The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, August 28, 1903, Image 8

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Wishes to announce thnt ho tins not
voved out of town but into the
Minick Store Room
whero he may be found at all timet),
ready to do your
Shoe Repairing
Harness Repairing
or Belt you a
New Harness, Nets,
Whips, etc,
Denier In
Iighoflt nmrkot price paid for;IIidcn,
hard, Tallow, otu,
Veterinery Surgeon
and Dentist
Will be nt Neiniihii every two weeks,
July 27th, August 10th, eto.
Home office Stella. Nebr'
Houtz's Restaurant
Fresh Candies, Nuts, Fruit CiRiirH,
Fresh Breud, Buus and Cukes always
on hand.
Drop In and see us,
Graduate of the Amerloan School
Osteoputhy of KlrkBville, Mo,
IVemarkablo cures are effected by
tills system of healing. No medicines
Olllco over Euatice
I'roprlutnrwof Uio
Livery & Feed Stable
food Dray In oonnectlon with Livery
Satisfaction guarantied,
Foley's Honey and Tar is peculiarly
adapted for asthma, bronohltis and
hoarseness. M T Hill,
Cured by Ono Bottla of Obamborlain's
Oougli Bflmody
'When I bad the grip, last winter
(tho seuond one) I actually cured my
self with one bottle of Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy? aya Ftank W, Perry
Jidltor of the Enterprise, Sliortvllle
f, Y. rids is tho honest truth. I
at tiinoa keep from oouuhlng myaolf to
pieues by taking e teiispoonful of
thUromedy, and wh en tho ooughing
spell would como on at night I would
tako a doss and it seamed that in the
briofost interval tho oough would paaa
off and I would go to sleep perfectly
free from cough and ita uooompanying
pains, To say that tho remedy noted
19 a moat agreeable surprise is putting
It vary mildly, I bad nn idea that it
would or oould knock nut'tho grip,
simply because I had never triad it for
such a purpose, but it did, and it uoem
' d with Uiu Bt'omul attack of oouahing
tbs remedy ouuaed it to not only bo of
less duration, but the pajna were far
less severe, and I had not iiaid the oniu
tents of ona bottle before Mr, Grip had
UmJe me adhu." For Bille by Keeling.
The Nebraska Advertiser
IV. W. Handera XV. F. gaudert
W. W. Sanpkrb & Sow, 1'rop'B.
FRIDAY, AUGUST 28, 1003.
Homer Deweeae went to Nebraska
City Thursday,
Airs. Simmons of McCaok, Nebr,, 1b
visiting Mr. and Mrs, II, T. Devorss,
D, C. Miller came in from Auburn
Wednesday evening, returning the
next day,
Cull in and eeo us it you want to
subscribe for any puper published in
the United States.
Ml89 Nellie Deweese, who has been
visiting friends near Peru, returned
home u few days ago,
It. M. Glllan whs in from Auburn
Thursday in the Interest of the build.,
ing and loan association.
After Sept 10th my house will be for
rent ut 84.50 to the right party,
C. Gamhiaith.
Eddie Bucnenau of Oklahoma ar
rived in Nemaha Thursday morning
nn m few dyne' visit with old friends.
Mr. and Mrs, Clark Cary of Sidney,
Iowa, are visiting John It, Russell
and family. They came down Mon
day. G, W. Wilghtof Uelvidere, Nebr.,
arrived in Nemaha Wednesday on a
visit to IiIh daughter, Mrs. Wesley H,
Mib, Lewellyn Williams came in
from Custer county a few days ago
and is visiting irieuda in Nemaha und
Mrs. J . W. Monteith of Table Rock,
Nebr., came to Nemaha Thursday on
a visit to her mother, Mrd. E, A, Min
ick,,nnd her sisters.
Ed and John sunder, who are uow
working near Cook, Nebr,, came, to
Nemaha Thursday morning to attend
the picnic and visit a few days,
The editor confidently prophesied
that it would not rain Thursday, but
the trouble wan thero was ton much
wetness in the air and it slopped over.
