r " 'AAAAAAeAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA News from Over the State I AVorUliiR n u Knrm Ilmul. T" fact has just gained publicity that uov. Mickey nearly h month ago paroled A. It. Norlin, ex-treasurer of Kearney county, who was sent to the penitentiary for six years for embezzlement of county funds. Nor lin went to the penitentiary July 12. 1902. His sentence, with good time deducted, will expire December 10, 1905. He is paroled to John Bjork lund to work on the latter's farm near Minden for $20 n month. Nor lin's case was peculiar. It was an nounced one morning that the ofllcc of the county treasurer had been robbed and the county treasurer as saulted therein. The story looked plausible until Detective Malone, of Lincoln, went out and investigated, when it was found that certain in dications pointed to the probability that Norlin had robbed the vault and lion riK.miiilteil himself. After hav ing been in the sweatbox for a time Norlin broke down, admitted that such was the case and conducted the oilicers to where u lot of the stolen money was secreted in a cornfield. After he had made a clean breast of the matter he insisted that he want ed to begin serving out the penalty ns quickly as possible. He pleaded guilty and was taken to the peni tentiary without unnecessary delay. He has been a model prisoner and has for some time been a trusty at the prison. Meantime his father has paid back all of the money taken which was not found in the cornfield and the resentment of the people of Kearney county has been allayed. There was a large petition from the people of that county -asking that he be paroled. Hoy Smith n IUkiiiiiInI. An effort to corner the matrimo nial market, with such success that the two wives confronted him within tlie space of a few minutes, has land ed liny C. Smith in the Lincoln jail to answer the charge of bigamy. Smith is the son of a Methodist preacher at Ames, la. In ISO'J he was married at Greenfield, la., to Miss Delia Kodgers, who had inherited a fortune from her father. Smith seemed to be ambitious to do noth ing but dissipate his wife's money, and after a year he had run through with it. Then he deserted her and her infant son. In January last he appeared in Lincoln under an as sumed name and secured employment at a department store. On May 24 he 'married Miss 'Hoynton, of Lincoln, daughter of a railroad engineer. One clay last week wife No. 1 appeared in Lincoln with her baby and in a few hours had set the oflicial machin ery in motion that landed Smith in jail. Wife No. 2 was, of course, pros trated at news of her supposed hus band's perfidy, but after a talk with wife No. 1 she did not doubt tlie gen uineness of her story. Coll MnkerH May Have Trouble. It is hinted in statehouse circles that when the VanDoran company, of Cleveland, O., attempts to draw or market the warrants it expects to receive-in exchange for the steel cells furnished the state penitentiary it will find it has run into a big law suit. The last legislature appropria ted $S0,000 for 240 cells and sewage. When the board let the contract some three weeks ago the VanDoran people got- the contract for building 14R cells for $09,000. .Just what au thority the auditor will have to draw a warrant for $09,000 in payment for 140 cells, when the legislature appro priated $S(),00 to buy 240 cells, is what will cause trouble. Under the law as heretofore construed they might pay leXs, but never more. The board "had contracted to pay $114 a cell more than the legislature authorized them to. Tt is claimed by attorneys that where the legislature makes an ap propriation for the purchase of a spe cific number of articles at a specified cost there could be no valid agree ment to buy them at an enhanced cost. Cliuri'li Howe In IMcmhpiI. Church Howe, consul to Sheffield, who has been on leave of absence