The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, November 27, 1903, Image 3

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W. W. SANDERS &. SON, PablUWs.
lnritc Tunic for the Hcnr,
RtiBsIa is now nstrldo of two conti
nently and has call for Its armies many
thousands of miles npart. The bear
that walks llko a colossus has a largo
task on its hands.
1 The Cnt "I.iuiKUiiKC."
A St. PauJ man has Glamorized tho
cat language und says there aro two
dozon words in it. Anybody who has
stopped on a cat's tail knows what
thoao words are, too.
The Fly In tho Crcum.
A largo fly appears in our Alaskan
cream. Tho island of Kunughunnut
was awarded tho United States. Lot
Canada dry its tears and watch us ar
ticulating that precious nut.
I'ennlty for Crude Method.
Tho Indiana girl, who raised $1 hills
to $10, in ordor to pay her expenses at
Bchool, naturally and rightly will go.t
a sovoro sontenco, while tho men who
raise $1,000,000 Industries to $10,000,000
meet with nothing severer than news
paper condemnation.
"V. C. T. U. a nil the Ctuitecn.
Tho Women's Christian Toraporanco
union shows no disposition to back
track on tho question of the army can
teen, If its influonco continues poton
Ual tho inhabitant of tho ormy will
Jiavo to kcop right on dodging around
tho corner to rush the growler.
Peril of Getting: Ony.
Nino Grow Indians killed and ton
captured in a battle with a Wyoming
rkerlff's posso comes nearer tho pro
portions of an Indian war than any
thing that has occurrod for somo timo.
Llko tho colored man in raco conflicts,
tho Indian generally gets tho worst
of it.
Aiipallliii; IuerciiHC of llontlcldCH.
In his charge to tho grand jury of
Montgomery, Ala., Judgo William H.
Thomas spoke strongly of tho increase
in tho number of homicides, not only
In tho south but throughout tho coun
try. According to tho judge thoro is an
average of 10,405 homicides in tho
United States ovory yqar, or twice as
many doaths from that cause as from
appendicitis or smallpox. Every year
homicidal mania claims more victims
than scarlot fovor,
IiiiIIii'n IIciiHh ituil .Serpent.
Last year tigers killed 1,010 persons
In India, G5 having been killed In one
district alone. More than 30,000 cattlo
ere killed by tigers, while panthers
and leopards killed at least as many
more. Monoy was paid out for tho de
struction of 4,413 leopards and 1,331
tigers. Wild quadrupeds woro credited
with, killng 3,G51 persons. Poisonous
snakes killed 2G.1GC.
Uncle Snin'H Fnrm Arcn.
Tho total area used for farming pur
poses in the United States is 841,000,
000 acres- an area larger than En
gland, Scotland, Ireland, Wales, Franco,
Germany, Austria, Spain, Japan and
tho Transvaal. Thoro aro 10,438,000
persons engaged in agricultural pur
suits, while all other Industries em
ploy but 18,815,000. One-third of tho
people aro, therefore, dovotcd to farm
ing. The AVorld'n Ship.
Not counting tho navies, tho world's
ships aro 20,943 steam vessels and 12,
182 sailing craft. Boys of 21 can ro
mombor when sails outnumbered
steamers 100 to 1. England's part lu
tho tonnage is over 16,000,000 and ours
Is 3,Gll,95G. Germany cornea next with
3,283,217. Then Norway (strange to
tell), with 1,663,740. It seems incred
ible that Norway's llttlo Ashing boats
should show greater tonnage than
Franco' mercantile marine, which is
Where ThcorlcH Pull.
Somo "social scientist" with timo to
waste has been pondering ovor mar
riage, birth and divorce statistics, and
reaches tho alarming conclusion that
the male population of tho country Is
In a fair way to,becomo wifeless and
daughtorless. Evidently this scientist
has failed to reflect on tho tendencies
indicated by 10,000 women in Now
York the other day trying to climb
over each other in ordor to got n
glimpse of a bride. Did this look llko
indifference to matrimony?
Xjobht Period of Preponderance.
The house of representatives which
lias just assembled Is the fifth In suc
cession that has been controlled by
the republicans, a length of party mas
tery that has not been equaled for
anore than a quarter of a century.
When tho republicans went out of
power In the house in 1875 they had
fceen In control for 14 years. Since then
o party has had more than six years
of power, and tho republicans never
nore than two years at a time until
Ike present period of preponderance.
