V I VOLUME XLV11L NEMAHA, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1903 .VUMBBU 21 . MRS, THEO HILL 5 HOOSIER CASH STORE I GOOD This week we will give on our Ladies' Wraps in Black, Grey, Blue and Green A discount $ 'They are of the latest styles and values you will nnd anywhere. Ae sell the Selz Shoes They give perfect satisfaction. means what sterling does on silver. ' $ $ 5 Men'sMieavy winter shirts, colors green, brown and black, $ worth 85 cents: this week 75 cents. $ We can show you Blankets, Cotton Flannel, Outing Flannel, J Men's and Women's Underwear, Duck Coats, Men's and'Boys' $ $ Leggings, Overshoes. If you don't see what you want, ask about it. J1TO. W. RITCHEY Phone 4 Local News See M T Hill for Are insurance. Wagon for sale. Inquire of Nate Sedoras, The extra session of congress con vened Monday. Try the Devoo paint. Sold by J. W. Kerns, Auburn. Fred Crane has rented Peter Muntz'a farm for next year. Cyrus G. Mlhick is husking corn for Eli Khapp, near Stella. Mrs. O. L. Miniok of Bracken visit-, ed Nemaha friends Tuesday. Full line of School Supplies just re ceived at Keellng'a drug store. John Shuck baa been viBlting bis brother Philip Shuck this week. Dr.Gaither got two bushelB of hick ory nuts from "Mtezury" Tuesday. Dr. Cap Graves of Peiu w&s In Nem aha on professional business Tuesday. Prof. V. 0. Bridges went to Julian Monday to hold a musical convention. Mac Wright will bo continued as deputy county clerk. He makes a good one. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Marlatt of Brownvillo were Nemaha vtsitors Wednesday. S. H Avey and S. C Ereuch of Au burn were in Nemaha Tuesday and Wednesday. Elmer E.Allen paid Auburn a visit Tuesday. Mrs. Allen looked after the bank in his absence. T. J. Rumbaufh wbb not feeling well Monday and had his substitute, Bam Littrell, carry the mail. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer E. Rumbaugh and Mr. and Mrs. John Horner are visiting friends in Missouri this week. GOODS t ! of lO per cent. $ up-to-date goods the best? Celebrated The name ''SELZ" on shoes BROWN VILLE, NEBR. A 'fine line of silverware suitable for wedding presents at Kee'.ing's. The editor's office phone is No. 7 and that of his residence i3 No. 1. Call ub up if you havo any newB. Peter Muntz started for Alllauce Thursday of this week. His health is much better there than at Nemaha. Harry,' White came in from Auburn Monday and 1b visiting his grandpar enta, Mr. and MrB. Walter Hadlock. Mr, and Mrs. John Watson recently enjoyed a visit from their nephew, Milton Earl, of Chase csunty, Nebr. W. T. GillisDie, who has been livs ing on the Muntz farm, moved to Trenton, Mo., the latter part of last week. Cyrus G. Minick recently resigned as substitute mail carrier on route No. 1, and Sam Littrell bus been appointed in his place. Ira B, Dye of Peru, Sunday Bcbool missionary, came to Nemaha Weduus day afternoon, remaining until Thurs day morning. MiBsBesBieRuBsellof Hubboll, Neb., arrived in Nomaha Wednesday evening on a visit with the family of her uncle, John II. Russell. J. 13, Hoover has bought of Mrs. Carso the small brick house north of MrsE. A. Minick's home. Charley Clark will live there. 0. O. Snow says he wasn't running for county clerk he was just put on to fill the space on the ticket. Others probably feel likewise. We are informed there will be one wedding and possibly two on Thankss giving. Don't ask us who the parties are wo wont tell you. T. A Clark got a telegram from bis wife, who is in California, saying t on was born to the Clark household Of course Tom is feeling very proud and happy, and Is quite anxious to see his first born heir. Make your hens lay! Tho poultry products of the United Statu are worth more each year than all the gold mi nod in thu universe. We havo Lees' Egg Maker and Poultry Food, Deodorized Dried Blood, Ground Oyster Shells, Try thera VoryVrespectfully, m. T. HILL Judge Letton bus been appointed supreme court commissioner. Judge Babcock has been appointed district judge to succeed Judge Letton. For Sale Bay horse, weight 1100. 7'yeara old, good driver. One buggy, nearly new. also a good set of single harness. See. W E. Wiieeldon. Mrs. Veva Ualney came down from Brown vllle Thursday forenoon, relum ing in the afmniuun. tier motliei, Mrs. J. B. Hoover, returned with ht;i . Von Farscn has bought tho house where he is now living of Newt Jarvle. He is wise In buying a house instead of paying money twery month for rent. : t Rov. Mr. Scnleh, W.O. W. lecturer, w gire a lecture on ''Perfected Wood craft" at the Christian church next Wednesday night. Everybody f is in vlted. The Rebekahs had another big time Wednesday night. E. S. Stiers and his wife were initiated and afterwards a lino supper was enjoyed by tho mom bers present. The republican headquarters at Lincoln will not be closed just because the campaign is over, but will keep open and work commenced for next year's campaign. About one year ago John M.Clark bought the 50 acre farm of his futher, paying $80 per aero for it. This week be sold it to Mr. Andrews of Brown ville for $05 per acre. Ray Scofleld, a former citizen of Ne maha and a son-in-law of Mrs. E. A. Minick, was elected county judge of Loun county ou the populist ticket Tuesday of last week. Mrs. J. M. Sanders returned home last Saturday from a visit of nearly six weeks with her slater, Mrs. J. W. Fateley of Omaha and her