from his post visiting his old friends in Nebraska, was in Washington en route to New York on his way to England. Col. Howe is thoroughly satisfied with the consular service and says he has no intention whatso ever of re-entering politics. Veciillur Name. Articles of incorporation have been filed by the Skedee Independent Tele phone company of St. Edwards, Hoono county, with an authorized capital stock of $10,000. The pecu liar name of the corporation is of Indian origin and signifies par ex cellence. Dr. Tho m iin iionppoliited. Dr. W. A. Thomas, of Lincoln, waa re-appointed state veterinarian by 'Gov. Mickey. The place pays $1,500 a year. . Information for Tendicr. State Superintendent Fowler has his olllce force busily engaged in packing and sending out by express large bundles of books for the infor mation of teachers and school au thorities all over the state. He Is sending to each of the more than 9,000 teachers in the state a copy each of a booklet setting out the Ne braska course of study and teachers' manual for district and village schools, another setting out school laws that are of especial interest to the teacher, and an ornate publica tion that outlines programmes for the observance of special days in the pub lic schools. For the information of school authorities generally, he is al so sending to the oilicers of each of the 0,000 school districts in the state a copy of a publication dealing with the school laws and school land lawB uf tln state. Quite a number of blank books essential to the conduct of the schools are also being sent out. Statu 1'rlHon Improvement. The new chapel at the state peni tentiary will be dedicated July 5. The date originally set was June 14, but the contractors disappointed the u-nvernor and chanlain. The adminis tration building is very nearly finished now. It will be handsomely furnished and the accommodations for the executive officers are ample. The office and reception rooms arc on the second floor, the warden's appartments on the second and the greater part of the third floor will be devoted to the women's ward. The windows of this ward will over look the interior of the prison yards, but otherwise there will be nothing dispiriting about the place. The. rooms are large and cheery, finished in oak and equipped with conveni ences, making them utterly unlike the typical prison quarters. Amendment Held Invalid. Should the decision of Judge Holmes, of the Lancaster county dis trict court, be affirmed by the su premo court, whence it will be imme diately appealed, legislative sessions in Nebraska will hereafter be limited to -10 days and the pay of members $3 a day'instoad of $5. This decision was rendered in a suit brought by Former Supreme Court Commissioner Kyan against the auditor to prevent tlie payment of claims to members. Tho suit was bccim during the last session, but the legislators were per mitted to draw their money before the order of injunction was served. Fusion Probable. For the first time since fusion was first sprung in Nebraska the state convent ions of the democrats and populists will be held in different cities this year. The democratic com mittee decided on Columbus as the place of meeting and the populists on Ornnrt Island. The. disposition, how ever, is to fuse this year. The same date, August 25, was decided upon by both committees. This was a populist demand, and the democrats acceded to it. Hoy IVn CrnwlliiKT Under Train. A sad accident occurred at tlfe Union Pacific depot in Fremont. Eddie HrownT six years old, while attempting to go under a freight train standing on the track, was run over and killed. The boy was return ing homo from an errand up town and not wishing to wait for the train to pull out was crawling under the cars when the engine backed the train. PiinnIiik of a Pioneer. .Tacob Kaun, one of the few re maining old settlors