The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, October 09, 1903, Image 1

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Cotton and Wool Blankets?
Yes, we hae them
We have them at pritcs to suit you and to
suit your neighbor
Tell him about it Come and investigate
If you
want a
Claw Hammer for-.
Claw Hatchet for 10c
No. 8 copper bottom, "Wash
Boiler 95c
12 quart Tin Pail for 15c
14 qnart Galvenized Pail for25c
Fire Shovel 5c
Rotary Flour Seive ,
10 quart Dish Pan ...
14 quart Dish Pan ...
The best $2.00 Work:
Shoe on the market.
Why Pay Mot e?
Southern White Load six and
one-fourth cents per pound.
Pure Linseed Oil, raw 45c per
gallon, boiled 50c per gallon.
Crescent Cottage Mixed Paint
guaranteed strictly pure and to
cover 300 square feet, two coats,
to the gallon. $1.50 per gallon.
Try it.
Very respectfully,
Has juBt received a
' complete stock of
New Fall and Winter Millinery
Call and see her
Our goods must give Satisfaction
We don't want yoixv monej
at the expense of your good will
The cheapest place
to buy goods.
W, M, Snelling
of St. Deroin, Nebr.,
lis closing out his stock
and will sell on Satur-
Mrs. John Grovea of Rockport, Mo., daVS for Cash at actual
s visiting Mr. and MrB. John Watson
this week. COST 01 gQOCiS, With ten
Mrs. S. T. Argabright, who has been -perlCent added.
visiting at Greenleaf, Kans., returned 1
home Thursday morning. Call OU Tlim for bar-
Just received a fine line of heating gains.
stoves at Edwards x Bradford Lumber
Co. and the prices are right. Call in
and see thesi.
We Want
Phone 4
Your Patronage
To see you at our Store
To show you our goods
To please you
2rt X 7 C 2 IS
Local News
We had another rain Tuesday.
Bee If T Hill for Ore insurance.
A fine line of horse blankets just re
ceived at. Ed wards A Bradford Lum
ber C;"
for Bale. Inquire of Nate
Frank Rlchey of Brownvllle, who
has been at rawnee City, returned
borne Monday.
HI Flock
west to Nebraska City
John R, Russell went te Omaha
Mrs. D. A. Morton went to Auburn
Mias Fearl Jtoberts has been the
guest ef Mies Dora Clark two or three
days this week.
The freight train from the weit is
now due at Nemaha at 11.30 p. m., but
is seldom on time.
Try the Devoe pnlnt.
Kerns, Auburn.
Sold by J. W.
Will Nioholls of
Nemaha Tuesday.
Auburn was in
The B. &.M. auditor was a Nemaha
visiter Wednesday.
A. F. Walsh Is having his corn shell
ed and Ib shipping it.
Special prioes on Furniture at the
E. So B. Lumber Co;
Jorry Marlatt was
Brownviile Wednesday.
down from
Edwards & Bradford Lumber Co.,
headquarters for baraeas.
Hiss Minnie May went to Peru M on
day to remain a .few days.
We bad quite a storm Tuesday after
noonwind, rain and bail.
Full line of Scbeol Supplies just re
pelved at Heeling's drug Btore.
Mrs. John C. Boyd went to Omaha
Monday to visit her daughter.
A flnojlno of silverware suitable far
wedding presents at Reeling's. o 0
S. Yates went to Bracken Wednes
day to do some" carpenter work.
0 n
a o
Miss Elorance Minlok Is helping In
the Advertiser efflco this week.
, , ! IH (
R; C. Morton has moved into Mrs
Carse's house south of the hotel.
uWm. Snelling, one of St. Deroin's
merchants, gave us a call Monday.'
Mrs. F. L. Woodward went to Kan
sas Uity Tuesday to visit ner sons,
Charlie and Ltslie.
Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Houtz returnei
from Yerden Tuesday, where they
have been visiting.
Leo Leibbart, who has been visiting
his sister at Gretna, Neb,, returned
home last Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Rltobey of
Brownvllle were visiting Nemaha
friends last Sunday.
An extra freight train came in f rem
the west Wednesday and took back
what cars were hero.
The editor's office phone is No. 7 and
that of his residence is N. 1. Callus
up if you have any news.
Mrs. E. A. Minlck went te Bracken
Saturday, and is keeping house for her
son, C. T. MinlcV, for a few days.
Dee Williams went to maba Wed
nesday and expects te return to the
ranch in Wyoming in a few days.
Prof. Jones and Prof. French, repre
seating S. H. Avey & Co., wore in
Nemaha Tuesday and Wednesday.
John E. Grother has been improving
the loeks and comfort of his house by
putting a large window in the east.
8 Clarence Aynes etaitod for Ord
Nebr., Tuesday, and expects to spend
'some time hunting in the sandhills.
Pumps Pumps Pumps
Just received a full line at tho Ed
wards & Bradford Lumber Ce.
Call aud boo us for reduced rates on
magazines nnd newBpapors.
Traveling is Dangerous
Constant motion jars the kidueyn
which are kopt in place in tho body by
delicate attachments. This is tho rea
son that travelers, trainmen, street car
men, teamsters and all who drive very
much, suffer from kidney diseuse in
fconio form. Foley's Kidney Cure
strengthens the kidnoys and cures oil
fonnB of kidney and bladder disease
Goo. EEIaiiRiin locomotive engineer,
jimn, O., writos, "Constant vibration
of tho onglne caused me a great deal of
trouble with my kidnoys, and I got no
relief until I UBod Foloy's Kidney Cure.
