The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, November 20, 1903, Image 5

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Nemaha, Nebr.
St. Joseph
Knnsus City
St. HjOuIh und nil
Points UJast nnd
Salt Xjuco City
Shii Jfrnncinco
And till XJolntn
No. 07 Pa5sonur,ullyoxcopiaui
dny, for Tocumneli, Umtrlre,
Holdregoandall points west DUO am
Ko.98-Pamotiiior, dHJlv MXceplHnu
dny.for NobruHka City. Chicago
and all polntH north aud eiwl 4il)np m
No.llG-L c.U frelKht, dully except
8unda, for Alchleon nnd Inter
medUio Btntlons 7:20 p m
No. 112-CiOCBl rretKht, ilnllv except
Mon lay, for fournHkn Cljy nnd
lntermoillntuntatlons 2:00 a tn
Sleeping. dlnltiR and reclining chnlr cars
f seats free oo through tralnn. TlckotH sold
nd biKo checked (o any point In the
United suites or Canada.
Tor information, maps, time tables and
ticket cat on or write to W. E. Whcoldon,
agont, or J. Francis, Uoueral Passenger
Agent, Omaha, Neb.
akaa Minn and Bladder Mailt
For luloby M.T. Hill.
tana tfew cow sua Hal lwamsfa
IWH lMl PlfWMte Pwnmsala
For sale by M. T, Hill.
f$rkUdrmmt f ur: Mm ftlmt
Thousands Have Kidney Trouble
and Don't Enow it
How To rind Out.
Fill a bottle or common glass with your
water and let It stand twenty-four hours; a
sediment or set
tling indicates an
.unhealthy condi
tion of the kid
neys; If It stains
your linen It is
evidence of kid
ney trouble; too
frequent desire to
pass it or pal in
the back is also
convincing proof that the kidneys and blad
der are out of order.
Wfcat to So.
There is comfort in the knowledge so
often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp
Root, the great kidney remedy fulfills every
wish in curing rheumatism, pain In the
back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part
of the urinary passage. It corrects inability
to hold water and scalding pain in passing
it, or bad effects following use of liquor,
wine or beer,' and overcomes that unpleasant
necessity of being compelled to go often
during the day, and to get up many times
during the night. The mild and the extra
ordinary effect of Swamp-Root Is soon
realized. It stands the highest for its won
derful cures of the most distressing cases.
If you need a medicine you should nave the
best. Sold by druggists in 50c. andll. sizes.
You may have a sample bottle of this
wonderful discovery
and a book that tells
more about it, both sent
absolutely free by mall,
address Dr. Kilmer Sc
noma of Swamp-Root.
Co.. BInehamton. N. Y. When wrltlnemen
Ion reading this generous offer In this paper.
Rtnlr anil nAuItrv have taw
troubles which am not bowel and
lirer irregularities. Black
Draught Stock and Poultry Medi
cine is a bowel and liver remedy
lor stock. It puts the organs of
digestion in a perfect condition.
Prominent American breeders and
farmers keep their herds and flocks
healthy by siring them an occa
sional dose ot Black-Draught Stock
and Poultry Medicine in their
food. Any stock raiser mar buy a
25-cent half-pound air-tight can
of this medicine from his dealer
and keep his stock in vigoroas
hearth for weeks. Dealers gener
ally keep Black-Draught Stock and
Poultry Medicine. If yours does
not, send 25 cents for a aample
can to the manufacturers, The
Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chat
tanooga, Tenn.
RooBStxa, CU., Jta. M, ISM.
Black-Draught Stock and Poultry
Medietas is tho bast lever tried. Our
took was looking bad wkea yo Mat
me the Budlolaa and now they am
getting so fins. Tlity are looking IS
per eat. better.
g. p. ssooKnraToir.
The Nebraska Advertiser
AY. XV. Hiimle.
V. V. Handera
W. W, Sandbks & Son, Prop's.
JgiUDAY, NOV. 20, moy.
' Looking toward next year thu ie
publicans of Nebraska already foresee
that thu political feature of chief in
terest in this state will bo thu choice
of n United Stated senator to uuueeed
Charles II. Dietrich.
In the selection of senator tho stnte
will by common consent be divided by
the Platte river. Therefore it may
now be conceded he will como from
the South Platte country,
In the list of eligibles for the high
place Congressman E J. Burkett of
Lincoln stands preeminent und, if the
Tribune mistakes not, his availability
will continue to force itself upon the
convictions of the republicons of
Mr. Burkett went to congress four
years ago when be was tlilrtystwo
years old. He bad bad a term of legs
islatlve experience In the Nebrasku
legislature. With this be took to
Washington youth, integrity, ambition
and industry. With this strong com
bination he has forged to tho forefront
in the greatest forum of the world.
