The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, September 04, 1903, Image 1

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to "
mmmifiiiimSwfi .rfiSiajjVwn ni
Local JNTews i
See M T IIIII for lire Innurance.
For Nets, Diidtern orWhlps oeo J. 12.
Crothor. "
Lawroneo V, Deweeae went lo Peru
Try tho Devotf palut. aold by J. W.
Kerns, Auburn.
Pure llnBoed oil CO cents por gallon
at Hill's drug store.
Sea tho big advertisement of Alex
Robinson on tho last page.
A high grade barn paint for 05 centB
per gallon at EIM's drug otoro.
Full line of School Supplies juat re-
celved at Keellng's drug store.
Southern atrictly pure white lend Ojsf
cents per pound at ilill'a drug atore.
Coy Rives wont to DoughiB, Nobr.,
Thuraday of laat week to vlalt relatives'
Mrs. Elizabeth Deurfeldt and Mrs
Uoy Rogers paid Auburn a vlalt Tueas
Eddie Yackley went to Kansas City
last Monday to visit relatives for a few
Mr. and Mrs. Jos. liuugor started
for Oklahoma Tuesday, on a teu day's
Walter Iladlock started for St. Paul.
Minn., Thursday, to visit hisson.Irvin
Ambrose Howe has, moved into the
Thompson house, south of Mrs. S. T
Just received, by the Edwards &
Bradford Lumber Co., a oar, loud oi
tine shingles
Mrs. W. W. Keeling went to Omaha
last Saturday to visit her daughter,
Mrs. Ed L. Culver-
If you want your dental work doue
by oxperta and at Omaha prices, see
the Union Dental Co.
Mrs. Mary Muntz started for Alii
ance Monday, after a few daj's visit
with Nemaha friends.
Mrs. Theo. Hill went to St. Joe
Wednesday to buy her fall stock of
millinery and notions.
The editor's olllco phone Is No. 7 am'
that of his residence is No. 1. Call Us
up if you have any news.
The Union Dental Co. are experienc
ed, up to date dentists and will do
your" work at Omaha prices.
Uncle Henry Clark's old driving
horse died a few dayB ago. The faiths
f ul animal was 22 or 23 years old.
Geo. Russell and wife of Hubbell,
Nebr., visited Mr. Russell's brother, J.
11. Russell, several days last week.
The Union Dental Co. of Omaha will
be in Nemaha Friday and Saturday
Sept. Ilsl2, and regularly in the future
Mies Nellie Sanders visited her
cousin, Miss Grace Sanders of London
precinct from Sunday until Wednes
day. The Union Dental Co. are no Btus
dents, but experienced, up to date
dentists. Call at hotel and be cons
G. W. Wright, father of Mrs. Wesley
H, Clark, returned to Belvldere, Nebr.
last Friday! Mrs: Clark went home
with him.
A car load of nice white pine lum
ber, from their own mills, just re
ceived by the Edwards & Bradford
Lumber Co,
Miss Henrietta M. Mason returned
to Kansas City last Saturday, after
visiting two or three weeks with Mrs.
F t. Woodward, and was married
t hat evening to Cbas. M. Woodward.
Sweat Pods and Collars at J. E.
Call add see us for reduced rates oil
inugaztnes and newspapers.
1 1 i
A fine Hue of silverware suitable for
wedding presents at Keellng's.
Mrs. Mattle Grate of Omaha Is visit
I tig herpareutB, Mr. and' Mrs. Henry
Mrs- Mollle E. Hubbard returned to
Kansas City Wednesday after a visit or
two or three weeks with her mother,
Mrs. L. It. Strain, who has been via
Itlng in Iowa, returned home the llrst
of last week. Her nephew, Bert Strain
comr home with her.
i ii
Mrs. Sadie Scott, who has been vis
Ring her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. I.
Brown, for several weeks, returned to
Pawnee county Monday.
For Sale Bay horse, weight 1100,
7 years old, good driver. One buggy,
nearly new, also a good Bet of single
harnosa. See W. E. Wheeldon.
Miss Sadie Glasgow of Peru and
Miss May Watklns, one of tho teachers
in the Lincoln schools, visited their
friend Mrs. Earl Gilbert Saturday and
J. W. Wolfe, who sold his farm to
Weldon Shlveley last spring, laat week
bought Rankin Lytle'a farm of 100
acres In Aaplnwall precinot, paying 60
per acre for it.
The state educational board met at
Peru this week to locate the new
normal school. There was a deadlock
for awhile, it taking 111 ballots lo
select the location. Kearney won out.
Mrs. Harford, living about six miles
southwest of Nemaha, has let the cons
tract to Joe Bunger for a good bouse,
28x28 feet, two stories- Joe will bes
gin work on it as soon as be returns
from Oklahoma.
Mrs. S. M. KHse, wbo has been visit
ing her daughters, Mrs. F. L. Woods
ward and Mrs Geo. Yackley, went to
Kansas City Monday. After visiting
there a few days she will return to ber
home at Garnett, Kas.
