fTTN A ' ' cr. t - x f x , , . v VOLUME XLV11L NEMAHA, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER J8, .1903 NUMBER 13 jt-nrttrw.r'nxwirrni-rxt -t MTjtT iiniiiiVHmjininiiwMii)inMmiiim flft..UM.lnJ3iltM nriwj 4b4M-K, (fldf Ik. & , JlU V , "ti Local ISTews minsimxsii See M T Hill for Ore Insurance. For NotB, Duitoro orWblps see J. E. Crotber. Try the Devoe paint. Kerns, Auburn. Sold by J. W, Puro linseed oil GO conta por gallon at niH'sdruj? store. Special priaos on Furniture at tho E. & 11. Lumber Co.' Edwardo & Bradford Lumber Co., headquarters for harness. Mrs. Ed Llttrell went to Peru Wednesday to visltrolutiveB. Ed Llttrell and Cbarloy Scott started for Alliance, Nebr., Tuesday. A high grade barn paint for 05 cents per gallon at Hill's drug store. Full line of School Supplies juat re- ceived at Keellng'rt drug store. Reub Harshbarger of Stella stopped over with Miles Knapp Tuosday. Jorn to Mrs. Bessie Itobeits, Satur day, Sept. 12 ,1003, a fine daughter. Southern strictly pure white lead Q oents per pound at Hill's drug store. Nate Sedoraa has moved Into Ben Baldwin's house, west of the postolfice. Mr. and Mrs. Ell Knapp of Stella visi'.ed M. V. Knapp aud family Tuess day. W, W. Stokes has moved into Jerry oleriek's bouse in the south part of town. A One lino of horse blaukets just re ceived at Edwards & Bradford Lum ber Co. Tho county fair is being held inspito of the many discourglng circum stances. Herbert Aynes who has been works ing at Nebraska City, returned home Monday. Misses May Korkor and Nellie Sands ers visited Anburn friends Tuesday and Wednesday. Call in and see us if you wont to subscribe for any paper published in the United States. The editor's office phono is No. 7 nnd that of his residence is No. 1. Call us p ifyou have any news. Walter Hadlock, who has been visit ing his son at St. Paul, Minn., ren turned home Wednesday. Mrs. Josephine Lindsey returned laBt Friday from Pawnee City, where she went a week previous to bury her bus) band. Dr. J. W. Bourne and family of verden visited the doctor's Mrs. Brand, and Nemaha last Sunday. mother, friend' The rain Sunday night caused the Nemaha river to oyerflow its banks at Auburn, and some places between Nes raahaand Bracken. W. W. Sanders went to Lincoln Thursday to attend the annual M. E. conference. He is lay delegate from Brownvlllo and Nemaha. Pumps Pumps Pumps Just received a full line at the Ed wards & Bradford Lumber Co. G. N. Titus had a sniall collection of fruit at the state fair and brought buck premiums amounting to 833. It ia hard to beat old Nemaha on fruit. For Sale Bay horse, weigh! 1100, 7 years old, good driver. One buggy, nearly new, also a good set of single harness. Sec W. E. WnEELPeN. Mrs. Jerry Colorick shipped their household goods to Alliance, Nebr., Tuesday,. Jerry is fireman on the B & M with headquarters ut Alliance. ? Sweat Pads Orother's. aud Collars at J. 12. A flno line of eilverware suitable for wedding presents at Koeling's. Rural route No. 2, with Walter S. Maxwell as carrier, started Tuesday. Dr. Cap Graves of Peru waa In town on professional business last Saturday. Earle Gilbert has put telephone line from the elevator. in n private store to the Frank Titus returned from Nebras ka City Monday Too much rain for budding. One and 85-100 inches of water fell Sunday nlKht. It was a heavy rain ' but was not needed. Mrs. Brooks, who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs Earlo Gilbert, started for her home in Oklahoma Monday. Rov. M. S. Foutch went to Omaha Tuesday and from thero to Lincoln on Wednesday to attend the annual M. E. conference. Mrs. Wesley II. Clark, who has been visiting at Bolvidere, Nebr., returned home Tuesday, and Wes is ablo to smile agaiu. Just received a flno line of heating stoves at Edwards & Bradford Lumber Co. and tho prices aro right. Call in and see them. The cold wet weather continues. We have some rain almost every day or night. It is hoped the weather will warm up and give late corn a chance to ripen. ii -- i ii There was considerable frost in places in Nemaha Wednesday morn ing and a little Thursday morning, but so far no particular damage has been done. Stock Sale. E. L. Paris will have a stock sale at his farm one mile northwest of Neroa ha.on.Tuesday,Sept. 20. Cattle, horBes and hogs. Von Farson had an experience with bumblebees n few days ago that he will not care .to repeat. He got stung between the eyes by a bee and his face was swollen so badly that his eyes were almost closed for several days. The editor and mother visitedJC.iW. Roberts and family last Sunday Mr. Roberts has a fine farm of 1G0 acres. with a large comfortable house, big barn, etc. Just across the road he bus another 80 acre farm with an