The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, August 14, 1903, Image 5

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    !Vr-'?K"-vu ?wvi.'i-'M'vntvirM'"i",i",,".TL5!.
wttTiurTOKwntiw inSwS iwiiw Prrift.yi wiUu. jirir.kjw4
atnnct Llko n etono Will
UrttWr.'il clnl Ireli and th lots
tiilfH ol liflllliM Htil burning . till
B-rndhind 01 ulhet diseases, UuwV
u,lll IMlJUlJ IMilHUH VrtDl -IllVO,
eniiliV ifieil'bi ht tier. (JulckeH euro
lot Ulc-rs, Keet cues Salt
Otitrt. Bin a nr Biulaea Infallible
tin Pile-. 2ftc til Reeling's drugstore
fE Mfrlnrl in Evorv Homo
A Dlctlonmrr of ENGLISH,
ttlography. Geography, Fiction, etc
Now Plates Throughout
25,00Q New Words
Phrases nnd Definition
Propurcd iimlci llio direct super
vision of W. T. HARRIS, Ph.D., LL.D.,
United Slates Commissioner of Edu
cntioi assisted by ft largo corps of com
petent specialists! nml editors.
Rlch&lndlnfls 3364 Quirto Pms
S000 IlluBtratlons
ar Tho International was first issued
inlSDO. succeeding the "Unabridaed."
The New and Enlarged Edition, of the
jniemauonat una ihbucu, i vutuuer,
1900. Get the latest and best.
Wo kIho publish
WaliaU ftnllaai&ta DlDtlonkp
with Glossary of Bcottlsh Words nnd Phrases
1100 l'ftfjt. 1W llintruon. dim uivii p-s incnca.
"First-class In quality, eooond-olnsa In slzo."
Specimen pages, oto. of both
books sent on application.
Springfield, Mass.
KODOL digests what you eat.'
KODOL c'ean3e3 purifies, strengthens
and sweetens the stomach.
KODOL cures indigestion, dyspepsia, and
all stomach and bowol troubles.
KODOL Accelerates the action of the gas
, Y,., trio glands and give tone to the
digestive organs.
KOnOI relieves an averworked stomach
awuv o( aU ntTVOUS ltran glvcs t0
the heart a full, free and untrammeled
action, nourishes the nervous system and
feeds the brain.
KODOL ,8 tne wonderful remedy that Is
," m making so many sick people well
and weak people strong by giving to their
bodies all of the nourishment that Is con
tained In the food they eat.
BoHlaa only, $1.00 Slzo holdlne VA times the trial
elto, which Mils for 50c.
truant saly ly E. C StWITT CO., CH1CA90.
Editorially fearless
Consistently Republican Always n
Nowa from all parts of tho world. Well written, original stories.
Answers to queries on all subjects Articles on Health, tho Home, New
Books, and on Work About the Farm and Garden.
,Ty The iNTKn Oceajj 18 a member of tho Associated Press and also is th
oniy western newspaper receiving tne entire telegraphic news service o
the New York Sun and special cable of the New York World, besides
daily reports from over 2,000 special correspondents throughout the coun
try. No pen can tell more fully why it is the best on earth.
62 twelve paee papers 52 One dollar a year
Brimful of news from everywhere and
a perfect feast of special matter . . . .
Subscribe fo? The Advertiser andthe Weekly Inter Ocean one year, loth
papers for $i .50,
On 1 1 mi nini mi no It you miti
aiilini'.ii loi ao. paper pumieiiHl li
the UIiIInI -I III Hi.
Whnt Thin Pok Noed
In 'i gtealer power of digesting titul
luudmlhitlng loud. Pot them Di
KnigVNtw l.lle 1 lib vuk wntliH
They tutib nml legttlute the digestive
orgunp, gently expel all polaun from
theayatem, enrich the blood, Improve
appetite make health fleab. Only '25c
at Keelinu'a,
To linproe the iippeilte and streng
then the digestion, try ti few doaen of
Chamberlain's dtotnuun ami UverTab
letn. Mr.K.II. ieltz of Detolt, Mich.,
Hiiys, " I hey reaioreu my appetite wnen
impnlreii, relieved me of n 'jloated feels
inu and caused a pleasant and siiilafiic
tory movement of tho bowels."
