The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, October 23, 1903, Image 8

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    PETEll ICEltlCEll,
Dealer In
nigliCBt market price paid forJIIidcB,
Lard, Tallow, etc,
I'roptioUireiof tho
Livery & Feed Stable
The Nebraska Advertiser
XV. XV. HniKlem
XV. V. Hmitlnra
W. W. Sandkho & Son, Prop's.
FRIDAY, OCT. 2IJ, 1003.
Republican Ticket
For Judiroof tho Supromo Court,
i For Ilegentn of Btitto University,
0.8. ALLEN
ExG6vernor Furnas who has boon
in Ltncaln for a week or inoro to ro
colvo medical treatment is improving
rapidly. Ho used a crutch when ho
camo but is now ablo to walk with
case with ouly a cane for support, lie
hopes to bo able to cast it aside in a
fow days. Ho has beon making his
homo at thoLindell hotel. State Journal,
A Matter of Money
Good Dray in connection with Livery
Satisfaction guarantood,
Houtz's Restaurant
Fresh Candies, Nuts, Fruits, Cigars.
Fresh Broad, Buns und Cakes alwuys
on hand.
Drop in and boo us.
T. 13, Oi'otlxei
IVisliea to announco that he has not
joved out of town but into tho
Minick Store Room
whoro lie may bo found at all times,
ready to do your
Shoe Repairing
Harness Repairing
or soil you ft
New Harness, Nets,
Whips, etc,
Notioo of Probato of Will.
Tho Htato ofNubruHkii, Coinily of Nomnlin,Hx
In tho county court of NoiniUm county, Noli
In tlio iniitlor o! llioestuto oi Kimny lloovcr,
To Eunices II. Ervln anil to nil porBOim In
lurtteil lit tlioestuto of Fiinnlo lloovor, dc
ivisel: You arc hereby not Med that John li.
Hoover Iiiih tiled IiIh Only verlJIiui puiillon In
t Ills court pi aylim for I Do piobato of tlio Inwi
will ami tenturnont of thuwilil Kunnlo lloo
vor, cIochihoiI., whlt'h mild liihtruinont ha1
beon destroyed by nccld"titnnd mlHtiilcc; Unit
tlio hiiiiic nm.v bo rmivtxl, allowed aud pro
battid asu lout will, and the lulinlnlHlnUlon
olHuld i htato Brantod to John 11. Hoover nt
xuuotor: tlint llioHimo ban bebnuol for hoar
i'lironthu 24 h c'uy of Ootoliw, 1003, at 10
o'oiooK a. nt. at tlio county court room li
Halo county, which wild ilino and placo ha
bi'oii ilxed by auordcrof court in the tlio
and placo or proving tlio kuiiiv, when you
and all persons IntortHtud may appear uno
Hbow caoHu, If any tuoro e, wny tho prayi
of Mld petition nhould not lio urn tiled, aim
comcst. Uic probato llicrcol, nod nnlcwa yoi
Hoapprin tho court may grant tho prayer oi
bald potlilon and miilto all other propoi
ordeiH I) mild caiiHC.
W'lliiOKrt in? Hand nnil tho nonl of anld
For DIstrlntMndRCH, .
Judge Sullivan, the fusion candls
date for supremo judge, says of Judgo
Bamea,the republican candidate: "Tho
candldato of tho republican party is
my personal friend. He is a worthy
and generous rival.'' The fusion
papers many of them say Judge Barnes
is a trickster and a tool for the rail
roads. Who is to bo bolioved?
For County Treasurer,
, D. J. A. DIRKS
For County Clerk.
For County Judgo,
TiVtrRnnnrliitcndnnLof Pllbllo lORlrnotlOtl.
For County AfioHor,
For Coronor,
For Surveyor,
U1DN 1'AllH.Kilt.
For Clerk of DlHtrlnt Court,
For ComtnlnHlonpr Second district,
For CommlHsloner Third dlHtrlot,
Fred Parkor, fusion candidate for
county commissioner from tho third
district, gave us a social call Thurs
day. Wo have known Fred for about
thirty years and never knew him to do
a dishonorable act. When tho editor
of this papor was learning the printer's
I trade in the Granger ofllce at Browns
vlllo Fred was tinner and clerk for
Stevenson & Cross, in tho same build
ing, and wo always had a warm feoh
ing for Fred.
John J. Farriugton of Iiockford,
Ills., has been in Nemaha this week
collecting material for a work soon to
be published, entitled "A Biographical
Call in and see ua if you want to ftnj Genealogical History of South'
subscribe for any papor published in eastern Nebraska." It will contuln
(he United States. sketches of the lives of the pioneers
nlti'flnfl who mailt
Cresceus is ynt.king of trotters, un
TuoHday at Wichita,
ted a miloin l.BOStf.
was used.
aud distinguished
history and assisted in develoninc this
Kansas, ho trots c0ntrv nn(1 wUl be an interesting and
No wind aliiold
valuablu work.
E. J. Maxwell will make a good
county assessor. Of this there is no
doubt. His election as now conceded
by tho leaders of the fusion party.
For parties who claim to be battling
Tor the purity of the judiciary, tin
opponents of Mr. ReaviB are Bhowing
most too much of the cloven foot hi
their attacks. HumboldtgLeader.
Road the article on another pagt
entitled "A word about the judicial
light," taken from the Tecumaeh Tri
bunal. Charley Pool, the editor of
this paper, Is a strong domocrat bui
believes in justice.
Mrs. S. Morris recently received a
letter from her daughter, Mrs. Wm. A.
Bally, who was thou visiting the
family ofJ.R. Dye, at San Beigo,
California. Mrs Baily's health is
very poor and she is taking treatment
.at the sanitarium. She writes thir
Mr. Dye Inn? a lovely place. Their
uouse is three stories and a cupola
Leading from the third story are small
bridges to trees id which there is a
platform and Bats. He also lias an
acquariutn, a Urge summer house, etc.
county court at Aubuiu. Nobrasuu, thi2Ui
duv oi Sontumbor. lOoii.
RiUilARD F. WEAL, County
Ho Lonrnod a Croat Trurh.
It is said of John Wesley that he
once suld to Mistress Wesley, "Why
do you tell that child tho 8Hme till up
over and over again?" "John Wesley,
because once tolling is not enough."
It In for the same reason that .van an
told aguln and again that Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy cures colds and
grip; that It counteracts any tendency
of theso desoa8ea to result in pneu
monia, and that it is pleasant and saft
to take. For sale by W. W. Keeling
Run A Ton Penny Nail Through His
Whil opening a box, J. O. Mount
of Three Mile Bay, N. Y.,ran a ten
penny nail through the fle9hy part of
bis hand. "I thought at once of tin
pain and sorones this would cause
me," he says, "and immediately appli
ed Chamberlain's Pain Bulm and oc
casionally afterwards. To my Burprlst1
it removed all pain and, soreness and
the injured parts were soon healed.
For sale by W. W. Keeling.
Wm. V. Keeling and wife, John I.
DreBsler and Robtl.Sralth went to
Lincoln Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Keel
tig are delegates to the grand lodges oi
Odd Fellows and the Uebekaha respec
.lvely, and Mr. Drossier and Mr. Smltl
jo along to see that Will behaves him
If Frfmk Martin would knowtnglj
t'ndorso au unworthy man for appoints
raent to a high ofllce, as he hi?
sons now claim ho did two years ago,
can ho be belloved now when he ruaket
charges agaltiBt this same man because
this man dofeated him for tho nomlna.
tlon forjudge?
Dr. D. F. Hutchison, optician from
Omaha, will be at Nemaha again on
Monday, Oct. 2, and will be glad t.
test your eyes carefully for gl&saea. At
tho long nights approach you will neei
them more to enable you to seo woll
and easy.
No charere for th examination.
Satisfaction given or money returned.
Don't forget tho dat,e.
We, tho undersigned, pastors of the
Methodist and Christian churches ot
Browuvllle aud Nemaha, have arrang
ed our appointments to alternate our
services between the two above men
Moned towns, viz., to give each town a
morning and evening service everj
Sunday, Tho Sunday the pastor ol
i he Christian church is in Brownvillt
he pastor of tho Methodist church is
in Nemaha and. vice versa. Begin
ning Oct. 25, tho services will hi
Uejcj at the Christian church it
Brown ville at 11 a. m. and at 7:30
p. in. aud in Nemaha at the Methodial
;hurch at the same hours. The tnen
bers of all churches together with th
getieraigpuouc are coruiauy inviieu to
attend and worship with us.
M. S. Foutcii,
J. W. SArr.
Somebody's money and a falluro to
carry out instructions about talking to
strangers havo been responsible for a
Berious embarrassment bo the oppons
onts of Hon. C. F, Ueavis, candidato
for district judge, and tho most sovoro
jolt of the many which havo como near
knocking them off the track, was given
them nt Stoiuauor last Saturday.