He has established a reputation for
close attention to detail He has gain
ed a prominent place on one of the
most important committees of the
muse, that of appropriations, of which
Mr. Cannon has been chairman. He
has been the right band man of Mr.
Cannon, who has generously and free-
y acknowledged Mr. Burkett's vals
uable services. Mr. Burkett has like
wise demonstrated his aptness nnd
forcefulness in debate and on the
(loor he b one of the best of the re
publican membets. HIb work in tho
departments for his state and constit
uents has been unflagging and effective
Mr Burkett has developed at a
marvelous rate. His best friends are
surprised at the progress be has made
in four years. His growth has been
so fast tbey have scarcely been able
to realize it. 'But when they see him
in a campaign, as many of them have
in the one just closed, his fitness for
the work in which be is engaged
dawns upon them with renewed satis
faction and force.
And then Mr. Burkett would be
more conspicuously.what be already ia,
a leader in Nebraska. He would
unite all factions as no other man
could. All would have special pride
in him. The party will be unified
and strengthened by bis election. He
would be a party counsellor, whose ser
vices as such are needed, in this state.
His sound judgment and splendid elos
quence make him a leader the republt
cans wouia sareiy ana giaaiy follow.
He would arouse the enthusiasm of the
young man and command the admfra
tion of the older ones. In many of his
bleb qualities be would fill what is
bow and has been for years an aching
void In Nebraska's United States senas
If the next republican state conven
tion would endorse the candidacy of
Mr. Burkett so confidant are we of
his ability to vindicate his own and
bis party's cause, we believe be would
create a whlrlwindof enthusiasm, the
republican legislative tickets would
sweep their districts aud assurance
would be made doubly sure. Fremont
Will dure Consumption
A A Herren of Finch, Ark.
writes, "Foley's Honey and Tar is the
best preparation for coughs, colds and
lung trouble. I knowthat it has cur
ed consumption in the first stage.
M T Hill.
Reveals a Croat Secret
It is often asked bow such startling
cures, that puzzle the best physicians
are effected by Dr. King's New DIb
covery for Consumption. Here's the
secret. It cots out the phlegm and
germnlnfected mucus, and lets the life
giving oxygen enrich and vitalize the
blood. It heals the Inflamed, cough
worn 1 throat and lungs. Hard colds
and stubborn coughs soon yield to Dr.
King's New Discovery, the most in
fallible remedy for all throat and lung
diseases. Guaranteed bottles 50c and
$1.00. Trial bqttles'freei at Koellng's.
Sonic, of Ilnnk nnd PreVedence
1h Sliding and SIIiIom Only
One Wy.
Authority on bonrd of a steamboat
is an Interesting' study. It runh on
a sliding' scale, hut, unlike the gamut,
it slides only one way. This is bnd
for the lower "C" on the steamboat,
but he has to stand it. A good illus
tration of how the thing works was
given not long ago on u boat In the
Delaware, suys the Philadelphia
Ledger. 1
The- captain of n stenmcr was try
ing to make a landing at a dock, but
the operation was attended with some
difficulty. A line from the bow had
been run out and made fast to a post,
but the vessel's stem was swinging
off into the stream. The skipper, with
a scowl on his brow, stood on the
bridge, abaft the whcelhouse, and
stared at the first mate, who was hust
ling around on the hurricane roof
amidships. Down below on the quarter-deck
tho second mate was helping
the third mate, and a deck hand to
take the turns out of the stern line.
which was snarled up on deck in
stead of being fast on the dock.
Mr. Olson," said the captain, in
gentlemanly tone of voice to the first
mate, "why in thunder don't you get
that line out, you long, lenn, lank,
knock-kneed, tar-painted wreck of re
turning renson? Don't you bco wo're
swinging off?"
"Aye, aye, sir," Mr. Olsen replied,
respectfully, -touching his cap to the
Then Mr. Olsen leaned far over the
rail, and, raising his voice, he called
the second mate's attention to a mat
ter of very great Importance.
"Mr. Peterson!" he yelled, "what's
eating you, you tow-headed, block-
eyed lubber? Do you want to choke
the stream? Get a move on you, and
be quiajc about It!"
"Aye, aye, sir," was Mr. Peterson's
response to the delicate attention re
ceived from his superior. Ha then
gave the third mate fcome instruc
tions: "Swanson," he gently but firmly re
marked, "I'll ornck your blooming I
skull if you don't hump yourself, you '
gaunt-eyed, bow-legged stock-fish
feeder. Bear a hand there. Lively
now, nnd get that line out!"
