The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, September 25, 1903, Image 2

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W, XV. SANDKUS, Publlaher.
More I.Ike Servln. nml Turkey
That danco ou tho deck of tho re
turning Philippine tranBport whllo 300
dead soldiers slept In tho hold was
tnoro worthy of Scrvla or Turkey than
The "Horrllleri" Cnr.
Floggings In his empire- hayo hor
rlllt'd tho czar. Everything horrifies
the czar oxcopt tho absence of public
echoolB, which would educato tho Rus
sians out of their brutality.
A ml Look ut Tlint Nil me.
Butlcclwcicz, tho new tacklo in tho
Ualvoraity of Pennsylvania football
toara, wolghn over 200 pounds and Is
unld to bo irresistible as his strength
is as great as his weight.
Work for I.vfilulntorH.
Itoturns have been finally figured up
on tho boys who lost their Uvea by
lockjaw pistols last Fourth of July; it
was 39C. Next winter's legislatures
now have their work cut out for them.
I.ur ! lniHKluutloii.
Tho sultan Is still mobilizing troops,
"having got Bomo 300,000 or 400,000
mobilized. It mw;t bo an operation
Bomothing lilio watering Wall Btreet
stocks, where- it appears you hnvo so
much greater resources than you havo.
Oruve Uncertainty.
Wo uro plunged into gravo. uncer
tainty by tho headline on tho Item
about (ho spanking machlno at Red
"Wing, Minn., which saya: "Reform
school boys in Minnesota face now
modo of punishment." That is not tho
customary spanking attitude as wo
vividly recall It
, Mcltlnlcy Dentil Munk.
Tho death mask of President Wil
liam McKlnloy, taken aomo few days
nftor his death by Prof. William H.
Holmes, of tho bureau of ethnology,
has been plnced on exhibition in tho
national museum, occupying a con
spicuous caso by itself near tho main
UnvIcnm DIhcunhIom.
This revived discussion respecting
tho advisability of cutting tho word
"oboy" out of tho marrlago service 13
itb'eless. In tho futuro as In tho past,
"women will cheerfully proralso obedi
ence, but will mako things interesting
lor tho man who undertakes to en
force it.
lie IIhh an Children.
John Butler, of Rockland, Mass.,
though but C5 years old, 1b tho father
of 35 children, tho oldest of whom Is
45 and tho youngest two years old.
As ho has roared his numorouB
progeny respectably whllo working nt
his trade tho chroniclor will bo bo
liovod in hlB statement that "Mr. But
lor is a hard-working man."
Sleep In uu Olil Hciime.
Joslah Newcastle, of BllBboro, N. Y.,
an aged and retired undertaker,
Bleeps in nn old hearso which, years
ago, ho used In his business. Tho old
man lives alono In a barn on his prom
ises and rents his farm and dwelling
out. For IB years ho has slept In
tho lienrse. Tho latter Is an antiquated
affair containing tho old-fashioned oval
ela&s windows and doors and tho usual
lugubrious trlmmlnga and draperies.
I WlrcleNM Teleirrniihy to tlic Pole.
. The determination of Lieut Peary to
Mako another daah toward tho north
Itole gives added interest to tho sug
gestion of Marconi that by means of
wireless telegraphy It will bo easy for
& polar exploring party to keep lu daily
communication with its immediate base
ot supplies. Tho practicability of con
stant communication between a des
perate adventurer in tho ico pack and
helpers so stationed as to glvo aid upon
emergent occasions cortalnly Increases
the chance of successful Arctic exploration.
, Turkey ami HulKiirlit.
' War between Turkey and Bulgaria,
if tho present disturbances lu tho Bal
kans lead to a declaration of open hos
tilities, would, on paper at least, bo a
one-sided struggle. Tho llttlo princi
pality is no match, so far as theoreti
cal war strength goes, for tho big Ot
toman empire. Turkey proper has a
population of about 25,000,000, and It
can raise an army of at least 700,000.
On tho other hand, Bulgaria has a pop
ulation of about 3,500,000, and its army
on a war footing numbers about 200,
O00 men.
i If GliiilHtoue "Wore Alive.
1 Tho concert Is crying peace, peace, in
tho Balkans, but both Bulgaria and
Macedonia say thoro Is no peaco.