Prosecuting Attorney Unearths Nest
of Boodlers at Grand Rapids.
Seventeen OfllcIfiM and Kx-Ofnolnls Said to
Have Jlotrsyed the CItr for Moner to
fill Their Oxrn PockoU Wiir
lendor Milken Confefudon.
Grand Rapids, Mich., Nov. 22.War
rants woro issued for 17 former city of
ficials, charging them with accepting a
bribe in connection with tho famous
Garman-Cameron schemo for supply
lng tho city with water from Lako
Michigan. All of tho warrants aro tho
result of the confession made by
Former City Attorney Lant K. Sals
bury on his return last week from
Borving a two-years' term in tho Do
troit houso of correction for breaking
the federal banking law in connection
with tho scheme. Whilo in prison Sals
bury's conviction on a bribery charge
in tho stato courts In connection with
tho samo matter was affirmed by tho
Bupromo court, and with tho prospect
of being returned to prison, Salsbury
went to tho prosecutor's ofllco and
mado a lonethv conffiHHlnn' whlnh ro
suited In tho issuanco of warrants.
Tho nmounts tho respondents aro
charged with having received out of
tho aliened boodle fund rango from
$200 to $3,333. Revelations of the
morning in tho sorvlco of tho warrants
show that tho common council was
controlled during tho nttempt to put
through tho water, scheme with tho
14 votes, which Included both demo
crats and republicans. Tho aldermen
aro charged with having received $300
to $500 each. Mayor Perry's share, It
Is charged In tho warrant, was $3,333
and Corey P. Dissell is charged with
receiving $500, whilo Stato Senator
Burns Is alleged to havo received $200
for his support
Bennto Committee Famca Favorably on
Itoclprocltv Treaty and Coding of
the Idle of l'lmig.
Washington, Nov. 22. The senate
commltteo on foreign relations has au
thorized n favorable report on tho bill
giving effect to tho Cuban reciprocity
Tho treaty for tho cession of tho Islo
of Pines to Cuba was also favorably
acted upon by the senate commltteo on
foreign relations and it will, bo favor
ably reported to tho sonato at the
next oxecutlvo session.
Malicious Attempt to "Wreck Mine.
Cripplo Creek, Col., No"v. 22. Sheriff
Henry Robertson, after Invcstlcatine
conditions in tho sixth level of tho
Vindicator mine, where Superintend
ent Charles McCormlck and Shift Boss
Molvln Beck woro killed Saturday by
an explosion, coincided with tho state
ment of the officials of tho. Vindicator
company that a deliberate attempt had
been made to wreck tho shaft with
Oklahoma Htatlntlcti. ,
Washington, Nov. 23. Gov. Fenm-
son, of Oklahoma, in his annual report
to tho secrotary of tho interior esti
mates tho present population of tho
torritory at G50.000 and tho actual value
of taxablo property at practically $400,-
000,000, although only $84,134,472 Is re
turned by tho assessors for 1003. Tho
territorial indebtedness is S4G1.7GG.
Mexican War Veterans to Get a KaUo.
Washington. Nov. 23. Euirenc
Ware, commissioner of pensions, hat
decided that tho Mexican war veterans
who aro on tho rolls at $8 a month
aro entitled to an increase to $12 a
month despite a conflict of declara
tions as to what constitutes tho 60
days' service required of these veter
ans. Iludband and Wife Fatally Ilarnod.
Logansport, Ind., Nov. 23. D. M.
Flanagan and wlfo woro fatally burned
and their six-months-old child Ruth
was burned so sho will bo disfigured
for life in a gasoline stove explosion
yesterday at their homo.
Frisco Soctlou Men Strike.
Pittsburg, Kan.. Nov. 22. Several
hundred Frisco section men In this dis
trict struck because of a recent reduc
tion of their pay from $1.40 to $1.30 a
day. Tho strike affects tho section men
on tho entire division.
Nebraska Itevenue Law Invalid.
Lincoln. Nob.. Jnv. 9" Th ft rVTnrTna
Tka supremo court, at a special meeting
Hatudray, gave an opinion declaring
unconstitutional tho rovenuo law
passed by tho recent legislature.
Socialist Candidate Dofeated.
Boston. Nov. 22. Samnnl fi nmnorn
was re-elected president of tho Ameri
can Federation or Labor by a large plu
rality. Ernest Kreft. the socialist, can
didate, received only 1,134 votes to
12,524 for Gompers.
Arrest Woman and Her Daughter.
