TIME TABLE Nemaha, Nebr, Lincoln Oinh a Chionj-o St. .Towepli KtuiHiiH City St. JjouIm anil all PolntH ICawtand South. Denver Helena 13utto Suit IiUko City Portland Sun JTranoiwco .And all XJointM "West. IUA.INS LKAV15 A8 FOLLOWS. No. 07 PnssonKor, dully ojcccptSun. iv, for Tecum noli, ll'-ntrlco, Hold rcge and nil points west !);l0an No.DS-PnHspuuor, dnlly .xceptSiin iMV, Inr NHKiifdcu City. (Jlilc-iio itncl all pnlntM north anil east 4i0np in No. llrt-L'icnl frolKlit, dnll.v except NiiikIiiv, lor Atclileon and lnler iiiodlntti NtnltoJiH 7:20 p m No 112 Looul frelulit, daily except Monday, for NenniHlciv Cljy and Inlcrniudlalo sUUIoiih 2:00 n m Slocplnjt. dlnltiR and reclining clmlrcnin tue-ats free on Ihionuli trains. TlckotH Hold mid biiirun.rn chocked to any point In the Un Itud Htntes or Canada. For Information, maps, tltno tnhlcn and tlckutK call on or write to W. fi. Wlmoldon, nuont, or J. Francis, Gonoral Passoncot Agent, Otnahn, Nob. DIEYSKIMEYCUSE Mnkos Kldnoys and Bladder Right For saloby M.T. 21111. Rtops the cough and Zxeals luna FOLETSKONEYHCAR Cures Golds; Prevents Pneumonia For salo by M. T. 11111. E0IEY3MTIAR for chtldrant safa, sure No oplatma Thousands Have Kidney Trouble and Don't Know it. How To ITlnd out. Fill a bottle or common glass with your water and let It stand tventy-four hours; a sediment or set tling Indicates an unhealthy condi tion of the kid neys; If It staln3 your linen it Is evidence of kid ney trouble; too frequent desire to pass it or pain in the back is also convincing proof that the kidneys and blad der are out of order. N "What to Bo. There Is comfort in the knowledge so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root, the great kidney remedy fulfills every vlsh in curing rheumatism, pain in the back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of the urinary passage. It corrects Inability to hold water and scalding pain in passing it, or bad effects following use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to go often during the day, and to get up many times during the night. The mild and the extra ordinary effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It stands the highest for its won derful cures of the most distressing cases. If you need a medicine you should have tho best. Sold by druggists in 50c. and$l. sizes. You may have a sample bottle of this wonaenul discovery and a book that tells more about it, both sent absolutely free by mall, J J T- 1 f r rtuurcii ur. ruimer O. Homo of Swamp-Root. Co., Blnghamton, N. Y. Vhen writing men tion reading this generous offer in this paper. THTMOT H 111 HI liTlTl ALTH "I don't thinfc vro could fccop houao without Thedford'a Black Draught. Wo have used it in tho family for over two years with tho beat of rooults. I havo not bad doctor in tho houso for that longtb. of tlmo. It is a doctor in itself and always ready to make, a person well nndhappy.'-JAMES HALL, Jack Bonyllle, 111. ' Because this great medicine relieves stomach pains, frees tie constipated bowels and invigor ates tho torpid liver and weak ened kidneya No Doctor la necessary in tho homo where Thedford'a Black-Draught is kept. Families living in tho country, miles from any physi cian, havo been kept in health forbears with this medicine as their only doctor. Thedford'a Black -Draught cures bilious ness, dyspepsia, colds, chills and fever, bad blood, headaches, diarrhoea, constipation, colic, and almost every other ailment because tho stomach, bowels aver and kidneya bo nearly con- THEDFORD'S BLACK- DRAUGNT I HE The Nebraska Advertiser W. XV. Sunder W. P. Smidet-n W. W. Sandeiib & Son, Prop's. FRIDAY, OCT. aa, 1003 W. M. Ciiohton tins been u member of the Nemaha county bat fur eight years. The detooorutea are willing to trade votes for any other office for voted for MoCarty and Kelligar tho only candi dates thoy are working for. The loading democrats and popun Hats in Auburn Will voto for G. 13. Beveridge because they know lie makes a good and Impartial officials One of our citizens a few days no offered to bet $10 that Abe Lawroiico would get over 200 majotity In the county but could get no takers. A. II. Babcock has had experience on tho bench, having been district judge for four years. He ih well qualified for the position. Do not fail to vote for him. IfC. F. Roavla has always been such a bold bad man as tho Martins uow try to make out, why did Frank Martin ao strongly endorso Mr. Roan via for supreme court commissioner only two years ago? Tho