Theso reports of 00,000 or 80,000 Chris
tians slain by tho Turks may bo ex
aggerated, but oven If tho number bo
cmly 10,000 or 15,000, it means a con
dition of things vory unllko peace. If
Gladstone wore alive theso day.snnd
In tho form In which tho Bulgarian
atrocities of 1870 found , him, there
vould bo. a trumpet call for nn attack
on Turkey which would arouse Christendom.
L 0. 0. F. Dispensed Liberally to
Its Members in Misfortune.
Ncnrly 81,000.000 Given Out ImhI Yen
Tiroucl VitrlotiA Cliiiiiiirln Member
nhlp of Nrnrly 1 ,500.000 Now
LodeoN In the Philippine.
Baltimore, Md., Sopt. 22. The open
ing exercises of tho annual convention
of tho sovorolgn grand lodgo of Odd
Fellows began hero Monday in Ford's
opera houso.
Tho annual report of Grand Sire and
Commander-in-Chief John B. Goodwin
shows tho order to bo in a nourishing
condition. A large part of tho report
Is taken up in a recapitulation of tho
decisions of lodgo questions mado dur
ing tho post year, amendments to tho
constitutions of grand lodges and grand
oucampmont, now by-laws, new lodges
and encampments chartered on account
of tho Introduction of tho order in tho
Phlltppino Islands, conditions of the
order in Cuba, In Australasia and other
foreign countries. Tho condition of tho
order at the close of 1902 Is shown by
returns as follows: Subordinate lodgo
membership, December 31, 15)02, 1,
009,900; encampment membership, 151,
950; Robekah lodgo membership
(brothers, 151,195; sisters, 258,850), and
Australasia, sex not given, 1,914, mak
ing total Robokah membership 411,959.
Patriarchs militant membership, 17,
754. Tho total membership of the order,
which includes tho subordinate lodgo
membership and tho sisters only of tho
Robekah lodgo membership is 1,329,
95G. Tho encampment membership
and tho brothers of tho Robokah lodges
aro not Included in the above total,
as thoy aro subordinate lodgo mem
bers. Rovcnue, rollof and invested
funds nro Indicated as follows: Rev
enue recolpts In 1902: Subordinate
lodgca,,$10,214,000; encampments, $712,
522.4C; Robokah lodges, $020,743.98; to
tal revenue. ?11,553,905.29, nn increase
of $771,313.0G over tho preceding year.
Relief oxponded Jn 1902: Rellof by
lodges, $3,559,791.30; relief by encamp
monts, $2G5,G17.32; relief by Rcbekah
lodges, $07,808.35; total rolief, $3,893,
220.03. Total rollof as shown by rec
ords sinco 1830 to 1902, inclusive, $90,
408,425.32. Tho cash bulanco in banks
to tho credit of tho sovorolgn grand
lodge or. July 31', 1903, was $95,237.99.
Six ltnlldlncH 'Were Dcntroyctl. Ilosltle.
Strluirof Klchtotm Freight Cum Fire
men 'Worked Under Dlnioilty.
Sedalla, Mo., Sopt. 22. -Firo originat
ing in a hay barn recently filled with
uncurcd clover and timothy swept tho
wooden cattle and horse barns of the
stato fair out of oxlstenco yesterday
afternoon. Six buildings, including tho
emergency cnglno houso, wero de
stroyed. Tho original cost of tho
buildings was about $30,000. Tho Mis
souri, Kansas & Texas po&onger de
pot at t'no fair grounds was partly
burned, as was tho immense sheep and
Bwlno building, whllo tho now poultry
houso was damaged slightly.
A string of 18 freight cars on tho
spur tracks of tho Knty and Missouri
Pacific wero burned. Tho fire com
panies mado tho run from Sedalla and
by hard work saved tho largest and
best buildings, but tho firo surrounded
tho two principal firo hydrants and
work was difficult and dangerous.
Teat Hldoof 2.000 Mllci.
Nowburgh, N. Y Sopt. 22. Trooper
Davis, of tho Eighth United States cav
alry, has reached West Point, being tho
first of a detachment of 12 troopers
who started from Oklahoma 39 days
ago on a test ride of 2,000 miles. Tho
men wero allowed to eat and sleep
when thoy pleased, relays of horses be
ing provided every 30 miles, tho object
of tho rldo being to cover the distance
in tho shortest practicable time.