Elvlns, Mo.. Nov. 22. A Mrs. Wln-
dlo and her daughter were arrested
here on a chargo cf killing a child of
which tho girl is said to be the mother.
Five Firemen Injured.
Elizabeth. N. J.. Nov. 23.
men. were dangerously injured in a
fire in the Donner Fur compasy's
building. The loss was 1175,000.
Fred Coleman, Steven Yearn Old, Kill Uud
Hall, n Hoy of Eight, at Itock
bridge. Mil.
'Columbia. Mo.. Nov. 24. Fred Colo
man, of Rockbridge, flvo miles west
of Columbia, shot and instantly killed
Bud Hall yesterday. Coleman is 11
years old: Ha 11 was cieht Four chil
drcn were left playing together In a
room over the mantel of which was
a shotgun charged with blrdshot. It
is claimed by the children that Cole
man took down tho gun and said to
llttlo Bud Hall: "You aro eight years
old to-day; I guess you have lived long
enough," nnd shot him through tho
heart. Coleman denies that tho killlnir
wa3 Intentional. It Is alleged that sev
eral years ago ho fired Into a crowd
Of children without, offnr.t. nndor nlm-
ilar conditions. An' officer left town
last night to arrest the child, who is
charged with murder in tho first do
gree. '
Unexpected Action of Nebraska Supremo
court Commissioners May Save State
8700.000 Annually In Kovenue.
Lincoln, Nov. 24. Tho commission
ers of the Nebraska supremo court
took unexpected nctlon Monday on the
revenue bill passed at tho last session
of tho legislature and tho.laW, attacked
by Insurance companies as tmconstltu
tlonal, Is practically upheld. An opin
ion completed last Saturday, but not
released, declared the law invalid. Two
of tho commissioners changed their
minds Monday and a now ruling Is tho
result. Foreign Insurance comnaniea
attacked the law on the ground that
the stato had no right to make excep
tions In tho assessment of Insurance
companies favorablo to homo comna
nles. If tho supreme court does not
uphold this ruling of Its commissioners
nnu ueciares uie law unconstltualonal
tho stato will havo a deficiency of
Nebraska Senator Has Ilenchod Omaha
nnd Expressed Conlldenoo hi His Abil
ity to 1'rove His Innocence.
Omaha. Neb.. Nov. 24. United States
Senator Charles H. Dietrich arrived in
Omaha Monday and went directly to
tho ofllco of his attorney,- Charles J.
(ireene, with whom ho had a confer
ence. Regarding tho federal grand
jury InUlctment ho said: "I am In
Omaha to Becuro an immediate trial on
tho charges brought against me.
want all the evidence brought before
the court, which will show a complete
vindication. I consider this not mere
ly a trial before a federal judgo, but
also before tho great tribunal the peo
ple of Nobraska and of tho whole
country. It Is a case in which the honor
or the United States senate is involved
and I wish to have the people of tho
country know all the facts."
St. Joseph Haptlst Preacher Talks of the
Murder.of Irvine-MriUoniil.!. tim
Pv' You II a: Millionaire.
St Joseph, Mo Nov. 24. Rev. M. P.
Hunt, pastor of the Patoo Park Ban-
tlst church, announces that ho will at
onco resign to accept tho post of sec
rotary of the Southern BaDtlst conven
tion, his headquarters to bo In Kansas
City. Ho slKnallzed his denartiir hv
delivering one of the most sensational
sermons ovor Heard here. Tho killing
of Irving McDonald, tho young million
Dire, by Joseph Furlong, a St. Louis
traveling man, brought from the pastor
vitriolic words of denunciation. Ho
liaid his comnllmnnts tn Rt. .Tnaonh'n
400, tho police department? politicians
and newspapers. Ho insists that. Im
portant facts In tho killing of McDon
ald aro suppressed, but declines to
stato them himself.
Blx Hoys Arrestedit Victor, Col., for Jeer
ing at Troops Sent to I'resorve Order
In tho Strike District.
Denver, Col., Nov.. 24. A special to
tho News from Victor. Col., says six
young boys were arrested and taken
to tho "bull pen" yesterday for jeer
ing at the troops. They were all re
leased later, but their parents were
warned iiiai tnoy must uo icept ore the
streets in future.
Eighteen men are now In the "bull
p.on" suspected of complicity In tho
blowing up .of tho Vindicator mine
Friday night, when two men were
lulled. Gov. Peabody yesterday or
dered that Minv hn tiirnort nvor tn thn
civil authorises.