candidates of the Prohibition party in Nebraska thin year are Foi judge of ihe Supreme couit, George 1 Wright of York ;, for regents of the State uuivoraity, U. V. Mulr or Brownvillo and C. A . Barker of Lin coin. In advocating the election of the caudidatea on the republican county ticket, we do not consider it necessary to sling mud at the other candidates'. Both parties nominated good men But the republican candidates are in every respect tho equal If not superior to the other fellows and besides thai their politics is a whole lot better iio wo see no good reason why all re publicans should not vote the whole ticket. A Word About The Judioial Tight. We have hitherto withheld all com ment on the judicial oo ntcBt in this district with the viewtogettiiig a better understanding of the real reason for the assaults on Frank lien vis by per suns who have posed in tho near past as republicans. The Tribunal is in no sense a paitisan paper, uordowesur render our position in that respect by noticing the matter now, but it is solely for the reason that wo are not partisan and believe in docency that we speak on the subject. The judic iary is, and should be, held above mere party politics. As we are among those who havo au interest in the so lection of our judges we claim and shall exercise the right to express our opinion in a matter of so grave impors tance. That partisan methods are bes iug resorted to now to defeat one of the candidates is too obvious for diss cusslou and that other methods of the most reprehensible and disgraceful character are being resorted to is no longer a matter of doubt. We have tuken the trouble to inquire onto the standing, churactor aud ability, both as a citizen and a lawyer, and we find him not only above juat reproach in all respects, but one of the most bril liant men in the state. We find furtn er that the principal opposition to him, both before and since his nomination, came from the jealous and envious from men who are not in the same class with him, and are powerless to compote with him. We need no further evidence of his fitness for the place ho seeks than is furnished by the fact that tho people among whom ho has lived all his life endorsed him for judge with singular unanimity both in'the primaries and in the convention, which authorized him to select his own delegation to the judiciary convention, his further ens dorsemont at the Beatrico convention, of which some of the first lawyers of the state were members, and the most unwise thing his opponent did waa to got angry and bolt. It is always wiser under such circumstances to submit to the expressed will of the majority that is if one ever expects anything in the future, Tccumseh Tribunal. Old papers for sale at this office. i electing any of the county tlckofc ex copt judge and treasurer and tiro con centrating all their work on un en deavor to elect theso two. They are willing to trado votes for any of tho other candidates for votea for judge, treasurer or forW. II. Kelllgar for district judge. If tho republicans only "stand put" tho entiro ticket will bo elocted. Low Batot West via Burlington Eouto $2fi to Portland, Tacoma, Seattle. 825 to SanFrauciaco and LosAugeles 822.50 to Spokano. S20 to Salt Lake City, Butte, Helena Proportionally low rates to hundreds of other points, including Big Horn Bavin, Wyoming, Montana, Idaho, Wn&hlrifjton, Oregon, BiitlahColumbla, California, otc. Every day until November HO. Tourist earn dally to California. Personally conducted excursions three times a week. Tourist eura dally to Seattle Inquire of nearest Burlington agent. A Surgical Operation ia always dangerous do not submit to tho surgeon's knife until you have tried DeWltt's Witch Uazel Salve. It will euro you when everything else fails it ha9 dono this in thousands of cases. Here is one of them. I suffered from bleeding and protruding pilea for twenty years. Was treated by dlffer ent specialists and used many remedies but obtained no relief until I used Do Witt' Witch Euzel Salve. Two hoxo of this salvo cured me eighteen months ago aud I have not had a touch of thf pilea since. II. A. Tisdale, Summer ton, S. O. For Blind, Bleeding, Itch ing and Protruding Piles no remedy equate DeWltt's Witch Hazel Salve Sold by W. W. Keeling. Stand Liko a Stono Wall Between your children and the tor tares of itching aud burning eczema scaldhead or other diseases. How? why by using Bucklen's Arnica Salve, earth's greatest healer. QuickoHt cure for Ulcers, Fever Soran, silt Rheum Cuts, Burns, or Bruises Infallible for Piles. 