THE NEBRASKA ADVERTISER i i i i ii W. W. HANOKIIS, l'nbtMhflr. NEMAHA, - - NEBRASKA. TOPICS OF THE DAY. Theory iiimI I'rrtrllcc. i Mr. Pulitzer has founded a school of JournnllKtn, but ho will never find any tiso for lta graduated. ' Ciir mill Hnliji'iit. The czar of Runnla drawn a Ralary of $78 a mlniit. Many of his mihjccts do not get that much money In a llfo tlmo. Willing (o HIhIc HI Ifriillli. The proHldoncy of tho Btcel trunt may bo u ncrvo-Bhattcrlng position, but Mr. Corey Ih willing to rink hla health awhllo for $7(5,000 a year. Mcrllnm; of Ilouvytveljclil. TJio mooting of Senator Ilanna nnd ex-l'reflldont Cleveland on tho namo platform will bo tho greater event of tho year In tho heavy-weight claaa. Will Cinv Several TIiIiikm. A Now York doctor uaya that lock jaw can bo cured by hitting tho Bitf fcrer on tho head with u hammer. TIiIh 1b alHO tho euro for religious horo sy at Crevo Ccur lako and other mal adlca. A CIiiiiiim; o (let llilny. Chief GhlrdlJIkoff, Gen. Tzonchtfr, Copt. Mnjdjaroff and Col. Clovgyoll nro directing tho Macedonian revolu tion. Somo man with a catarrh icmcdy ought to got buay on thoao names. Vole M.U lli UniiiiliiioiiH. Ab thero still bcoitib to bo nomo un certainty ahoyt tho meanest kind of thief, wo nomlnato for tho ehamplon phlp tho man who atolo $75,000 from tho fund for superannuated preachers In Massachusetts. "When .Mini I.uelc Nerve. A Now York paper thinks It'o mighty queer how a bigamist can fool till his wives when a man who has only ono can't como within 1,000,000 miles of fooling her. When to man finds ho can't fool ovon ono, Snaybo ho hasn't tho ncrvo to try any moro. The Vliy of It. An Irrepresslblo conflict exists be tween Turkey and ilia adjacent coun tries In Europe. Tho sultan would havo boon smashed long ago but fo.1 tho fanatical fighting qualities of Mo liammedan saldiers. It la a pity tho helplciw part of tho population must ' -suffer horribly while tho extinction of Turkish power goea on. A Fence ! Allien I, on jr. Tho fonco about tho Fort Holknap Indian reservation, which Is 40 mlleu long and CO miles wldo, has at last been finished. It la probably tho longest fenco In tho world nnd has takon years In building. Tho plaii Is to protect tho llockB nnd horda of tho Gro ventres nnd Aealniholnca fYom intrusion, as well na to keop thorn from fltraylng. OcueroiiM Treiitinent of Holiltern. Tho United Statea government can not bo accused of any lack of caro for tho men who served tho " nation In tlmo of war. Over 27,000 aro now cared for In soldiers' homes, at a cost of about $12,000,000 annually. Then thoro 1b tho pension roll of $1-10,000,-000, to say nothing of what many etatcs do for tho old veterans. No TQther nation over dhl pno-hnjf na much for Its defenders The HlKlifM-Niilurlfil .Man. Friends of Clcorgo C. Boldt, man ager of tho Waldorf-Astoria hotol In Now York, say that ho la the highest salaried man In tho' world. He receives, according to hla friends, about $500,000 dollars a year for run ning tho affairs of n corporation cap italized at $1,000. Mr. Boldt does not rccolvo a stated salary, but shares in tho not lncomo under a profit shar ing nrrangemont with tho Aators. Ho hegnn hotel life n3 a waiter. i I'nyrollN Alfin InereiiHeil. Right upon tho Intorstato commerce commlflslon's. report of a $00,000,000 gain In tho not earnings and lncomo, and an lncroaso of $22,000,000 In the dividends of tho railways of tho coun try for 1902, comes an ostlmnto from tho editor of tho Railway Nows that tho sum of $100,000,000 roprosenta tho increaso In (ho pay rolls of thoso com panies during tho past year. This moans an lncroaso of nearly $100 per man. CtiiiNe of All the Trouble. A California professor, whoso study is wator, has within a tow days added to marina biology sovoral now forms among tho protozoa and coolontora ono, tho "porldlnlum" of tho anlmal culoa, which 1b mild tq.glvo tho charac teristic huo to tlQ "Red soa, and the other tho "sapnylna," whose hides ceneo vlos with tho plunmgo of tho , jioacock. Llfo Is full of contradictions. It Is In all probability trying to avoid these monsters that causes tho feud px Kentucky. PEItlSH BY SWORD. Women and Children of Bulgarian Villages Massacred by Turks. HtrnnlM of Krunlieto fitrown with Drnd find tlm Tornli Completed Work of Devolution Monnntlr Now n lleup of Anile. Sofia, Bulgaria, Aug. 25. The Turks aro reported to have massucred all the women and children In 22 villages of the districts of Fiorina and Monastlr and a'fterward to have burned the vil lages. They aro also ullegcd to have killed a number of prisoners. The streets of Kruahevo aro Bald to bo strewn with dead and tho survivors aro afraid to bury tho bodies, fearing to incur the suaplcllon of tho Turka. Following tho proclamation of tho revolution throughout tho vilayet of Adrlanoplo tho insurgents cut all tho telegraph lines connecting tho city of Adrlanoplo with the eastern parts of tho vilayet. There aro unconfirmed rnniora hero that lighting and massa cres aro proceeding in tho streets of Adrlnnoplo. At Monastlr the churches were de molished, tho houses sacked and tho town Is now In a heap of ashes. The populace fled to the hills, where they aro In a starving condition. Tho Dnevnlk also asserts that a general massacre has taken place in the wholo vilayet of Monastlr. Nearly all tho villages have been destroyed. Tho treacherous murder of 80 Insurgent prisoners by their guards has mado an especially bad Impression here. Tho town of Uunar Hlssar baa been burned and a part of tho Bulgarian population wns massacred. Tho rest of tho Bulgarians fled to tho moun tains. At Burgas Majura after 18 hours' fighting tho garrison waa killed by rcbola, who also dcatroyed the' gar risons of Sllkllhor and Kalovo. At Kaleunvo tho insurgents killed 57 Turks, whilo 15 wero killed at Knko libl, in tho vilayet of Uskub. New outbreaks are reported from tho vicin ity of Kresna, whero serious fighting has occurred. Italy Wfirnft tlio 1'orte. Constantinople, Aug. 25. According to the Turkish udvlcoa, when tho in surgents captured Voslllko, they killed tho garrison consisting of 50 soldiers and about 100 of the inhabitants. Tho Insurgents aro now threatening Mldla, GO mllea northweat of Constantinople and aro reported to bo attacking tho important town of KIrk-Klllosoh, :$ mllea from Adrlanoplo. Christian, Greek and Mussulman refugees havo nrrlvcd at tho mouth of tho bospho- rua from tho neighborhood of Mldla, fearing a massacro thoro. They have been sheltered and fod at Anadoli Kavak by tho authorities. Tho Italian ombnssy has notified tho porto that It holds it responsible for any injury which may bo done to tho coubuI of Italy at Monnstlr and do mauds tho punishment bf those who insulted tho consul rccontly by calling him a "glnrour" (Infidel). A band of Bulgarians attacked the Turkish town of Urgas, south of Inl lada, on tho east coast of Turkey, and havo blown up tho govornmont build ings with dynamite. It Is reported that 200 persons wero killed. WOOD SEES WORK AHEAD. l-'runli from Horiino. Where lie Ktiulled Hrlthth Method, He Will Mucin it C'limpalirti. lit Jolo. Manila, Aug. 25. Gen. Leonard Wood has returned lrom a visit to tho governor of Borneo, whero .ho. has been for somo tlmo observing tho methods utloptcd by tho British gov ernment to pacify and promoto tho Interests of tho natives and to Improve tho commercial conditions of tho coun try. Gen. Wood roports that tho British government has obtained romarkablo results In tho uplifting of tho natives of Borneo and returns to tho Philip pines with many now ideas which ho will, with the cognizance and assist ance of Gov. Taft, put Into oporatlon in these Islands. Gon. Wood la pre paring to begin a campaign 'In tho Jolo archipelago, Into which territory ho will bo uccompanlcd by an escort of sufficient strength to permit his on torlng tho Interior, whero ho oxpocts to obtain good results in his dealing with tho natives by applying somo of tho Ideas ho has evolved as a result of his observations In Borneo. Kx-lov. Stanley Make an Kxplanutlou. South McAlester, I-T., Aug. 25. Tho Dally Capital prints an Intorvlow with W. 13. Stanley, momber of tho Daves( commission, In which tho ox-governor