The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, October 23, 1903, Image 2

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W, W. BANDERS & SON, Publlthcri.
Olio Fact SInde Clenr.
It has at last been mndo pretty clear
thut Wall Htrcot can liavo about tbo
worst Kind of a slump without stopping
tho United States for n minute
An Unhonored IMilltuithroiilNt.
Germany haB juBt put up iv monu
ment to tho Inventor of tbo card gamo
called Bknt, yet wo unappreolatlve
Americans have never passed tbo hat
to rnlsc a monument to tbo philanthro
pist who Invented poker.
Ono of tho most rcmnrkablo cases of
doublo-denling that has como to light
recently took placo In a Now York
stato family, In which tho grand
mother, daughter and granddaughter
nil gavo birth to twins tho samo ovon
Dnemt't I'romliie to Mnlco Good.
Every man, woman and child in tho
country Is Just 89 cents richer than a
year ago. United States Treasurer
Roberts says this Is, or ought to bo.
tbo caRe, but bo doesn't promise to
ynnko good tho deficit in individual
JUniilfcntly 11 Wrotur IiiircNlon.
Tho receiver for tho United States
Shipbuilding company charges Charles
M. Schwab with having fraudulently
unloaded a $10,000,000 plant on tho
trust for $30,000,000. Still thcro nro
somo persons who lmagino that Mr.
Schwab has paresis.
Po Intern for Wall Street.
"Elijah II." Dowle may not convert
Wall strcot, but ho will probably bo
regarded In that thoroughfare as a
great prophet nevertheless. Dowio
camo into Chicago a few years ago with
$100 and in now reputed to bo worth
p20.000.000. Ho can glvo moat of tho
Wall strectcrs pointers on gottiiig rich
Itnllef for the I'lnohod.
Tho United States Steel corporation
offers to buy back from its employes
at tho price thoy paid for it any stock
bought by them under tho offer made
last winter, provided tho stock is hold
until January, 1908. Tho offer proba
bly will allay tho anxiety of employes,
but tho experiment of tho corporation
In taking Its men Into partnership is
not likely to find many imitators.
KiIIhoii'm New (Jeiiemtor.
On tho heels of tho great discovery
by Edward Atkinson that ordinary dry
mud from swamp land is better fuel
than somo qualities of coal and gives
out G5 por cent as much heat as an
thracite, comes tho announcement from
Thomas A. Edison that ho has In
vented an oloctrtc generator based on
n fuel so cheap that running un auto
mobllo will bo about us Inexpensive! as
running a blcyclo.
A Reminder.
Sixty thousand employes of tho an
ihraclto coal companies are now work
ing llttlo moro than hair tlmo, in order
to restrict tho output and kcop up
prices. It is estimated that by No
vember 1 tho normal production will
havo been restricted 1,200,000 tons.
Tlio men will loso ?1, 000,000 in wages
nnd tho public will pay top-notch
pricos for coal. This reminds us that
the consumer Is still "it."
The Chuiiee of I.onir 1.1 fe.
Taking a million as a basis of cir
culatlon, statistics show that at the
end of 70 years there will bMU survive
312,000 out of 1,000,000 persons. At tho
expiration of 80 years there will bo
207,000 survivors of tho original mil
lion. When it comes to ill) years of
toclstenco only 8,841 out of tho 1,000,000,
or ono In 115 will bo living. Of tho
original million only 54 will-11 vo to sco
99 years, or about ono person out
of 18,500. Tho century mark will bo
leached only by 23 out of tho 1.000,000.
tf.-iOO,OIM for 'l'eriiiliutlN.
The Santa Fo Is Bpondlng nearly
5500,000 on Its Kansas City terminals,
and will soon havo tho most modern
facilities In tho west for handllui
freight. Its new freight houses havo
a capacity of 240 carloads daily. Tho
drop truck system Is used, refrigerator
.rooms aro provided for storing perish
able freight, and all tho loading plat
forms havo steel runways. Now
ground has boon bought In Argentino
and it is planned to hero lay out im
anpnso yards, with nlmost unlimited
Government "Will Operate It.
Tbo Montezuma hotel at Las Vogas
Hot Springs, N. M., herotoforo operated
in the interests of tho A., T. &. S. F. Ity.
-was closed. October 10 ns a health and
pleasuro resort. While not ofllclally
announced, it is understood that nego
tiatlons are under way whoroby the
United States governmont will prob
ably buy tho property for use ns an
army sanitarium, thus admirably sup
fomenting the successful government
jumltarium at Silver City, In tho same
In France Catholic Bishops Urgo
Separation of Church and State.