25c at Reeling's drug stor Tho Advertiser and the Western Swine Jirnnrier one year for $1.35; tho Advertiser and Poultry Topics one year for $1.15; Tho Advcrtiaer and the Daily Omaha News one year lor 32,00; the Advertiser and tho Iowa Home stead, Poultry News and Home .stead lhBtituto numbers oiuoyear for $1.32; thoAdvertiser and the Nebraska Farmer one year for Si 35; the Adver tiser and the Chicago Weekly Inter Ocean one year for $1.50; the Adver tiser and the Semi-Weekly St. Louie Globe Democrat one year for $1.75; the Advertiser and the SeminWeekly Nebraska State Journal ono yearlfor $1.85. Theso are some of our elubb ing offers, but wa have others, you beat them anywhere? Can What is Poloy'a Kidney Ouro? Answer: It Is made from a preserips tlon of a leading Chicago physician, and one of tho most eminent in tho country. The ingredients are the purest that money can buy, and are scientifically combined to get the best results. M T Hill. What Thin Folks Nood Is a greater power of digesting nnd assimilating food. For thorn Dr C if' r i v Life Pills work wonders They tone and regulate tho digestive organB, gently expel all poison from the system, enrich the blood, improve appetite make healthy flesh. Only 25c at Keeling's. Spring Ailments There is an aching and tired feeling, the liver, bowels, and kldnoys become sluggish and inactive, the digestion impaired, with little or no appetite no ambition for anything and a feeling that the whole body and mind needs toning up. Tho trouble Is, that dur-, ing tho winter, there has been an over accumulation of waste matter in the system. Ilerblne will remove it, se cure to the socretioriB a right exit, and give strongth in place of weakness., 50c at Hill's. Will Oaro Consumption A A Horren of Finch, Ark. writes, "Foley's Honey and Tar is tho beat preparation for coughs, colds and lung trouble. I knowtuat It has cur ed consumption In tho first stage. M T Hill. I The fualonista have no hones of Foley's INifoy and.Tar contains no opiates and can anfoly bo given to children M. T. Hill Ouroa Whon Dootors Pail Mrs. Frank Chluason, Patterson, la , writes Juno 8th, 1001 : "I had malaria fover In a very bad form, waa under treatment by doctors, but aa soon as I stopped taking tholr medicino the fov er would return, I used a Butnple bottloof Ilorblue, found It helped mo. Then I ' bought two bottles, which completely cured mo. I feel very grateful to you for furnishing suoha splendid medicine, and can honestly rocommond It to thoso Buffering wlti malaria, as It will surely euro thorn." Heroine, COc bottle ut Hlll'p. Holds Up a Congressman "At tho ond of tho campaign." writes Chnmp Clark, Missouri's brilli ant congressman, "from overwork nervous tension, loss of sleep and con- Btantspoaking I had about utterly coN lapsed. It seemed that all of my organs wero out of order, but three- bottles of Electric Bitters made mo all right. It's tho best all-round medls clno ever sold ovor a druggiBt's count, or." Over-worked run-down men nnd weak, sickly woman gain splendid vitality from Electrlo Bitters. Try them. Only 50c. Guaranteed bv Keeling. Ono Minuto cough cure gives relief in one minuto, because It kills thp ml crobo which tickles tho mucous mem brane, causing the cough, and at the saino time oleum the phlegm draws out the tnilatnmatlou and heals and aooth- es tho aflected parts. One Minute cough curostrenghens tho lungs, wards off pneumonia and la a harmless and never falling cure In all curat lo chbob of coughs, colde, and croup. One MIn. uto cough cure la pleasant to take, harmless and good alike for young aud old.-W. W. Keeling. Just About Bedtinio take a Little Early RlBer it will cure constipation, biliousness and liver troubles. DeWltt's Llttlo Early Risers are different from other pills. Thoy do not grille and break down tho muc ous membrane of tho stomach, liver and bowels, but cure by gently arouH itig the Hecretions and giving strength to these organs. Sold by W. W. Keels ing. America's Greatest .Weekly. THE Toledo XSla.de TOLEDO, OHIO. New and Larger Building, New Presses, Now Sterotypo Plant Now and Modern Appliances in every department. Tho Toledo Tllmlo Is now lnntnllcd In Its now building, with modern plant nnd cqnltniciit, nnd fucllltluft equal to nny publication tictwocii New York nnd Chicago, It In tho only Weekly news pnperedlted cxproBely for every otnto nnd territory Tho news of the world r o nrrnntjod that