The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, September 11, 1903, Image 8

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    The Nebraska Advertiser I
W, W. Mniiilrm
W. V. Sander
W. W. Sandkrb & Son, Prop'H.
FRIDAY, SHIT. 11, 1003.
Kd Tuck or tmya ho has not sold out
his bUHineas at IIowo but Ib still In the
Eddie Yaekloy returned homo Suus
dny after a few days' visit with rela
tives at Kansas City, Mo,
The Auburn Post on Its letter hoads
claims to bo tho only republican paper
in the county, yet Stowell and tho Post
aro lighting Bubcock ond Reavis.
John II. Kearues has bought a kalf
interest in tho Auburn Herald, liro.
Kearues is au accomplished newspaper
man and will make tho Herald better
than over. lie is a rustler and a good
Paul Jesson of Nebraska City, who
wuh renominated for district judgo of
tho Second judicial district, was ont
dorsod by tho democrats at thoir coni
ventton this week. His record as n
judge is n lino one, and tho domouruts
recognize his ability.
Mrs. Brooks of Pawnee county, Okla
homa, is visitinc her daughter. Mrs.
Earlo Gilbert. She arrived in Nemaha
Saturday from Douglas, Nobr., whore
fiho had been to bury her mother. Coy
Rives, who has been visiting at Doug
lus, camo here with her.
We had the pleasure on Tuesday of
meeting an old frlond Ed Wort, for
several years a merchant of Auburn in
the early days of that town. Ed was
married Thursday of last week to Mrs.
Alice A. Converse of Omaha. They
will make their home at St. Louis.
Tom Daughorty, who has claimed to
no a socialist, announces that ho is n
candidato for the nomination for coun
ty assessor on tho democratic ticket.
Has Tom chatted his politics, or does
ho think the democartlc party is social
istic, or what? Rise up and explain,
I am a candidato for tho office of
county assessor subject to tho notion
of tho republican county convention
E. J. Maxwell.
A Lesson in Health
Healthy kidneys filter tho impurities
from tho blood, and unless they do
this good health in impossible Fos
ley's Kidney Curo makes sound kids
noys and will positively curo till forms
of kidney and bladder disease, It
stronghtons tho whole system. M T
Just About Bedtime
take a Little Early Riser it will curo
constipation, biliousness and liver
troubles. DoWitt's Llttlo Early Risers
aro different from other pills. They
do not gripe nnd break down tho muc
ous mombruno of the stomach, liver
and bowels, but cure by gently arous
ing the secretions and giving strength
to these organB. 8old by W. W. Keels
Cured by One Bottlo of 'Chamberlain's
Cough Romody
"Wlion I had tho grip IftBt winter
(tho second ono) I actually cured my
self with ono bottlo of Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy," says Frank W. Perry
Editor of tho Enterprise, Shortvillo
N. Y. "This 1b tho honest truth. I
at times keep from coughing myself to
pieces by taking ono teaspoonful of
thisremody, and wh on tho coughing
spell would como on at night I would
tako a dose and it seemed that in the
brlofost interval tho cough would pass
off and I would go to sleep perfectly
freo from cough and its accompanying
pains. To Bay that tho remedy noted
as a most ngreoable aurprlso Is putting
It very mildly. I hnd no idea that it
would or could knock out tho grip,
simply because I had nover tried It for
such a purpose, but it did, and it seem
ed with the second attack of cougliinR
tho remedy caused It to not only bo of
less duration, but the pains were far
loss Bovore, and I had not used the con
tents of ono bottlo before Mr. Grip hud
baderao adieu." For sale by Keeling
Our CLOSING-OUT SALE will be in full blast
Buy at our Closing Out Sale
Buy at our Closing Out Sale
Buy at our Closing Out Sale
Buy at our. Closing Out Sale
Buy at our Closing Out Sale
Visit us then and you will be convinced
Buy your Winter Goods and save 15 to 20 per cent
Anticipate your Wants
17V ill you need Shoes?
Will you need Dress Goods?
Will you need Underwear?
Will you need Carpets and Curtains?
Will you need Comforts and Blankets?
Will you need Hardware and Tinware? Buy at our Closing Out Sale
Will you need Queensware? Buy at our Closing Out Sale
Closing; Out of Millinery Prices
Feathers, Walking and Trimmed Hsts
New Styles New Miatei'ial
Beautiful productions executed by skilled hands and artistic tastes.
Entire line must go, Prices and Fashion must do it.
This department is now under the management of Miss Hamil
ton, a most efficient trimmer and designer.