Thoucht tho tlun Wi limply.
Hartington, Neb., Sopt. 22. August
Schmidt, whllo hunting, pointed his
gun at John Houscr and pulled tho
trigger. Tho gun was discharged, kill
ing Houscr and sortously wounding his
brothor, Petor Houscr, who was also
ono of tho party. Schmidt says ho
thought tho gun was empty. Schmidt
Is under arrest.
Colorado lflyem to lie Tnknn Off.
TopekaKau Sept. 22. Tho passen
ger management of tho Santa Fo an
nounces that tho Colorado and Mis
souri river Ilyors of that road are soon
to bo taken off. Theso trains run only
during tho summor months, when tho
traffic to Colorado Is tho heaviest.
Milium Not a "Kpnljrner."
Cleveland, O., Sopt. 22. Senator
Manna stated that thoro was no truth
In tho roport printed In some of tho
eastern papers that ho would resign
tho chairmanship of tho national re
publican commltteo on account of 111
Hottler llowtlln to Kiinelmmii Donor,
Colby, Kan., Sept. 22. Considerable
trouble is being experienced with the
settlers who porsist in committing
depredations on tho Dowoy ranch . In
this county. Threo houses havo been
burned c tho rancll during tho past
weok. '.
Coin Younecr Arretted for Kmhezzlement
by Mutmirer of tlie Show with Which
Ho Traveled.
Nevada, Mo Sept. 22. Tho James
Younger Wild West show Is apparent
ly upon tho eve of dissolution. Tho
management has secured tho arrest of
Colo Younger, his nephew, H. Y. Hall,
nnd F. O. Llndonfoldcr, charging them
with tho embezzlement of $G,000. This
uctlon followed suits filed against tho
show by Younger for $25,000 and James
for $4,800. Tho plaintiffs say thoy woro
damaged In these sums by tho failure
of tho real, owners to equip tho show
according to contract and by tho refus
al to drivo away tho grafters.
Hciivy Diwnncr from Flood.
Portage, Wis., Sopt. 22. Traffic be
tween Barabob and Portage was aban
doned yesterday. Tho roads aro
covered with from two to six feet of
water and tho damago to crops and
property by tho breaking of tho city
levee yesterday Is estimated at $30,000.
Largo tracts of corn north of Pralrlo
du Chien aro under water and tho dam
age will bo heavy.
No Sunday Itnll ut Topekn.
Topoka, Kan., Sept 22. Tho pollco
Sunday afternoon broko up a ballgamo
nt tho fairgrounds and constructively
placed tho players in jail. A Sunday
excursion had been run from Kansas
City to Topoka and a local Topoka
team and tho Kansas City Schmelzors
were on tho diamond with n largo
crowd present. Suddenly tho pollco
swooped down and took tho players in
Woninn Wrecked ItoAndnlo Joint.
Rosedaic, Kan., Sept. 22. Mrs. Mary
Shannon, of 10 Water street, smaBhed
tho Elito saloon, owned by John
Spraguo, at tho corner of Kansas City
nnd Lafayette avenues. Mrs. Shannon
sayB the owner of tho saloon has been
in tho habit of selling her husband liq
uor. Sho had asked him not to but
her husband still got tho liquor.
Iron Work llurned.
Warren, Pa., Sopt 22. Tho Ham
mond iron works were destroyed by firo
yesterday entailing a loss of $75,000
and throwing 200 mon out of employ
ment. Tho origin of tho fire is not
knownut suggestions of Incendiarism
aro freely made, several recently dis
charged employes having publicly
threatened to "get even."
Joplln Miner nn a Hero.
Joplln, Mo., Sept. 22. While cross
ing McKeo's ford, on Turkey creek,
near hero, Otto Grass was drowned,
nnd Miss Evallne Reynolds came near
losing her life. Tho horso was also
drowned. Miss Reynold's life was
saved by a minor, who wnB attracted to
tho sceno by tho woman's screams.
Will Not Work In Open Shops.