Peaches for Sale-.
I have about 200 bushels of peaches
for sale, at my farm, three and one-half
miles southwest of Nemaha?
W. T. Russell.
Uncle Joo Beard, Hiving about two
miles south of Brownville, is suffering
with malarial fever. Thursday night
he got out of bed and wandered away
in his night clothes, and went to Sey
raore Howe's, a distance of over four
miles, while in a delirious condition,
lie ws taken homo the next morning
Married At the court house in Aun
burn, Wednesday, September 2, 1903,
by Richard F. Neal, county judge, Mr.
Edward II. Knapp and Mies Eva Able.
Mr. and Mrs. Knapp will go to house
keeping in a few days, having rented
the 'Galbralth property. They have
the best wishes of a boat of friends for
a long, happy and prosperous lite.
Ed Knapp was in a perilous position
for a little while Monday. lie had
loaded a lot of boxes of pop bottles on
the dray and on top of them put a bread
box and a lot of banana crates, and
was sitting on the bread 'dox driving.
When the wagon went over the crosss
ing near tne livery Btable the bread
box was thrown off the wagon on the
horses, taking Ed with it. Ed's foot
caught between the slnglo and double
tree and be couldn't got loose. The
horses started to run and there was a
great mixnp of Ed, the bread box and
the horses. Fortunately Miles Knapp
saw the accident and he jumped and
caught tho lines and stopped the
team before .they made more that a
few jumps. Ed escaped with a few
bruises. ' .
School Days are
lAe are prepared
witH the largest and
beat line of
Sldte Pencils,
Fene Ink., etc.,
Euor brought to this
Prlceo very
Tbestate fair will be hold Sept. 4 to
11. An excursion will be run from
Nemaha to Lincoln Tuesday, Sept. 8,
leaving Nemaha at 7:03. Price for,
round trip, including admission to fair
and transportation on stnb train to
fair grounds, only 82.05
MarriP(JAt the court house in An
burn, Wednesday, Soptetuber 2, 1U08,
by Richard F. Neal, county judge, Mr.
William E. Wolfe and Miss Laura
larger, both of Aspinwall precinct.
The, Advertiser extends congratula
tions and best wishes to the young
Mrs. J. W. Monteith, who ha been
visiting her mother, Mrs. E A. MInlck.
Started for Chase couuty, Nebr., Mon
Mr. MontVilth re' ntlybought- a Chase
county farm of 100 acres of Henry
Williams of Shubert, and has moved
on it. We understand he will go into
the stock raising business, as he can
get pleuty of good grazing land there.
F. L. Woodward this week bought
of Walter Hadlock the eight lots on
the bluff east of the Methodist church,
and In a day or so the new proprietor
of the Bennett mill was looking at the
location with a view of moving the
mill there. Of course Frank will
make a goodly amount on the specula
Arnett Lindsey, who has been living
in the west part of town for several
months, died Thursday morning from
the effects of a stroke of paralysis.
Mr. Lindsey bad been helpless for
some time, bis right side being para-.
lyzed. Monday night he had another
stroke. His remains will be taken to
Pawnee Oity for burial. He was an
old soldier and was drawing a pension.
Married By the Rev. Mr. Wilson
at his residence in Kansas City, Mo.,
Saturday, August 20, 1003, at 8 o'clock
p. m., Mr. CharleB M. Woodward and
Miss Henrietta M. Mason, both of
Kansas City. Mr. Woodward is mana
gerof the O. A. Dayton Grain Co.,
where be has been employed for the
past two years. The many friends of
Charley in Nemaha extend congratu
lations and best wishes. The bride
made many friends here during her
recent visit.
Y. P. 8. C. E program for Sept. 0th:
The Allied forces of rlghteonsnessi
Juo. 17 : 20-28 and lCor. l : 10-12.
Song service and prayer.
Reading of references,
Memory verses:
Members of one body. Rom.7:5-0
Pearl Burns.
All working together. Neh. 4:10
23 Harry Baldwin."
, Recitation Gift or Motive. Ella
Shlveley. ,
Song Purer Yet and Purer. Maud
Recitation Bessie Dressier.
Talk on lesson Elder Sapp.
Close by Y. P. S. O. E. benediction:
"May the Lord watcb between me
and thee while we are absent onefrom
r-t sri-M-ftx
Old Settlers1 Picnic
On account of tho postponement of
tho old Bottlers' plouio from Thursday
until Saturdoy last, caused by lain
Thursday, the program was almost a
failure. Tho speakers who hod been
engaged conld not be present Saturday.
Hon, O. F. Reavls of Falls City prom
ised to bo here for tho ofternoon but
failed to got here. The male quartette
of Auburn that had been ongagod for
Thursday could not be secured for
Saturday. The little girl's band of
Hamburg, Iowa, could not got to Ne
braska City on account of high water
socatne to Pholpsand ciossed over to
Hrownyllle. The train on the K. O.
was late, so tho band did not get to
Brownville until nearly 2 o'clock, and
then found they could got no team to
bring them to Nemaha. They 'phoned
here and had to wait until a team went
up and got thpm.
