The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, July 03, 1903, Image 10

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D nont Couuh Brrun. Thau Utxxl. Oeo
d In tlmo. SoM or rtnwuWiH.
Harness& Shoe Shop
Having opened a Harness Shop and 8I100
repairing IhihIiichs. I iIcmIto lo Inform the
puoplnor Nemaha and vicinity Unit I nin
prepared to do nil klndu of
Shoe Repairing
Harness Repairing
And Oiling i
Good Hand Made Harness a Specialty
All uro Invited to call in mid hco inc.;
Highest market price paid for TJMcb,
Lard, Tallow, etc.
Proprietors of tho
Livery & Feed Stable
Ckod Dray in connection with Livery
Satisfaction guaranteed.
Standard and registered. Hired by Hepuull
rnn, i1W4, Diim, Hiulln vent by Tivlavem,
V!:3(i; 2nd duin. Betsy Trot wood by MoMulion.
2.21. lied buy. bhiclc piimtN, it yearn old,
HinridRjld hatidn hli:li, welgliH liMX) pounds.
lie luiHROOd high in Hon wltn Unontvle.
Yon will mnlco no inlmiilca bv breeding to
llopubllenn Jr., hh nomo of his oldenl colts
nioHclllnt; forS'iOO.
tltanrtard nnd rcdutorod. sired by Put I..
2.0l)Jv. Dam, Hadlo Vera b Taluvoru, 2.3';
2nddiuii, lloiwy Trotwood by Mc.Mnlion, 2.21.
Dnrlc nay, ulnelc polnm, fl years old, stands
MX bunds IiIkIi, welubH I31KI pounds,
Hoth liorseN will tunica tho hiiimiii nflnm nt.
llnpln HIiIku Block Furin, 2K mllos soutb
eiiHtof Howe, nt 810 to tnsitio niuro In lotl.
Ourn will bo lulten to pinvent uroldonts but
sboulil any occur will bo at tho owner's rUlc.
Thos. 3. Jones, Owner
Howe, Nebraska
Of :nIvN(on, 'IVNxiin.
"Wln of Cardul Is indeed a blessing
to tired women. Having suffered for
cvcn yearj with weakness and bear.
Iiuj.down pains, end having tried sev
eral doctors and different remedies
with no juc,t, your Wine of Cardui
w the only tulng which helped me,
and eventually cured me It seemed to
build up (he weak parts, strengthen
(he system and correct Irregularities."
By "tired women" Mrs. Adams
means nervous women who have
disordered menses, fulling of tho
womb, ovarian troubles or any of
tlieso ailments that women have.
You can curo youn.el at horn with
this great women's remedy, "Wino
of Cardui. Wino of Cardui has
cured thousands of cases which
doctors lmvo failed to benefit. Why
not begin to get well today? All
druggists have 51.00 hollies. Tor
any stomach, liver or bowel disor
der Thoilford'a Uliiclc-Druught
should be used.
rntT.ifvlfOitii.lllti'mtniv.rililii'M. rlvliiu
l 11 iIouih, Tli I.iulict' AitvtM'i-y liupuN
ir 'il. 'll'.t Cl'iirtnooji Morttilno Co.,
w ll'.a j'.-t,"l, Iwin.
''M f f s r.
0$ ft f A fVv (J R
r m
Imi r.itUlK WH(N( All HSV t IS.
The Nebraska Advertiser
XV, XV, Snniler XV. F. Sander
W. W. Sandehb & Son, Prop's.
FRIDAY, JULY 3, 1003.
Coi. l'res. Barker, of Asplnwall, who
bus been a standing candidate Tor oMIcb
for the last twenty years, in his native
ball wick, was in to see us the titer
day, and while lioro declared that since
the decisions of the courts in reference
to tho whiskey traftlc, that ho is no
longer a candidate for political prefer
ence. Politics in high places has bet
como too corrupt for him. Shubert
S. JO. .Lawrence is oonvincod that
prosperity is here to stay, and has dei
cided to build a new house and live in
comfort and style. Ho will build a
now house 30x32 feet, joining it on the
newer Iioubo now on tho old Kittle
farm, making a house 32x50 feet when
completed. Joe Bungor will do the
work, which insures a well built house,
as Joo thoroughly understands his
business. Sam knew where to go when
he wanted good work dono.
It has been rumored in this and ad
joining counties of this judical district
that tho Nomaha county bar was op
posed to the renomination and election
of Judge Jno. S. Stull.
