BILL MAY NOT PASS. PAYNE WILL NOT RESIGN. LAWYER'S QUEER BILL. W'nn n Good I.lntencr, lint lie Wanted l'ny for Acting; In That Cniuiclty. H - i s u ir ir y& Speaker Cannon Antagonistic to Elastic Currency Measure. Do Bays the Cry for Additional Financial LogUlittion Coition from KiiHtoru Spec ulator) nnd Should Not lto Hooded by Congress. ' Viiigton, Juno 29. The sennto lcailftiiAvlio have been in recent conferences with a view of agreeing upon a plan of ilnaneial legislation to bo urged at tho next session of congress, are worried over the rather direct information that Hepresonta tivo Cannon, in view- of his certain election as speaker of the house, has consistently refused to discuss any proposed legislation, except on the most general terms, but he is known to be opposed to the proposed legist lation for ilnaneial reform, as agreed upon by the senate leaders. In a re cent discussion of the subject with friends here Mr. Cannon grimly re marked that it. would require more thun a conference of three or four senators to determine the charac ter of the financial legislation that shall be considered by the coming congress. It is no secret that Mr. Cannon is opposed to generally accepted plans for providing an elastic, or, as he terms it, a "rubber" currency. He Is not at all satisfied with either tho lrovisions of the Fowler bill or the Aldrich bill, which authorizes the national banks to, issue circulation on other than government bonds, or allows the secretary of the treasury to accept other than government funds in the nationall banks. Mr. Cannon is himself the president of a national bank and is very familiar with banking and financial affairs in the west. He takes the position that the cry for additional financial legis lation comes from speculative in terests in New York and other east ern money centers, and is not due to any. demand for money in the west and soutti. He recently called atten tion to the national bank statements irom western and southern banks to show that they have ample funds on hand to meet all immediate demands and are not worried at all over tho demand for money to move tho crops, or for any other purpose. WOULD RETAIN THEIR POWER. Native IlnivnllnnK In the IeclflliUtiro Vote to Prohibit American Iniinlcrrii- tlon to tho Isluud, Honolulu, June 29. The house of representatives by the decisive vote 'o f 17 to 0 has put itself on rocord as Jpposcd to the coming thither of I jiiore Americans. The vote was al most exactly a division by race, the native Hawaiians voting against tho coming of more Americans, and the whites in favor of opening the doors to all who come. Tho natives avow edly took the position that" they did not want more people to come here, as, if they did, they would soon oit vote the Hawaiians and the latter would lose control of the legislature. All Departments Mny Do Invostlcuted. Washington, June 29. As a result of the frauds that have been ex posed in the post office department, there is an agitation for a congres sional investigation of all the exec utive branches of the government during tho coming session of con gress. The air is filled with rumors of irregular if not corrupt practices in many of tho departments, and it is probable that nothing short of a gen' oral investigation will satisfy tho public. Rooflovolt Hack In Oyster Hay. Oyster Bay, L. I., June 29. The town was astir early Saturday don ning its festive attire in honor of the return tohis home of President Roosevelt. Mrs. Roosevelt, with some friends, was driven to the Episcopal church to review tho pnrade of tho school children on their way to tho railroad station to greet the presi dent. Tho president arrived at 2:30 o'clock and mc't with an ovation. Courteous to I'.x-Queen Xiitnllo. Vienna, June 28. A dispatch from IJelgrado says King Peter has noti fied Former Queen Natalie, now in Paris, that he considers that all tho property in the old palace at Bel grade belongs to her and that she can dispose of it as she pleases. Drowned In a l'nnd. Kansas City, Mo., June 29. Samuel Aaron, the 14-ycar-old son of Louis "Vnron, a tailor, living at 1015 Harri m? street, was drowned in a small &d in a canyon on Montgall aven nue, near Helm's brewery yesterday afternoon. Mine Disaster In Mexico. Barratoeran, Coahuila, Mex., June 29. Twenty-four miners were killed and about 50 others seriously wound ed in an explosion of gas in Las Es peranzas coal mines, the property of the Mexicail Coal and Coke company. Kansas Kdltor Appointed Postmaster. Washington, June 28. The presi dent has appointed J. F. Smith post master at Pleasanton, Kan. Smith is .publisher of the Pleasanton Observer. Postmaster General Una the Ilenrty Sup port of 1'rcsldcnt ltooscvelt and Ho WAl MUty In Cabinet. Washington, June 27. Tho last meeting of the cabinet before the president's departure from Washing ton was held Friday. In this connection it can be stated authoritatively that the reports that , Postmaster General Payne oontem-j plates retiring from the cabinet are j untrue. It is well known that his I health is not good and there is, of ' course, a possibility that he might suiter a complete breakdown or that he might be forced by the imperative orders of his physician to give up his work. Hut at this time tho idea of retirement is not entertained by him. He has platted out his future work in connection with the investigation of his department and is anxious to finish it. The president, it is said, has given expression to his own feel ings in the matter by saying that he would permit hin'to resign only hi event that it became a matter of life or death. WOULD UNITE LUTHERANS. Evnncellviil Syuod of Missouri Instrument al In Culllnjr a General Conference at Chlrnco This Full. Pittsburg, Pa., June 27. The evan gelical synod of Missouri of the Lu theran church, composed of Luther ans of 10 states and Canada, now in session here, has started a move ment to unite all the Lutherans in the United States and Canada in one body. With that end i -iew, it has been decided to call a general confer ence to bo held in Chicago this fall, when plans for consolidation will bo outlined. The Missouri synod elected the following officers: President, Prof. A. W. Meyer, of St. John's col lege, Winfield, Kan.; vice president, Rev. W. Dallman, New York; secre tary, Rev.( W. W. Winehel, Boston; treasurer, ' A.' K. Succop, Pittsburg, Pa. BRYAN ON THE WAR PATH. At IndhiiuinollH Ho Denounced Those Dem ocrat Who Hud l!t-en Untrue to tho 180(1 nnd 11)00 1'hitformH. Indianapolis, I nil., June 27. Wil liam Jennings Bryan spent the day here and was entertained at luncheon by ex-Mayor Taggart. Mr. Bryan created a sensation by scoring James L. Keach, the chairman of the demo cratic city committee, who was a gold man in 189G, and won the chair manship after a bitter fight against John W. Kern, the party nominee for governor in 1900. Mr. Bryan said: "From what I know of Mr. Keach, I think he would be more at homo managaing a republican campaign than a democratic campaign." It is said Mr. Bryan will in his paper denounce those Iowa demo crats who voted against indorsing tho Kansas City platform. Declared Kxemiit from Taxation. St. Paul, Minn., .rune 27. By a de cision fijed yesterday the supreme court declares that the Bishop Sea bury mission endowment fund is ex empt from taxation. No similar case has ever been before the court previously and the decision also af fects other educational institutions in the state. It is the case of Rice county, appellant, against the Bishop Seabury mission to collect $55,000 taxes. A Die Slaughtering I'lant Unriiod. Cincinnati, June 27. Almost the entire plant of the Cincinnati Ab batoir company, one of the largest in this section, was destroyed by fire yesterday. The fire was caused by an explosion in the engine room. The loss is $.100,000. Four hundred head of cattle and 800 hogs had just been slaughtered. These were all consumed. "John Doe" Win a Great l'nvorlte. New York, June 27. Assistant Dis trict Attorney Clarke, who is inves tigating tho old dock board matters, through "John Doe" proceedings, said he had discovered that the treas urer's orders to the amount of $3, 1 011,701 seemed to have been issued in iolation of the law to favorite con tractors nnd without public letting. Vrleud of Grant u Suicide. St. Louis, June 27. Crazed by in tense pain resulting from a cancer on his face, Capt. George F. Town send, a former steambont pilot, 70 yenrs old, hanged himself here Fri day. Capt. Townsend was a friend of Gen. Grant and during the civil war served on a river transport. Colombian Senate Opposes Treaty. Bogota, June 27. The Colombian congress, which convened Saturday last, has organized. In the senate, J. A .Yalze, said to be a vigorous opponent of the canal treaty, was elected president. Arsenlo In Xiirsliif; Dottle. Guthrie, Ok., June 27. John C. Owens and wife, of Geary, are under urrcst for killing their two-months-old baby. Arsenic was discovered in the child's stomach and in its nursing bcttky Here is the story of nn Ohio lawyer who did not become a politician, na he wan not built on political line. It is told by a Washington man, who was his clerk at one time, says the Washington Post. Lawyer 11 was a KrufY tort of personage ami tic- licved in mailing every one pay for every service. One of his clients was the picsi dent ot a bank, who, during the pendancy of his one, dropped into the lawyer's office very freipientl) nnd told stories. The law yer was a good listener, and eccincd to en loy the stories very much, but after the banker went out. Lawyer II would fay: "Here, charge Mr. Blank $10 for an '..our of my time. It 1 have got to listen to his sto ries he has got to pay nie for it." Finally the bill was made out and carried to the banker. It was an itemized account stat ing the date of each cali. He scanned it closely and remarked: "He has made me. pay. for it, pretty well, hasn't he?" ' "Pay for what?" asked the clerk. "For listening to my stories." And then he paid the bill. Washington Post. I m i - A Womnii'M Ilnclc. Dublin, Mich., June 29th. To tho many women who suiler with weak back and pains jnd tired feelings in the small of the back, the experience of Mrs.. Fred Chalker of this place will be interesting and profitable. Mrs. Chalker had suffered! a very great deal with these back pains and although she hail tried many things, she could find nothing that would relieve her. The pain kept on in spite of all she could do. At last she chanced to read the story of another lady who had suffered with the backache, and said she had been cured by a renipHv r.illnd llmld'a Kiritinv Pills, nnd Airs. Chalker thought she would try the same thing. After the first two boxes had been taken according to directions, she began to feci some better, and she kept on till at last she was cured. Her pains arc all gone, and she is very grateful. She says: "Dndd's Kidney Pills helped me greatly, and I will always recom mend them as a cure for Pain in the Back." Not Uunllllcd. Young Lawyer Madam, you need eome one to take care of your property and pro tect your interests. She Young man, I've just got married. "Yes. I know your husband." Detroit Free Press. Lndlicn Can Wear Shoea One size smaller after using Allen's Foot F.ase. A certain cure for swollen, sweating, hot, aching feet. At all Druggists, 25c. Ac cept no substitute. Trial package FREE. Address A. S. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y. Its Status. Tourist "What is the size of this place, uncle?" Colored Citizen Dis town hab got about 2,000 popularity, sah! Pnek. Stop the Cnnprh and work off the cold. Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. Price 25 cents What a good world this would be if all men did what they boast of. Chicago Jour nal. Piso's Cure for Consumption is an infalli ble medicine for coughs and colds. N. W. Samuel, Ocean Grove. N. J.. Feb. 17. 1900. Never advertise your troubles. If you have, bowlegs, don't wear striped trousers. Chicago Journal. Opium and Manor IlabltH Cared. Book frco. B. M.Woollov. M. D., Atlautn.Ua. I i.i m .. College-bred is sometimes a four years' loaf. Kipon College Days. THE GENERAL MARKETS. Kansas City, Juno 30. CATTLI3 neef steers $100 5 10 Native heifers 3 50 (R) 1,50 Western steers 4 15 4 10 HOGS 5 15 05G5 SIIKEP 2 75 Z?450 WHEAT-NO. 2 hard 7.1 (IP 71 No. 2 red 75 8 7(1 CORN No. 2 mixed 52 &' 55Va OATS No. 2 mixed II 45 FLAXSEED !X) FLOUR Hard winter pat... 3 20 fp 3 50 Soft winter patents 3 20 3 30 HAY Timothy 12 00 13 25 Prairie 7 50 11 00 BRAN 71) 80 BUTTER-Fancy to extra.. 10 1!) EGGS HV4 CIIEESE-Full crenm" 11 12j POTATOES-New 100 110 ST. LOUIS. CATTLE Beef steers 3 75 5 25 Texas steers 3 30 4 20 HOGS Packers 5 70 5 SO SHEEP Natives 3 00 4 75 FLOUR Red winter pat.... 3 S5 4 00 WHEAT No. 2 red S3Jy SI CORN No.'' 2 50 OATS No. 2 3&ViP 40 RYE 51 HUTTER-Creamery 10 22 CORN MEAL 2 SO BACON 3 37jD75 CHICAGO. CATTLE-Steera 4 25 5 CO HOGS Mixed nnd butchers. 5 05 5 SO SHEEP Western 3 50 4 50 FLOUR-WInter patents ... 3 35 3 70 WHEAT No. 2 red - 78 CORN No. 2 40y, r,0'j OATS-No. 2 38 RYE July 52 52' LARD-July S 07VL- 8 27V4 PORK July 15 02'15 85 NEW YORK. CATTLE-Steers ,..4 75 SCO DOGS G SO C 50 SHEEP 3 00 4 00 M'HEAT-No. 2 83 tf SG CORN-No. 2 58 r . -- . ., MV CHURCHES SCIOOL HOUSES km MM must have their walls tinted nnd decor ated with ALABAST1NE, the only durable wall coating, to insure health and permanent satisfaction. Write for full information and free suggestions by our artists. Buy only in packages prop erly labeled "Alabastlno." ALABASTINE COMPANY, GRAND RAPIDS, MICH, ond 105 Water Ctroot, How York' City Why Don't You Have It Covered With Hair? " IT CAN BE DONE " Crani-Tonic Hair-Food "WILL DO IT" You can't grow a plant from plain soil, without seed, root or shoot. It is contrary to Nature. And when you havo no hair root, or follicle, you can't grow hair. But, happily, this condition is not as common as many people suppose. Statistics prove that the hair follicle on nine-tenths of all bald heads is alive, and that all that is needed to restore tho hair is scientific and sys tematic treatment with the proper kind of hair dressing. The proper kind of hair dressing is Crani-Tonic Hair and Scalp Foodthe Kind That Never Fails To Grow Hair. Prevents and Stops Hair Falling Out. Prevents, and Cures Dandruff. 100,000 TRIPLE SIZE BOTTLES TO BE DISTRIBUTED. This paper has several hundred subscribers, all of whom would find pleasure and benefit in the use of Crani Tonic Hair Food, if they but knew how beneficial its use is to all who suffer from dandruff, itching scalp, falling hair. We have therefore empowered tho Chief Chemist attached to our Laboratories to send to every reader, as an Introduction, a Large Two Pound Mam moth Size, $3.00 bottle of Crani-Tonic Hair-Food with two cakes of Crani-Tonic Shampoo Soap (regular price 50 cents a cake) and One Tube of Zema-Cream (regular price $1.00) making $5.00 worth of the Greatest Hair and Scalp Products in the World, all for Sl.OO. $ 5 WORTH FOR $ 1 Post Office and Express Money Orders, Checks and Drafts are Safer than Currency or Stamps. Any of theso can be sent. Sold by all Dealers, in Four Sizes, at 50c, $1.00, $2.00 and $5.00 the Bottle, EXPRESS PREPAID when ordered direct from Laberatory by MaiL. CRANI-TONIC HAIR FOOD la notfAlcohollc, ahtolutelv harmless, con tains no grease, sediment, dye matter or dangerous drugs. It Is pure, clean, clear us a crystal, dellghttul to use ami certain In Its results. HAIR EDUCATION All readers of this paper who aro troubled about their hair and would like to know tho results ot a microscopic examination, and will send a tow hairs pulled Irom the head, or a sample Irom the daily combines, will ro ccivo from our Medical Department, by mail, Absolutely Free, a full Report and magnoEl. CRANI-TONIC HAIR-FOOD CO. :HoiboniVUiuct, ummM, k.c. 526 Wost Broadway, NEW YORK, s m. a. i ru, rit. SPECIAL NOTE. The Company is Incorporated under the Laws of tho Stato of Nov York. Bind. $1.00 and get $5.00 worth $4.00 saved. 7!! W:ff V ID CENTS. HEADACHES. t '(2 MIEN PAINtAMUISH T ip&fBRp AMltfSTERJNB ' ANGELTHOU: 1 f. & tssto r2rWMP.W--zZm J'fT: r IT.n .x 330 htJ'v &'t DOLD EVRYWHRE. .c 'A... ji Live Stock nnd pi FPTROTYPFS Miscellaneous In creat ilttv for ralo nt thu liiMCtt mice tv A V krllOfitNritipiiiFrO,, 4111 Hjunrtotle J.I., K.m tllr m ltl - r A4 tail ? "MIH I SMEnsorfS V BRDHD-SELTZER Gs -ffJF &r V I T. HI XubL ismmml I rjKMiji srmg. wria' iri in 1 11 iimrnii unTLiv-XMy,iiu,-uurvitvr.-iiti-rxpxi TlafSOOt? HI nrf. tsM' YOU ZZ, I)n tfttrui"'" 5 WORTH FOR 1 HAIR FOOD FREE To Enablo tho Poblio to Ouservo its Purity, team of its Pogsibilitlcsand what it lias donofor others, a largo Trial bottlo Crartl-Toulc Hair Food and a book entitled Hair Caro anil Hair ildiicotlnn will bo sent, by mail, prepaid, to all who send namo and completo address, and Ten Cents in stamps or silver to pay poataco. WESTERN CANADA GRAIN QROWINO. MIXED FARA1INU. TIIHKKANON "WHY more whcul in Krouu In Wcsterni Canada In 11 fun Miort month. In hcciiuito vegetation crown In proportion to the junllKht. Tlie mora northerly tho latl.intn in which grain will cutuo to porfec- ttnn Mm lirtlnr It Is. Tlmnlforfii Vi pounds por bimhel In as talr a mundunl a U3 pounuHin mo uasu Arcu under crni In tVratcrit Camilla. 10AS, IkOHT.WIO Acre, Yield. lOOa, 117,la,7t IttitticU. HOMESTEAD LANDS OF 160 ACRES FREE, tho only charco for which Is WIO for ranklnx entry. Abundaneoof wator nnil fuel. cheap building ina torlal. uood itriM for pasture and hay. a fcrlllckoll. a sulUclont rainfall, and acllniatOKlvlnuanuatured and aduquato Noanoii of Krowth. Bend to tho follow Inn for an Atlas and other llteraturn, and also for curllllcuto Klvmtf you reduced frcljthtatid nasneiisct't rnU'8, otc, Hupcrlnteniletit or ImmlKi'ulloa. Ottawa, Canada, or J. H. CllAWJOlU). 214 W, Ninth 8t.. Kannan Ulty, Mo.: M. V. IUcnmett. Nrt Now York Llfo 1)1(1.. Omaha, Nob., uulburliedl Canadian OoTornnit'iit AkoiUw. FREE TO WOMEN 'i o provo tho hcnllnj,' and cicntisInK powor of 1'a.xtltio 'loilel AntlNOiHir we will mnll n larKo trial paeltntro with book of Instructions aliHoIiiinly free. 'J'hla ia not n tiny wimple. but nlnrRa pnekngc, onotiKh to convince nnyono of ItH value. "Women praising Paxthui for what It u iwer 1110 countrv nra nns uono (lnnn In 1i-i.I fr.ut. ,.,.. ., , - iiiiiiiiu Jim. ciir lnrall Inflamninllon flivl illschnrKCK. wonderful as a cloaiihltii; vagina! doucho. for wro throat, nasal catarrh, ntauioutli wiihu, and torcmovo tartar and whiten tho teeth. Sud to-duy; a postal card vtllOo. Hold by flru(cltoreiit pua'puld hy im, CO ill. II. fAXTIIN '.. tfOl Co.uiubiutVVA Jluntou Alan. fk.A.l . ...- . .... Straw Hats are here drink Hires Rootbccr K?cln now nnd drink It all itimw i iii itnjji 1UMI ru frtiSht'H. A 1i.lfk'ii'n lnnbn4 til I llira rmm I ... ..! , ..a j iivu u'tiiniiH. ?fi in ovrrv. ill '.tivi wyuiaii.itrc, CII1I1LB li. Hints CO. Hunan, u. HI1 lwtiW A. N. JC.-D W7(i iviii:.v wicitiku to AnviiicrrNicfCfi plcax; alutu (luilyiiti kuw (Iio Atlvcrtlue IIUMll In thy IMIPOI. Mm2lBA( XML- fnhLL imttiTt in n i'-r I mti i 1 ItC&t roiiL'h Hvrtin Tii si on tlttttii. ITti tl nuunn tinriir mi mi- ru -v. in iiino. fold by (iruiruiiit'i. I" jOSGEli ftUkfcLiij&l m in tlwt1 HraaaysrjKsscarr" :dsmmwm, A. -ijSsJbpifcarV Mi'IBKSftsc .llM" BI.r miiiiti