Tiiere are people In IIiIr community
who need Jutt such a medicine. For
aide by W W Keeling. drugget Evei
box warranted.
Spring Ailments
There. Is an aching and tlted feeling,
the llvei, bowels, and kidneys beeome
alugKlah and inactive, the digestion
impaired, with little or no appetite no
ambition for anything ami a feeling
that tlie whole body and mind needs
toning up, The trouble Is, that dur
log the winter, tiiere baa bem an over
accumulation of waste matter In tin1
y8tem. Herblne will remove It, ae-
cure to the aecretlotiB n right exit, nnd
give strength In place of weakness.
DOc at Hill's.
What Is Foley's Kidney Oure?
Answer: It Is made from a prescript
tion of a leading Chicago physician,
and one of the moat eminent in the
country. The Ingredients are the
purest that money can buy, and are
scientifically combined to get the best
reaultB.-M T Hill.
The Advertiser and the Western
Swine Breeder one year for $1.35; the
Advertiser and Poultry Topics one
year for $1.15; The Advertiser and the
Dally Omaha News one year lor 82.00;
the Advertiser and the Iowa Home
stead, Poultry News and Home
stead Ihstltute numbers one year for
1 1.32;, the Advertiser and the Nebraeka
Farmer one year for 81.35; the Adver
tiser and the Chicago Weekly Inter
Ocean one year for 81.50; the Adver
tiser and the Serai-Weekly St. Louis
Globe Democrat one year for 81.75;
'he Advertiser and the SeraiwWeekly
Mebraska State Journal one year for
1 $1.85. These are soma of our clubb
ing offers, bub we have others, Can
you beat them anywhere?
Nebiiiska baa never la-en nhort nl
prfniduiitial and l.-e rtt-uieiitlal llm
bei, and It la no In the Iciat tunprih
lug that at leaat iVu emliiiii'. NbiHR
kaua are alieady on the mentioning
Hat aa available candidates for the
vice ptealdency -0111111111 Hep.
The republican county convention
Monday was full of Interest froin atatt
tu Huinh. A hard fight had been made
in the county to Keep amii rrom get
ting the Nemaha county delegation for
district judge. The leaders, Peter
Derlet, M. S. Mclnlnch, J, W. Arm
strong, 12. C JIuyd and otheia were
good lighters but were handicapped by
not having any county candidate to
bring out against the Judge. Mr. Mcs
lnlnch at one tfiwu had serious
thoughts of trying for the position
himself, but his friends advised him
not to try It, on account of his age
limited amount of legal practice out
side of tils home county, and ti is small
acquaintance throughout the district.
IJ.ith allien uud been claiming the
victory until about noon, when' the
anil dlull force began tu weaken
The itrut test of strength came on the
organization of the convention. Th
amis nominated Kills li. Good fur the
clirtliman and the Stall loicea named
1). C. Cole, both of Peru. Cole won
out on a vote of (W to 41 W II, 5u,i
well and W. M. Zeutz were elected
secretaries The committee on creden.
tials reported every precinct rwpreaent
ed, and the temporary organization
was made permanent.
A motion was now made to take a
vote of the convention aa to the feeling
for Stull, and he was euduiBed for
Judge by a vote of 03 to 40 Then a
motion was made to allow him to se
lect his delegation. This was carried
by a vote of 58 to 45, after the antis
had endeavored to have a substitute
motion put uliowlng tho precincts to
select their delegates.
The county was then divided Into
district! in proportion to their strength
in the convention and these districts
selected delegatea to the sUto conven
tion. T.J. Majors was elected dele
gate at large from the county
A motion was then made that Judge
Richard F. Neal be chairman )f the
county central committee, This was
carried unanimously.
The convention then proceeded to
vote on preference for members of the
state central committee. Joe Gilliland
and G N. Titus were placed in nomb
nation. Titus won by a vote of 67 to
The precincts then selected members
of the county central committee and
the convention adjourned.
The county central committee met
and elaoted W. H. Stowell secretary
and J. W. Armstrong treasurer.
Saymour Howe and W. S Ruwsell
are members o f the central committee
from this precinct. Walter Hadlock
is the delegate to the judicial conven
tion and F. L. Woodward to the state.
Public Sale
I will offer at public auction at Ne..
maha, Nebr.,Satuiday, Aug 16, 11)03
commencing at 2 o'clock p. m. the
following property
Sixteen head of thoroughbred Duroc
Jersey swine.