Nearly everbody is now familiar with
tho story in the nnti-Roavis circulars
about tho Gorman farmer of Richards
son county who it is alleged was robbed
of his farm by tho Roavlses. What
follows will also bo of interest in this
Last Saturday there drove Into Steln
auer two double seated carriages from
Pawneo City. Rldln" in the carriages
was Mn Leyda of Falls City, accompli
nied by tho Gorman farmer in the story
and several others who are out cam
palgning against Mr. Reavis. After
having had their horses put away the
party of visitors waudoied about tho
streets exhibiting the German farmer
and telling their story to all who would
Mr. Gotlleb Sommorhalder is a mem
ber of the Pawnee county board of
commissioners. He is one o( tho couns
ty's most wealthy citizens and no one
In the county is held in higher regard
Mr. Sommerhalder heard the story
about tho theft of tho farm and he was
present in Steiuauer while the party of
campaigners were there. It happened
that the German farmer wandered
away from his traveling companions
aud while absent from finder their in
tluenco was encountered by Mr. Soms
merhnlder. Mr. Sommerhalder called
the attention of his companion to the
story which had beon so industriously
circulated and asked him to tell him
the truth about tho matter. The reply
which Mr. Sommerhalder received was
remarkable for its candor but not un
oxpeuted. The farmer told Mr. Soms
raerhalder that there was nothing
whatever to the story; that ho had
never had any trouble with Mr. Reavis
but that he was being paid 81. 50 per
day and his expenses for accompanying
tho men he was with and permitting
the story to be told as a fact.
Mr. Sommerhalder is a man whom
no one will doubt and he stands ready
to make an affidavit to that effect.
Beatrice Express.
Last Sunday evening by a unanlmn
oua vote of tho members present, it
was decided to change the preaching
services nt the Methodist church.
which havo heretofore been held
every Sunday night, to ovory nlternate
Sunday morning and evening. Next
Sunday, therefore, there will bo
preaching ut 11 a. m. and 7:80 p. tn.
On the Sunday following the services
will bo hold in Brownvllle, but on
that day there will be preaching raofns
ng and evening at tho Christilm
church. This arrangement will give
peoplo an opportunity to attend aers
vices both morning and evening, if
they are so disposed. Rov. Foutch
and Rov. Sapp, the pastors of the two
churches, are working together harmo
niously both hero and nt Brownvllle.
The arrangements made are largely at
tho suggestion of the two pastors. It
is hoped this arrangemont will result
in larger congregations at both church
es and an increased interest in church
"ou never heard any one using Fo
ley's Honey and Tar and not being
satis fled. MT Hill.
For a pleasant physic take Cham
berlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets.
Easy to tr.ko. Pleasant In effect.
For sale by W. W. Keeling.
All our farmer readers should take
advantage of tho unprecedented club
bing offer we this year make, which
Includes with this paper The Iowa
Homestead, Its Special Farmers' Instis
tute editions, and The Poultry Farm
er, These three publications are the
best of their class and should be in
every farm homo. To them we add
for local, county and general news our
own paper and make tho price for the
four for ono,yeari$1.85. Never before
was so much superior reading matter
offered for ao small an amount of
money. Tho papers named which
we club with our ow n are well known
throughout the west and commend
themselves to the reader's favorable
attention upon mere mention. The
Homestead Is the great agricultural
and live stock paper of the west. The
Poultry Farmer is the most practical
poultry paper for the farmer published
in tho country, and the Special Farm
ers' Institute editions are the mos'
practical publications for the promo
tion of good farming ever publishedt
Take advantage of this great offer.
Old papers for sale 8t this ofllce.
E Oil
Catarrh of the Stomach,
The Norfork News Unengaged edi- Wllon tho 8lomaCh Is overloaded;
torlully in proving that, farming pay whan food i3 takon into lt tlmb MU to
To all now subscribers we will send
The Advertiser until Jan. 1, 1905,
for only $1.00!
Thus giving Ten Weeks Free. .
"VVe will extend the subscription of all old subscribers to, Jan.
1, 1905, who pay up to date and $1 in addition. . " .
Now is the timo to subscribe and get the benefit of these' rates.
Persons living on free delivery routes from Nemaha can give
money to carriers or leave it in their boxes.
ley's Kidney Cure makes sound kid- bubscnptions taken at reduced rates, with a few exceptions,
uoya and will positively cure all forms for any paper published in the United States, Canada or England.
ot kidney and bladder disease. It
strengthens tuo wiioio systom. m t ju. A. SANDERS A- SCUM. Puhs..