brother, E. R. A. Sanders of Louisville, Nebr. Henry Williams drove up from Shubert Wednesday and took the trail for Auburn, returning in the evening He went up to see his sister, Mrs. B.F Furrow. Mrs, Furrow died Thursday Her many friends sympathize with the sorrowing husband, children and rela Uvea. If you want fire insurance, either in old line or mutual companies, cal on W. W. Sanders. Take the wagonette when in. Au burn if you want to go to any part o the city. John McElhaney prop, A Lesson in Health Healthy kidneys Alter tho impurities from tbo blood, and unless they do this good health is impossible. Fos ley's Kidney Cure makes sound kids neys and will positively cure all forms of kidney and bladder disoase. It strenghten8 the whole system. M T Hill. Is closing out her Winter Hats, Ribbons, Tips, J and all Winter Millinery. ; u Call and-see her for Bargains. t 3TAny one knowing themselves indebted to me will plcnso call and settle. FOUND The cheapest place to buy goods. W, M, Snelling of St. Deroin, Nebr., Is closing out his stock and will sell on Satur days for cash at actual cost of goods, with- ten per cent added. Call on him for bar gains. Seymour Ho wo has been confined to his bed for aer oral days with ulceia tion of the stomach and his condition la very serious. Dr. Boal of Auburn, who is treating him, la in hopes he can h"lp him George Rhlneahart has just complet ed an addition to his house and built a new barn. He Is one of the prosper our farmers living one mile West of Champiou school house. F. A. Hack er did the carpenter work. David Frazior haa some of th- finest corn we have seen yet. Some samples taken out of a load he brought to town Tuesday measured fourteen inches in length, and he has found some tnoasur" ing two inches) longer than this. Ora Thorp Is wearing a black eye He didn't get in a tight even if it does have that appearance, but was riding u mulo bareback when it ran away with him and then bucked him off. He fell under the mule and got struck in tho eye. Treasurer-elect Dirks has selected I. II. Kuper as his deputy. Mr. Kuper was Mr. Dirks' leading competitor for the nomination and when the choice of the convention fell on Mr.. Dirks gave him hearty support. He will make a good deputy. The members of Prof. Bridges' class at the close of the convention last week organized a musical class with Miss Maye Gaither as instructor and Mrs, Elmer E Allen as organist. It is the intention to meet weekly for prac tlce and instruction. W . E . Whieldon got notice a few days ago that his salary as agent at Nemaha had beon increased from 850 toS55per.month, beginning October 1. This 1b now a good paying office as the agent gets ubout 910 per month for over timo and 815 per month commis sion on express handled. But it keeps a man pretty busy. The Advertiser and the Western Swine Breeder one year for $1.35; the Advertiser and Poultry Topics one year for $1.15; Tho Advertiser and the Daily Omaha News one year lor 82.00; the Advertiser and tho Iowa Home stead, Poultry News and Hornet stead Ihstituto numbers one year for $1.32;. the Advertiser and the Nebraska Farmer one year for 81.85; the Adver tiser and the Chicago Weekly Inter Ocean ono year for 81.50; tho Adver tiser and the Somi-Weekly St. Louis Globe Democrat one year for 81.75; the Advertiser and the Semln Weekly Nebraska State Journal one your for $1.85. TIiobo are some of our olubb Incr nff'nrfl. hut w.t hnvn nfchern. flun 'you beat them anywhere? Foley's Honey and Tar is peculiarly adapted for asthma, bronchitis and hoarseness.- M T Hill. Travoling is Dangerous Constant motion jars the kidney which arc kept in place in the body by delicate attachments. This is tho rea son that travolers, trainmen, street car men, teamsters and all who drive very much, suffer from kldnoj disease in borne form. Foley a Kidney Cure strengthens tho kidneys and oures all forms of kidney and bladdor disease Geo. Ellausan locomotive engineer, Lima, O., writes, "Constant vibration of the onglne caused mo n great deal of trouble with my kidneys, and I got no relief until I usodFoloy'a Kidney Cure, M T Hill. Gained Forty Pounds In Thirty Days For several mouths our younger brother had been troubled with indl bestion. He tried several remedies but got no benefit from them. We purchased somo of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets and he commenced taking them. Insldo of thirty days ho had gained forty pounds In flesh. He is now fully recovered. We have a good trade on the Tablet n. Hollev Bros. Merchants, Long Branch, Mo. For sale by V. W Keeling. A New Invention Minick'nFleldCorn HuHking Machine huaka the coin from the stalk, leaving stalks standing In the field. Exclusive ntato and manufaoturer'a right for sale oy the inventor and patentee, uorres ponde'nee solicited. Address 4 4 H. T. MINICK. Nemaha, Neb. DR. G. M. ANDREWS Medical and Surgical Diseases of Women Stella - - Nebraska 0, O. SNOW Auctioneer Fifteen years experience. Terms and dates at The Advertiser office. r. g5. W. Keeling, Nemaha, Nobr&sk.. Offioo in Kooling drug store. WESLEY H. CLARK Doalorjla Windmills and Pumps, Tanks Pipes, etc. ALL WORK GUARANTEED 'Phone colls answered promptly. ' 'Phone No 20 NEMAHA, NEBR. Undertaker Funeral Director and Embalmer IKEKVIif STOCK A COMPLETE LINK OF Gaskets Robes and Funeral Supplies HEAEBB..IN 0ONNE0TION O. Jl. LOJEfcX SHUBERT NEfllASKA 26 I'a,! i "l n 1