"A t A it Vr If 9 VOLUME XL VII 1 HOOSIER CASH STORE k ' . : One lot Boy Knee Bants, worth 35c, at One lot Boys' Knee Pants, worth 65c, at One lot Boys' Knee Pants, worth 85c, at i Fancy Creponet Waistings, worth 15c, at Dotton Towenng, per yarci Ladies' Shoes at Pins, per paper-, The best Coffee you ever saw at. Coal OU that JNO. W. RITCHE7 Phone 4 BROWN VILLB, NEBR. Local ISTews And it rains just as osn-s-y. See M T Hill for Are inauranco. Wngon Sedoras, for sale. Inquire of Nate Try the Devoa paint. Kerns, Auburn. Sold by J. W. Election Is over. Now go to work and forget the strifo. Full line of School Supplies just re celved at Reeling's drug store. The fellows who "told you so" are very muoh in evidence, as usual after election. G. W. Hawxby is now at home in his new heuae one mile nsrth of the Champion school bouse. Born to Joe A. Smith and wife Nov, 3. 1003, a One girl. And Joe dont care much how election went. Miss Mary Parson returned home Monday from Blue Springs, where she has been for three weeks. J. W. White, B. & M, operator of Wllbor, Neb., stopped over night Tuesday to visit W. E. Wheeidon. The new cable for the exchange has been put in and it is hoped we will not have so much trouble with our phones hereafter. Rainy weather, nasty roads, slippery sidewalks, nnd mud tracked every, where. The housekeepers are getting awfully tired of the dirt. T. A, Clark come in from Kanapolis, Kan , Friday of last week. He expects to viBit here for a week or two longer and.then go to the Pacific coast. FOR SALE Thoroughbred Plymouth rock cck rella and B. B. R. gome Bantam fowls. All A No. 1 stock. W.W. Liebhart NEMAHA, NEBUASICA, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1903 V- 1 , 5 ' - ; 25c I . 50c 09c $ 191 -$1.50, 81.75 and $2.00 J lc 10c will Burn! i A flne line of silverware suitable for I wedding presents at Reeling's. The editor's office phone is No. 7 and tn at ot his residence is No. l. Call us up if you have any news. Mr. und Mrs. Sid Zimmerman of Stella were guests of Mr. and Mrs, D. W. Maxwell from Friday until Sunday. For Sale Bay horse, weight 1100, 7 years old, good driver. One buggy, nearly new, also a good set of single harness. See W. E. Wiieeldon. Harry Russell recently brought in to Peter Kerker's meat market some samples of very flne corn raised by bis brother, W. S. RuBsell, on hiB farm near .Bracken, Seymour Howe has suffered severely recently with ulceration of the stomach and also with a very sore leg, caused Drobablv bv a bruise. He Is confined te his bed part of the time. Mrs. P. E. Kuwitzky of Nebraska City camo to Nemaha Tuesday morni Ing, to attend the funeral of her sister, Mrs. Llovd R. Morris. She returned heme Wednesday afternoon; Mrs. L. R Strain, who has been at Humboldt assisting in taking care of her daughter, Mrs. Lloyd R. Morris, returned home Monday. Mrs. Morris died Sunday and was brought to Nems aha Monday for burial. Miss Stella Washburn gave a Hah loween party last Saturday, at the home of Mrs. Jane I. May. In spite of the bad weather a goodly number of vounK folks were preaent and a very enjoyable evening was spent. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon O. Bridges are conducting a musical convention at the Christian church this week. Mr, Bridges is thoroughly posted in mod ern methods of teaching music and will undoubtedly give valuable instruc tion t the class. He gave a fine con cert Monday night. , your hens liay! The? poultry products of the United State iiro worth moro each year than nil the gold mined iu the universe. Wo have Lees' Egg Maker and Poultry Food, Deodorized Dried Blood, Ground Oyster Shells, Try them Very respectfully, Dr. Kay camo in the postofllce shivs ering after tha nlnctlon and said lie felt like he had been snowed under. As the doctor was the democratic oun didute for county coroner, the feeling was very naturol. The members of the W. O. W.are hereby notified that Rev. Q. U. Schleh of Omaha will deliver a lecture at the Masonic hall next Weduesday night All members are requested to be preS' ent. U. r. scovill, aeoy. If any one undertakes to get up a newsy paper a few duys after election they will appreciate tee difficulties of the taskrtbat Iiub confronted all editors of lncnl papers this week. Nobody talks of anything but politics and by the time the puper is out all know al there is to be told about the result of election and how it hnppened and don't care about reading about it. Luclan Edgar Follensbee gave a One lecture at the opera house lust Friday night. His subject was "Tom and Mary" and was not only entertaining but very Instructive. There was enough humor to make the lectuie pleasing to all but he did not fall to make u point with all his numerous sayings. Those present without single exception were delighted with the evening's entertainment und hope Prof. Follansbee will be with ub next season. Died At her home in Humboldt Neb., at 10 o'clock a. m, Nov. 1, 1003 of puerperal fever, Mrs. Mary L. Mots ris, wife of Lloyd R. Morris. Mrs. Morris was born in Nemaha county Sept. 22, I860, and lived here until her marriage. She was the daughter of John and Letitia Strain. She leaves