of northeast Nebraska, died at Norfolk at the age of 80 years. He located in that vicinity 37 years ago with a few other fainilios. On the fertile plains of the then wild Nebraska Mr. Kaun prospered and left his children a rich inheritance. Firemen to Have Slate MeetliiK. .Detailed and complete arrange ments are being made by Norfolk firemen for entertaining the visitors who are expected at the state tour nament .July 81, 22 and 83. The race course, with extensive grounds, is being placed in excellent shape for tlie varied events. Aurora Given to University. The citizens of Aurora are aiding in the raising of the $33,333 for thu University of Nebraska necessary to receive the gift from John D. lloeke feller. Home Merileliic Kill Child. An lS-inonths'-old child of County Treasurer Hooher, of Columbus, drank some horse liniment and died in about a half hour. Ord to Have a Fair. The Valley County Agricultural so ciety will hold an old-fashioned fair at Ord October 2tt and 30 and No vember 1. SAM COOK EXPLAINS. The Seorotnrr of St" to of MlMotirl Cl'ei Out n SlitMiiont on tho Spnml Affiilr. Jefferson City, Mo., June 27. Ham It. Cook, secretary of state, last night gave out a statement regarding the payment of money by H. It. Spued to ex-Senator Lyons to protect his of fice of coal oil inspector a St. Louis, which has been the subject of In vestigation by the St. Louis grand jury. Mr. l;ooic says: "When the demand was made on Mr Speed for this $800 under the th.eat to pass an act taking practi cally all the profits out of the office he was holding, he did what many honest, men hnve done, permitted himself to be held up by a legisla tive sandbagger. When Mr. Speed came to me with the information that a demand was being made on him for moiiev I nromntlv advised him not to pay a dollar. When, how ever, on the advice of others, he con cluded to pay the demand, I still did what I could to protect him. When he was In trouble and asked" my as sistance I did what I would have done for any honest friend who sought my aid unhesitatingly gave it." THREE LIVES FOR ONE. Nejrroe Who Killed u Ucoreln White Mnn Taken from dull at Newton and limited to a Trim. Albany, On., ."June 27. Three ne groes, Garfield McCoy, George Mc Klnnoy and Wiley were taken from jail at Newton, Uakcr county, 21 miles south of here and lynched, rue three men were in jail for killing F. S. Mill iard, a white man, who was called to quell a riot at a negro dance near his house one night last week. MAY MEET MARCUM'S FATE. Jutlgo Curd well, tho Jackson .Torino Who Fined Two Feudist. Threatened xV.vltb Assassination. Jackson, Ky., June 27. Judge Cardwell, who presides over the city court here, and who lined the two men brought before him on the ohariro of Urine Cant. Ewen's hotel, has received notice of a threat of assassination and has taken up his residence in his store. He will be guarded by the militia. An Old Stage Driver Dend. Bloomington, 111., June 27. Fred crick Hartman, the first stage driver in Illinois, is dead at Eureka. He was GS years old. Mr. Hartman was in charge of a stage between Dan ville and Peoria from 1835 until the advent of railroads in 18(10. For the last 10 years he has been bellringer at Eurcku college. An Indian Chief Drngecil to Death. Vinita, 1. T., June 27. George Bear skin, assistant chief of the Seneca tribe of Indians, wns killed yester day. He was thrown from his horse and his foot became entangled in the stirrup of the saddle and he -was dragged to death. Ills brains were knocked out by rocks and scattered along the road. Klntr Kilwurd Ik (12. London, .Tune 27. King Edward's sixty-second birthday was celebrated Friday in London at the Home naval and military stations. All the govern ment buildings were decorated with flags, salutes were fired, the war ships at all the ports dressed ship and the troops were reviewed. Cotton