orchard with a good crop of apples. Charley and his good wife aro among the early setters and have prospered. Mrs, Roberts' mother, Mrs. Skeen, was there and we were surprised at her viviid recollection of events happing in the early settlement of this country a,U most 60 years ago. She is over 89 years of age but is active yet. To improve the appetite and atrengi then the digestion, try a few doses of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab lets. Mr.K.H. Seltz of Detoit, Mich., says, "They restored my appetito when impaired, relieved mo of a bloated feela ing and caused a pleasant nnd satisfac tory movement of the bowels." There are people in this community who need jutt such a medicine. For sale by WW Keeling, druggist Every box warranted. Spring Ailments Thero is an aching und tired feeling, tbo liver, bowels, and kidneys become sluggish and inactive, the digestion impaired, with little or no appetite no ambition for anything end a feeling that the wholo body and mind needs toning up, The trouble is, that dur ing the winter, there has been an over accumulation of waste matter in the system. Herbine will remove it, se cure to tbo secretions a right exit, and glvs strength in place of weakness. 50c at Hill's'. Call and see us for reduced rates on magazines and newspapers. School Days are Coming XJSJ& are prepared viith the largest and best line of Xeilblots, lato Foricfls, Erasers, Fens, Irolc, etc., Evor brought to this market. Prices very low, Respectfully, M. X. HILL. Nemaha county showed up well in premiums won on fruit at the state fair. The county got second premium for county exhibit. Best 50 plates summer and fnll apples, S. W. Christy of Drownville, 4th premium., Collection 10 varieties wlutor P. C. Gilbert of Brock, 2nd. Collection of grupes Q. N. Titus 3rd Best 5 varlties for market G. N. Titus 1st. Best plate Concord G. N. Titus 1st. Niagara G.S.Christy of Johnson, 1st Woodruff Red G. S. Christy 1st. Worden-G. N. Titus lBt. Greon Mountain G. N. Tltuo 1st. Best collection Nebraska grown peaches G. N. Tltua 2nd. Best collection seedling peaches G. N Titus 2nd. Best plate Champion O. H. Dovel of Auburn, 2nd. Beat plate CrutsbyG. N. Titus lstf. Heath free peach O. P. Dovel let. Y. P. S. O. E. program for Sept. 20: Song LesBon Feasting That Makes Lean Souls. Ex.. 10: 2-5. Psalms 100:13-10. Song Reading of references. ' Memory verses: Bread for the Soul. Deut. 8: 1-8. Ella Shlveley. Eating to God's Glory. Rom. 14: 1-8 Bessie Washburn. Body and Soul, Luke 4: 1-4 Eddie Maxwell. Recitation Livingstone's Prayer Bessie Dressier. Recitation Selected Lena Maxwell Recitation Good Advice Lela Gaither. Close by Y. P. S. O. E. benediction : "May the Lord watch between me and thee while we are absent one from another." Por Those Who Live on Farms Dr. Bergln, Pana, 111., writes: "I have used Ballards Snow Liniment; always recommend it to my friends nnd I am confident that there Is no better made. It is a dandy for burns. Those who live on farms are especially-liable to many accidental cuts, burns and brnises, which heal rapidly when Ballard's Snow Lini meut is applied. It should alwayB he kept in the house for cases of emer gency . 25c, 50, and SI .00 at Hill's. In the Intorest of Humanity. Chris Miller of Fremontj Nebr. writes? UI suffered from dyspepsia for more than 10 years. I was under the care of a number of doctors, mado three trips away, and atill no relief. Kodol Dyspopsia Cure being recommended to mo by several who had usedit, and as the last straw, I concluded to try it, After the first two or three doses I bo gan to Improve and have taken several bottles and feel like a new man. I write you this In the Intermit of hu manity, hoping it may fall into the bnnds of some sufferer, and my prayer is that they may seouro the saae bene fit that I have." Sold by W..W. Keel. J ing. SIZE OF CHUKCHI HOWE'S JOB. The promotion of Church Howe, as reported In press dispatctes, will not alone be an honor but will also bo au advance in prosperity and kresponslbrls Ity. At Antwerp he will bo tho highs eat consul representative of tho country and in authority next below tho minis ter. As tho head of tho consular do partmont ho will handle tho business of consulates at Brussels, Ghent nnd Liege and two consular ngontsj who aro of minor inportance. In the city of Antwerp Mr. Howe will have a vice und deputy consul to relievo him in case ho wishes to leavo his territory. Tho salary of tho office is $3,500 and tho official feeB 82,500; Tho former are government fees, turned in for ins voices, landing certificates and other similar sorvicos, and show u consider., able volume of business, which, in turn indacates a heavy trade with the United States: Tho notarial fees