Chicago, Sept. 22. Local members
of tho Marblo Cutters' union decided
last night that under no circumstances
would they apply for work to their old
employers aB long as they ran "opon
shops." No action was taken to pro
vont tho handling of tho output of the
shops by tho othor building trades.
Ilrtby Horn on Wubnuh Trnln.
Kansas City, Mo., Sept. 22. A baby
girl was born to Mrs. Edith Williams,
of Wyandotte, Kan., on a Wabash
train which arrived in Kansas City
yesterday. The parents decided that
in coramomorattlon of tho event thoy
would name tho girl Lena Wabash Williams.
Curtis Calls on Roosevelt.
Oyster Bay, L. I., Sept. 22. Repre
sentative Charles Curtis, of Kansas,
called on tho president yesterday. It
Is understood tho conference had to
do with the appointment of a successor
to Judgo W. C. Hook, as judge of the
federal district court
IVnnn maker 81nnder Suit.
Beaver, Pa., Sept 22. The $150,000
slander suit brought against ex-Postmaster
General John Wanamakor by
Former State Printer Robinson ended
in a victory for tho defendant. Tho
sealed verdict found for the defendant.
tJunpowdor explosion Killed Many.
Mozambique, East Africa, Sept 22.
An explosion of gunpowder and gren
ades has occurred In Fort Sao-Sabas-tlano.
Many persons wero killed or In
jured. Tho port was badly wrecked.
A Farmer Does Some Shooting.
Guthrlo, Ok., Sept. 22. W. P. Price,
a proralnont farmer of Greer county,
Phot and killed a neighbor boy named
Parks, mortally woundod Parks'
brother and wounded his own son.
Five Hundred Turks Dynamited.
Sofia, Bulgaria, Sopt 22. It Is re
ported hero that 500 Turks' havo beon
killed with dynamite while fighting
ngalnBt a body of lnBiirgonts in tho
Kresna defile.
Near Independence n Missouri l'nclflc Kn
gltio nnd All Cars Ixjft the Truck.
Hat No One Was Hurt.
Independence, Kan., Sept 22. Tho
Missouri Pacific passenger train that
left Kansas City Sunday night wns
wrecked about two miles north of this
placo early this morning. From ap
pearance there was a deliberate at
tempt to wreck tho train. A rail on each
sldo waB pried loose and tho fishplate
Inserted between it and tho next rail.
Tho placo is a short distance north of
tho Elk river bridge. A deep gulch is
on each sldo of the traok. Tho train
was making good time down grade, but
tho onglnecr applied tho airbrakes in
time to slacken the speed somewhat
Tho cnglno and all tho cars left tho
track and ran on tho ties 200 feet,
crossing tho bridge. No ono was in
jured, although all tho passengers were
ehakon up. Tho perpotrators of the
deed must havo fled.
The Allcced Triple Murderer Snld to Huve
Held Up n Number of l'eoplo Near
Cowlos, Nob.
Smith Center, Knn., Sopt 22. Peo
ple throughout this section of tho
state aro In terror over tho acts of
Thomas Madison, charged with tho
recent trlplo murdor In this county.
MadiBon has successfully eluded both
officers and bllodhounds thus far, but
It Is thought that ho Is somewhere In
tho vicinity of Cowles, Neb., about 15
miles from the Kansas line. Word re
ceived hero yesterday says Madison Is
armed with two revolvers and plenty
of ammunition and that ho had held
up a number of people, threatening
to shoot them if they told of hlB pres
enco in tho country.
Th Great Advocate of Total Abstinence
Deeds Over Property foru Home for
DrunkunlN' Dependent.
Now York, Sept 22. Mrs. Carrie
Nation yesterday deeded over certain
valuable property to a charitable or
ganization In Kansas. Sho is now
writing a play In which sho will ap
pear herself as tho "Defender of
Homes" and advocate total abstinence.
Tho property Mrs. Nation surrendered
consists of a haudsomo building and
about two acres of land in Kansas
City, Knn. Sho turned it over to tho
associated charities of Wyandotte
county, Kan., to be used as a homo for
tho destitute wives, mothers and chil
dren of drunkards, to the exclusion of
all others.
1 . PS; ftT " n. icv II
. 'GKSMi
Sold Everywhere.
Kindergarten Teaotiers Wanted.