I'nliit to tho Unlttd Stated, Whoro th
Chnreh In Independent of tin GoToru
luctil unit ICecolvc More Liberal
Hupport TIihii lu Kuronn.
Paris, Oct. 20. Several of tho French
bishops of tho Roman Catholic church
among them tho blBhop of Arochello,
havo declared themselves In favor of
tho nbolliion of' tho concordat and of
tho entire separation of tho church and
stato in Franco, without consulting tho
Vatican, because, If for no other rea
son, thoy would nt least bo frco from
persecution on tbo part of tho govern
ment, which is pledged by tbo law to
extend tho same protection to nil re
ligious denominations ns Is given in
tho United States, whoro the Independ
ence of church and stato has been a
great ndvantngo to Roman Catholics
and tbo progress of religion. Thcso
samo prelates claim that tho neces
sary support for tho churches and for
tho mnintnlnanco of tho clergy will bo
w .--- -
forthcoming from tho zoal and de-
votlon of tho Frcncs Catholics, onco ,
It Is known that no support whatever i
Is to bo expected from tho governmont,
as has boon tho case all along In tho
United States. Howovor, It Is feared
at tho Vatican that tho laws to bo pro
poned for the consideration of parlia
ment may go too far and restrict that
liberty of worship that ought to ho a
necessary consequence of an absolute
and bonl fldo separation botwecn tho
church and state.
HherlfT I.ticiin Outwitnit Mnli 'Who Wauled
Two Necroim, tiliiirgnil With Fred
Tutchor'rt Murder.
Topcka, Kan., Oct. 20. Fred Tutcher,
who was shot Sunday by tho negro,
William Muson, died at Christ hospital
last night. Mason and his accomplice,
Thomus DeMoss, are In tho county
Later About 200 Incensed pooplo
formed a mob last night and gathorod
nround tho jail with a vlow of lynching
tho two negroes, but Sheriff Lucas had left. Thoy spent tho ontlro night trav
splrited tho prlsonors to Lawrenco on cling and were nearly exhausted from
ho six o'clock train for safo hooping,
When the mob gathorod tho officers an
nounced that tho negroes had been
taken away. A commltteo from tho
crowd, upon Invitation, searched tho
all and found tho negroes gone.
"When tho result of tho Investigation
was announced tho crowd dispersed.
At Wichita tho Famous Homo Went a Mile
In llo( 51-1, ISeatliti; I.oit Dillon
aii'l Major Doliuar.
Wichita, Kan., Oct. 20. Cresceus
broke tho world's trotting, record for
u mllo yesterday aftornoon, going the
distance m 1:0074, boating tno provious
record nciu y t.ou union aim major
uoimnr uy a quarter or a second. i-in
broko when lie llrst scored for tho
word, but on tho next attempt was
sent off, going tho llrst quarter In
U0 flat. Thoro was a cheor when ho
reached tho half In 50 and when tho
threp-quartors was passed In 1:80 tho
cheer becamo an uproar. Just before
ho reached the wlro Cresceus broko nnd
it is believed lost fully three-quarters
of a second. He cnught handily and
flashed under tho wlro In 1:59.
Hunker Stolo 800,000,
Princoton, Wis., Oct. 20. Tho sen
sational and unexpected developments
In regard to tho embezzlement of $00,
000 by J. E. Lclmor. cashier of tho
Princeton stato bank, woro brought
about by an investigation of the affairs
of the bank which has boon conducted
for tho past fow days by Stato Bank
Examiner Uergh and Deputy Bank Ex
aminer A. E. Kuolt.
Too I'mir to Hire n PiiHtor.
Kansas City, Mo Oct. 20. By a
vote of 47 to 25 tho congregation of tho
Forest avenue Christian church at
Sixteenth and Forest avonue, decided
to temporarily leave its pulpit vacant.
Tho congregation has dwindled In two
years from COO to less than 200 and
will now becomo n mission.
Uiiinidluim ltefiiHKd to Nlgn.
London, Oct. 20. A draft of tho deci
sion reached by tho Alaska boundary
commissioners as announced by ho
Associated press was signed by a ma
jority of tho commissioners yesterday
evening. Messrs. Aylosworth and
Jotto, tho Canadian commissioners, re
fused to sign.
llltrcer unit Itetter TIihii tOOS.