CIiih for Porto Kirn. San Juan, P. Jt.. June 27. Five cot ton gins have arrived here from the United States and will be immediate ly installed. They are the first gins to reach I'orto Ilico in 40 years. The cotton plantations of the island now cover 11,000 n'crcs and the area is be ing increased weekly. Gen. I'uimton Starts for AIiihIui. Washington, June 27. Gen. Fun ston, commanding the. department of the Columbia, has informed the war department that he has left for Alaska for an inspection of the posts in that territory. He will visit Forts Liscum, Skagway, Egbert, Gibbon, St. Michael and Davis. KiiHila Will Keturn tho Petition. Washington, June 27. The Itussinn government will return the Jewish petition on the Kishineff massacres to the United States representative and will not ofiicially consider it, holding that Americans havo no right to interfere in the internal affairs of llussia. KurtlKiuiilccH In lliinciiry. Krlnu, Hungary, .June U7. Four violent (iii,tlniiakts were felt here at six o'clock yenterduy morning1. Several houses in the suburbs col lapsed and nearly nil the buildings in the town were more or less dam aged. The inhabitants were jmnle strieken. Would Unionize tlio Army. Chicago, .June 27. E. L. Turley, sec retary of the Teamsters' National union, declared yesterday that he is in favor of unionizing the soldiers of the United Slates army find nfllli nting them with the American Fed eration of Labor. ' THE FREE KIDNEY DOCTOR. It'll tho pooplo nlm doubt unit hneonin ourcil whllo they doubt who itrnlso Dnnn'H Mils tho highest. Aching backs nro caned, Hip, back, niul loin twins overcome. Swelling ot tho limbs ami dropsy hIrhs vanish. They correct urine with brick dust pediment, high colored, pain In1 passing dribbling, frequency, bod wetting. Doan's Kidney 1'llla remove calculi and Kravul. Uollovo heart palpitation, duuplensness, hondncho, nervousness, dizziness. Taylokbvim.k, Miss. " I tried everything for a weak back and trot no relief until 1 'Doan's Wmm 11 Vl' VJl'HMrrmJ ruist v w TWtCt. o s&vnui i ,tna NAME .................. Pl O .mMMnMtmMmW" hom Uln b nimmtwttmm For fr trial bo, mll thto coupon to Fnatur-Mllbura Co., UuITalo, N Y. if lro rpaco In Insuiuclcnt, write nddreu on topn rnto flip. umid Uoan b rills." J. N. Lcwib, ON HIS VACATION. The Olt y Tourlat In the Country Cornea Upon it New Kind of llee. The titunaier tourist, being cngngeii in oiuc naturalistic pursuits, came upon a bco which vat lcisutely on a blntle of graic and seemed perfectly unconcerned, relates J lUteC, "(low now?" quoth the summer tourist. "Tills belies nil I have read about the buiy bee." "What does?" akcd his guide. "Why, that bee on that blade of gras has been kitting there all morning, evident ly, and still gives no sign of intending to go to work." , "Ml. U ,t ,,...' I....... r.n I.. ,.,,...1. (. Colorndo Summer OuthiKn. The Colorado Flyer, on the Santa Fe, was resumed June 4 tor the Bummer season. This popular train is to run daily between Kansas City and Denver. It will leave Kan sas City at 0:55 p. m. and reach Colorado's chief city the next lorenooa, oniy one nigiu on the way. The equipment of the Colorado Flyer comprises (in 'addition to standard Pullmans) an observation Pullman, a library-smoking car and chair cars, equalling in manv respects that of the California Lim ited. The Flyer also carries a through Pull man between Galveston and Colorado Springs. , The outlook for summer business to Col orado is very promising. The Santa re is extensively advertising its new train, also its regular nll-lhe-year-rouiul Chicago and Denver fast express. Thousands of copies of a profusely illustrated book, entitled "A Colorado Summer," are being distributed by the Santa Fe passenger department; this hook tells all about the joys of camping out, hunting, fishing and mountain climbing. You will be Mirpricd to learn for how little money the Colorado tour may be made. - Would Need It. Hanks The officiating cleigyman is the bride's father. , P.mks 1 understand that he received a very large fee from the groom. "lie did; but' it won't last tlje minister very long, as wie young cuuiuc .