Tho only speaking was by T.B.Skeen,
Dr. S. W. McGrew and other old sot,
tiers. Moat of the timo was Bpont in
visiting, talking of old times and havs
Ing a goodtlme generally.
A large crowd was present consider
ing tho postponment and the fact that
it threatened rain Bomewlio.t. TJitf
number present was estimated by good
judges at 5,000. Had Thursday been
i good day there would have been a
record-breaking crowd.
The management regret that a tetter
program could not have been given
ut did all in their power to provide
entertainment for the crowd. Tho
baud gave some good music after they
got hero and in the evening gave n con
cert that was enjoyed by a large crowd.
The games of base ball between the
Peru; and Stella teams were good ones.
In the forenoon somo of the Peru
players we're not -present and tho Stella
players won an easy victory, the score
standing 10 to 1. In the afternoon at
the end of the ninth inning tho score
was 1 apiece and It took 11 Innings to
decide, the score standing 2 to 1 in
favor of Stella. The baso ball cranks
were enthusiastic over tho gamo.
As usual, the visitors commented on
the fact that so few casos of rowdyism
were noticed. Persons who have ats
tended numerous picnics this year say
we bad the largest crowd and the most
peaceable of any they have been to.
The old settlers on the ground in the
afternoon were called to the stand and
registered their names and the daio
they came to the state. Wo will pub
lish a list later;
$4.80 to Hastings and Eotura.
Via Burlington Route.
Account G. A. R. Reunion.
Tickets on sale August 31 to Sept. 5,
Good to return Sept. 7.
For fnrther Information ask the
nearest Burlington agent.
Oatarrh of the Stomach.
When the stomach is overloaded;
when food is taken into it that falls to
digest, it decays and inflames the mus
cous membrane, exposing the nerves,
and causes the glands to secrete mucin
Instead ot the natural juices of digest
ion. This is called catarrh of the
stomach, caused by indigestion. Doc
tors and medicines failed to benefit me
until I used Kodnl Dyspepsia Cure.
J. R. Rhea, Coppell, Tex. Sold by W.
V7. Keeling.
Reveals a Croat Secret
It 1b often asked how Buoh startling
cures, that puzzle the best physicians
are effected by Dr. King's New Dis.
covery for Consumption. Here's the
secret. It cuts out the phlegm and
Keratin fected mucusr and lets the life
giving oxygen enrich and vitalise the
bloody It hoals the intlamed,. cough"
worn throat and lungs. Hard colds
and stubborn coughs soon yield to Dr,
King's New Discovery,, the most rn
fallible remedy for all throat and lung
diseases. Guaranteed bottles 50c and
81.00. Trial bottles free at Keellng's.
Old papers for sale at this oQlce.
mm ci ..,., w a.m wi
A. L. Uranium of Tttlmage, assistant
deputy head consul of the Modern
Woodmen of America, is in Nemaha
this week in the interest of that order.
Tho Modern Woodmen lo the largest
fraternal insuranco order In America
and has had n wonderful record In the
past. It now has over 700,000 mems
bors In good standing; nnd over 44 000
momburs in good standing In Nebraska.
A. R. Talbot of Lincoln is now head
consul of this great order This order
is now paying death claims at tho rate
of five hundred thousand dollars u
month or more than nineteen thousand
dollars every day in the month the
banks are open
One Minute cough cure gives relief
In ono minute, because it kills tho mi
crobe which tickles the mucous mem
brane, causing the cough, and at the
same time clears the phlegm draws out
the lnllammation nnd heals and sooth'
os tho affected parts. One Minute
couch cure strenohenB the lunes. wards
bit pneumonia and Is a harmless and
never falling gum in nil curalle cas
of coughs, coldn, and croup. Qne Min
ute cough cure Is pleasant to take,
harmless and good altke for young and
old.-W. W. Keeling.
"A tfew Invention
Mlnick'sFleldCorn Husking.Maehlne
bucks the corn from the stalk, leaylng
stalks standing in tho Held, Exclusive
statn and manufacturer's right for sale
by tho Inventor and patentee. Corres
pondenen solicited. Address
1 4 II. T. MINICK, Nemaha, Nfb. ,
Medical and Surgical
Diseases of Women
tella -
- NebrnRlta
e. o. snow
Fifteen years experience.
Terms and dates at The Advertiser
Fresh Roasted Peanuts '
Soft Drinks and
Go to
Successor to
7". 85 Keelvngt
Nemaha, Nebraska.
Offioo in Keoliug drug store
' "" "
Windmills and Pumps,
Tanks, Pipes, etc.
'Phone calls answered promptly.
'Phone No 20-'
Furietfal Director
and Embalmer -
Robes and
Funeral Supplies
--. :HmmiwHLvtit': i wf, juv 4'W
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