Kansas City, Mo., Oct. 20. Tho
Amorlnm Royal Llvo Stock show
opened at tho stock yards. This yoar's
show Is blggor and bettor than last
year's because moro extensive, and bo
cause this year tho grasses on which
all domestic animals depend havo been
at their best.
Will ltryiin Support Henrot?
Washington, Oct. 20. William J.
Bryan's former lloutonnnts In tho Dis
trict of Columbia havo joined tho Wil
liam Randolph Hearst boom. It la
said In tho inner circles that Hearst Is
acceptable to tho ox-democratlc candidate.
Stormy Ilcpntillcnn Convention
Allilillciiboro, ICy., Ilcnultcil In
Split Over Conirrrnmnn.
MIddlesboro, Ky., Oct 20. Tho re
publican district convention, called to
noralnnto & successor to tho Into Con-
rn. w. a. hunter.
grcssman Oorclng, divided about mid
night on Saturday when tho Edwards
faction declared an adjournment to
meet at London. Tho Hunter faction
remained in session and after mid-
night nominated Dr. W. Godfrey Hun
ter, ox-United States senator, who re
eolved 240 votes to CI for Ramsey.
Ramsey uddrcsscd tho convention ac
quicsclng in tho choice.
Tiro Youiiff People Ilecutne Separated from
Their I'urtjr In n Trip to Sutinct Crater
Fruition Henrch of I'omcm.
Flagstaff, Ariz., Oct. 20. Two well
known young people, Leo Vorkamp, ol
Flagstaff, and Miss Mabel Brown, ol
Chicago, becamo separated from their
party at Sunset crater In tho lava bods,
20 miles northeast of Flagstaff, Sun
day afternoon and up to tho present
tlmo no trace of them has boon found.
A report reached hero last night
that tho missing
couple had been
found at a ranch 18 miles northwest
of Flagstaff and about 50 miles out of
their way. In losing tho road they be-
came confused and followed tho moun-
tains to tho right Instead of to tho
exposure and thirst.
Dozen Workmen llurloil to De nth anil
Several Seriously Injured by a
Cm lie Utvlnir Way.
Pittsburg, Pa., Oct. 20. By tho
breaking of tho ropes carrying five
beams to their position, letting tho
tons of Iron fall upon tho movablo
crano at tho Pittsburg end of tho now
Wabash brldgo being built by tho
American Brldgo company over tho
Monongahela river, about a dozen
fall oC more thftn 100 feot strlklng
lho water and two bargoa beneatht
Jen of UlQ dead havo bcen recovcreu.
It. F. Huron. Suppoaed to lluvo Itoon Laid
to Final Unfit by Odd Fellows, Ap
pears In the Flesh.
Pacific Junction, la., Oct. 20. B. F,
Haroff has urrlved hero from Omaha
after tho odd fellows had paid the ox
ponso of burying him. Several months
ago a man supposed to bo B. F. Haroff
arrived In Pacific Junction. Ho was in
tho last stages of consumption. He
died near tho depot and papers In his
pockets showed that ho was a member
of tho odd fellows at Buffalo, Wyo.
The expenses of tho burial were there
foro paid by that organization. Now
rho reai Haroff jia8 appeared and has
I rove,i that tho man who died was
3omcbody elso.
ICx-Cov. Drake, of Town, OfTerH S5.000 to
the ChrlMtlnu Chiiruh for u Itlblo
Collage In Indlit.
Detroit, Mich., Oct. 20. Yesterday's
Fesslons of tho International Mission
ary convention of tho Christian
church were given ovor to the Foreign
Christian Missionary society. At tho
morning session was read a telegram
from Ex-Gov. Drake, of Iowa, stating
that he will glvo $5,000 to start a
BIblo collego In India. Gov. Drako
lias already donated $5,000 each for
Bible colleges In Japan nnd China
Vhnrged with Nnturnllxntlon Fruudn.
, St. Louis, Oct. 20. Adolph Foln, an
officer of tho Hebrew branch of tho
Jefferson club, a political organiza
tion, was arrested yesterday on an nd
ditlonal Indictment returned by tho
federal grand Jury, charging him with
aiding nnd abetting In tho mattor of
procuring naturalization papers by
fraud. In default or ball Fein went to
Hqnnudercd 8100,000 on u Woman.
Hnywnrds, Col., Oct. 20. City Mar
shal Ramago has arrested William
Uarthow on a chargo of bolng 'a de
faulter in the sum of $100,000. It Is
stated that Carthow was a confidential
clerk In a bank In New York, and
while acting In that capacity, stole
$100,000, which was squandered on a
woman. '
Alaskan Boundary Commission
Turns Down Canada's Claim.
