The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, July 24, 1903, Image 8

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IMIIIIK WftflH All II Sf fillS.
Mcst Couirli Syrmi Twites Oowl. Uo
In tlino. Bold by rtntRalMd.
T. ID. Oi-otliei-
Wishes to announce that ho haa not
ihoved out of town but into tho
Minick Store Room
where ho may ho found ut nil times,
ready to do your
Shoe Repairing
Harness Repairing
or Bull you a
New Harness, Nets,
Whips, etc,
Highest market price paid for Hides,
Lard, Tallow, eto,
Froprlctoraor the
Livery & Feed Stable
Good Dray in cennoction with Livery
Satisfaction guaranteed.
Veterinery Surgeon
and Dentist
Will bo at Nemaha ovory two weeks,
July 27th, August 10th, etc.
Home oiEco Stella, Nebr
Ourod by Ono Bottlo of Obamborlain's
Oough Komody
"When I had tho grip last winter
(the secmd one) 1 actually cured my-
Helf with ono bottlo of Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy," Bays Frank IV. Perry
Editor of the Enterprise, Shortvllle
N. Y. " This la tho honest truth. I
' at times keep from coughing myself to
pieces by taking ono teaspoonful of
. tbleremedy, and wh e ntho coughing
' spell would come on at night I would
take a dose and it seemed that in the
briefest interval tho cough would pasB
off and I would go to sleep perfectly
'free from cough and its accompanying
pains. To say that the remedy acted
us a most agreeable surprise is putting
it very mildly. I had no idea that It
would or could knock out the grip,
simply because I had never tried it for
such a purpose, but it did, and it seem
ed with the second attack of coughing
the remedy caused it to not only be of
less duration, but tho pains were fal
lens severe, and I had not used the con
tents ofono hoi tie beforo Mr. Grip had
bade mo udtau." For sale by Keeling.
I stops thacougH smci Heals lungs
Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable.
Almost everybody who reads tho news
papers is sure to know of tho wonderful
cures maae bv Dr.
Kilmer's Swamo-Root.
the great kidney, liver
; and bladder remedy.
J j! it is the great medi
5M cal triumnh of the nine
teenth century; dis
covered after years of
scientific research bv
lVsg Dr. Kilmer, the emi
nent kidney and blad
der specialist, and Is
wonderfully successful In promptly curing
lame back, kidney, bladder, uric acid trou
bles and Brlpht's Disease, which Is the worst
form of kidney trouble.
Dr. Kilmers Swamp-Root is not rec
ommended for everything but If you havekld
noy, liver, or bladder trouble It will be found
Ju3t the remedy you need. It has been tested
In so many ways, In hospital work, In private
practice, among the helpless too poor to pur
chase relief and has proved so successful In
every case that a special arrangement has
been made by which all readers of this paper
who have not already tried It, may have a
sample bottle cent free by mall, also a book
telling more about Swamp-Root and how to
find out If you have kidney or bladdei trouble.
Vhen writingmentlon reading this generous
Olfer In ihls nrinr anH ftr-sKf
send your address to
Dr, Kilmer &Co.,Blng
wmton, N. Y. The
rerjuiar y cent and nomoof fiwunp-npor,
olar slz?5 we sild by all good druista.
S phP&
'flr nr
II . '- Jw. .
MPL?II'l'k"i Up 1 1 i ..f c .w . Mil
The Nebraska Advertiser
XV. XV. Snnilcrft
XV. h Smiiler
W. W, Sanderb & Son, Prop's.
FIUDAY, JULY 24, 1003.
). I. Dressier is delivering black
berries in town this week.
Call and see us for reduced rates on
maga.iues and newspapers.
Earlo Gilbert moved into Airs. Alice
A. Minick's houso Wednesday.
Tho editor's office phono Is No. 7 and
that of his residence is No. 1. Call us
up if you havo any news.
If you are contemplating a change
of location and want land cheap, call
at this office. Wo can interest you.
Tho young people's Christian Endoav
or will glvo an ice cream social at tho
residence of Dr. Galther, Saturday
evening, Augnst 1. Each lady is re
quested to bring two nightscaps,
Jnmes Hiatt returned from St. Joe
Sunday, whoro ho has been at the hos
pital, lie has been sick for over n
month, and is very little better. An
oporntlou was performed on his right
eye, but apparently with littlo benefit.
He can see very little out of it just
enough to distinguish llcht from darks
ness. Mr, Illatt says his wife called
on him frequently while ho was in St.
Somo fellow made a disgusting exs
hibition of himself last Saturday afters
noon. Ho had been to Auburn where
he was a liberal customer of the saloons
and on his return to Nemaha he got
sleepy and laid down on the seat in
front of Gilbert & McCandless' store.
If he could only realize how disgusting
ho looked and hear the remarks that
were made we do not think he would
again show himsolf in town for awhile.
Tho excursion to Beatrice last Sun
day was liberally patronized all along
tho lino. W. E. Wheeldon sold 45
tickets, and In addition to this number
tho section men all had passes. Six
coaches were here and four more were
added at Tecumseh, and yet tho aisles
wero well filled with people who could
not get Beats. Nearly 1000 tlcketB
were sold, and with those who had
passes probably over 1000 passengers
were taken.
Prohibition County Convention.
A mass convention of the Nemaha
county prohibitionists is hereby called
to meet at tho court houso in Auburn
August 1, 1005), at U p. m., for tho pur
pose of nominating a county ticket,
selecting delegates to the state con
vention to bo held in Lincoln, August
10, 10015, and for tho transaction of
such other business as may come bes
fore the convention.
H. C. Mkadick, Sec.
Herman Holtgrew, who has been
county commissioner from tho third
district for the past four yeaiB. resigned
that position recently on account of a
difference of opinion with the other
commissioners regarding the division
of the bridge and road funds, and for
business reasons, The law makes it
the duty of the county clerk, county
judgo and treasurer to 1)11 a vacancy,
and laHt Friday they elected George
Ernst ot Washington precinct to the
On the first day in August
To this Bocial you must como,
At tho residence of Dr. Galther,
On street No. 21.
Tho girls you muBt remember
Must two night-caps bring, and be
bold ;
Ono to wear themselves,
The other to tho boys to be sold.
The boys, too, please remember,
Must each of them bring three
One to buy a night-cap with.
Tha others tor BUpper genuine.
O yes, and a nickel extra,
Your fortunes to have told;
For there will be two gypsies
Tho future to uufold,
And then we'll entertain you
With music and some games,
And when its time for you to go
You'll be awfully glad you camo.
Now we've told you all about It,
And we hope -tlnvt you will come.
We'll do our beat to amine you,
And you may call H a light 'good
Uncle Peter Muntz Informs us that
John Hoskins, a former resident of No
malm, recently died at Sidney, Nebr.,
from tho result of an accident, fie
was at Bridgeport, Nebr., at tho time
the accident occurred, and wasendeavs
orlng to Btoal a ride on a train to Als
lianco. He was under the influence of
liquor and fell under tho car, and ono
leg was badly crushed. He was taken
to Sidney nud the leg was amputated,
but ho died during the operation or a
short time afterward. This was the
case whore Fay Galther assisted in tho
Dr. Robert Mclntyre
Will bo at tho Salem inter-State CImua
tauqua and deliver his magnificent
lecture, "Tho Sunny Side of Soldier
Jas. Whltcomb Riley "Tho Hoosier
Poet" says of tbfs lecture: ''Old soldiers
stood up In the aisles and as though
tho long hushed voices of bravo leaders
called again and high abovo the black
smoke of tho fray they saw tho old
flag lift once more and laugh ont rip
plngly In breaths of victory. There
waB fire, thore was fervor through It
all, and yet beneath it a pathetic under
tone that swept on brokenly in sobs
and tears. Near me sat one old vetern
whose lips fell faltering from patriotic
shouts to tremulous mutterlngs of
prayer, oblivious as it seemed of all
things but the speaker's matchless
This lecture will be given in tho
afternoon. In tho evening at 7:80
there will be a musical treat, followed
by ono hour of moving pictures.
Don't forgot tho dates. August 1 to
0, 11)03.
For programs, tents, etc., write W.
P. Shlldneck, Sec'y, Salem, Nebr.
Call In and see us if you want to
subscribe for any paper published in
tho United States.
Cures When Doctors Pail
Mrs. Frank Chiasson, Patterson, la,
writes Juno 8th, 1001 : '! had malaria
fever In a very bad form, was under
treatment by doctors, but as soon as I
stopped taking their medicine the fev
er would return, I used a sample
bottle of Ilerblne, found it helped me.
Then I bought two bottles, which
completely cured me. I feel very
grateful to you for furnishing bucIiu
splendid medicjne, and can honestly
recommend it to those suffering wit'i
malaria, as it will surply euro them."
Ilerblne, 50c bottle at Hill's.
Houtz's Restaurant
Fresh Oaudb's, Nuts, Fruits, Cigars.
Fresh Biead, liuus and Cakes always
on hand.
Drop in and see us.
Graduate of tho American School of
Osteopathy of Klrksvllle, Mo.
Remarkable cures are effected by
this system of healing,
No medicines
Office over Eustice & Cline'a drug
jUtlnmt ,
Wa,teli IVJaltCfl'
All kinds of work guaranteed
Briny in your Jiepair work Yon yet
Riyht Prices and Beat Work.
Perkins' JiweLy Store
Traveling is Dangerous
Constant motion jars the kidneys
which are kept In place in tho body by
delicate attachments. This is tho rea
son that travelers, trainmen, street car
men, teamsters and all who drive very
much, suffer" from kidney disease In
faomo form. Foley's Kidney Cure
strengthens the kidneys and cures all
forms of kidney and bladder disease.
Geo. E. Hausan locomotive engineer,
Lima, O., writes, "Constant vibration
of the engine caused me a groat deal of
trouble with my kidneys, and 1 got no
relief until I used Foloy's Kidney Cure.
M T Hill.
Holds Up a Congressman
"At the end of tho camnalcn"
writes Champ Clark, Missouri's brilli
ant congressman, "from overwork
nervouB tension, loss of sleep and con
stant speaking I had about utterly col
lapsed. It Boemed that all of my
organs wore out of order, but three
bottles of Electric Bitters made me all
right. It's the best nll-round medii
cine ever sold over a druggist's counU
or." Overworked run-down men and
weak, sickly women gain splendid
vitality from Electric Bitters. Try
them. Only 50c. Guaranteed by
Foley's Hnoy and Tar contains no
opiates and can safely be given to
children M. T. Hill
Spring AMments
Thoro is an aching and tired feeling,
tho liver, bowols, and kidneys become
sluggish and inactive, the digestion
impaired, with littlo or no appetite no
ambition for anything and a feeling
that the whole body and mind needs
toning up. The trouble Is, that dur
ing the winter, there has been an over
accumalation of waste matter in the
system. Ilerblne will remove it, se
cure to tho secretions a right exit, and
give strength In place of weakness.
50c at 111118.
How's This?
WooirorOno Hundred Dollars Howard for
nuyciiso of Catarrh that cannot bo cured by
Hull's Catarrh Cure,
IP. J. CHENEY A CO., Props., Toledo, O.
We, tho undersigned, have known F. J.
Cheney for the last 15 years, nnd believe him
perfectly honorable in all business transac
tions and flnmiclnlly able to carry out uny
obligations mndo by their tlrm.
Wost (fel'ruax, wholesale druggists Toledo.O.
WnldlUB, Klnnatiifc Marvin, wholesale drug
KUtH, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Curo is tak on lntornully.act
Ing directly upon tho blood and mucous sur
faces of tlio system. Prlco "Sopor bottle. Sold
by all druggists. Testimonials free.
Hall's Family Pills aio tho best.
A Lesson in Health
Healthy kidneys filter the impurities
from tho blood, and unless they do
this good health is impossible. Fos
ley's Kidney Cure makes sound kid
neys and will positively cure all forms
pf kidney and bladder disease. It
strengthens the whole system. M T
A Surgical Operation
is always dangerous do not submit to
the surgeon's knife until voti hiivn
tried DoWitt'a Witch Hazel Salve. It
will cure you when everything else
fails it has done this in thousands of
cases. Hero is ono of them. I suffered
from bleeding and protruding piles for
twenty years. WaB treated by cliffpn
ent specialists and used many remedies
but obtained no relief until I used Do
Witt'rt Witch KiizpI Salve. Two boxen
of this salve cured trie eighteen months
ago and I have not had a touch of the
piles since. II. A. Tisdale, Summer-
ton, S. C. For Blind, Bleeding, ltch
im; and Protruding Piles no remedy
equals DoWitt'a Witch Hazel Salvo
Sold by W. W. Keeling.
for children i eaft -rra No oplatm
l-'omulehy M. T. Hill.
Makes Kidneys and Bladder Right
For sale by M.T. Hill.
Ouros Colds; Prevents Pnuumonla
For halo by M. T. Hill.
f "" CCS3J5
itCSS irs3ci30 :t:
Capital Stoolr, 05 OOO
mxr M iu kV kaXh
Bottor Than a Plastor.
A piece of flannel dampened with
Chamberlain's Pain Balm and bound
on the affected parts, Is better than a
plastor for a lame back and for pains
inthe side and chest. Pain Balm has
no superior as allnlment for the re
lief of deep seated,mu3cular, nndrheus
matlc pains. For salo by W. W.
Keeling. Druggist.
"World-Wide .Reputation
White's Cream Vermifuge haT
hieved a world wide reputation as boo
ing the best of worm destroyers, and
for its tonic influence on weak and utm
thrifty children, as it neutralizes the
acidity or sourness of the Btomach,
improves the digostionand assimila
tion of food, strengthens tho nervous
system and restores them to the health
i vigor ntid elasticity of spirits naturul
to childhood. 25c at Hill's.
In the Interest of Humanity.
Chris Miller of Fremont, Nebr.,
writes: 'I suffered from dyspepsia for
more than 10 years. I was under the
care of a number of doctors, made three
trips away, and still no relief. Kodol
Dyspepsia Cure being recommended to
me by several who had used it, and as
the last straw, I concluded to try it.
After tho first two or three doses I boi
gan to Improve and have taken several
bottles and feel liko a new man. I
write you this in the Interest of hu
manity, hoping It may fall into tho
hands of some sufferer, and my prayer
is that they may secure tho same bene
fit that I have." Sold by W. W. Keel
ing. '
Take the wagonette when In Au
burn if you want to go to any part of
the city. John McElhanoy, prop.
Will Ouro Consumption
A A Ilorren of Finch, Ark.
writes, "Foley's Honey and Tar is the
best preparation for coughs, colds and
lung trouble. I know that it has cur
ed consumption in the first Btage.
Stand Like a Stone Wall
Between your children and the tors
tures of itching and burning eczema
scaldhead or other diseases. How?
why by using Bucklen's ArnicaSalvo
earth's greatest healer. Quickest curo
for Ulcers, Fever Soros, Salt ltheum
Cuts, Burns, or Bruises. Infallible
for Piles. 25c at Keeling's drug store,
Foley's Honey and Tar is peculiarly
adapted for asthma, bronchitis and
hoarseness. M T Hill.
Constipation is nothincr more ,
than a cloccincr of tho bowels '
and notluntr less than vital staff-
nation or death if not relieved.
11. U)i;iJ WllSUJJlHUU HlUUCIl
could realize that ho is allowing
poisonous filth to remain in hi3
system, ho would soon get relief.
Constipation invites all kind of
contagion. Headaches, bilioiiB
ness, colds and many ether ail
ments disappear when consti
pated bowels are relieved. Thed
i'ord's Black-Draught thoroughly
cleans out tho bowels in an easy
and natural manner without the
purging of calomel or other vio
lent cathartics.
Bo sure that yon act the oriei-
nal Thedford's Black-Draught,
made by The Chattanooga Medi
cine Co. Sold by all druceists in
25 cent and $1.00 packages.
Ilurtrnn, Ark., Mnjr'Jo, llrtll.
Ilrnuplit to highly. 1 keep It In nir home
nil thu tlmo mid hnvo ummI It for tho Inst
ten yours. I iioht giivo my children
uny other laxutUe. I think I could
never no mho to worK without It
on account of being troubled vlth
roiiKtijmtlon. lour medicine Is,
Ml Hint keens mo up.
en' '"a
I-'. 12,
ALIjKN. V ii i -I'm.
AliUiX, Cashier.".
A r.iva
Kit ' Wg Mk
Rl I
&ii a
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