of iho Sunflower stnto says that In dians aro being robbed and that thoro Is no moans of stopping tho prnctlco of land sharks. Mr. Stanloy explains his connection with a trust company and says ho was elected vice president during his absonco on sick loavo In Kansas and without, his knowledge. No One Heard Chlhl'H KtruiriHeH. Wnmego, Kan., Aug. 25. Tho two-year-old child of Nelson Taylor, of Wabaunseo, was drowned In a water ing trough, having climbed up and he como over-balanced. Tho family was closo by but no strugglo of tho lit tle ono was heard. THIS BEATS THEM ALL. Oklnlioinn find Nrhrniikn Men Hiiro Under taken to J t ti lid it Kiillrmttl from 1'ort NeMon to llueno Ayrcs. Guthrie, Ok., Aug. 25. The Pan American Railroad company, with a capital stock of $250,000,000, was char tered hero Monday. The purpose of tho corporation is to build a line of railway extending from Port Nelson, Hudson Bay, British America, In a southerly direction, crossing the line of the Canadian Pacific near Winnipeg, Man., thence through North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Ok lahoma and Indian territory to Gal veston, Tex. From Galveston It will run through the Isthmus of Panama, thenco through United States of Co lombia to Ecuador, th rough tho re public of Peru to Buenos Ayres, on tho Atlantic ocean. Also a branch line beginning In tho republic of Peru, ex tending in a southeasterly direction through Brazil to Rio do Janeiro; also a branch line beginning in tho republic of Peru and running In a southerly direction through Chill to Valparaiso, on the South (Pacific ocean. HE REFUSED TO EAT. Senator Huron Antoiilnliril That N'cgroc Nliould He Allowed to Monopolize the Dining 1 too m of u Depot. Atlanta, Ga Aug. 25. United Statea Senator A. O. Bacon and a party of Atlanta pcoplo went without breakfast at Iiimlet, N. C, yesterday, while Booker T. Washington and a number of negroes feasted In tho dining room at the depot. The main dining room was given over entirely to the negro delegation, while a smaller table In tho side reading room was cleared of books and papers and a few plates laid for Senator Bacon and friends. Under the circumstances Senator Bacon and the Atlanta peoplo refused to eat. Hamlet is tho regular station whore Seaboard Air Lino trains .stop for meals. Sen ator Bacon and friends, who wero en route to Washington, had ordered their meal In advance. When tho station wns reached they went to tho dining room and were greatly astonished to find it occupied by Washington and his frienda. A SCANDAL IN METHODISM. Ituv. John I). .Hammond, of the Sim Kmn- cIhco Hook Concern and Cliluexo MIs- hIcui College, Nerlounlj Accused. San Francisco, Aug 25. Seven lead ing Methodist clergymen of San Fran cisco havo signed a petition asking lor an investigation of Rev. John D. Hammond, for mismanagement of the Memodist book concern and tho Chi nese mission college. Hammond Is charged with wasting $70,000 of book concern funds, nnd with appropriating $10,000 per year assigned for tho Chi ncso college for sovoral years. The college Is a myth, only ten Chinese boys being In tho class, and tho ex penses were less than $100 per month. QUEEN OF ALL TROTTERS. Lull Dillon llroke the World'n Itecord on n Mile Track lit Keadvllle, Mass., (loliiC In Two MInuts. ReadvHlc, Mass., Aug. 25. Lou Dil lon broko tho world's trotting record on tho mile track hero Tuesday, going In 2:00 flat. Tho previous record was 2:02V1, held by Cresceus, mndo at Columbus, O., last year. Lou Dillon's tlmo by quar ters Monday was: First Quarter, 0:304; second quarter, Oi'JOVi; third quarter, 0::t0Vi; last quarter, 0:20. BOODLE CASES GO OVER. Senators l'arrls and Smith Clot r. Contin uance at .lelTcrson City Until the l''lrt Week In November. Joffcrson City, Mo., Aug. 25. Tho two principal legislative boodlo cases, feet for trial this weok, woro continued at tho request of tho tlcfenso until tho first weok In 'November. Senator Frank Funis succeeded In getting hla enso continued on tho ground that he was ill. Senator Charles A. Smith got his caso continued because he needed Funis for a