The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, September 25, 1903, ADVERTISER SUPPLEMENT, Image 10

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$1 0,000 Stock of Clothing, Furnishing Goods
Hats, Shoes, etc.
Two Weeks Loup
We will, owing to the wet, stormy weather last week,
Continue this Sale for Two Weeks Longer!
to give the ptople from the country who hare not had an opportunity
to attend this sale a chance to buy their
Fall and Winter Clot
at this sale. In fact, you can do better
gone through the stock again and mark
the last two weeks, so if you have wait)
stock of merchandise you will not be
meet your approval and expectations,
the sacrifice heavy, but what is our loss
This Stock must be Sold-Price
You can save half the usual price and v
thing that is sold these two weeks, TH
Mr. Kobison will retire from business
: but a genuine Closing Out Sale th
Prices. We have gone through the st .
that you cannot resist. We can't quot
large; but there will be nothing reserv.
r tures will be sold.
A Leason in Health
H.-allljy hUup a Olli r the iiuprutien
from tho blood', and unless they do
this good health in Impossible. Pos
lej-'H Kidney Cure mnlces sound kll,
noys and will positively euro nil forms
of kidney nnd bladder disease. It
strenghtens the whole svstem. M T
st V i . .. .
Bettor Than a Plastor.
A piece of flniuiol dampened with
Chamberlain's Pain Halm and bound
on tho affected irtPj i3 better than a
plaster for a lan buck and for pains
intboaidpsmd chest. Pal,, nHlm hap.
no superior as ulinlraent for tho re'
lief of deep seated, muictiiar, andrheus
matic. pains. For sale by w. V.
Keeling DriiK.lHt.
Hoafz's Hssiaurasu
Fresh Candies. Nuts, Fruits, Cigars.
Fresh Bread. Huns nnd Cakes always
on hand.
Drop in and Geo us.
We have left 800 Men's Suits all kinds and sizes. &
suit tho best $7.48. About 75 suits, slightly damaged
;onts on tho dollar. We have more than 2,000 pairs of Sfc
styoe men's, Women's and children's for the -winter, atsf
relsewhere. Opportunities that are matchless Prices tlis
Closing Out Sale now. Don't wait two weeks. The stdol
Positively this sale will close in 15 daj
Kemember the place Alex Eoj
I am n candidate for the ofllce of
county assessor subject to the action
of tho republican county convention
E..J. Maxwell.
' John Hauna and T. B. Skeen of Au
Vurn save Us a pleasant call Tuesday.
Mr. Hanou is a candidate for the nom
ination for treasurer at the republican
county convention. He would make
a Rood official and has a host of friends
who would be pleased U have him set
the office.
Hon. O. F.Reavis of Falls City, res
publican candidate for district judge,
was interviewing the voters of Neraas
ha county last week, and made a favor
ublo impression wherever be went.
He Is on able attorney and will make a
good judge. The belter acquainted
peoplo become with Mr, Reavls the
better they like him.
W. G. Maxwell received a letter
Tuesday from O. K. Finder, who Is
now visiting bla daughter, Mrs. Philip
Orother, at Summerland, California.
Mr. Flabor haB bought a homo in Santa
Barbara, California a bouse of six
rooms, with electric lights, gas, water,
etc. and all kinds of fruit nnd flowers
on the place. They will go to house
keeping next month.
How's This?
Wo offer Ono Hundred Dollnra Reward for
aoyciuio of Catarrh that cannot bo ourcd by
Hall's Catarrh (Jura,
P. J. CHENEY it CO., Props., Tolodo.O.
Wo, tho uudorslgnod, havo known 1 J,
Cheney for tho last 16 years, andbollovo him
irorfcotly honorable In all business tranauo.
ttouHuudtlnanolally ablo to carry out any
obligations mode bjtliolr firm.
Weat (b'irunx, wholoshla druggUts, Toledo.O.
WaldluK, Klnnau & Marvin. whoIeHulodrug
gluts, Tolodn.O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure la talcon Internallynct
Ing directly upon tho blood anil mucous sur
faces nf the system. Pr)co7fci por boltlo.'Sold
by nil druggist. Testimonials free.
Hull's Family Pills u.o tbo best.
Y. P. S. O. E. program for Sept. 27:
8ong service. j
Lesson An Evening With Japanese
Missions. Mai. 4: 28.
Reading of references.
Memory verses:
Hope in God. Lamentations 8:24-
25 Ella Bhtveley.
Shining Light. IslahO: 2 Maud
Thoughts of the Wicked. Prov.
15; 28 Eddie Maxwell.
Love of Tho Lord . Prov. 15:0
Nora Aynes.
Select reading Temptation Maye
Recitation Looking Chrlatward
Lola Galther.
OIobq by Y. P. S. O. E. benediction :
"May tuexora watcn between me
and thee while we are absent one from
Anna KNAPr, Leader.
Holds Up a Congressman
"At tho end of the campaign."
writes Champ Clark, Missouri's brilli
ant congressman, "from overwork
uervous tension, loss of sleep and con
stant speaking I had about utterly col-
mpseu. it seemea in in can or my
organs were out of order, but three
bottles of Electric Bitters made mo all
right. It's the best all-round medls
cine ever sold over u druggist's count
er." Overworked run-down men and
weak, sickly woman galu Bplendid
vitality from Electric Bitters. Try
them. Only 50c. Guaranteed by
Will Oure Consumption
A A Uorren of Finch, Ark.
wiites, "Foley's Ilonoy and Tar is the
beat preparation for cough?, colds and
lung trouble. I know that It has cur
ed ('"tnBinnption In the ihst stupe.
M T Hill.