Portland Cnnul In i.ef t to tho llrltlnh l'rov
lucc. Hut Wiifthtngton OfllcliW lie
Buril This a of Mluor
London, Oct. 18. The Alaskan boun
dary commission has agreed to grant
all tho American contentions except
that for tho Portland canal, which goes
to Canada.
Portland Ciwml Not Important.
Washington, Oct. 18. The Associa
ted press bulletins from London an
nouncing tho decision of tbo Alaskan
boundary commission decision was tho
llrst Intimation received by tho stato
department that tho commission had
reached an agreement. Stato depart
ment officials say that It shows a dis
tinct victory for the United Stales. It
Is their opinion that tho effect of tho
decision regarding the Portland cana.
merely gives to Canada tho possession
of Tearso Island, a small Island in
tho Portland canal, and of no special
Disappointment In Canndn.
Toronto, Ont., Oct. 18. Great dis
approval of disappointment Is felt hero
over tho decision In tho Alaska bound
ary case. "I would not like to criti
cize Lord Alverston's decision until I
havo read tho text, but tho result Is a
very great disappointment to me."
This was tho vlow of Thomas Hodgina,
tho master-In-ordlnary, who has made
a special study of tho boundary dis
pute and It conveys tho feeling of
Canadians generally.
In New York City They Aro I'oslntr n
DoirlclteH nnd Sti-ul In tho Niiuiu of
"KHJiih tho ItoMtorcr."
Now York, Oct. IS. With tho Dowle
greeting, "peace bo with thee," as tho
password, crooks from everywhere,
who are descending on New York, ex
pect to do a thriving business In rob
bing Hats and apartment houses. Out-,
of-town thieves have had meetings to i
devise ways and means to take advan
tago of tho great opportunity. Somo
wni wnrlr n ltllvl 1 ml. nthfir will
will work as Individuals; others will
act together. Nearly all, however, will
work on one general principle to poso
as Dowleltes and "graft" in the name
of "Elijah the restorer." Armed with
"Leaves of Healing," tho "Message of
Zlon" and other Dowlo literature, wear
ing tho Zlon uniform and using tho
Zion speech, they hope to obtain easy
access to New York homes.
Itnllroiidft Announce it lllc Curtailment la
tho Itmtio of 1'uhrch To tint Around
Missouri I.r.
Chicago, Oct. 18. The Issue of passes
by tho western roads during tho year
1004 will bo greatly restricted. Passes
to shippers or merchants will be en
tirely discontinued. Return passes to
men in chargo of llvo stock shipments
will alBO bo cut off next year. Missouri
and ono or two other western states
have laws requiring the railroads to
furnish frco transportation to llvo
stock men, but tho railroads claim
that these laws are Invalid because they
conflict with the interstate commerce
law, which prohibits the roads from
issuing passes to shippers, and thoy
mean to appeal to the United States
courts, If tho stato authorities give
them any trouble.
Then mi Ohio Man Fropnroil nnd Ati 111
Itrcukfast After Viilnly Trylnie
to Sleep.
Dayton, O., Oct. 18. With no excuse
to offer than thoy had spent tho night
quarreling, Charles H. Welffonbach,
well connected In Dayton, choked his
wife to denth, using no Instrument but
hlshands. Ho then tried to sleep, but
a half hour later arose, prepared and
ate his own breakfast. Later ho went
to tho tobacco warehouse where ho Is
employed as foreman, and gavo in
structlons for the day's work. Ho then
went to pollco headquarters, coolly told
tho story of his crlmo and was locked
Two Hundred nnd Fifty Suld to Ho Lost
nod Thirteen V1I1iikl-h De
stroyed. London, Oct. 19. A dispatch to tho
Standard from its correspndent at
Odessa says new hns reached there
from Khorassan that 250 Uvea havo
been lost In an earthquake at Turshlz,
Persia. Thirteen villages were de
stroyed and some 5,000 persons arc now
I'ciirlrt Found In Itlvor 11 ml.
Carbondalo, 111., Oct. 19. The peo
pie of Mauulo, a small town on tho
Wabash river In Whlto county, have
becomo excited over tho finding of
valuable pearls In the river bed and
scores of pooplo aro now working
dally gathering mussel shells, which
aro soiling at $15 a ton. Somo expe
rienced mon can securo a ton per day.