- 8""'b w live with him." Judge. World' Fair. St. l,ouln, 11MI4. Of course you are going tp visit the I' air. You want to tee what it will look like. We huvc a beautiful bird's-eye view. OB',5" inches) which will be seru cm receipt of 10 cents, silver or stamps. Address, GhOHulv MOll'lON, (J. P. A "Tlie Katy," Uox Oil, St. Louis, Mo. Nil turn I .Mlnti'I vIiir:. "I cud linih de ehurnin' after me break fast, mum. Dis ivoik gives yer an appetite fer nicakl'ast." "Yes; but I'm afraid breakfast may not give you an apjielite for woik." Puck. Put a beggar on horseback and he'll ride to the litut place where he can sell tho horse. Town Topics. A show of daring oft conceals great cow ardice. Lucan, iiir.HinRimBmnniwnwnTiwi'wminnniinniuHiiiiMi ,1,111,11,1 ...3iEKiiauriil.UliimH,ln.bn,l.Ml I'M ""'"''-ii saiT.HK iaV. .v -j&J&JIWa. KJ-5! ItiTTtiTt nitmniTiiiITi"iri7i iint i'tt nt'HtU'iiViii v 'nn m ihi i'i"1 XVfrref able Prcnaralionfor As similating IlicFood aiidRcgala- ung me DiomuciB uuuuuwuia ut Promotes Digcslion.Cheerftir ness and Resl.Contains neither Opium. Morphine norMineral. TsTOT N AR C O T3lC . Jlctlpe ofOldnrStMUELNTCIIKR mtfJuii Off" Mx.Smna Jhffxrnwl -, . Jli Ctutmalfioad fflmSftd Ctaifi'td Sugnr ISXntttyirtn- rtawK Aperfccl Remedy forConstipa Tion , Sour Stomach.Diarrhoca Worms .Convulsions .Fcvensh css and Loss of Sleep. Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. fitta. tome time yet. explained the guide. "He doesn't? Wnat variety of bee is he?" "Tnat'a what they call the hiifking bee. He won't have anything to tlo until iioxt fall." Ulif IIU liUiril l 11(111; ,U U IU IVUIIt 1U1 Mais I 'Ell 1 imil I'M1 BHM T OdiA.j?l ."Hi -J n lMMnW IM 1 1 1 The renson you can get this trial free Is heenuse they euro Kidney Ills mid ivlll prove. It to you. Vkht niUNrtt, Mien. Doan's Kidney Tills hit tho cane, which wna an unusual desire to urlnnto had to got up five or six times of a night I llilnk diabetes was well tin dcr way, tho feet and ankles swelled. Thero was an In tense taln In tho back, ths heat of which would feol llko putting ono'fl hand up to a lamp chimney, 1 havo usel tho free trial and two full boxes of Doan's Mils with tho satisfaction of feeling that I nm cured They arc tho rem edy par excellence " D. F. IUllxhd. llllf ctnta. mna ABSOLUTE SECURITY, Genuine Carter's Little Liver Pills. Must Boar Signature of 5m FaoSlmllo Wrapper Below. I Terr amall tad as easy . r tako as aajfar. FOR HEADACHE, for pimwis. HHlTTLE F0 IttlOWMEIfa I H r D FOR TORPID LIVER. II Dill FOR CMSTITATION. I H yia' FOR SALLOW SKIN. iMBMl for the complexion I 0&. Paroir VeroUftlowX imcifitiMD uuariuvt mNATUH( CURE SICK HEADACHE. "AIL SIGNS FAIL IN A DRY TIME! THE 5KN OP THE f ISH NEVER fAILS NA WET TIME. Remember thii whenyoubuy Wet Weather Clothing and look for the name TOWER on the button. ThU irir Mid this nMne hnve stood Jl for the BEST during alxty-seven , " " M.w. inrra.iinn m. JtiaiO VI UIV.H.UJII IV IWW. If vntir tft?rwlllnnt Minnlv vnii write for tree catalogue oi Diacit or .yeiiow water proof oiled coats. 3licker5.auiti.hati. and horse floods for all kinds of wet work. A.J. TOWER CO. TMB .tfWERjr BOITON.MAJS.. U.S.A. 3IGN X I xnWPD PANAD AN COL t 'fciflWJ TORONTO. CAN. '"""" UKADKKtt OF THIS I'Al'Urt DKSIK1NO TO I1UY ANVTUIKO ADVKRT1BKD IN ITS COLUUH1 BHOULI) IN818T Ul'ON HAVING WHAT THKV ASK KOH. HKITUSIMO ALL HUB8TITUTK8 Oil IMITATIONB. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA TM CNTUH OMFNV. NtW OIH OIT. Wzz- ' M t k sw fXl Alt aijj2MfZ2'E?? rji: ,uphlvSv., ji-',jjrf? : k-njtii -rowj & fi3w8li-l '- 1!i,1;i'&!4' twfd