The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, August 14, 1903, Image 8

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11 CUR18 VfHtRt ALL tLSt (AILS.
121 Bent Couirti Bjrrup. Tiwu-a (J(xxl. UW)
Yl T?y mf jBt M L Jg-lTfTl
J. ID. Orotlier
Wlalu'B to announce that ho lias not
moved out of town but into tlio
Minick Store Room
whore ho may ho found at all times,
ready to do your
Shoe Repairing
Harness Repairing
or Hell you a
New Harness, Nets,
Whips, etc,
DoalGr In
IlighoHt market price paid foivIIideB,
Laid, Tallow, etc,
Veterinery Surgeon
and Dentist
"Will ho at Nemaha every two weeke,
July 27th, August 10th, etc.
Homo offlco Stella, Nebr
Houtz's Restaurant
Fresh Candies, NutB, Fruita, CiRtira.
Fresh Bread, Buub and Cakes always,
oh hand.
Drop In and see us.
Graduate of the American School
psteopathy of Kirksvllle, Mo.
Remarkable cures arp effected by
'-. ' '... . '
! . tills Hvvtefa of healing. No'medlcines
. ... -. ;
I ,'.gfveir.,,v
' ' ..).. , '
OfhVe ovqr Kuatice & Cline's drug
'lure;'' '
!l -.
Uotiae to Non-Rosldent Dofondant
'ToCh'ttlm A.Curtlh.
You.uiu hiMiiliy ii'iUIIchI Hint nn ilio rati
.t)ny iit Auuiixl, UK).), llvlrn Oiirtlg Hied
lierntMlllnir i'uiitnLyiHi hi tho dUtilot mmii
ot.Noiiuiliu t'ounty, Nl-IiiiuUx, tlio wllilon
mid prnyur of wliluli art) to ohUln.u itlvoirc
irniii.vitii on Un tfrmimlH tluil, HlilHUKxIi you
arfiiiild ro t' eriiiiliy, wmi only iiml
wllllully D-tiii'd ku)))()rt mill innlniiilnHiK!'
lor her itnd Hiul you lutvo iiIihikIoiiikI hi
with 0111 t'dod (!iiuni: for uohih of unit mid
(oi'Ntinh otlier ri'llul iix JukIIcq und crjully
iiimv n(jolro.
You nr roiiiMriMl to miHwor tlilti pnlMon
nri ,11 iifloro Monday, tlio28th diiy of Hoiitum
li.r. HMUt. .
l.t it nt Auliurn, NehrHHkn, AUKtutfl, lOai.
H. It. (ill VOKKNUlWIf , I'l'UutUr.
AU nn'. .
Ctjrod by One Bottle of 'Ohamberlaiu's
Oough Remedy
"When J had the grip last winter
(the second one) I actually cured my
Hulf with one bottle of Ohamborlain's
Cough llHinedy," says Frank SV. Perry
Editor of the Enterprise, Shortville
N. Y. ' rhlB is the honest truth. I
at times keep from ooughiug myself to
pieces by taking one teaspoonful of
thiprotiu'dy, and whontho coughing
Htidl would come on at night I would
tako a dose and it Boomed that in the
briefest interval tlio oough would pass
off and I would go to sloop porfoqtly
free from cough and its accompanying
pains, To say thattho romody noted
an a most, agrooablo surprise 1b putting
U very mildly, I had no idea that It
would or could knock out tlio grip,
simply because I had novor tried It for
such a purpose, but it did, aud itsoom
ed with the seoond attack of couching
thu remedy oatised It to not only ba of
Inns duration, but tlio palnn woro far
liwsJ severe, and I had not uiit'd the oon
tnts of one bottle before Mr, Grip had
little me itrifou." For Bale by Koollng
The Nebraska Advertiser
V. XV, Snntlrr "W. I-1. Hn inter
W. VV, Sandehb & Son, I'rop's.
Fill DAY, AUGUST 14, 11)03.
Mra. John It. Kusaell hits been quite
sick the past week
Waltor S. Maxwell went to Nebras
ka Olty Thursday afternoon.
A. If: GrosH was selling some
cabbage in Nemaha Thursday.