Nemaha, Nebraska
A Lesson in Health
Healthy kidneys Alter the Impurities
from tho blood, and unless they do
this good health is impossible. Fo
Graduate of the American School of
Osteopathy of Klrksville, Mo.
in Nebraska. Must be a queer countrj
aronnd Nortork if it takes argument
to nrove that iarmlug pays. In (Hoe
county that subjoct is classed with
other woll kuown facts like this:
Fishes swim. Farming pays. Watot
is wet. Every democrat wants a pub
lic ofllce, and none of them will get
one in tuis county tins year. JNeor.
City Tribune.
Remarkable cures, ure effected by
this syetem of healing. No medicines
Oilico over. Ehstlce
ttore. ''",
How's This?
Wo otrbr Ono II und rod Dollars Rownnl for
nnycaso of Catarrh tout cannot bo cured by
flall'B Catarrh Ouro,
F.J, CHENEY & CO., rropB., Toledo, O.
Wo, tlio uudorntgnod, lmvo known P. J.
Cliunoy for tlio lust 15 years, and bullovo htm
porlootly houorablo In all uubIucrh transao-
tlonnund nnauolally nolo to carry out any
obligations mode by ttiolr tlrin.
WoRt fc i vuax, wholesale druggists, Toledo.O.
Waldlnu, Klnnnn fc Murvln, wuoloualo drug
gists, Toledo, O.
Hall's Cutnrru Curo Is takon Intornally.not
tngdliecily tipon tlio blood and nuicouMtmr-
ruconf the ttybtotn, PrlcoTSo jior bottle. Sold
oy all dni!Rt.ti. Testimonials fict.
liull b family l'lllmwothu boht,
digest, it decays and inflames tho mus
coub membrano, exposing tho nerves,
and causes tho glands to secrete mucin
Instead ot the natural juices of digest-
Ion. This is called catarrh of the
stomach, caused by indigestion. Doc
tors and medicines failed to benefit me
until I used Kodol Dyspepsia Cure.
J. R Rhea , Copp ell , Tex. Sold by W
W. Keeling.
Gained Forty pounds In Thirty Days
For several months our younger
brother had been troubled with Indl
bastion. He tried eoveral remedies
hut got no benefit from them. We
purchased some of Chamberlain's
Stomach and Liver Tablets and he
commenced taking them. Iniido of
thirty days he had gained forty pounds
in flesh. Ho la now fully recovered.
We have a good trade on the Tablets
Hollov Bros, Merchants, Long
Branch, Mo. For sale by W. W
er tom
P. E. ALLEN. Vlce-Prea.
ELMER E. ALLEN, Cashier.
Capital Stock, $5,000
EH MEsafl
T&VZ&m Havo a 79-YR. RECORD.
K2 fa built nnon tho stroncr foundn-
iiSG tion of duality and low prices.
Why then waste timo. land, labor and money on poor trees
whoso only product cVrx CS?irBlHTooxandpaclcfreo,
will bo disarmointffiont? VTc ft u hmui a guarantoo safo ar
rival, Guarantea ontiresatisfnetion. Prior List, Comirku Plates, etc., Free.
RM V rAC&n weekly and want more nomo ana v ifijuv ;uu'a,V?l' f!u
We rAY lAbh travefipg Ba.Gsm0n. Outfit free. QlfjS gfifffi
rLi-r. r. im .mti r:i if
imv rtrrr
yS llore homo end traveling salesmen ovorj-whero to
JM Eoll Stark Trees. Wfi PAY rARH Weekly, civj
it A
in M .HI tS EP5T f Ilfipcj iipot CTftnir nn.1 l)ll'IIJ V rnuinilT
rv wt. LarrroBt nuraor ea in the wor d 4850 nnriM. rinnirnl
Stock $1,000.-000. Millions of trees and vines, -Apple, Peach, Plum, Pear, Cherry, Grapo, otc,
I tno lai'iOSt, KtitfSlt stock ana beat sorts over ollored by any iiurrory. Our men succoed whero
, othora f-.ll. Vrito to-day for torms, etc. STARK BRO'S K. li 0. CO., Louisiana, Mo,
littANCi.';: Atlantic, la., Fayettoville, Ark., Pansvillo, N. Y., Vorliacd, N. Y., Etmtsvillo. Ala,