a husband, mother and six children to mourn the loss of a loving mother, wife and daughter. The funeral services" were held at the M. E. church in Nemaha at 11 o'clock Tuesday, the sermon being preached by Rev. M. S. Foutch. The body was laid to rest in the Nemaha cemetery. Foley's Honey and Tar Is peculiarly adapted for asthma, bronchitis and hoarseness. M T Hill. If you want fire insurance, either in old line or mutual companies, call on W. W. Sanders. Tako the wagonette when In Au burn if you want to go to any part of the city . Job n McElbaney prop, A Losson in Health Healthy kidneys filter the impurities from tbo bldod, nnd unless they do this good health is impoBBiblo. Fos ley's Kidney Cure makes sound kids neys and will positively euro all forms of kidney and bladder disease. It strenghtens the whole system. MT Hill. Old papora for sale at this ofllco. MRS, THEO HULL Hos just received 0 complete etock of New Fall and Winter Millinery Call and FOUND The cheapest place to buy goods. W, ML Snelling of St. Deroin, Nebr., Is closing out his stock and will sell on Satur- rlfltra frr no all o. on.Hial J cost of goods, with ten percent added. Call on him for bar gains. The election in Nemaha was ear- neatly contested, but in a fair way. without wrangling. Many scratched tickets were voted. Charley Anderson who was raised In this precinct, got a big vote, running abend of any one else on either ticket. The following Is tbo vote in detail; Subremejjudge Barnes 108; Sullivan 08; Wright 1. Regents Allen 107; Whitmoro 100; Jones 103; Weber 101; Muir 1. District judfje Babaocfc, 101 ; Roayis 100; Kelligar 118; Kratsinger 08. Treasurer Dirks 02; Anderson 121. Clerk Hacker 112, Snow 102. Sheriff Lawrence 113; Culwell 00; Holmes 1. Judge Crichton 103; McCarty 100, Craves 3. District clerk-Beveridge 100 ; Har mon 104. Superintendent Currington 115. Ar not 00. Surveyor Parker 100; Gilbert 10; Maxey 2. Coroner Lutgen 103; Kay 103; Sapp 5. Assessor Maxwell 118: Robertson 07. Commissioner Second district Ord 110; Daugherty 90. Third Doollttle 108; Parker 100; Sparks 1. Justice of the Peace Scrivoner 110; Stephenson 120; Smith 0. Constables Brown 113; Smiley 101; Knopp 11 ; Anderson 4. Road overseers Dist. 82 C. L. Russell 80, Jones 4. Dist. 33 Devorss 2: Roberte4. Dist. 34 w. T. hub sell 80: Anderson 7. The vote was, slightly larger than last year, 217 being cast. W. S.RuBsell E. A. Howe aud O. J. Thorp were judges of election, and Wm. Moore and W. W. Sanders clerks. The count was finished a little before midnight. The Advertiser and the Weatern Swine Breeder one year for $1.35; the Advertiser and Poultry Topics one vear for 81. 15: The Advertiser and the Dally Omaha News one year lor 82.00 the Advertiser and tho Iowa Home stead, Poultry News nnd Home stead IliBtituto numbers one year for $1.32 ;, theAdvertlser and tho Nebraska Farmer one year for 81.35; tho Adver tiser and the Chicago Weekly Inter Ocean one year for 81.50; the Adver tiser and tho Semi-Weekly 8t. Louis Globe Democrat one year for 81.75; the Advertiser and tho SemiHWeekly Nebraska State Journal one year 'Kfor $1.85. These are some of our olubb ing offers, but wo have others, Can you beat them anywhere? Old papera for sale at this ofllco. NUMBER 20 ' 4 4 ' J see her . Call and nee us for reduced rates on magazines nnd newspapers'. Travollng is Dangerous Constant motion Jars the kldneyn which arc kept In place in the body by delicate attachments. This is the rea son that travelers, trainmen, street car men, teamsters and all who drive very much, suffer from kidnej disease In bomo rorm. juoiey's Kidney euro strengthens tlio kidneys and cures nil forms nf kidney and bladder disease Geo. Elluuaun locomotive ttnglnter, Lima, O., writes, 'Constant vibration of the unginu caused me a great deal of troublo with my kldnoys, and I got, no relief until I used I olo'u Kidney Cure. -i t inn On I nod Forty Pounds In Thirty Days For several mouths our younger brother had been troubled with hull licBtlon. He tried soveral remedies but got no benefit from them. We purchased some of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets and he commenced taking them. Inxldo of thirty days be had gained forty pounds In flesh. Ho Is now fully recovorod. We have a good trndo on the Tablets. Hollev Bros. Merchants, Long Branch, Mo. For Bole by W. W Keeling. A New Invention Minick'sFieldCoru Husking Machine huflks the corn from the stalk, leaving stalks standing in tho field. Exclusive stato and manufacturer ri right for sale by tho Inventor nnd patentee, Corres pondence solicited. Address. 1 4 II . T. MINICK, Nemaha, Neb. DR. G. M. ANDREWS Medical and Surgical Diseases of Women Stella - - ' - Nebraska C. O. SNOW Auctioneer Fifteen years experience. Terms and dates at The Advertiser office. r. (EPJ, W. Keelvng, Nemaha, Nebraska. Offico in Keeling drug store. WESLEY H. CLARK Doftlorjln : Windmills and Pumps, Tanks,Pipes, etc. ALL WORK GUARANTEE! 'Phone calls answered promptly. 'Phone No 20 NEMAHA, NEBR. TJndertaker ; Funer al Director ' and Embalmer IKERP m stock a complete link or Gaskets Robes and Funeral Supplies HEARSE IN CONNECTION aaumjtr, njstuaska