After a careful fnvastigation Tho
PoBt is absolutely cortnin that this
rumor 1b wholly without foundation,
as nearly ovory attorney at the bar bus
expressed himself as being mre favor
able to the renomination of Judge
Stull than any other candidate men
tioned. Auburn Post.
Auburn, Nebr., June 30. Lemuel
T. Goldberry, jr., a lad of Bixteen years
was drowned in the swimming hole
adjacent to Fredrich's island near this
city, nbout 2 o'clock this afternoon.
Searching pnrties were out at once and
as many persons as could bo worked at
a time were engaged till 7 o'clock tc
night before the body was recovered.
Young Goldberry had often gone swim
ming at the placewbero he was drowned
and on this occasion had started there
to go swimming with Shelby Hayes, a
lad of about the Bame age. Hayes
Btopped on the way to talk with aome
other boys nnd when he arrived he
could not find Goldberry, but did find
his clothing-rolled upon the bank. The
swimming hole is very deep in some
places; It was only after diligent
search with the aid of a two-horse hay
rnke that the body was recovered. The
mother and brother and two sisters of
the boy reside here. The father and a
brother are inmates at Lancaster, Neb.
State Journal.
Newspaper For Sale.
The only paper in an eiiBtern Kauai s
town of 4400. Plenty of leads, Blugs
hows and job type. A 18x10 new
Gordon press, will take one page of
five-column paper.havo gasoline engim .
Good prices prevail. Best ot nuisonn
for selling. Pi ice 8000; 300 cash, baN
unco on time. Address
W. P. Davis,
Okeio, Kan.
Fourth of July 1. .ten. On July 3
and 4 the Burlington route will sell
round trip tickets between Animus
distant not more than 200 miles at
very low rates. Minimum rate, 50 cts.
Tickets good to return until July 0.
Cured by One Bottle of 'Olmmljerliuu'j
1 Cough Remedy
"When I had tho grip last winter
(the second one) I actually cured my
self with one bottle of Chamberlain's
Cough HtMimdy," siysFiank A'. Pir
Editor of tho Enterprise, Shortville
N. Y. "This is the Iiuihhl truth. 1
at times keep ticin coughing myself to
pieees b takiim one teasnoontul oi
thinm iM'lv. a ml wh e. 11 tlm cnua.hint
spell would eoine 011 at niuht 1 would
tulu a diiSB au.l it rteennid that in the
bneferit iniervnl the emmh would pans
If nnd I would itto sleep perteetl.v
tree 1 1 out numb nnd its neeumpiinyiiip
pains. To s i thai the remedy acted'
as a most nre. able Mirprisi' is putting
it vei null) 1 . I ii d nn idea that it
would or nuild Ir o( k out themip,
n p ln'iime I hint never tiyd It. Ir
such ii piirn ihi., tun ji did, mill it seein
i d with Mm sK'iiml ilt.iok of cniuhiiif:
llipnineih e me d il to lift only he ot
hm durati m, inn tie iiiiia wWt fur
Jews sever , .. it l i-twl io im.-d tho ()
ten's of i) to n i h.t. m Mr, cirip hud
Inde ill-. ".' p . , e b; Keeling,.
Dr. Starbuck the osteopathist of Au
burn, has an advertisement in this issue
Tho following taken from Collier's
New Encyclopedia explains the system
of osteopathy.
Osteopathy, a system of healing
founded by Dr.A. T. Still. In spite of
the apparent etymology of tho namo,
the By t tern does not confine itself to
tho treatment of bono diseases, but
claims to bo a general system founded
on tho principle tlmO'all bodily diss
orders are tho result of mochanical ob
structions to free circulation of vital
fluids and forces." As stated in official
publications, "osteopathy bus nothing
in common with tho faith cure, Christ
tian science, spirtualism, hypnotism,
magnetic healing, Swedish movement,
mental science, or massage. There is
nothing supernatural about it. Its ap
parently marvelous cures are accompi
lished through purely scioatific
methods, based on profound knowledge
of the human mechanism. The diag
nosis is laraoly through the sense of
touch, which 1b developed to its highest
perfection . As the fingers of the blind
are trained to read the letters of tho
alphabet through several thicknesses
of cloth, so the lingers of the osteopath
passed over the surface of the body
seldom fall to detect tho slightest disar
rangement of tho human mechanism,
lie not only knows how the body looks
when the anatomy is normal, but also
how it feels." The osteopath takes the
position that when all obstructions to
the proper direction of the life giving
and healing energies that aro resident
in the body such as maladjustment
or abnormalities of tho bodily machine
in any of its parts are detected and
corrected, by a thorough knowlenge of
anatomy and physiology, nature fast
regains her equilbriura of health and
strengh. No medicine whatever is
used and no surgery employed, except
in cases where tho latter is needed oxs
clusivly. The remiukable cures effected
by this treatment and its growing po
pularity have caused the legisature of
a number of States to legally recognize
osteopathy as a science as worthy of
acceptance as allopathy, homeopathy or
Bingery. In 1892 Dr. Still organized a
college at Kirksville, Mo., under the
laws of that State. A large building
was erected in 181)5 and additions made
in 1800. The school began with 28
students and has steadily increased in
numbers. In 1800 It had between 300
and 400 students.
