
writes Juno 8th, 1001 : ! had malaria
fover In a very bad form, was under
treatment by doctors, but as soon as I
stoppod taking their medicine the fev
er would return, I need a sample
bottle of Hopbine, found it helped mo.
Then I'bouRht two bottles, which
completely cured me. I feol verv
grateful to yon .for furnishing sucha
splendid modicine, and can honestly
recommend It to thoso suffering witb
malaria, as It will surely core them."
Heroine, 50c bottle at Hill'?.
Hlds Up a Congressman
"At the end of the caracalon."
writes Champ Clark, Missouri's brllll
ant congressman, "from overwork
nervous tension, loss of aleep and con
stant Bpeaklng I bad about utterly col
lapsed. It seomed that all of mv
organs were out of order, hot three
bottles of Electric Bitters made me all
right. It's tbo best all-round medls
cine evor sold ovor a druggist's counts
er." Overworked run-down men aud
weak, sickly women gain splendid
vitality from Electric Bitters. Try
them. Only 60c. Guaranteed bv
One Minute cough cure gives relief
In one minute, because it kills the mi
crobe which tickles the mucous mem
brane, causing the cough, and at the
same time clears the phlegm draws out
the inflammation and heals and sooth
es the affected parts. One Minute
coogb euro strenghens the lungs, wards
off pneumonia and is a harmless and
never falling core In all curatle caues
of coughs, colds, and exonp. One Min
ute cough cure is pleasant to take,
harmless and cood alike tar
old.-W. W. Keeling.
Just About Bedtime
take a Little Early Riser It will core
constipation, biliousness and liver
troubles. DeWitt's Little Early Risers
are different from other pills. They
do not gripe and break down the muc
ous membrane of the stomach, liver
and bowels, but cure by gently arous
ing the secretions and giving strength
to these organs. Sold by W. W. Keols
America's Greatest Weekly.
Toledo Blade
New and Largo Building, New
Presses, New Sterotype Plant
New and Modern Appliances
in every department.
Tho Toledo i Blade Is now Installed la its now
hiilldlnR. with modern plant nnd cqultmont, nnd
facilities equal to any publication between New
York and (ihlrjifrn. ft U th. nnl. u..t.i.. .
paper edited expressly for e Yery state and territory
The news of the world so arranged that busy peo'
,- wu iiiuio eumi; cvinproncnu, man dy reading
cumbernomo columns of dalllos. All current tonics
mAfla nifllll In flrtl Ibbiiii litf t.antl A.lf. 1 J...
r i. . ... yj win i cuuvijui mm
ter, written from Inception down to dnto. Tho
only paper published especially for people who do
or do not read dally newnpapera, and yet thirst for
,i iiiu iiicip. i i mi mis Kniti or a ne wspapor Is pop
ular, le proven by tho lact that the Weekly Dlad
nw Jias over HiO.CM'Oyoarly subscribers, and lsclr.
iiinu iirvn ui me u . jn nuillllOIl to tho
nflWH. lh. FtiflrlM tiftHlf ctiiii. at... v. .1 ...1.1 -.
and many departments of matter suited to every
member of tho family. Only oue'dollar a year.
Write for free specimen copy. Addross
Toledo, Ohio
Editorially fearless
Consistently Republican A ways
News from all nnrta of tho wnrlM wn ..::..i i..
Answers to quories on all subjects
""m uuitt nuwm uiu rural anugu&ruou.
Tho IntrK Ockak is n mnmlinp nf
only wostorn newspaper receiving tho
the ,ow "iork Sun and special cable
u.,jr lupurw irom oyer ,uuu special correspondents thxoughout thocotm
try. o pen can tell more fully why it is the best on earth.
52 twelve paee papers-52 One dollar a vear
Jsvimitl of news from everywhere and
u perfect feast of special matter . . .
Suberibe fu? The Ailverli&cr
re Those Who Ltvcon IF
Dr. liergln, 1'ana, 111. writearl
have used Mallards Snow Liniment,
always recommuml It to my friends,
and I am confident that there Is no
hotter made. It Is a dandy for
burns. who live on farms
are especially liable to many accidental
cuts, burns and brutees, which heal
rapidly when Ballard's Snow Lini
ment Is applied. It should rtlwayBbe
kepti In the house for case of emer
gency. 20c, 50, and ).00 at Hill's,
World-Wide BepntatWn
White's Cream Vermifuge has act
hieved a world wide reputation as be
ing the best of worm destroyers, and
for ita tonic Influence on weak and an
thrifty children, as it neutralizes Oio
acidity or sourness of the stomach,
Improvos the digosttonand assimila
tion of food, strengthens the nervous
system and restores them to the health
vigor and olastioity of spirits natural
to childhood. 25oatHill'6.
The Nebraska Mercbantile Mntnal
Insurance company of Lincoln, Ne
braska, has oyer $6,000,000 insurance
in force with the leading business men
of the stato Ask to see a list of them
W. W. Sanders, agent.
Chris Miller of Fremont Nebr.
writes: "I suffered fren dyspepsia for
more than 10 years. I was aader the
care of a number of doctors, made three
trips away, and still no relief. Kodo
Dyspepsia Cure being recommended to
me by several who bad used It, and as
the last straw, I concluded to try it.
After the iirst two or three doses I be
gan to Improve and have taken several
bottles and feol like a new man. 1
write you this in the Interest, of hu
manity, hoping it may fall into the
bands of some sufferer, and my prayer
is that tbey may secure the same bene
fit that I have." Sold by W. W. Keel
wri:ur.';"7' Mrs. Rorst
Br-UIor.iprti.JW. Jur M0IBY MAnitmMtMtfuUnri
I0D0L dtes what ysM
K0D0L e,MMM purlflss. strengths
- and sweetens Ihs itomtch.
K0D0L ourea Indljtlon, dyspepsia, and
KODOL accelerates th action aWfcsVa.
digestive organs.
KODOL ra " overworked stomach
af U navtfAiifl vlvtiln m!aa. a
the heart a full, free and uatrammeled
action, aourishes Ike nervous svatam nrl
we hwi WU4 (All Al 1 1 eglVWS IV
feeds the brain.
KODOL the wonderful remedy that is
i i maklnc an minv tlnc rnkAnlm wmM
ad weak people strong by giving to their
boqibs ui oi tns nourisnment mat is canr
Mined in the food they eat.
ottlaa only, SI, 00 Size holding 2J4 times the-trta)
size, wnich mus (or 50c.
KMsani eaUi sy E. C. ltWITT CO., CllCAM.
Articles on Health, the Home, Now
thn Aaai...:nn,i d ,i . .i
entire telegraphic news service o
of the Now York World, besides
Free &MlH
Old papers for aale ht this ofliru
For aale by W. V. Keeling.
papers for $1.50. 1 J " "t"" V"C w,r U9"