"Aye, aye, Bir," said Swanson, in a
humble voice.
Then Swanson gave the deck hand,
who gets" $12 a month, a clout on the
side of the head that knocked him
spinning. Then he jumped on him
with both feet, nnd shouted: "Why
in the name of the other place dou't
you pay out that stern line, you low
lived, white-livered, mule-eared, hog
backed, slab-sided, bench-legged,
feeble-minded, mullls rubber? What
are we puying you for?" And he fin
ished the unfortunate man with a
kick in the ribs
The deck hand ran the line out and
made the boat fast. Then he went
down in the hold, where he anointed
his person and clubbed himself with
a handspike.
Stand Like a Stone Wall
Between your children and the tors
tures of itching and burning eczema
scaldhead or other diseases. How?
why by using Bucklen's Arnica Salve,
earth's greatest healer. Quickest cure
fer Ulcers, Fever Sores, Salt Rheum
Cuts, Burns, or Bruises. Infallible
for Files. 25c at Keeling's drag store,
What is Foley's Kidney Cure?
Answer: It is made from a preserips
tion of a leading Chicago physician,
and one ef the most eminent in the
country. The ingredients are the
purest that money can buy, and are
scientifically combined to get the best
results. M T Hill.
What Thin Feika Meed
Is a greater power of digesting and
assimilating food. For thorn Dr
fo'U'iv Life Pills work wonders
Tbey tone and regulate the digestive
organs, gently expel all poison from
the system, enrich the blood, improve
appetite make healthy fleah. Only 25c
at Keeling's.
Spring Ailments
There is an aching and tired feeling,
the liver, bowels, and kidneys become
sluggish and inactive, the digestion
impaired, with little or no appetite no
ambition for anything and a feeling
that the whole body and mind needs
toning up. The trouble is, that dur
ing the winter, there has been an over
accumalatioa of waste matter in the
system. Herbine will remove it, se
cure to the secretions a right exit, and
give strength in place of weakness
60c at Hill's.
For a pleasant physio take Cham
berlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets.
Easv to tko. Pleasant In effect.
For sale by W. W. Keeling,
i-V II. -v iiii'l I'ar 'contains 110
n. lutes mm) can Bululy bu ylven to
children M. T. Hill
Ourea Whoa Dootora Fail
Mrs. Prank Chiasson, Patterson, la ,
writes June 8th, 11)01 : v had malaria
fever in a very bnd form, was under
treatment by doctors, but as soon as I
stopppd taking their medicine the fev
er would return, 1 used a sample
bottle of Herbine, found it helped mo.
Then I 'bought two buttles, which
completely cured roe. I feel very
grateful to you for furnishing snntm
splendid modicino, nnd can honestly
recommend it to thooo suffering wlt'i
malaria, as it will surely euro them."
Herbine, 50o bottle ut HID'p,
Holds Up a Congressman
"At tho end of the campaign."
writes Champ Clark, Missouri's brilli
ant congressman, "from overwork
nervous tension, Iosb of Bleep and con
stant speaking I bad about utterly col
lapsed. It Beomed that all of my
organs were out of order, but three
bottles of Electric Bitters made me all
right. It's the best all-round medis
cine ever sold over a druggist's count
er." Overworked run-down men and
weak, sickly women gain splendid
vitality from Electric Bitters. Try
them. Only 00c. Guaranteed by
One Mluuto cough cure gives relief
In one minute, because it kills the ml
crobe which tiokles the mucous mem
brane, causing the cough, and at the
same time clears the phlegm draws out
the intlammutlon and neala and sooth
es the affected parts. One Minute
cough cure strenghens the lungs, wards
off pueumonia and is a harmless and
never falling cure in all curatle cases
of coughs, colds, nnd croup. One Min
ute cough cure is pleasant to take,
harmless nnd good alike for young'and
old.-W. W. Keeling.
Just Ahoat Bodtlmo
take a Little Early Riser it will cure
constipation, biliousness and liver
troubles. DeWitt's Little Early Risers
are different from other pills. They
do not gripe and break down the muc
ous membrane of the stomach, liver
and bowels, but cure by gently arous
ing the secretions and giving strength
to these organs. Sold by W. W. Keels
America '3 Greatest Weekly.
Toledo Blade
New and Larger Building, New
Presses, New Sterotype Plant
New and Modern Appliances
in every department.