Call in and see us if you wont to
snbscriba for any paper published in
the United States.
How's This?
WeoU'orOno Ilnmlreil Dollnra Howard for
anycimeof Cnturrli thut cannot bo cured by
lltill'HCntnrrli Curo,
IF, J. CHENEY A CO., PropH., Toledo, O.
We, llio undersigned, lmvo known F. J,
Cheney for tho last 15 years, and believe him
porlei'tly houot utile In all busluesH trnnaao
tloiiH and financially ablo to carry out any
obligations mdo by tliolr tlnn., & T 1 mix, wholesale druggists, Toledo.O.
WuMIiik, Ivlunan icMaiviu, wholesale drug-
kImIn, Toledo, Oi
Hall's Catarrh Cum 1m talcon Internally, act
Inn illtectly upon the blood and mucous mir
faeeof tho system. Prlco76opor bottlo. Sold
by nil druKKlit. Testlinonlala free.
null's Kiunlly PllU mo tho best.
Houtz's Resiaurant
Fresh Candh'H. Nuts, Fruits, Cigars.
Fresh Uiead, Huns and Cakes alwuys
on hand.
Drop in nnd soo us.
Grndiiato of the American School of
Osteopathy of Kirksville, Mo.
Remarkable cures are effected by
this system of healing. No medlclnos
OlFice ov r Eustice & Cllne's drug
Traveling is Dangorous I
Constant motion jars the kidneys!
which aro kept in place in tho body by I
delicate attachments. This Is tho rea I
son that trovelers, trainmen, BtYeet car j
men, teamsters and all who driyo very
much, suffer from kidney disease In
somo form. Foley's Kidney Curo
strongtheuB tho kidneys and cures all
forms of kidney and bladder disease.
Geo. E. Ilaussn locomotive engineer,
Lima, O., writes, "Constant vibration
of tho engine caused mo a great deal of
trouble with my kidneys, and I got no
relief until I used Foloy'a Kidney Cure.
-M T mil.
Foley's Henoy and Tar contains no
opiates and can safely bo given to
children M. T. Hill
Holds Up a Congressman
"At tho end of the campaign."
writes Champ Clark, Missouri's brillN
ant congressman, "from overwork
nervous tension, loss of sleep and con
stant speaking I had about utterly col
lapsed. It seemed that all of my
organs were out of order, but three
bottles of Electrio Bitters made me all
right. It's tho best all-round medis
cine ever sold over a druggist's count
er." Overworked run-down men and
weak, sickly women gain splendid
vitality from Electric Bitters. Try
them. Only GOc. Guaranteed by
Spring Ailments
There is nn aching and tired feeling,
tho liver, bowels, and kldnoys become
sluggish and inactive, the digestion
impaired, with little or no appetite no
ambition for anything and a feeling
that the wholo body and mind needs
toning up. The trouble is, that dur
ing the winter, there has been nn over
nccumalation of waste matter in the
system. Herbino will remove it, se
cure to the secretions .1 right exit, nnd
give strength in place of weakness.
SOcut Hill's.
"World-Wide .Reputation
White's Cream Veimifuge has ac
hieved a world wide reputation as be
ing the best of worm destroyers, and
for its tonic influence on weak and un
thrifty children, as it neutralizes the
acidity or sourness of the stomach,
improves the digestion and assimila
tion of food, strenghtens tho nervous
system and restores them te the health
vigornrid elasticity of spirits natural
to childhood. 25c at Hill's.
Cures When Dootors Fail
Mrs. Frank Chiasson, Patterson, la.,
writes June 8th, 1001 : 'E had malaria
fever in a very bad form, was under
treatment by doctors, but as Boon as I
stopped taking their medicine the fev
er would return, I used a sample
bottle of Ilerbine, found it helped mo.
Then I bought two bottles, which
completely cured me. I feel very
grateful to you for furnishing such a
eplendid medicine, and can honestly
recommend it to those suffering with
malaria, as it will surely cure them."