.1. Ii, Hoover went to Brownville
Thursday afternoon to vlBlt Mtb. J. D.
Jake Shuck is raising some big torn
atoes this year. He brought one in
for the editor that weighed tlt'teen
Mrs. Aitkin aud two children of
Lincoln arrived in Nemaha Thursday
afternoon aud are guests of Mis, W.
II. Hoover and Mrs. A. F, Walsh.
We hava had considerable rainfall
the past week. There was one inch
Friday night, 20-100 Sunday, 20-100
.Monday, 45 100 Tuesday and 1.00
Inches Monday a total of 3.45 lucheB.
Grescous, the champion trotter of the
world, will be at the state fair and
trot an exhibition mile In au effort to
beat his record of 2:02. His owner
gets 81000 for the exhibition. The
trial will certainly tie a pig drawing
All land ownerjf-are notified to mow
weede on roadsides in accordance with
law, or overseer will havoBame mowed
aud charged 'tip against land.
J. M Claiik,
Road Overseer, Dist. 32,
Ouros When Dootors Fail
Mrs. Frank Cliias'son, Patterson, la.
writes June 8th, 1001 : ! had mala'ria
fever In a Very bud form, waB under
treatment by doctors, but as soon as 1
Htopped taking their medicine the fev
er would return, ' I used a sample
not tie of Herblne, found it helped me.
I'hen I bought two bottles, which
completely cured me. I feel very
grateful to yon for furnishing Bticha
splendid medicine, and can honestly
recommend it to those suffering with
malaria, its It will surely cure them,"
Herblne, r0o bottle at HillV.
World-Wide Reputation
White's Cream Vermifuge has ac
hieved a world wide reputation as be-,
ing the best of worm destroyers, and
tor its tonic influence on weak and un
thrifty children, as it neutralizes the
acidity or sourness of the Btomaco,
improves the digestion and hhh fin na
tion of food, Btrenghtens the nervous
system and restores them to the health
vigor and elasticity of spirits natural
to childhood 2!ic at HillV.
A Lesson iu Health;
Healthy kidneys (liter the impurities
from tlio blood, and unless they do,
this good health is impoHHihltt. Fos
ley b Kiuney uure manes souna kkim
ueys and will positively cure all forms
if kidney and bladder disease. It
strenghteus the whole system, MT
How's This?
Va offer One Hundred Dollnrs Howard for
luyoanoof Outitrrli tliHtounnot bo on rod by
llull'iiOittwrrli Unre,
:F. J.OtlHNKV 4 CO., PropH.,Tolort),0.
Wo, tlio uiHlnrHluned, lmvo known l- J.
Ctionoy for tlio last IftyeurN, nud bolluvo htm
porfoolly honornbln In nil tmsluosu tnuiBiio.
tlouy unit tltmnolHlly ublo to ourry out uny
obl'lRiitlmiK mndu byttiotr ttrin,
Wout A'irnax, wholOHiilo drumtlitB, ToIodo.O,
Waldtiiu, Ktuniin ii Marvin, wholosulodruu
Klatu, Toledo, O.
llnll'u CutiirrliOuro U tuUonlnloniBlly.not
liiK dlrootly upon tlio blood nnd mtidou'B ur
fftoouof tliesyutem. Prloo7Bo))or bottlo, Raid
by nil druuuluu. Toutlmonlnls froe,
UhU'u Faintly 1M1U ino tlio boot,
Traveling is Ddngerous
Constant motion jars' the kidney
which are kept in place In the body by
delicate attachments. This is tlio rea
I son that trayolers,, trainmen, street ear
men, toamsters and all who drlvo very
muoli, suftoi' from klduoy disease in
some form. Foloy'o Kldnoy Cttio
atrengthouB tho kidneys and ouros all
form b of kidney nnd bladder disease,
Gob. ElT'iusan looomotlvo onglntor,
Lima, O., wrltos, "ConBtant vibration
of tlio onglne oattsod mo a groat deal of
troublo with my kldnoya, and I got no
roliof until I'usplt Foloy'a Kidney Cure.
M T Hill.