Hi . ,ii. nn . 1
Curt Urown came In from Pawnee
City to utiend thli pionio and than wua
disappointed, lie b quite lame, huv
iiiK run a atuig in hia loot a tew duys
I. H, Kuper of Benton precinct
mingled amohg the crowd at the pict
nlo Thursday, Mr, Kuper is Benton',
can'diduto for the uominution for
county treasurer and lie, has many
Irienna in the east end of the county
wlui regard him as the logical candi
date for tmumpT,
W it learn that Mrs. M. S. Fouteh of
liiownville, wlio went to' the Metho
dic hospital at Omaha last Friday, was
operated upon for appendicitis Mons
day. She rallied from the oberation
nicely, Mr. Foutoli went to Omaha
Monday morning and will remain nnn
til his wife la better, Rev. ,1, W. Per
kins of Brownvillo will 1)11 hia up
polntmonte next Sunday,
On aooouut of rain Thureday morn
ing, it was decided to poutpono tho old
settlers picnic until Saturday f this
week, Bills were printed announcing
the ohange, 'phonos were uued and peo
ple were notified us far as possible.
The baud was notified boforo it started
and the Omaha ball team stopped
whon at Nebraska City, The Hi, Joe
team got to Nemaha and then went on
to Nebraska City, Judge Juasen oumc
down from Nebraska City, but went
baok on the freight that forenoon.
In spite of tho rain a good big orowd
was present, In the afternoon snoth
er heavy rain fell, If we do not have
another rain the park will be in good
condition tomorrow,
What Is Foloy'e Kidnoy Oura?
Answer: It is made from a proaerlp.
tlon nfa leading Chicago phyaioiun,
and one of the moat eminent in the
country, The Ingredients ore the
purest that money can buy, and are
soicntifloully combined to get tho boat
route,-M T Hill, ,
Old papeN (or sale at this oirtc ,
I am n candidute for the oflleo of
county assessor subject to the action
of the republican county convention.
E. J. Maxwell.
r will offer for Bale at public auction
at myrealdence In Nemaha on Saturs
day, Sept. 6, beginning at 2 o'clock p.
m the following household goocs.
One folding bed, one extra nice iron
bed, one folding lounge, one dresser,
one first clasa sewing machine, three
tables, three stands, one cook stove,
and other aiticlea too numerous to
Terms of sale810 and under, cash,
Over $10 a credit of six months will
be given, purchaser to give bankable
note without interest if paid when
due; If not paid when due, to draw
10 per cent interest from date.
C, 0. Snow, auctioneer.
4.80 to Hastings and Eeturn.
Via Burlington Route.
Account G. A. It. Reunion.
Tickets on sale August ill to Sept. 5,
Good to return Sept. 7.
For fnrther Information ask the
nearest Burlington agent.
Take the wagonette when in Au
burn if you want to go to any part of
the city. John McElhaney, prop.
Remember, we will take corn, oats
wheat, hay, or wood on subscription
at market price.
The Advertiser and the Western
Swine Breeder one yeur for $1.35; the
Advertiser and Poultry Topics one
year for $1,15; The Advertiser and the
Dully Omaha Newu one year lor 82.00;
t ho Advertiser and the Iowa Home
atead, Poultry News and Home
stead Ihstitute numbers oueyeur for
11.32 i.thoAdvertiser and the Nebrut-ka
Farmer one year for 81.85; the Adver
tiaer and the Chicago Weekly Inter
Ooeim ono year for 81.50; the Adver
tiser' and the Semi-Weekly St, Louis
Globe Democrat one year for 81,75;
the Advertiser and the SemUWeekly
Nebraska State Journal one year for
(1.85. These are some of our clubb
ing offers, but we have others, Can
you beat them anywhere?
Just About Bodtiroo
take it Little Early Riser it will cure
oonatipation, biliouaiiHRS and liver
troubles, DeWitt's Little Early Risers
are different from other pillfl, Tie
do not gripe and break down thr nmc
ous membrane nf the stomach, livt'i
and Imwcla. but curHbv gentlj urinit
ing tht secretions und giving strength
to these urgans, Sold by W, W, KeeN
Bettor Than a Piaster,
A piece of flannol dampened with
Chamberlain's i'ain Balm and bound
on the uffcQted i-tH, is better than a
planter for a lurr back and for pain
inthe sidp and ohaat, Pall) BttlnilnH
no superior us ulini merit for the re
lief of deep seated, tmnotiiar, and r lieu-,
matin pains, .For sale by W,. W.
Keeling. Druggist. .
Traveling is Daugerou
Constant mollun jura the kidneys
which uro kept in place in the body by
dolioate attachments, This Is tho rou
sou that travelers, trainman, street ear
men, teauistera and all who drive very
rouoh, auft'er from kidne disoaae in
some form, Foley's Kidney Cure
strengthens the kljlneya and cures ull
forms of kidney and bladder disease,
(Jrto 15 Hainan louomotiva enuinter,
Mma, O,, writes, "Constant vibration
of the engine caused me a great dual of
trouble with my kidneys, and I gut no
relief until used Kuloy's Kidney Cure.
, In tho lutoreat of Humanity,
Ohria Miller of Fremont, Nebr,
writes "j suffered fram dyspepsia for
mora than 10 years, J wus under the
oare of n numher of doators, made three
trips awAVund still no relief, Kodol
Dyspepsia Cure being recommended to
me by several who hud uaed it, and ae
the lastatraw, I conoludod to try It.
After the drat two or tbi'fe doses I he
gan to improve and have taken several
bottloa and feel like a new man, I
write you this in the Interest of Im
munity, hoping it may fall Into the
hands of noma sufferer, am) my prayer
is that they may hoc tiro the name lene
nt thnt I have," Sold by W, W, Keel
in, -
Cures Whon Doctors Fail
Mrs, Frank Chlasson, Patterson, la,
writes June 8th, 1001 : "1 had malaria
fever in a very bad form, wbb under
treatment by doctors, but as soon as I
stopped taking their mediclno the fev
er would return, I used a sample
bottle of Heroine, found it helped me.
Then I bought two bottles, which
completely cured me. I feel very
grateful to you for furnishing sticbu
splendid medicine, and can honestly
recommend it to those Buffering with
malaria, bb it will surely cure them."
Herblne, 50c bottle nt HIII'p.
How's This?
We offer Ono Hundred Dollars ItewArA for
nnyciwoof Catarrh Mint onuoot bo cured by
Hall's CftUmh Cure,
JF, J. CHENEY A CO., Props., Toledo, O.
We, the undersigned, hnvo known F. J.
Cheney for Uio lust 16 years, and bellove him
perfectly honorable In all business tnui suc
tions and financially able to carry out any
obligations made by their firm.
West &'lruax, wholesale druggists, Toledo.O,
Waldlng, Klnnan tfc Marvin, wholesale drug
gists, Toledo.O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internnlly.act
Ing directly upon the blood and mucous sur
faces of the system. Price 76c per bottle. Bold
by all druggists. Testimonials free.
Hall's Family Pills aio the best.
WorldVWide fieputation
White's Cream Vermifuge has ac
hieved a world wide reputation as be
ing the best of worm destroyers, aqd
for Its tonic Inlluenco on weak and un
thrifty children, as it neutralizes the
acidity or sourness of the stomach,
Improves the digestion and assimila
tion of food, strenghtens the ner.vous
system and restores them to the health
vigor and elasticity of spirits natural
to childhood. 25c at Hill'f,,
Foley's Hney and Tar contains no
opiates and can safely be given to
children M, T, Hill
Notioo of Appointment of Ad
ministrator ThoBtateofNebraslta.Countyof
In the county court of NPmaha county. Neb.
To all persons interoxted In the estate of
Mlfiiaei Hnlnncr deoeasad.
Notice Is hereby given that John S, fitull j
iiivs ii icii n jiuLiiiiiu piuynm i iihi. miiniuiH
tratloude bonis non or mud estate bp granted
to W. W, Sanders as admlnlstintor do
bonis non i thill' the hearing thereof has been
fixed lor the 12th dav of September A, D. 1003
at 10 o'clock a. m,, tit the county court room
of said county, In Auburn, when you and all
persons Interested mny up pear and ghow
cuuho, If there bo any, why the nrfiv er of ssld
petition should not bo grunted, and unless
you so npponr thocourtmay grant the praver
of said petition, or appoint some other suit.
able person, and mukoatl pioper ordeiu for
the luo administration of said estate.
Wl'nesj my hand and so I of said court
this 82nd day of August, A. D. 100.1
niOHAHD'F. NBAL, County Judge,
Notice to'Non-EoBidontDofondant
To (Jinnies A. Curtis,
You are hereby unfilled thnt on the flth
day of AugiiHt, IPol, Elvira Curtis filed
her petition iigHliut on In the district eouit
oi Nemaha county, KebiasUs, the petition
and prayer nf which are t'i obUIn a dlvoico
from yon on the grounds' that, althonah you
are able so to ilo, you eruellv, wantonly mid i
wlllluliy rcfuuo support and malntalnaneu
tor her and that, you havo abandoned hr
with on iond causej for noatn nf cult and
forsunh other relief as Justice and eQUlty
may require.
Vnu ate required to answer this petition
on or before Monday, the 33th duy of8optein
uer. hum.
Dated at Auburn, Nebraslcn, Augusit (1, I03,
Attorn y. Js
On account of the rain Thursday the Old
Settlers Picnic has been postponed until
Saturday of this week,Aug.29
A good program will be given.
Btook $1,000,000, Mllllonu of troes tuid vlnoa, Apple, Poftoli, I'lum, Pour, Cherry, drupe, pto.k
tho hrCCSt, flnet itook and boitt aorta evw offerotl by tfuy nursery. Our tneu uuoccml where
othar fall, Writ to-duy for terms, eto. BTAKK bRO'H N. A 0. CO., LoUlMlflwa, Mo,
Qhancuim: Atlantic, h,, Fayettovlllo, Ark., DauvUW, U Y., I'ortlftuJ, N. Y., UuatBvllle, Ala.
aaweK5S9iw"'S5eefeS3Mtca "in'MF"; i.
WM.tOAMPUKLL, Vm. V, U. ALLKN, VliCl,ie,
IKLMKll E, ALLKK, Cailiivr,',
Capital Stook, 16 000
Por rhoso Who Live on Farms
Dr. Bergin, Pann, 111., writes; "1
bavo used Ballards Snow Liniment;
always recommend it to my friends
and I am confident
better made. It
that there is no
is a dandy for
burtiB. Those who live on farms
are especially liable to many accidental
cuts, burns and bruises, which beal
rapidly when Ballard's Snow Llni- '
ment is applied. It should always bo r
kept In the house for eases of emers'1'
gonoy. 25c. 50, and 81 00 at Hill's,
A Surgical Operation
is always dangerous do uot submit to
the Burgeon's knife until you have
tried DeWltt's Witch Ha?el Salve, It
will cure you when everything else
falls it has done this in thousands of
cases. Here is one of them. I suiter ed
from bleeding and protruding piles for
twenty years. Was treated by differ-
ent specialists and used many remedies
but obtained no relief until I used De
Witt's Witch EJazel Salve, Two boxes
of this salve cured me eighteen months
ago and I have not had a touch of the
pile since, H, A, Tisdnle, Summer-,
ton, S. C, For Blind, Bleeding, Itch-,
ing and Protruding Piles no remedy
equals DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve
Sold by W. W. Keeling,
The Nebraska Mercantile Mutua
Insurance company of Lincoln, Net
braska, has over $0,000,000 insurance
in force with the leudiug business men.
of the state, Ask to see a list of them
V. W, Sanders, agent.
A LeBtion in Health
Healthy kidneys filter the impurities
from the blood, and unless they do
this good health is impossible Fos
ley's Kidney Cure makes Bound kids
neys and will positively cure till forms
of kidney and bladder disease. It
strenghtens the whole system. M T
(y.ottr own selection) to eery sul
scriber. Only 0 cents a year.
A rem; boulltui cqlore plain: la(lv
lahiuna ; ilrcmmaklng fconotnle ; fancy
work) houichol hints; fiction, etCt Sub
scribe to-dy, or, n() v lor latent copy.
Mdy dgcnti wan(ei). Mnd far terms.
Stylish, Reliable, Birnple, Up;ta.
date, Economical and Absolutely
vnowi'F IHIHM rnyvi trmivftiu,
nr a w H
. ii i i .w rwe mu.
m- vAkVioi
All feami Allawtd sad Ptrforatlom thn
m Sasttag an4 Selno IMet,
Only Q and ( cents peh ncnu hiRher
Aik for them Bold in nwly vry my
and.lown, or by mMI fro"
l1S.H5.r West 31tt 5U NEW YORK.
Moro homo mid traveling gtdoamon everywhere
poll Htnrk Trees, Wfi PAY CASH S
vm I'turws, aBUTTrocKliiul V8EPAV FKE1UIIT.
Ltirirftit nur.oriea In tho worll-43f0 cm, Catltnl
A -v