M T Hill.
John B. Stiers has recently had bio
peneion increased to 814 per month
and gets over two hundred dollars
buck pension.
Mrs. Simmons of McCook. Nebr,.
who has been visiting her brothemin-
uw, B. T. Devorss. returned to her
homo Thursday.
Miss Maggie .Hacker of west Netns
aha precinct, and Miss Bessie James of
Stella were guests of Mias Anna
Knapp Wednesday.
David Burns sprained his ankle a
few days ago. He jumped oyer a gate
and in lighting his foot turned and his
ankle was sprained.
Mrs. Will Flack of Auburn visited
Mr, and Mrs. John P. Flack and Mr.
and Mrs. E. E. Rumbaugh from Mons
day until Wednesday.
Charley Scovill has moved back te
Nemaha and is living in part 'of the
bouse occupied by James Hiatt, west
of G. F. Larimrre's grocery atere.
Bern To Mrs. Gertie Galbralth,
Tuesday night, Oct. 6, 1003, a One girl,
and Grandpa Press Barker is feeling
very preud over bla granddaughter.
For bale Bay horse, weight 1100.
7 years old, goed driver. One buggy,
nearly new, also a good set ef single
harness. See W. E. Whekldn.
Republican Meeting
The candidates on tho republican
county ticket and other speakers will
hold a meeting nt the Champion school
house on Friday night, October 0th.
Sbockey school bouse, Monday
night. Oct. 12.
HillBdale Tuesday night, Oct. 13,
St. Deroin Wednesday night, Oct. 14.
Good music will be furnished. Everys
body is invited.
Swift McCandlass of Thurman, lewa,
came in on the morning passenger
Tdeaday.returnltig Wednesday morning.
Swift seems to be well pleased with
his new homo and is doing well as
laudlerd of the now hotel.
A New Invention
Mlnick'sFioldCorn Husking Machine
husks the corn from the stalk, leaving
stalks standing In the Hold, Kxcluslve
state and manufacturer' right for sale
by tho Inventor and patentee. Correal
pondonce solicited. Address
4 H. T. MINIOK, Nomnhn, Nob,
Medical and Surgical
Diseases of Women
Stella -
Last spring a swarm of bees located
in the side of the house where Elza
Washburn is 11 living, getting in
through a hole iu the siding. A few
days ago Elza opened the hive and
took out a lot of fine honey.
Married At the residenoe of the
bride's parents, Bear Howe, Nebr., on
Wednesday morning, Oct. 7, 1003, by
the Rev. W. Dieffenbach, Mr. George
A. Keyser of Honey vllle, Va., to Miss
Minnie L. Strole.of Howe, Nebr.
M. T. Hill wants it understood that
he did not buy his holiday geeds in
Auburn, as one might infer from an
item in the Advertiser a week or two
ago, but selected them from a fine line
of samples shown there by the travel
The new cable for the Nemaha telen I ing man from a big Chicago house.
phene exchange has come, and we
suppose will be put la as soon as poss ( The wife of Rev. M. S. Foutch of
Bible: Then the service will be better. Brownviile has boon very sick for sevs
eral days, and for that roaBon Mr.
Frutch waB usable te fill his appoint
ment last Sunday. We are pleased
to learn that she was some better
Mrs. A. F. Walsh and Miss Helen
Hoover started for New York Tuessl
day afternoon. They expect to be
gono for some time perhaps all win
James A. Stephenson, started for
Edwards, St. Lawrence county, New
York, Wednesday, to visit his father
Who 1b quite old and is falling 1b
Thursday and hope her improvement
will be permanent.
Old papers for sale at this offloe.
Halds Up a Congressman
"At the end of tho campaign;
writes Champ Clark, Missouri's brilli
ant congressman, "from overwork
nervous tension, loss of oleep and con
Mrs. Curtis and two eons came down
from Peru Wednesday and aro visits
ing Mrs. Curtis' daughters, Mrs Nate "lant speaking I had about utterly col
Sedoras. Mrs. Ed Knapn and Mrs Ed lapsed It seemed tna all ! my
T.itfrAii o v 1 organs wero out of order, but three
7 I bottles ef Eleotrlo Bitters made me all
jonn m. uiarK returned fronrKan right It's the beat allround saedls
bus City last Saturday. He bought 15 0n9 eVer sold over & druggist's count
cows and 25 fine Shorthorn heifers aud
brought tbeot back with him to feed
this winter.
For Sale Stove weod ready sawed,
cord woed, and about 150 good rails, 12
feet long. Can be bought at my farm
or I will .deliver at Nemaha. ' -"
" ' . JO. Sxokeb..
erv' overworked run-down Men an
weak, sickly women gain splendid
vitality from Xleotrie Bitters.. Try
them., Only 'BOc Guaranteed by
If you want fire insurance, either
in eld line or mutual cempanles, call
on W.. w, Sanders.;
- Nebraska
Auctioneer .
Fifteen years experience. '''
Terms and dates at The Advertiser
For :
Fresh Roasted" Peanuts
Soft Drinks and
Go to
Successor to
Nomoha, Nebraska.
Office in Keoling drug Btoro.J
Windmills and Pumps,
TanksjFipes, etc.
"Phone. calls answered promptly.
'Phone No 20
Funeral Director
and Embalmer
Robes and
Funeral Supplies