1AJ11 Jbe at the Old Settlers' Rlcnic
ext NemaHa, NeJbr., Thursday, Au-
Large crowds are attending the
nightly concerts at Krtig Park by Booe's
Juvenile Band which is composed of
ten little girls who play excellent
muBic and delight the crowds that
hear them... They have been trained
for a year by L. P. Hone, the director.
St. Joseph Daily Gazette,
Bettor Than a Plaster.
A piece of flannel dampened with
Chamberlain's Pain Balm and bound
on the affected trte, 8 better than a
plaster for a larr buck and for pains
inthe sido and chest. Pain Balm has
no superior as alinimerit for the re
lief of dep seated, muscular, andrheus
matic pains. For sale by W. VV.
Keeling. Druggist.
A Surgical Operation
is always datigerousdo not submit to
the surgeon's kntre until 'you have
tried DeWitt'e Witch Hazel Salve. It
will cure you when everything etae
fails it has done this in thousands of
cases. Here Is one of tliotn. I suffered
from bleeding and protruding piles for
twenty yearB. Was trpated by differ
cut specialists and used many remedies
but obtained no relief until I used De
Witt's Witch Eazwl Salve. Two boxes
of tills salve oured me eighteen months
ago aud I have not had a touoh of the
plies since. U. A, Tisdale, Summer
ton, S. C. Jor Blind, Bleeding, Itch
ing aud Protruding PileB no remedy
HjualB DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve
Sold by W. W. Keeling.
Foley's H'liey and Tar contains no
opiates and can safely bo given to
children M. T. HJII
In the Interest of Humanity.
CIiHb Miller of Fremont, 'Nebr,
writes i "1 Buffered frm dyspepsia lot
more than JO year.", I was under the
dare of a number of dootors, made three
trips away, and still no relief. Kodol
Dyspepsia Cure being recomineudud to
me by uevaral who had used it, and as
the last Btraw, J couoluded to try it
After the first two or three doses I be
gan to improve and have taken several
bottlos aud feel liku a new man. 1
write you this In the Interest of hu
manity, hoping it may fail into the
hands of some sufferer, and my prayer
is that they 'may secure the same bone'
fit that I have." Sold by W, W. Kool
ing, Foley's Honey nod Tar is peculiarly
adapted for tiBthma, bronchitis and
hoarseness. M T Hill.
Proprlolorsof the
Livery & Feed Stable
Good Dray In oennoction with Livery
Satisfaction guaranteed,
Lincoln, Nebr., July 31, 1003.
L. P. Booe, Esq.
Dear Sir I heard your Little Girl
Band for the Qrst time today at Sidney,
Iowa, and was delighted with them.
They make a splendid appearance in
their attractive uniforms and furnish
excellent music. I congratulate you
and them upon the universal favor
with which they met, Every mouth
was full of praise for them.
Yours truly,
W. J, Bryan,
Thirteenth Annual
Reunion and Picnic
Nemaha County '
Old Settlers Association'
Will be held in the city park
ITemaha, Nebraska
Thursday, August 27, 1903
Hon. Paul Jessen Hon. E. J. Burkett
of Nebraska City of Lincoln, Nebr.
and other speakers will make addresses
Two games of base ball will be blayed be
tween the Rex of St. Joe and Ideals of Omaha
for a purse of $175. One game at 10:30 a m
and one at 2 p m.
The Little Girls Band of Hamburg, Iowa,
has been engaged.
TheB. &M. has made a
one-third fare for round trip.
WLili.VllVMf J'MWMiWf .' "'
lELMlSll E,
Capital Stoolc, $5,000
n, .v rr-rr t-fyrv- jra -Jra:crT nc?
A surprise was in store for every one
at Hamburg, Booe's Girl Band of
Hamburg was at the station, in their
bright'new .uniforms were a pleasant
sight. Besides being pronounced by
ono staid head of a big wholesale house
as '"Just too cute for anything" these
little girls ptayed remarkably well,
Omaha Bee, July 11, 100:1.
Take the wagonette when in Au
burn if you want to go to any part of
the olty. John McElhanoy, prop.
rate of one and
M3cg;Shr;-teiii?:MSc;a 3fjsrstrsH-saS3a
I'. E. ALbKN. VliT-l'reH
ALLEN, Cashier,: