Iteflile VOLUME XLVlll NEMAHA, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, AUGUST 21, 1903 NUMBER 9 riftt4w(iwwiSwiBywWwrf . W' ri if1 I f.) I Old Settlers' Annual Picnic next JM7lWWt"lWyiJIV,ftaugM'w't!J MNMVaM Local News See M T Hill for lire Insurance. Next Thursday ia Old Settlers' plcn trie. For XTota, Dusters orWhlps see J. E. Crotlier. Try tho Devow paint, Kerns, Auburn. Soldby J. W. For sale A good (Hiiro at this office. milch cow. In Pure ilnsiiod oil "0 cents per gallon at Hill's drug store. W. IT. Aue of Auburn was a Nema- ha visltor'.Wndneadav. A high grade barn paint for 05 cents per gallon at IlilTa drug store. Full. line of School Supplies just re ceived at Keellng's drug store. I). IT. McLaughlin of Brownvlllo was a Nemaha visitor Tuesday. John II. Steutevillo started for 13oljo Vcuche, South Dakota, Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Kainey drove down from lirownvllle last Sunday. Southern strictly pure white lead 0 cents per pound at Hill's drug store. Mrs. Walter Hadlock went to Aus burn Monday, returning the next day. An extra freight train went west from here about midnight Sunday night. ' The Aiibnru Chautauqua is now in Bession and the attendance iB said to he good. Elmer E.Allen has had the bank building" repainted". "'"C, F. Zook was the artist Just recoived, by the Edwards Bradford Lumber Co., a car load tine shingles. & of "Pike" and "Abraham" visited us Wednesday and rendered ub some vaK uable assistance. Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Bourne of Ver don visited the doctor's mother, Mrs. Brand, laat Sunday. Tho editor's office phone i3 No. 7 and that of his residence is No. 1. Call us up if you have any news. Cyrus G. Miuick ia now omployed by the Nemaha branch of the Ed wards & Bradford Lumber Co. Mrs. Gertie Galbralth, wlio lias ueen visiting friends a St. Paul, Minn., for several weeks, returned homo Monday. J. B. Iloover came back from Brownville Friday evening. We are glad to learn that his health is improv ing. Mrs. J. II. Linn and. Miss Leta went to Auburn Wednesday. They oxpect to return to their home in Lincoln to day, Mrs. J. W. Woifo of Asplnwall pre cinct visited at Pacific Junction , Iowa for several days, returned homo this week. John II. Steutevillo has accepted a position os principal of tho high school at Belle Fouche, S. D.,ata salary of $00 a month. A. F. Walsh, who was called to Mos line, Ills., a few days ago by the death of an old friend, returned homo Tuesi day' morning. G. N. Titus, F. L. Woodward, John C. Boyd and Walter Hadlock went to Beatrice Monday. The first two went on to Lincoln that night: i1 Mrs. Carson, who has been visiting her brother, II. M. Tollinger, for a few days, returned to her home at Glen wood, Iowa, Friday of last week. nam Swent Pads Crother's. and Collars at J. E. Old Settlers annual picnic Thursday) August 27th. Call and Bee us for reduced rates on magazines aud newspapers. A lino line of silverware snltablo for wedding presents at Keellng's. Lilly Clark went to Brownvillo Tuesday to visit her aunt, Mrs. Veva Hainey. If you want lire insurance, cither in old line or mutual companies, call j on W. V. Sandeis. Joe Llndsoy of South Auburn ui been visiting his grandmother, Mrs.M E. Flack, lor several days. IE you are contemplating a change of locatiou aud want land cheap, call at this otllce. We can luterest you. Mrs. Curse has moved into the house recently vacated by E.trle .Gilbert, across the street from tho postollke. Mrs. T. J. Itumbaugh went to Omas ha Thursday and from, there will go to Des Moines, Iowa, to visit her sisteis. Mrs. C. P Scovlll and twin baby girls, Misses Verna and "Vera, of Ass plnwall, gave us a very pleasaut call last Saturday. A car load of nice white pine lum ber, from their own mills, just re ceived by the Edwards & Bradfoid Lumber Co, The necktie social -will be given bj the Junior League Saturday night' of this week at the homo of Geo. Yackley, Everybody Invited. F'OR. SALE The Bill Hoover residenca the best residence property in Nemaha is now forsale. For price, etc, call at resi dence. Mrs. Klise of Garnett, Kas., who has been sick at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Fanhie Yackley, since her arriv- al here two weeks ago, is out again. able to be Prof. C. H. Kindig and wife, who have been attending a summer normal at Fremont this summer, are now visn iting Mrs. Kindig's parents, Mr. and Mrs. V. P. Peabody. MisB KateTussey of DeWitt Nobr., who has been visiting her sister, Mtb. Weldon Shiveloy of Asplnwall pre cinct for a few days, returned homo Friday Of last week . The iron bridge across "Whiskey Run" south of Nemaha, was completed Tuesday. The bridge across the Ne maha will not be taken out until after tho old settlers' picnic. FoundBetween A. B. Kinton's and M. C. Gaskill's farms, Wednesday, Aug. 19, a pair of spectacles. Owner can have same by calling at this olllce and paying for this notice. Mrs. Peter Muntz of Alllanco, Nebr. arrived in Nemaha Tuesday evening on a visit to friends, but she says she came especially to attond tho old set tlers' picnic. Prof. W. V. Steuteville was bidding bin Nemaha friends good-bye Wedness day, as ho will start in a few days for Qerlng, Nobr., whore he will be prln cipal of the high bcuooI for tho ensuing year. Miss Florence Minick expects to leave Saturday of this week for Blair, Nebr., where alio will join Harry Kimrael's dramatic company. Mr. Klmmel is organizing a company and expects to start on the road about the first of Septrmber. Old papers for sale at this eflice. Thursday the " ". '"j School Days are Comming AI& are prepared vtith the largest and best line of &lett& Pencils, Erasers, IPerss, I rale, etc.', Erer brought to this morkfrt. Prices very low. Respectfully, M. T. HILJU Dr and Mrs II. S. Gaither and Miss Lehi, Mra. J. M. Sandersj Mrp. O. E. Iloutz, Miss Ethel Snerwo'od, Louie Kerker and N. C Jarvis all went-to Auburn Thursday to attend the Chau tauqua. While riding on. tils wheel in tho country Tuesday John Vandorsliceran on to a chicken, lies nit chicken is probably fatally injured, John walks with a limp, and the wheel escaped without damage. A farm house o'wued by Dave Meln inch, in Luudou precinct, was struck' by lightning one day last week and burned to the ground. No one was living in the house at the time. We understand it was insured for 6200. The base ball' enthusiasts scalped the diamond Tuesday and Wednesday and got the grounds ready for tiio two big games of ball on next Thursday bos tween the St. Joe Hex aud the Omaha IdealB. The grounds uro in tho pas ture north of Mrs. W. II. Hoover's residence, and are being put in good shape. An amphitheater will be built for the games. Tho freight engine on the west bound freight blew out a steam plug last Satuulay as it wa starting out from Nemaha, and the crow had to carry water to (111 up the boiler before they could get started. They had a gang of men and boys carrying water and did not got up steam until after 1 o'clock, As they were on tho main Irask below the switch the passenger traiu was delayed a short time. Big Fire at Shubert. Shubert was visited by a big lire Tuesday night. The lire started in a room in the Palace hotel and four buildings were burned the hotel, a restaurant, Pond's hardware store and tne Citizen office. Most of the hard ware stock was saved but much of It was damaged. Tho matorial in the Citizen ollice was mostly lost. The buildings were all old frame structures and were well insured, as was the stock. The total loss is about 830,000. Y, P. S. C. E. program for Aug. 28: Lesson from Paul: "How to make our lives count like nis." 2 Tim. 1:0 -8 and 2 Tim. 2:23 23. Song service And prayer. Reading of references. Memory verses: "Filled with tno spirit." Rom. 8: 12-17 Eddie Maxwell, "Living for Him," Mark 8 : 111-38 Will Smiley. "Suffering if need be." Col. 1 : 21 -20 Stella Washburn; "Instant in season." 2 Tim. 4: 1 3 Mrs. Llttrell Reading Eddie Maxwell. Talk on. Lesson Dora Clark. "May the Lord watch between me and thee while we are absent one from auotber." Clakknce Conneu, Leador biggest picnic you ' i""'1. M M E. Houtz of Verdon viaited his brother, 0. E. Houtz, from Saturday until Monday. Walter S. Maxwell is now engine wipor at Nwnuha, succeeding James Mcintosh, who goes back to Nebraska City. E. Bordwell of Nebraska City was looking after tho Interests of tho Ed wards & Hradford Lumber Co. in Ne maha Thursday. Alf Klnton has had part of tho old house torn down ou the LqwIb Fisher farm north of town, where W. M. Swan lives, and is having an addition built on. The part torn down is said to have been built 40 year3 ago. B. II. Moore built it. In tearing it down a piece of an oak shingle was found one of tho old shaved manufacture that was probably one of those Ills' used in covering tho hoie. Theie was also some walnut sldihg and cot tonwood flooring that had bron in the building probably from tho first. The latter was worn through in places. The prizes offered by the committee In charge of tho Gorman-American picnic o awarded as follows: Louis Parker of Brock, 815 years of age, irot tno willow rocker as tho old est American who registered. Tho oldest German who registered wub T. J. Nordbrook of Benton pres cinct. He is OS ypnrs of ago and cms ried off the wooden rocker. The prize lamp was awarded to John Aenrich of Heulon precinct, who lined up six boys and hIx girls as tin largest family of children in the coun ty. Tho ton set offered to the-couple who, as man and wife, had enjoyed the greatest number of years, was awai ti ed to Henry Naysmith and wife, who were married 40 years ago. The prize clock was received by Charles Minuig and Mrs. Ellen Lock wood, who as twin brother and sister, were born on tho farm whero Mr. Mtn nig now resides, in tho year 1830. There was neither grandma nor grandpa to register aud count up grandcnildren, so the prize was not claimed. Mrs. Jennie Roberts, nee Skeen, regs istered as a competitor for the clock, and was able to establish her ago by Dr. Keeling, who was .in attendance at her birth, aud by Mrs. Sandors, who was tho nurse, but tho date of her birth was 1S58. There are older parties in tho county and those who have been married for a greater length of time, but probably they wore unable to be present on acs count bf the heavy rain. Auburn Granger. You never heard any one using Fos ley's Honey and Tar and not being satisfied. M T Hill. Oatarrh of tho Stomach. When tho stomach is overloaded; when food is taken into it that fails to digest, it decays and inllames tho mui cous membrane, exposing tho nerves, and causes the glands to secrote mucin Instoad ot the natural juices of digest ion. This is called catarrh of the stomach, caused by indigestion. Doc tors and medicines failod to benefit mo until I used Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. J. It. Rhea, Coppell, Tex. Sold by W. W. Keeling. Rovoals a Croat Socrot It is often asked how such startling cures, that puzzle the best physicians are effected by Dr. King's New Dls- covory for Consumption. Here's the secret. It cuts out the phlegm and garmtinfocted mucus, and lets tho life giving oxygen enrich and vitalize the blood. It heals tho inflamed, cough worn throat and lungs. Hard colds and stubborn coughs soon yield to Dr, King's Now Discovery, the most in fallible remedy for all throat and lung diseases. Guaranteed bottles noc and Si. 00. Trlul bottles free at Keellng's. ever attended- 'JZV'Z. L" mMitmrn BASE BALL! A Big Game of Ball, The base ball enthusiasts have made arrangements for a big game of base ball at tho old settlers' picnic Aug 27. Tho Hex team of St. Joe and tho IdealH of Omaha, two of the very best of the western team?, will play two games for a purse of $175. These games will bo worth seeing, and will undoubtedly attract a large crowd Notlco to Subscribers. After September 1st the price of The Omaha Dally News will tie SI 50 a yoar. Subscriptions will be nei'lvfd at the old pi ice (81 00 pr year) (lining August. Tho Nebraska Meieimtile Mufna Insurance eoinpimv of Lincoln, Ne braska, has over .0 iion,ooi Insurance in forco with the leadluu IhihIiipss iihmi of the state. Ask to see a list of them W. W. Sanders, agent. ' , Just About Bed imo take a Little Early Hls-ei-lt wl cure constipation, bllionHiiesH and liver troubles. DeWitt's Little Early Risers are different from other pills. . Tliej do not gripe and break down tin. muc ous membrane of the stomach, liver and bowels, but cun bv gently arous ing the secretions and' giving strength o these organs. Sold by W. W. Keel Irfg. A N'ew Invention Miniek'nEloldCorn Husking Machine husks the corn from the htalK, leaving Htalks standing in tho Held, Hxoluslvc stato nnd manufacturer's right for sale by tho Inventor and patentee. Corn's pondoncH solicited. Address 1 4 IT. T. MINIOK. Nemaha, Neb. 1 '-' i- For Frosh Roasted Peanuts ' Soft Drinks and Groceries Goto G. F. LARIMORE Successor to J. B. HOOVER NEMAHA, " NEBRASKA Qr. . W. Keehrig, Noinnha, Nobraska. Office in Keeling drug store.' WESLEY H. CLARK DenlcrJIn Windmills and Pumps, Tanks, Pipes, etc. ALL WORK GUARANTEED 'Phone calls answered promptly. 'Phono No. 20 NEMAHA, NEBR. Undertaker Funeral Director and Embalnier Jh'KJU'LV STOCK A COMPLKTK Mb't! OV Caske'ts Robes and Funeral Supplies HEARSE IN CONNECTION O. Jk.. LORD 5 UUUEUT, NJSr JiASICA i ml M usimto&&i 'dSWifcfc-i tV-nJfei n-ii j, hit- .-' a. f "'tr 'Jt---- VJK i