Closing Out Prices will continue on all lines as long as stock lasts.
Auburn republicans huvo u candidate
tor every ollice In the gift of tho people
in this county thin fall except coinmiuM
Bioncr iu the third district,, find this
olliuer has to come from the threo west
precincts or they would f)o after that.
However, they will undertake to dic
tate the nomination for that ulllce.
.1. W. Wheeler, au old and highly re
snected citizen living near dlmbort,
died in Wyoming last Frldry. Madge
Wheeler, as he was usually called, was
au old soldier, and was a member of
t'lie regiment that cuptured Jell Davis,
receiving part of the reward paid by
the government for tho capture. He
was buried Monday at Shubert,
Tho Advertiser and the Western
Swine Breeder one year for $1.!1&; the
Advertiser and Poultry Topics one
year for $1.15; Tho Advertiser and the
Daily Omaha News one year lor 82.00 ;
the Advertiser and tbo Iowa Homo
stead, Poultry News and Home"
stead Ihstltuto nutnbors one year for
1.82 the Advertiser and the Nobnu-ka
Farmer one year for 91.35; the Adver
tiser and tho Chicago Weekly Inter
Ocean ono year for 81.50: tho Adver
tiser and tho Semi-Weekly St. Louis
Glqli8sDeraocrat one year for 31.75;
the Advertiser and tho SemlHWeekly
Nebraska State Journal one year 'for
$1.85. These are some of our dubb
ing offers, but wo have others, Can
you beat them anywhere?
Old pupers for sale at this ollice.
How's This?
Wo oflor Ouo Hundred Dollars Howard for
ntiycunoof Catarrh that oiuiuot bo ourod by
Hull's Catarrh Ouro,
!F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo, O.
We, tho undersigned, lnvvo known F. J,
Cheney for tho laBl 16 years, and boliovo htm
perfootly honorable In all business transno
tlous and financially ablo to curry out any
obligations made by their Una.
West A'lruax, wholesalo druggists, Toledo.O.
WaldlnK, Klnnan & Marvin, wholesalo drug
gluts, Toledo, O. s
Hall's Catarrh Curo is takon lnternaIly,aot
Ingdlrootly upon the blood and mucous sur
faces of the system. Prlco76opor bottlo. Sold
by all druggists, Testimonials free.
Hall's Family Pills uie tho bost.
Rport of the Condition of the
Charter No. f.32
Of Nomnhu, in the Btuto of Nobranka, at the
closo of business Hopt. 6, 1903.
Loans nnd discounts - 518102 77
Overdrafts, hoeurod and unscmued ft) 61
Hanking houso lurnltureanil tlxiuros 1141 fj
Current expenses and taxes paid 76(1 20
Duo from national. Htato and nrlvato
hanks aud bankers 11033 23
Totnluiish on hand 2133 43
Total 34522 SI
Capital stock paid In 86000 00
Surplus fund - - 300 uo
Undivided nrotlls 1691 40
Individual doposlts subjoot to oh eok... 27628 42
South Auburn
Total 831622 Dl
State ofjNobmska, luu
County of Nemaha, 1
I, Elmer K. AHon, cashier of tho abovo
named bank, do solemnly swear that the
above statement Is correct ond a true copy
of tho roporl made to the State Hunting
ELMER E. ALLEN, Cashlor.
WM. OAMPIIKM., InirnntorR
V. E. AWiEN, juirootors.
Subscribed and sworn to beforo mo this
Uth day of soptambor, 1903.
W. W. SANDERS, Notary Public.
Houtz's Restaurant
Fresh Candies, uts, Fruits, Cigars.
Fresh Bread, Buns and Cakes always
on hand.
Drop in and see us.
Amorica's Greatest Weekly.
Toledo Blade
Graduate of the American School of
Osteopathy of Kirksville, Mo.
New and Largor Building, Now
Prossos, Now Storotypo Plant
Now and Modern Appliances
in ovory department.
Tho ToWo Illfttlo U now installed In Us now
hullolng. with modern plant and eimltmcnt, aud
facilities equal to but publication between Nw
York nnd Chicago. It la the only Weekly newa
paper edited oxpruasly for every sf ato nnd territory
cumbersome column of dallloe, All current tonics
'1 no news or luo world no nrratiL't'd tlmt ri'isy peo
ple can more oaally coinprolioml, than by reading
cumuurtomc columns or uauioe. au current topic
made nlnln lit tacit Usuo bv vnoelal editor al mai
tor, wrltton from Inception down to date. 'i ho
only pnpsr pnblWhed especially for pcoplo who do
or do not read dally nowepaperi, una yet thirst tor
pi ul n fact?