witness. j Several Iluo Heen Dismissed. Washington, Aug. 25. Secretary Hitchcock said yesterday that matters connected with tho investigation of tho alleged Indian land frauds in the Indian territory woro progressing smoothly. Sovoral ofikials In tho ter ritory, whoso actions havo boon tho subject of Inquiry, already havo been dismissed, but Secretary Hitchcock says ho does not fool disposed to make public their names. Disbursements for Pensions. Washington,' Aug. 25. Actuaries in tho treasury department havo com pleted a statement of tho disburse ments of tho agencies for the fiscal year. Tho statemont shows tho total amount of all pensions to ho $13ll,81o, .'179.78. Tho Topeka, Kan., agency Is by far tho largest In tho country and disbursed a total of noarly $18,000,000. Cochran Comes tint for Volk. v St. Josoph, Mo., Aug. 25. Congress man Charles F. Cochran, of this city, whoso namo was mentioned a short whilo back as a gubernatorial candi date, has come out unreservedly for Joseph W. Folk. WANTS THEM HOME. Circuit Attorney Folk Anxious to Secure Fleeing Boodlers. lie Will Vliilt President Itooscvclt nnd Urge a Chance In Kxtrndltlon Treaties That Will Make Jmposslblo the Har boring of Criminal. Washington, Aug. 24. If present plans do not miscarry President Roose velt nnd Joseph W. Folk, the young at torney of St. Louis who has become Biich a terror to the boodlers and their abettors in Missouri, will soon havo an interesting talk on the subject of negotiating with other nations' extra dition treaties Hko that recently con summated with Mexico under, the terms of which the official bribe-taker and brlbe-glver who flee from this country to escape trial can be brought back homo for prosecution. At present Mexico is the only country that does not afford safe refugo for tho grafter and boodler from tho United States. Tho man ho la particularly nnxkws to get Is ex-Councilman Kratz, who is now engaged In business at Guadala jara and who Is supposed to know moro about tho wholesale; boodllng opera tions of the St. Louis legislators than any of those who have been convict ed by Mr. Folk. It is believed that the president will welcome Mr. Folk to Oyster Bay in a mannor that will invest the visit with Importance to tho forthcoming Session of congress, because it will give Mr. Roosevelt nib opportunity to signalize his intention to urge upon the senate In a special message the advisability of extending to all other nations tho principle embodied in the new extradi tion treaty with Mexico, which is that tho boodler and grafter ought not to find safe refugo in any part of tho elvlllzed world. WORK FOR HORACE SPEED. United States Attorney for Oklahoma Ter ritory Wilt 1'roHecute Allcced (ilcantlo Frauds by CoimpIrutorM. Washington, Aug. 24. Horace Speed, of Oklahoma, will begin this week tho prosecution of alleged frauds against the government by contractors in tho Kiowa-Comanche country. Instruc tions from the federal government are to prosecute vigorously and save no offenders. It is alleged that con tractors in nearly all public improve ments havo practiced outrageous Impo sitions on the government. In tho bridges it is alleged that mud has been used whero lumber should havo been, and that none of the require ments have been complied with. In public buildings miich of the work has been condemned. As all of these im provements havo been paid for out of government funds, the offending con tractors will, confront a serious propo sition. ALL TO BE PHOTOGRAPHED. Mlftrtourl SchoolhoiiHe, Teachers and Pu pils Will He Placed In IMiicatlonul Exhibit lit World's Fair. Joffcrson, City, Mo., Aug. 23. Tho photograph of every school-teacher grouped with tho school children of tho state about overy school building in Missouri will be a feature of the state educational exhibit of the world's fair In St. Louis in 1001. Photographs of nearly 10,000 school buildings In tho state, from the most unpretentious to the state university, will be mado and mounted In such a manner that tho 10,000 groups may bo seen at St. Louis. Every child In Missouri' of school age may havo Ills