Washington, Sopt 22. Kindergarten
teachers at salaries averaging ?100 per
month aro wanted to train Philippine
babes and Indian papooses. In fact, the
government has not had in years so
many good paying positions covering
trades and professions that need fill
ing as now. Announcement of tho va
cancies was made through ( tho civil
service commission, who' complain
that tho supply of qualified persons
does not begin to meet tho demand.
Little Liver Pills..
Must Boar Signature of
See Fnc-SImlto Wrapper Below.
Kansas Will Display Vneetnbles.
Topeka, Kan., Sept 22. Kansas is
going out after premiums for vegeta
bles at the St. Louis fair. Tho corps
of men now getting up the fruit dis
play under tho direction of tho horti
cultural director Is also picking up a
display of vegetables. Tomatoes,
beans, cucumbers, poppers and all
small vegetables are being gathered
and preserved. Gerald Hoislnger Is
preserving the fruit and vegetables so
they will keep.
To Negotiate a Treaty with Abyssinia.
Washington, Sept 22. Under in
structions from tho state department
Robert P. Skinner, tho American con
sul general at Marseilles, will penetrate
tho wilds of Abyssinia, guarded l5y a
detachment of American marines from
the Europoan squadron. He goes to
negotiate with the king of Abyssinnla
& commercial treaty, which It Is hoped,
will glvo Important advantages to
American trade.
Hncrus Pension Examiners.
Topeka, Kan., Sept 22. Tho pension
bureau Is after some boguB pension
examiners who aro operating in tho
west. In recent wcoks a regular gang
of swindlers has been fleecing old sol
diers out of monoy. Secret service
mon aro now trying to' run down the
gang. As a warning to all old soldiers
now drawing pensions, tho Topeka pen
sion agency has sent out a letter.
An Oklahoma Itallroad Completed.
Guthrie, Ok., Sopt. .22. Tho Fort
Smith & Western railroad was com
pleted nnd train servico begun Sun
doy from Fort Smith to Guthrie 217
DowIu'h "Solution" or ltace 1'roblem.
Chicago, Sept. 21. John Alexander
Dowle has solved the race problem, to
j his own satisfaction at least, and in
tends that his solution shall bo put In
practice at once at Zlon City. His
plan, which is a simple ono, provides
for tho intermarrlngo of blacks and
whites on tho ground that "wo are all
members of ono great family."
Very small and aa easy'
to take as sugar
j has.
3.2S & 3 SHOESK
You am b&vo from $3 to $5 yearly by
wearing W. L. SoorI&b $3.50 or S3 aaoc.
mi . .i.
x noy equal loose
that havo been cost,
ing you from 4.00
to S5.00. The im
mense sale of YV. L.
Douglas shoos proves
tlielr superiority over
all othor makes.
Sold by rotall shoo
dealers evorywhoro.
Look for naiuo and
price on bottom.
That Douirlas lit. fVlr
onaColtproTCi tlrnre li
Talue In Douiflis xhoei.
Corona g the hlgJient
grado Pat.Leatlier made.
vur4 ailttdqe Llnenannot beeaual
hhOM lir mail. Oft x.x
Catalog free. w. L. DOUULAS, Brockton, Ha.
at any prte.
IMitlnntlirupUt nml lCx-Solilli r.
Burlington, la., Sept. 22. Philip M.
Crapo, tho well-known phlln'itropist,
ox-mayor and ex-soldier, dL'd hero
Ail Kurtliqimke In Illlnoltt.
Olney, 111., Sept. 22. Residents of
this city and vicinity woro much dis
turbed yesterday aftornuon by an
earthquako shock. Tho seismic movo-
: ment was accompanied by heavy rum
bling, tho action seeming to travel
. from tho south to tho north and con
J tinulng several seconds.
fijM. Cannot Penetrate B
I ffiflr 1 M and Slickers
I APl 'X Wnrruntcil Wotrproof. NJ
BSf I IV Mads to mod, loth 9.
H . 1 1 ' l tor trademark. If your H
I 0JTPu delcr lou't1'"l,r 4,1,111 pPjB
1 Si 'iV ii. lUBAwriitt a son
Ki. lSSs Unt Cambridge, Bail. vmHV
Host Cough Syrup. Tnstco GooU. TJbo
in limn, poll bran eiilsts.