Drowned in the Kaw Itlver.
Kansas City, Kan., Nov. 24. A row-
boat in which four employes of the
J. F, Cochrane packing house, of this
city, were crossing to their homes
from the Missouri side, was capsized
in tho Kaw river at Central avenue
about seven o'clock last night, and one
of tho occupants, Androw Gunther, wai
A Well-frnown Krums City Man Dies.
Kansas City, Mo., Nov. 24. Robert
L. Yeager, one of Kansas City's best
known attorneys and for 22 years a
member of the board of education, died
suddenly at his home, 1600 East Eighth
sirwtf shortly after Beven o'clock las)
sight; Heart failure was the cause.
Senator Hale Predicts Annexation
of Britain's Favorite Child.
Men Now Living:, Declares Maine States
man. Wilt Witness tho Consummation
Would LetCuba Itemnln nn Indo
pendonc Kepubllc.
Washington, Nov. 24. In tho sen
ate on Monday, Mr. Halo CMe.) moved
to reconsider tho voto by which tho
Nowlands resolution for tho annoxa
tion of Cuba was referred to the com
mitteo on relations with Cuba. Ho
mado tho motion tho basis of a sneoch
in opposition to the policy proposed
by the resolution saying that this coun
try had already declared its policy
with refcrenco to Cuba by enacting tho
Teller resolution into law. Ho would
not extend such an invitation to
Great Britain for tho union of Canada
to tho United States or for Mexico for
such a union. ,
In this connection, Mr. Halo said ho
had no doubt that thero wero men
alive who would live to seo tho annexa
tion of Canada to tho United States.
Ho closed by urging tho sonato to take
no steps to closing progress in Cuba.
Mr. Newlands (Nov.) expressed Grat
ification that his resolution should havo
so early attracted attention. He acreed
with Mr. Hale in much that he had
said concerning the progress of Cuba
and tho character of Its people. Still
It was a fact that Cuba had been com
pelled to confess her Inability to copo
with other nations In business affairs.
The Senate's New Chaplain.
Washington. Nov. 24. Saturday's
session of tho sonato becan with tho
presentation of tho resolution by Mr.
Allison (la.) providing for the appoint
ment of Rov. F. J. Prettyman, of this
city, for chaplain of tho senate for tho
present session. Tho resolution was
agreed to.
Carmack Wants nn Investigation.
Washington, Nov. 24. Senator Car-
mack (Tenn.) offered a resolution au
thorizing tho committee on conduct of
tho executive departments to investi
gate tho post ofllco department. It
went over without a discussion until
.Ilnnua Takes Morgan's I'lnce.
Washington, Nov. 24. Tho now as
signment of senate committees places
Senator Hanna at tho head of Inter-
oceanlc canals In place of Senator
John T. Morgan1, of Alabama.
Quay Champions Maculro's 11111.
Washington, Nov. 24. Senator Ouav
introduced a bill granting statehood to
Oklahoma. The bill is the samo which
was Introduced In tho houso on No
vember 18 by Delogato Magulre.
Panama Will Take S8.OO0.O0O United
. States Ilonds In I'nrt Faymctit
for the Canal.
Colon, Nov. 24. Senor Tomas Arias.
a member of the junta governing the
new republic, has mado an agreement
that $2,000,000 of tho $10,000,000, to be
paid Panama in accordance with the
terms, of the canal treaty, shall be naid
in cash, and tho balance in United
States, bonds. It is claimed that this
action shows thai Panama is inspired
by other than merely financial consid
Two Hundred Persons Drowned In n Flood
and Half a Town Destroyed
in India.
London, Nov. 24. A telegram ha3
been received at the Indian ofllco from
tho viceroy of India, Lord Curzon, say
ing that, according to reports received
at Madras, a flood in -the Palar river,
November 12, destroyed half of the
town of Vanlzambadl, In the Salem
district. Two hundred persons wero
drowned. Tho flood, tho telegram says,
hog now subsided.
Four Prisoners Wore Able to Work Their
Way Out of the Topeka Jail and
Get Away.
Topoka, Kan., Nov. 24! Somo time
during Sunday night Albert Blgley,
Grant Jones, Joe Dwlgglns and Hayti
Wotherly, state prisoners, sawed tho
bars of tho city prison and vanished.