or her picture on ex hibition at tho fair unless absent on "Picture Dey." MISS BRYAN'S AMBITION. The Dauuhter of the P-x-Presldentlal Can didate Wants to Iteeometi Member of the Hull House Stuff. Chicago, Aug. 21. Mrs. W. .7. Bryan and daughter, Miss Ruth Bryan, loft last night for their home at Lincoln, Neb., alter having spent several days in this city. Ono of tho objects of tho trip was a visit to tho Hull houso set tlement at Halstead and Polk streets, nn Institution supported by charities for tho benefit of tho poorer classes nnd conducted by Miss Jane Addams, the noted sociologist. It is tho Inten tion of Miss Bryan to take up tho set tlement work, becoming a member of tho Hull houso staff early In tho fall. PENNSYLVANIA'S PROUD DAY. ltiittloHtitp Ximutd for tlio Knystnnn Sluto l.utnrllL'l, Si'iiiitor Quiij'h DtMiglitcr Actlnc tib .Sponsor. Philadelphia, Aug. 23. An occasion which will bo memorablo In tho history of this stale transplrctl Saturday when tho glnnt armored cruiser Pennsyl vania, named by tho daughter of the state's senior senator and political leader was launched at tho yards of the William Cramp Ship & Engine Building company. Tho maiden plunge of tho formldablo nddltlou to tho United States navy was wltncssV by ono of tho largest and most dlVln gulshed assemblages that has ever gathered at Cramy' shipyards. IP wm J 11 pf 'i Many women and doctors do not recognize tho real synrptoms. of derangement of the fcmalo organs until too late. " I had terrible pains along" my spinal cord for two years and suffered, dreadfully. I was given different, medicines,, woro plasters; nono of these thinp" helped tnc. Reading of the cures that Tydla E. Pinlchnm's Vegetable Compound has brought, about, 1 somehow felt that it was what I needed and bought a bottle to take. How glad I am that I did so; two bottles brought me immense re lief, and after using thr,cc bottles more I felt new life and blood surging through my veins. It seemed as. though there had been a regular house cleaning through my system, that alL the sickness and poison had been taken, out and now life given mo instead. 1 have advised dozens of my friends to use Uyclia E. Piulcliam's Vegetable" Compound. Good health is indis- cnsablo to complete happiness, and. jydia E. Pinlchnm's Vegetable' Compound has secured this to me."-" Mns. Laura L., Crown Point, Indiana, Secretary Ladies Relief Corps. S500O forfeit If original of above tetter proving genuineness cannot be produced. Every sick woman who docs not understand her ailment should writo Mrs. Pinkham, Lynn, Mass. Her advice is free and always helnful. THE FOOD That Does Good; A medicinal food that attacks microbes and drives out disease The Only VitalizcJ Emulsion of Cocl Liver Oil with Glycerine, Guaiacol, and1 the Ilypophosphitcs of Lime and Soda. For weak, thin, consumptive, palc-facedJ people, and for those who suffer fromi consumption, chronic diseases and weak ness of lungs, chest or throat. Ozomulsion is a Scientific Food, pre pared under aseptic conditions In a mod ern laboratory under supervision of skillccfl physicians. To be had of all Druggists in Largei Bottles, Weighing Over Two Pounds. Freamp8eeeyu1aiE! will be sent bj- ms to ntiy address on request, bc Hint inv.Uiils in every wall: of life cm test i for themselves niul hoc what Oiomulsicu will ilc forthum. Semi ui vour namo niul complete ad chess, bv Postal Card or I.ettcr, and the Ifrcc sample luittln will nt once bo sent to yon bju mail, Prepaid. Albo Children's Hook ''Baby.. villc," in Colors. Address Ozomulsion Food Co 98 Pino Strcot, Now York AWT tho man who wenra AWYER'S EXSELSBOSS BRAND I' SBtefoea'S , 8Avvi:n's i:tcutor Itrninl (lilctl (Jlntblri;. llest tn tho worlil. WTU not crci'U, jK.t'1 or tret Mliky. Look for tradu It nnt nt dealer's eeiwl (or cauioeue. I II. H. Ban) ci'Ai San, bolt Bf r. but, llai. im2te&x&ffljsmma LUHtS WHtHh All FISF I AUK. Host Count! Syrup. 'Vat tes Good. inumo. bold ly tlrutrulMs. WtMmWMMiM H It J Mi M .V. IB - ft Km M ' .mWMU I. -niS.BU1 fe TRIED' m-Mmm t-y&iWr- ft(Z9S lPl i8UL KWT4 V f lW&ysVVr llV A r-4 9 -S kl m i " ' i ".