Onemare,l2 years old.
One good milch cow.
One show case,
Ono pair scales.
One farm wagon,
One set double and one set single
harness and other things too numerous
to mention. Terms cash.
Q, F. Larimork.
For Those Who Live on Farms
Dr. Bergin, Pana, III., writes: "I
have UBed fiallards Snow Liniment;
always recommend It to my friends,
and I am confident that there is no
better made. It is a dandy for
burns. Those who live on farms
are especially liable to many accidental
cuts, burns and bruises, which beal
rapidly when Ballard's Snow Lini
ment is applied. It should always be
kept in the house for cases of emer
gency. 25c, 50, and 81.00 at Hill's.
Will Oure Consumption
A A Horren of Finch, Ark.
writes, "Foley's Honey nnd Tar Is the
best preparation for coughs, colds and
lung trouble. I know that it has cur
ed consumption in tho first stage.
M T Hill,
The Nebraska Advertiser
V, W, ShimIci-n tV. h Hillldrr
v. W, dANDBiis & Son, Prop's.
FH1DAY, AUUUdT 14, HJ08.
Now let peace and harmony prevail.
Jnhnnon county In the only one In
the Judicial district that la not grooms
ing a republican candidate for district
judge. Johnson Co. Journal.
The republican Judicial convention
will be held at Beatrice next Monday,
August 17, and the statu convention
will be held at Lincoln next Tuesday,
Aug. 18.
An eminent wilter of France has
Bent word to Pobu Plus X what France
expects him to do In his treatment of
her Interests. It is safe to nay that
the pope will do iw ho thinks best, re
gardless of the wishes or the Fiench
General Young, who succeeds Gen.
Miles at the head or the United States
army, furnishes a good example of
whntpersoverence and devotion to du
ty may accomplish. He has ilseu to
his pieneut position through sheer mer
it, enlisting as a private and working
Ills way up.
The postulllce department estab
lished v!4&5 rural mail routes iu J 11 y
oftliiayeai. There weie ot)tl4 routes
PrtthblNhed for the year ending June
J50. There Is enough of the last appro
priation left to establish 4000 more
routes. This doen nut look us if airal
delivery were being dlsdontinued.
Daring the thunder storm last Suns
day night lightning struck and killed
eleven head of yearling cattle belong
Ing to O. P. Hobinson of Vesta pres
duct. The yearlings were in the pass
lure near the barbed wire fence, and it
is supposed the bolt of lightning struck
the funce and rati along it, killing ev
ery calf near it. Several of the year
lings when found were lying through
the fence. Johnson Co, Journal.
For district judge of the First judi
cial convention there are now live can
didates. The present Incumbents,
Judge Stull of Nemaha county and
Judge Lettuu of Jeff arson couuty are
candidates for rr-electlon and each has
his own couuty delegation buck of him.
Ex-Judge Babcouk of Beatrice has the
Oage couuty delegation, Judgs Huper
has the Pawnee delegation and C. F.
Heavis buB the Richardson couuty dais
egatiou. Johnson county has no can
didate. Tne convention there has not
yet been held but we underatand that
couuty will be for Stull. Two judges
are to be elected.
The republican primary in Nemaha
was attended better than usual. For
awhile It looked like there wouiu no a
struggle between the Stull uud untl
Siull forces, but a compromise was af
fected, both sides conceding something
and no scrap developed. The primary
was called to order by W. VV. Sanders,
who was elected chairman, aud Chas.
Howe secretary.
A motion was carried for the chairs
man to appoint a committee of Ave to
select a list of delegates to the county
convention. G. N. Titus, James A.
LStephenson, F. L. Woodward, W. 8.
Maxwell and Waller U ad lock were
appointed such committee. Thay res
tired and after consultation reported
the following list of delegates: James
A. Stephenson, Casuer Barnes, Walter
S. Maxwell, W. S. Russell, Seymour
Howe, Frunk Titus, Wulter Hadlock.
On motion the report of the corns
nittee was accepted, these men were
elected delegates, and the primary ad
journed. A traveling speller gave exhibitions
on the streets with u "boomerang" on
Saturday, and disposed of several of
tho patented articles. The purchasers
however, found it dlillcult to manipu
late the thing like the agent, and as a
result the purchases were generally
disappointing. The man wan an exs
pert and could throw the projectile so
that it would describe a cirole two
hundred feet in diameter and return
to his hands, being caught often with
out the operator moving a step.
Humboldt Leader.
The same fellow was in Nomaha last
Friday afternoon,
Old papers for sale at this office.
JNcinaha, i cbr,
St. .ToMoph
ICuriMiis City
St. I-iOuin uud all
Poltitfi JCuwt mid
Hull JjiiUo City'
A.iul all lJoltiif
No. 07 I'luseuijcr, dully exccplMiui
ilnv, lor TociwiiHoli, lluntrltc,
HoldrcKe nnd nil points went u:10 n in
No.l9 1'ntinctiKor, dally excont Hun
ttnv, lor Ndbrnjika City, UIiIchko
nnd nil polutn north mid cant 4i0np in
No. lld-liocnl frolitht, dully oxcrpt
ttundiiv, lor AlGlilson nnd Inter
niiMllatti Mntloim 730 p in
No. 112 bocul frolHht, dully except
Miiniluv, for Meuntnlcn Ohy nnd
Intermediate Mtntlnnn 2:00a m
aleepliiK. dlnlim nnd recllnlnit chair cam
(ntut frrnnn llirniigli trains. TIcKctn koIiI
and biiKKit(o clu-clted to any point In H10
United Htntes nr Canada.
For Information, map, limn tnhlen nnd
llcltnlxrnli on or wrlto to W. K. Vhei'(i ,
nont, or .1. Krnnoln, Uenernl l'anren!r
AHont, Omaha, Nob.
fw ehltdrmni tafi, urm, Xo eplaUm
Kurimloby M. T. Hill.
Makes Kidneys and Bladder Muni
For auloby M.T. Hill.
Ourss Oeldsi Prevents Pneumonia
For milo by .M. T. lllll.
. . .
stops tb oousjla and Haals ltsnsjs
Thousands Have Kidney Tremble
and Don't Know It.
How To Find Oat.
Fill a bottle or common glass with your
water and let It stand twenty-four hours; a
sediment or Bot
tling Indicates an
unhealthy condi
tion of tho kid
neys; If It stains
your linen It Is
evidence of kid
ney trouble i too
frequent desire to
pass It or pain In
the back fa also
convincing proof that the kidneys and blad
der are out of order.
What to Do.
There Is comfort In the knowledge so
often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp
Root, the great kidney remedy fulfills every
wish In curing rheumatism, pain In this
back, kidneys, liver, bladder and everpdrts.
of the urinary passage. It corrects lflablM(y'
to hold water and scalding pain In pawing
It, or bad effects following use of liquor,
wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant
necessity of being compelled to go often
during the day, and to get up manV Mrhes.
during the night. The mild and tHi aktrar
ordinary effect of Swamp-Rootjlii'soon
realized. It stands the highest for la won
derful cures of the most dlstresslniRcases.
If you need a medicine you should nave .the
best. Sold by druggists In 50c. and $ I. aires.
You may have a sample bottle of ihts
wonderful discovery
and a book that tellsi
more about It, both sent
absolutely free by mail,
address Dr. Kilmer 6c Home of Swamp-nod
Co., Blnghamton, N. Y. When writing men
tion roadlng this generous offer In this paper.
Orator, Entro Nous Olub.
176 Warren Avenue,
Ciiicaoo, III., Oct. 22, 1902.
For nearly four years I Buffered
from ovarian troubles. Tho doc
tor insisted on an operation as tho
only way to get well. I, however,
strongly objected to an operation.
My iiuaband felt disheartened as
well as I, for homo with a sick
woman Ib a disconsolate placo at
best. A friendly druggist advised
him to get a bottlo of Wine of
Cardui for mo to try, and ho did so.
I began to improvo in a few days and
ray recovery was very rapid. With
in eighteen weeks I was another
ChIa. JbfciOW
Mrs. Stowe's letter shows every
woman how a homo is saddened by
femalo weaknes and how completely
Wine of Cardui cures that sick
ness and brines health and happi-'
ness again. Do not go en Buffer--ing.
Go to your druggist today
and bccuto a 91.00 bottlo of Wine
of Cardui.
w ratau!
lr: . MKK&iiK
V -v'
-i4VkT " A