bnny peo ple enn more onMly eoinproliend, timn by reii(l)nir cnmberHonio columns of clnlllen. All current topics mndoplidn lu eneb 1biuo by epeelnl editorial nin tcr, written from Inception down to date. Tho only paper publlidiod cnpeclally for people who do or do not read dnlly nownpapeM, nnd yet.thirnt for plain fitctn. That this kfnd of a newspaper In pop ular, li proven by the (act that the Weekly lllntle now has over 100.0' 0 yearly nubecrlberM, and In cir culation in nil pnrts of the U S. In addition to the news, thu Hindu publlHlios hort and norlnl Btorlcs, nnd manv department; of matter suited to ovury member. or thu family. Only one dollar a year. Write for free specimen copy. Addrcus THE BLADE. Toledo, Ohio AMERICA'S ST Editorially fearless Consistently Republican Always ' News from all parts of the world. Woll written, original stories. Answers to queries on all subjects Articles on Health, tho Home, Now Books, and on Work About the Farm and-jGnrdon. WEEKLY INTER OCEAN The Inter Ockan is a member of tho Associated Press and also is th only westorn nowspaper receiving tho entire tolegraphic news service o tho Now Ydrk Sun and special cable of tho Now York World, besides daily reports from over 2,000 special correspondents throughout tho coun try. No pen can tell more fully why t s tne best on earth. 52 twelve page papers 52 . One dollar a year Brimful of nexos from everywhere and a j)crfcct feast of special matter .... . Subserve fo? The Advertiser ana',he Weekly Inter Occanone year, both papers for $ 1 .50, Per rho.no Who Llvo on Farrru Dr. Bergln, Farm, 111., winea; 1 have uaed Ballards Snow Llmmriit, always recommend it to my lunula, and I am confident that there ih dm better made. It is a dandy for burns. Those who live on fat ma are cspooially liable to many accidental cuts, burns and bruises, which heal rapidly whon Ballard's Snow Lini ment is applied, It should tlwio he kept in the houso for cumcs of emer gency. 25c, 50, and $1 .00 at II 11 IV. World-Wide JJoputation Whlto'a Cream Vermifuge has uc. hloved a world wldo roputtltlon us be ing tho best of worm destroyers, and for Its tonic Influenco on weak and un thrifty children, as it neutralizes tho acidity or sourness of tho stomach, mprovoj thu dlgostionand assimila tion of food, atrenghtens the nervous system and restores .them to the health vigor and elasticity of upirita natural to childhood. 25c at HillY,. Tho Nonuka Mercantile Mutiiu Insurance company of Lincoln, Ne braska, has over 30.000,000 insurance in force with thu leading business men of tho atnto Ask to see a list of them W. W. Sauders, agent. Chris Millor of Fremont Nh'ir writes; "I suffered from dyBpepala for more than 10 yearn. I was under tho care of a number of dootors, mude three trips away, and Btlll no relief. Kodol Dyspepsia Curo being recommonded to mo by uevoral who had used it, ami aa tho last straw, I concluded to try it. After tho first two or three doses I be gan to Improve nnd have taken several bottles aud feel like a new man. write you this In the Intoreat of hu manity, hoping it may fall Into the hands of some sufferer, aud my prayer la that thoy may secure the Bamu bene fit that I havo." Sold by W. W. Keel Ing. Rovonlo a Croat Socrot It is often naked how audi atari-ling cures, that puzzle the best physicians are effected by Dr. King's New Dia1 covory for Consumption. Ileie's the secret. It cuts out the phlegm and germ-Infected mucuf, and lets the life giving oxygen enrich and vitalize tho blood. It heals the inflamed, cough worn throat and lungs. Hard colds and stubborn concha soon yield to Dr. King's Now Discovery, tho moat in fallible remedy for all throat and lung diseases. Guaranteed bottles 50c and fc'l.OO. Trial bottles free at Keeling's. KODOL digests what you KODOL c'eanse3 purifies, strengthens and sweetens the stomach. KODOL cures Indigestion, dyspepsia, and all stcmach and bowel troubles. KODOL accelerates tho action of the gas- trie glands a'nd gives tone to tho digestive organs. KODOL relieves an overworked stomach of all nervous strain gives to the heart a full, free and untrammeled action, nourishes 'the nervous system and feeds tho brain. KODOL s ,h6 won(erful remedy that Is making so many sick people well and weak people 3trong by giving to their bodies all of tho nourishment that 13 con tained in tho food they oat. Bottles only, $1.00 Size holding 2H times tha trial size, which sells for 50c. Fftsartd only hy E. C. DeWITT CO., CHICAGO. REPUBLICAN PAPER