Tho pearls being found range In value
tram ?10 to $250.
There In n Mntcrlnl DUTerertRc That
la Mot Alvrny Apparent.
Mnilre Labor!, the noted Fronch advo
cate who defended the Humberts, 1h not.
remarkable in Paris ho much for tho clo--quenre
as for the neatness and tho polish,
of hid Hpccchcn.
An American journalist heard Lnbori:
in court one day. He Btiya the advocated .
addresH avus full of grace, wit, tenderness..
He quotes a passage relating to old ngu?
whhrcin Labori, witli a smile, said:
"Old age we shall none of us quite tin-
derstand that until we have attained to it .Li,,
lor no one of usj here, is old. But tho -
other day I visited my uncle, a very aged f
" 'What is it like, uncle,' I said, 'to be
old?' "And my uncle answered:
" 'It is like thU: When ono is young,.,
one's polite attentions to women arc taken.,
for declarations of love; but when otic isi
old, one's declarations of love arc taken,
for polite attentions.' "
For it Hud Iliielc.
Sabra, Montana, Oct. 10th. A great
many men in this neighborhood used to
complain of'pninH in the back, but now
fienrccly one can be found who has any
such trouble.
Mr. Gottlieb Mill is largely responsible
for tho improvement, for it was no who.
first of nil found 'the remedy for thifl.
Backache. He has recommended it to all
his friends and neighbors, und in every -case
it has had wonderful success.
Mr. Mill Bays:
"For many years I had lecn troubled'
with my Kidneys and pains in the small'
of my back. I tried many medicines but
did not derive any benefit until last fall,
when I bought a dozcn,a boxes of Dodd's
Kidney Pills. After using them a few
days I began to improve, my back quit
aching nnd I folt better and stronger alll
"I will keep them in the house riplit
along, for in my opinion they aro the best
medicine in the mnrkct to-day, and if iny
back should bother mo again, I will usa
nothing else." .
.rovrinir livll.
"My boy," warned the old gentleman
with the white ribbon, "the drink habit,
is crowing worse every day."
"Yer right," responded Jimmy Fiynn..
"My goil Lizzie used to be satisfied vid4
two sodas, an' now she wants four." Chi
cago Daily News.
Stop'n the Cough
and works ofT the cold. Laxative Bromo
Quinine Tablets. Price 25 cents
rome men arc too busy to grow old. -Chicago
Daily News.
Piso's Cure for Consumption is an irifalli--
We medicine for coughs and cold b. N. W..
Samuel, Ocean Grove, N. J., leb. 17, 1000.
The wind blows nothing off but with
ered leaves. Rain'n Horn
Putnam Fadeless Dyes are fast to light,
and washing.
A man is apt to feel put out when he la.
taken in. Chicago Daily News.
J.W. Walls, Superin
tendent of Streets of
Lebanon, Kentucky,,
living on East Main
Street in that city, says:
"With my nightly rest broken, ow
ing to Irregularities of the kidneys,
suffering intensely from severe pains;
In tho small of my back and through,
tho kidneys, and annoyed by painful
passages of abnormal secretions, llfo-
was anything but pleasant for me.
No amount of doctoring relieved this:
condition, and for tho reason that,
nothing seemed to glvo mo even tem
porary relief, I becamo about dis
couraged. Ono day I noticed In thd
newspapers the case of a man who
was afillcted as I was and was cured
by tho use of Doan's Kidney P1U3..
His words of praise for this remedy
were so sincere that on tho strength.,
of his statement I went to tho Hugh-.
Murrey Drug Co.'s store and got a.
box. I found that tho medicine was.
exactly as powerful a kidney remedy
as represented. I experienced quick
and lasting relief. 'Donn's Kidnojr
pills will provo a blessing to all suf
ferers from kidney disorders who will;,
give them a fair trial."
A FREE TRIAL of this groat kid
ney medicine which cured Mr. Walls .
will bo mailed to any part of tho
United States on application. Ad
dress Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N..
Y. For sale by all druggists; price
50 cents por box.
SWEQ's Waterproof
OtJI f nM UIMrf tit jrs dtfi If kt
milt Ml vtpttf jmm. ld fv pr tut
Stltttn. tln. Hut, Him Cm
' fojffiprrffixA
s-vacs hvvcMytuamjAvmez (a7. ZX
Biunuurn uooua, j.oiveta i races.
Moll Orders Filled. Catalogue FREE.
Witt la Itcuat Btt-oct, St. Loul. at.