Oured by One Bottle
Cough El
"When I had the
(tho second one) I aj
self with one bottid
Cough Remedy," say
Editor of tho Ento
N. Y. "This is the1
at times keep from j
pieces by taking of
thlsremedy, and wl
spell would comeq
take a dose and it i
briefest interval thj
off and I would gq
free from cough and its accompanying
pains. To say chat the remedy acted
as a most agreeable surprise is putting
it very mildly. I had no idea that it
would or could knock out the grip,
BlmpMy because I had never tried it for
such a purpose, but it did, and it seem
ed with the second attack of coughing
the remedy caused it to not only be of
less duration, but tho pains were far
less severe, and I had not used tho con
tents of one bottle before Mr. Grip had
bade me adieu." For sale by Keeling
Just About Bedtime
take a Little Early Riser it will cure
constipation, biliousness nnd liver
troubles. DeWitt's Little Early Risers
are different from other pills. They
do not gripe and break down tho muc
ous membrane of the stomach, liver
and bowels, but cure by gently arous
ing tho secretions and giving strength
to these organs. Sold by W. W. Keels
Proprietors of the
Livery & Feed Stable
Good Dray in connection with Livery
Satisfaction guaranteed.
Graduate of the American School of
Osteopathy of Kirksville, Mo.
Remarkable cures
this system of healing,
given .
are elTeeU'd by
No medicines
Stock and poultry havo few
troubles which oro not bowel and
.livor irregularities. Blaclc
Draught Stock and Poultry Medi
cine 19 a bowel and liver remedy
for stock. t It puts tho organs of
digestion in a perfect condition.
Prominent American breeders and
farmers keep their herds and flocks
healthy by giving them an occa
sional doso of Black-Draught Stock
and Poultry Medicine in their
food. Any stock raiser may buy a
25-cent half-pound air-tight can
of this medicino from his dealer
and keep his stock in vigorous
health for weeks. Dealers gener
ally keep Black-Draught Stock and
Poultry Medicino. If yours does
not, Bend 25 cents for a sample
can to tho manufacturers, Tho
Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chat-
Office over Eustice & Clitibo
Roohullu, Qa., Jan. 80, 1002.
Block-Draught Stock and Poultry
Medicino la tho best. I evor tried. Our
etock woa looking bad when you Bint
mo the medicino and now thoy are
getting bo fine. They are looking 20
per cont. better.
j Doalorln
Uigho8t market price paid forllides,
Lard, Tallow, etc,
sum ot mvo rnmureu whunuh(uwi
litrx, nnd Thirty (30o) ceulN, nud corns taxed
nt$13) nnd aoerulng costs, 1 hsivo levied
upou the following described propel tytnken
as the ptoporty of said defonduntH, to atinfy
Bnld Judgement to-wlt.- An undlvldad one
half nnrtof tho southwest quarter of Hectlou
two ii townuulp lour 4 rnngo IB, brgtunlug
tit the Boutheust corner of ft tract of land for.
merly owned by CharleuLlbby, theucououth
with tho road noross the Little Nemahn river
ton sluice 17 rods cant of tho mill, thence
south to tho south llnoofsnld noctton, tlionco
west along said line to said Little Nemaha
river, tlionco by the mcundorlngs of snld
river to tlio southwest corner of tho Charles
Llbby lot, thenco cant to the placo ot begin
ning, containing fi acres with tho mill, and
mill privileges, tho snmo being dOHlgnuted
on tho records its lot 4 of lot 7 of (midsection 2
nnd will onVrthebatuo for sale to the highest
bidder, lor.'caih In hand, on tlio 17th duv of
October A. 1. 1903. in front of the oast front
door of the court houso In Auburn that being
tho building whoreln tho last term of court
way bnld, atlno hour ol ono o'clock p. m., of
said day, when nud whore duo attendance
will bo given by tho undersigned.
Dutod (September 14tn, 1903.
Shorlir of snld county,
By K. 11. Konus, Deputy.
Catarrh of the Stomaoh,
When the stomach is overloaded;
when food is taken into it that fails to
digest, it decays and intlatnes the mus
cous nioinbrane, exposing tho nerves,
nnd causes the glands to secrete mucin
Instead ot the natural juices of digest
ion. This is called catarrh of tho
stomach, caused by indigestion. Doc
tors and medicines failed to benefit mo
until I iit-td 'ICndol Dyapetiai.u Cure.
.1.' It. Ill oh, Coppdl, Tex. iuld by V,
V. Keeling,
nnd the unknownielrs ut"law""oTC!aytou
Adntntt, deceased, and to all persona inter
ested iu the estate of Isaac AdutiiH, Uect-iiotHl
JNoMce Is hereby given that John .1. Hurko
has nioda petition praying for llnal eitle
muntand allowance of his iidiuinlst iitlon
account filed in this court on the luih day of
September A. D. 1003, nnd for his discharge us
administrator of said esta.o and iho mine
hag been BetTor hearing on the 17th day of
October, 1903 nl 10 o'clock n. m. ,nt the coun
ty court room of wnid couutj, In Auburn,
when nnd where nil peihons InterestKl In
said matter may appear and show cnune, if
there be any, why tho prayer ofnald petition
inould not bo granted, and 11 suIUcIhih cause
Is not shown tho court may giant the pmyor
thereof, nnd make such liirther uud oilier
orders ns may bo proper.
Dated this 10th day I September l'jfa.
ItlOIIAHD F, NEALr, County Juiige.
T. E. Oi-oiliei-
IVisheB to announce that he has nob
joved out of town but Into the
Minick Store Room
where he may be found ut itli times
ready to do your '
Shoe Repairing
Harness Repairing
or sell you a
New Harness, Nets,
Whips, etc,
Fold's H,),U)V hmI i , s ,.U,n y
wlrtpted tor, H8tl , bioneuiis uud
bprtrsenesB.M T IIni,