One of tho men, Haytl Wetherly, was
recaptured. Ho said tho wlfo of Albort
Bigloy slipped tho saw with which tho
work was accomplished into tho jail
Sunday uftornoon.
More Rlotlne In Chicago.
Chicago, Nov. 24. Fierce flehtlncr.
in which tho police used their clubs
freely and twice their revolvers,
marked tho opening of tho Stato street
cable lino by the Chicago City rail
way yesterday. As far as can bo as
certained nobody was seriously In
ured, although there wero moriv
broken heads among tho rioters who
came in contact with tho clubs of the
D. K. Campbell Suspended.
Washington, Nov. 24. Tho secretary
of tho interior has suspended from
office D. F. Campbell, clerk of the town-
site commission of the Creek nation in
ndlan territory, ncndlntr the outcomo
of an indictment against him in con
nection with alleged bribery as a
member of the Kansas legislature.
A recent seizure of thlot of "cheat)"'
baking powders by the authorities of
jl neignooring city nas exposea tner
character of the low priced brands off
baking powders which many manufac
turers aro offering throughout thcr
country. Tho price of the powders first
attracted attention to them. EjamiHes'
wero taken and analyzed. The official!
report of the analysis showed the stuffr
to bo "alum powders," composed chiefly
of alum, sulphuric acid and pulverized
rock. The povders woro declared dan
gerous to health and several thousandi
pounds wero confiscated and destfSyed..
Physicians havo frequently cauftaned
consumers against mixing food "Svitlu
these so-called "cheap" baking powders.
They are all found, when analyzed, to
contain largo percentages of alum and
sulphuric acid to which aro added vari
ous sorts of filling matter BOmetlmea
both injurious and nasty.
Tho high class, cream of tartar bak
ing powders, aro the most economical,
and wholesome and should always bo
tiolected for use. They will bo found
cheaper in the end. besides makincrthn.
food better and more healthful.
ESnormonit Dunk of Enslly Accessible
Clay la Located at I'eterbor-
ouifh, England. '
Peterborough. England
brick in the course of a year to
put a girdlo four times around tho earth.
it is estimated that the busy brlck-mnir.
ing yards, which havo grown up in.
great number around tho ancient city
In the last 20 years, turn out 800,000,000
bricks annually. As the length of a.
brick is about eicht Inchon, ttinn If"
Peterborough's annual output were laid!
out in a single line, it would stretch over
100,000 miles. Tho brick Industry ha
revolutionized the trade of Peterbor
ough. Such is tho wealth of clav nnd
tho profit to bo drawn from it that on
part of tho brick-makiwr district hna.
been fitly named "Klondike." It lies in
beds of enormous area and depth, and.
some'Of the experts say they could co on.
taking out easily accessible clay for the
next century without taking thoucht as.
to whore the next supply of the mate
rial is to come from.
A Mun'M 3Ienn Trick.
A Denver man eloped the other dav
wlth the hired girl. It was a mean
trick to play on his wife, says the Chi
cago Record-Herald, with girls as scarce-
as they are at present.
Anderson. Jacksonville.
Fla., daughter of Recorder of
ueeds, west, who witnessed her
signature to the following letter.
praises Lyoia . Finkham's
Vegetable Compound.
'Dear Mrs. PmirirAM;
but few wives and mothers who have
not at times endured agonies and such,
tiain as onlv women lmnm. t -nd.
such women knew the valuo of iLydio
E. Plnkham's Vcgotablo Com
pound. It is a, remarkable medicine,
different in action from
knew and thoroughly reliable.
--a jiuvo seen many cases where
women doctored for years without per
manent benefit. Who wero nurnrl In loans
than three months after taking- your
Vegetable Compound, whilo others who
wore chronio and incurable came out
cured, happy, and in perfect health
after a thorough treatment with this
medicine. I havo never used it myself
without gaining- great benefit. A few
doses restores mv Btrenn-th ami nn
tito, and tones up the entire system.
xour medicine has been tried and.
found true, henco I fully endorse it.""
Mrs. It. A. Anderson, 225 Washing
ton St, Jacksonville, Fla. moo forfeit
If original of above Inter proving genuineness can
not be produced.
No other medicine for women has
received such widespread and unquali
fied endorsement. No other medicine
has such a record of cures of female
troubles. Refuse to buy any substitute.
CaHmot Penetrate
Oiled Clothing
ana suckmrm
If IV Mad. (o tUsd hkrdWMr. Lck
Mi I n arruica Y IHnrMC
uwer oin inm inta