Herbinp, 50c bottle at Hill's,
Makes Kidneys and Bladder Right
For sale by ALT. Hill.
Cures Coldsi Prevents Pneumonia
For halo by M. T. Hill.
tops tho couf h and heals lungs
All kinds of work guaranteed
Briny in your Jiepair murk You yet
Riyht Prices and llest Woifc.
Perkins' Jiweky Store
VM.iCAMl'llLL, I'reu.
Capital Stoolc, 85 OOO
Bottor Than a Plastor.
A piece of flannel dampened vith
Chamberlain's Pain Balm and bound
on tho affected parts, is better than a
plaster for a lamo back and for pains
inthe side nnd chest. Pain Balm has
no superior as allotment for there"
lief of deopseatcd,mu3cuiur, andrheus
matlc pains. For salo by W. V.
Keeling. Druggist.
A Lesson in Health
Healthy kidneys filter tho implicitly
from tho blood, and unless they do
this good health 1b impossible. Fos
ley's Kidney Curo makes sound kidi
neys and will positively cure all forms
of kidney and bladder disease. It
strenghtens the whole system. M T
Take the wagonette when in Au
burn if you want to go to any part of
the city. John McElhaney, prop.
Excels In Vocabultry which Is tho most
useful In Blzo and contents. It Is Judiciously
elected to exclude corruptions of good
usaire, and to avoid uuintolllglblo technl
calltlcs. Excels In Arrsneement, giving words their
correct alphabetical places. Each worn be
gins 11 paragraph and .is readily caught by
t no eye.
Excels In Etymoloeles. Thcfio nro complete
and scientific, una embody tho best results
of philology. They aro not scrimped or
crowded Into obscuro places.
Excels In Pronunciation which is indicated
by rcspclllnir with thodlncritlcally marked
lcttors mod In tho schoolbooks, tho sounds
of which uro taught in tho public schools.
Excels In Definitions. Tiiey are ciear,
torse, yet complete, and nro given In tho
order in which the word hns acquired its
shades of meaning. Many of the dcQ
uttiont nro Illustrated.
Excels In Its Appendix which is n packed
ntoroliousQ of usclul knowledge.
Excels is a Working Dictionary. No other
book embodies so much use! ill information,
is so valuable ana convenient tor consul
tntion. or bo indlsponsablo in tho 'home,
study, school, qr oillcc.
The International has 2364
ouarto tmffes with 5000 lllus
trations. 25,000 new words
and phrases have recently
been added under, the super
vision of W. T. Harris, Ph.D.,
LL.D., U. S. Commissioner oi
"A Test in Pronunciation" which afford? n
! pleasant and instructs o evening's enter
tainment. Illustrated pamphlet also free.
! (J. & C. MEIUUAM CO., Springfield, Mum.
far children t tafa, nurm No ptatM
For salo by M. T. Hill.
Will Dure Oonsumption
A A Ilerren of Finch, Ark.
writes, "Foley's Honey and Tar is the
best preparation for coughs, colds and
lung trouble. I know that it has cur
ed consumption in the first stage.
M T Hill.
DeWltt's B Salve
Fop Piles, Burns, Soros.
Over-Work Weakens
Your Kidneys.
Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood.
All the blood In your body passes through
your kidneys once every three minutes.
i ne Kidneys are your
blood purifiers, they fil
ter out the waste or
Impurities in the blocd.
If they are sick or out
of order, they fall to do
their work.
Pains, aches and rheu
matism come from ex
cess of uric acid in the
blood, due to nerlected
kidney trouble.
Kidney trouble causes quick or unsteady
heart beats, and makes one feel as though
they had heart trouble, because the heart i3
over-working in pumping thick, kidney
poisoned blood through veins and arteries.
It used to be considered that only urinary
troubles were to be traced to the kidneys,
but now modern science proves that nearly
all constitutional diseases have their begin
ning in kidney trouble.
If you are tick you can make no mtstaKe
by first doctoring your kidneys. The mild
and the extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer's
Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy is
soon realized. It stands the highest for its
wonderful cures of the most distressing casc3
nd Is sold on Its merits p7C!-
y all druggists In fifty-,
.ent and onc-dcllar siz
es. You may have a
sample bottle by mall itonioofSwiumvitoot.
free, also pamphlet telling yu hov to find
out if you have kidney or bladder trouble.
Mention this paper when writing Dr. Kilmer
& Co., Blnghamton. N. Y.
V, 12. AliMSN. V hi. Pi eh.
ALM'.tf, Cashlir.
wraJ? ft
"" ;i j i- v.iL
riiLM2,t.l. 'i' ,i,