are received for incidental servlcosjnot res quired by tho government but which are retained by tho consular officer. In Shellleld Mr. liowe was under the jurisdiction of Consul General Osborne at London, but in Belgium ho is in turn the head of tho service. Omaba Bee. j What is Poloy's Kidnoy Cure? Answer: It is made from a prescript tiou of a loading Chicago physician, and ono of tho most eminent in tho country. The ingredients aro the purest that money can buy, and are scientifically combined to got tho best results. M T Hill. What Thin Folks Nood Is a greater power of digesting nnd assimilating food. For thorn Dr Klng'sNew Life Pills work wonders They tone nnd regulate tho digestive organs, gently expel all poison from the system, enrich the blood, improve appetite. rfmkp healthyflesrn "Only 25c at Keel lug's. Take the wagonette when in Au burn ifyou want to go to any part of tho city. John McElhaney, prop. World-Wide Eoputation White's Croam Vermifuge has ac hieved a world wide reputation aB be ing tbo best of worm destroyers, and for its tonic influence .on weak aud uns thrifty children, as it neutralizes the acidity or Bournesa of the stomach, improves tho digestion and assimila tion of food, strenghtons the nervous system und restores them to the health vigor and elasticity of (spirits natural to childhood. 20c at Hill's. Foley's Henoy andJTar contains no opiates and can safely be given to children M. T. Hill OuroB When Dootors Fail Mrs. Frank Chiasson, Patterson, Ia , writes June 8th, 1001 : "I had mularia fever in a very bad form, was under treatment by doctors, but as soon as I stopped tuking their medicine the fev er would return, I used a sample bottle of Herbine, found it helped mo. Then I f bought two bottles, which completely cured mo. I feel very grateful to you for furnishing suolm splendid medicine, and can honestly recommend it to those suffering with malaria, as it will surely cure them." Herbine, 50c bottle at IlillV, Rovoals a Croat Socret It Is often nBked how such startling euros, that puzzle the best physicians are effected by Dr. King's Now Dis' covery for Consumption. Hore's the secret. It cuts out tho phlegm and germninfected mucus, und lets tho life giving oxygen enrich and vitalize the blood. It heals tho inflamed, cough worn throat and lungs. Hard colds and stubborn coughs soon yiold to Dr. King's New Discovery, tho most in fallible remedy for all throat and lung diseases. Guaranteed bottles pOoand 81.00. Trial bottles free at Koeling's. If you want fire insurance, either in old line or mutuul companies, call on W. W, Sanders. Otto Minute cough euro gives ww( in ono minuto, because lb kills the ml' crobo which tloklea tho mucous dm u. brane, causing tho cough, and at tho samo time oloars tho phlegm draws out tho inilammation and heals nnd sooth es tho affected parts. One Minute cough cure strenghetiB the lungs, wards off puoumoma and is n harmless nnd never failing cure in all curntlo oiaes of coughs, colds, and croup. One Min uto cough euro is pleasant to take, harmless and good alike for young aud o)d.-W. W. Koollng. Traveling is Dangerous Constant motion jars the kidneys which aro kept in place in the body by delicato attachments. This is the rea bou that travelers, trainmen, Btreet car men, teamsters and all who drlvo very much, suffer from kidnoy disease In bomo form. Poloy's Kidnoy Cure strengthens the kidneys and cures all forms of kidney nnd blnddor disease Goo. Etlausan locomotive englneor, Lima, O., writes, "Constant vibration of the engine caused mo a groat deal of troublo with my kidneys, and I got no relief until I used Foloy's Kidney Cure. M T Hill. A New Invention Mlnick'sFieldCorn Husking Mnuliine husks the corn from the stalk, leaving stalks standing in tlir field. KxMiihI m stuto and manufacturer's right for sale by tho inventor and putenteo. Corrup pondonce solicited. Address 1 4 . II. T. MI NICK, Nemaha, Neb. I I l.l I l I . ........... ,.. I .....I. I DR. G. M. ANDREWS Medical and Surgical Diseases of Women Stella - - TTobrafilra O. O. SNQW Auctioneer Fifteen years experience. Terms nnd dates at The Advertiser office. ' Fop Fresh Roasted Peanuts Soft Drinks and Groceries Goto G. F. LARIMORE Successor to J. B. HOOVER NEMAHA, NEBRASKA (Xt. $. W Keeling, Nomnbn, Nebraska. Offico in Kooling drug store WESLEY H. CLARK Doulerlln Windmills and Pumps, Tanks,Pipes, etc. ALL WORK GUARANTEED 'Phono calls answered promptly. 'Phono No 20 NEMAHA, NEBR, Undertaker Funeral Director and Embalmer I KEEP IN STOCK A COMPLETE USE OV Gaskets Robes and Funeral Supplies HEAEBE IN CONNECTION O. A.. LORD &UUBERT, NEriiASKA ynBam&iSiiG&ffiS BW7(u ,-M ,!- f'i mi "" r--z w w. .. Miiw.j mr " --" i - - --j mMrnirr-MiMMiMini .. . . . .. .. -..