That this kfud of a nuwupuper U
i pop-IJlaile
ulur. If proven bv tho fact that tho
now has over lliO.Om voarlv uulipcrlliora. nnd luclr
cttlatton In til parte of the U. S. la addition to the
new, tho DliuUi publishes short and serial stories,
mid many dupartmcuts of matter milted to ovory
momhor of tho family. Only ono dollar a your,
Write for froe spuclmon copy. Address
Toledo, Ohio
Moro homo nnd traveling Bnlcsmon ovcrywhoro to
Bell Stark Troes. We PAY CASH Weekly, givo
iikst ruiocs, pi:st stock, and PREPAY FREIGHT.
Laruoat nuraorioa in tho world 4350 ncrea. Capital
Stock $1,000,000. Millions of trooa and vinos, Apple, Pencil, Plum, Pear, Cherry, Urapo, etc.,
tbo largest, finest etock and best oorta over olTored by any nuncry. Our men succeed whoro
othera fall. Writo to-day for terms, oto. STARK BKO'S N. & 0. 10., Louisiana, Mo.
BraKCU&j; Atlantic, la., Fayettovillo, Ark7 Dauavlllo, N. Y., Portlond, N. Y., Uuutavillo, Ala,
IViahea to announce that he has
,rioved out of town but into the
Minick Store Room
whore he may be fouud at all times,
ready do your
Shoe Repairing
Harness Repairing
or sell you a
New Harness, Nets,
Whips, etc,
Veterinery Surgeon
and Dentist
Will be at Nemaha every two weeka
July 27th, August 10th, eto.
Home office Stella, Nobr'
Watclx IMaltex-
Remarkable cures are effected by
this system of healing. No medicines
Office over Eustice & Cline's drug
gUUnmt ,
Proprietors of tbo
Livery & Feed Stable
Foley's Honey and Tar is peculiarly
adapted for ' asthma, bronchitis ana"
hoarseness. M T Hill.
Notice of Appointment of Ad
ministrator ThoStnteof Neuraskn.Uountyof
In the couoty court ot Notnalia county, Nob.
To nil porsouH Interested lu tlie estate or
Micimei tiplnner ileoeuscil.
Notice 1h hereby given Hint John B. Stull
has Hied n petition praying that rulmtnlK
trutlon do bonis non of Raid estate be granted
to W. W. Sanders oh administrator do
bonis non: that tbo hcarine thereof hns been
fixed for the 12th dav of Soptembor A. D. 1903
at 10 o'clock a. fn ut the county court room
of Bald oounty, In Auburn, when you and all
persouB Interested may appear and show
cause, If thoro bo uny.why tho pravor of said
petition should not no granted, nnd udIgkh
yon bo appear the court may grant tho prayer
of said petition, or appoint some othor suit
able person, aud make all propor orders for
the duo administration of nuld estate,
Witness my hand and seal of snld court
this 22nd day of August, A. D. 1003
IUCHAItD F. NKAL, County Judue.
Notice to Non-Resident Defendant
To Chailes A. Curtis.
You are hereby notlflod that on tho nth
day of August, 1003, Elvira Curtis tiled
her petition against you In tho district court
of Nemaha oounty, Nebraska, tho potltlon
nnd prayor of whloh are to obtain a divorce
from you on tho grounds that, although you
aronblo go to do, you cruelly, wantonly and
willfully refuse support and malntaluanct
tor nor anu mat, you nave auauaotioa tier
with out good cause; for costs of unit and
forsuoh otlior rellof as Juslloo and equity
may require
You aro required to answer thin petltlou
on or before Monday, tho 28th day of Soptem
bor, 1003.
Dated at Auburn, Nebraska, Auguat C, 1003.
E. B. Q,U AOKENMJSH, I'lalnttrV.
All kinds of work guaranteed
Dririft in your Repair worli. You get
Right Prices and Best Work,
Perkins' Jewelry Store
Good Dray in connection with Livery
Satisfaction guaranteed,
Dealer in
Iighost markot price paid forjIIitleH,
Laid, Tallow, etc,
R Gsszaoocaaoczzssce:
!eeeiaecLiaor i:-ar,!'.,,wais!jeijjai KssaBes-a-
WM.(CAMP1JELL, Pres. K. E. ALLEN. VlccPres.
Capital Stool, 85,000
tsocsacscsBccc3wrTrijTOViY ;raaKissiv-scsssg;srx
fij4vmmtc'jH tnmm