The Toledo Blade Is now itinUllod ' in its new
building, with modern plant and equltment, and
i&cumeo equal 10 any jiumicauon ooiwecu new
York and Chicago, It la the only Weekly news-
uper edited expreatiy lor every lute ana territory
ha niiwi of the world no arranged that buav neo-
pie can more easily comprehend, than by reading
enmbertfomq columns of dallies. All current topics
made plain iu tach Issuo by ipcolal editorial mai.
ter, written from inception down to date, '('he
only paper published especially for people who do
or do not read daily newspapers, ana yet thirst for
plain racts. Tnat tnis uma or a newspaper i pop
ular, Is proven by the (act that tho Weekly Blade
now has over ltiO.OOQ yearly subscribers, and Is cir
culation in all parts of the U. S. In addition to the
news, tho Blado publishes short and serial stories,
and many departments of matter suited to every
member of the family. Only one dollar a year.
Write for froo specimen copy. Addrcus
Toledo, Ohio
Editorially fearless
Consistently Republican A ways
News from all parts of the world. Woll written, original stories.
Answers to queries on all subjocts Artiolos on Health, tho Home, Now
Books, and on Work About tho Farm andGardou.
The iNTEn Ocean is a membor of tho Associated Pross and also
only western newspaper receiving tho ontiro tolegraphic news service o
the Now York Sun ad special cable of tho Now York World, besides
daily reports from over 2,000 special correspondents throughout tho coun
try. No pen can tell more fully why it s the best 011 earth.
52 twelve page papers 52 One dollar a year
Brimful of news from everywhere and
a perfect feast of special matter .......
Subscribe fo? ,The Advertiser anajthe V'eehly, Inter Ocean one year,, both
papers for $l .50.
f I" ,) I.UV, tt . ..
Dr. Ut-rii, ' . i. - .
have IihhI Mallnnlr rj-,i i ., ,
alwafl ret!iinii()i'iil If to toy nut. ,
and I am coullilent ilmi Ui-ih i i
bottor made. U Is a (Ui tlv !''
bums. Thonc who live on Uha
are especially liable to tiiauv Mcnrin.n.i
cuts, burns and bruise, .uhieii heal
rapidly when Ballard's Snow Lini
ment is applied. It should always be
kept in tho house for casts of Mm i
gency . 25c, 60, and 91 .00 at il 111' .
World-Wide Boputation
White's Cream Vniml luge has ac
hieved a world wide reputation as be
ing tho best of worm destroyers, and
for Its tonic influence on weak and un
thrifty children, as it neutralizes the
acidity or sourness of the stomach,
improve the dignstlonnnd KBiirolla
tion of food, strengthens the nervous
Bystom nnd restores them to the health
vigor and elasticity of spirits natural
to childhood 25c at illll'h.
The Nebraska Mercbsntil Mutual
Insurance company of Lincoln, Ne
braska, has over $0,000,000 insurance
in force with thu leading business men
of thu Btute Ask to soe a list of them
W. W. Sanders, agent.
Chrla Miller of Fremont Nebr,
writes "i suffered frrr dyspepsia foe
more than 10 years. I was under the
care of n number of doutors, made three
trips away, and still no relief. Kodo
Dyspepsia Cure being recommended to
mo by sevora) who hud used it, and us
the last straw, X concluded to try it.
After the 11 rat two or three doses I be
gan to improve and have taken several
bottles and feel like a new man. I
write you this In the Interest of hu
manity, hoping it may fall into the
hands of some sufferer, and my prayer
)s that they may secure the same bene
fit that I have." Sold by W. W. Keel
ing. Trial
VMtaMa Mrl 1 Kiwi Oipp' Kr, 11. At jonrdl.r',ld.
Mrallrpreai7 YuurMOXXY BACKtrntltatlirutorr.
roluun nva. con no r ., imi uJt r.
K0D0L digests what yu eatd
irnnni. cleansej, purlfle?, strengf
and sweetens the stomach.
KODOL curAS Indication, dyspepsia, and
all stomach and bowel troubles.
digestive organs.
VOnnf. relieve an everworked stomach
awwvsj ( gU Mrvous atrAln fVM ta
the heart a full, free and uatrammeled
action, nourishes tho nervous system
feeds the brain.
KODOL tno wonderful remedy that La
" making so many sick people welt
and weak people stronc by giving to their
bodies all of the nourishment that Is con
tained, in the food they eat.
ottlM 0y, $1.00 Slxe holAnr VA times the trM
lie, which sells ter 60c
hettf seJy fty E. C StWiTT CI CUCMt.