fttefti s VOLUME XLV11L NEMAHA, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, JULY 3, 1903 NUMUFK 2 i. e j m . h i.' uw T i : Local News .See M T Hill for lire insurance. Try the Devii paint, bold by J. W. Kerns, Aumrri. Frank Ki.ier is a new subscriber to The AdveiMser. W. H Hop-nxi bus a new sign for the nulel Uopsuu, We have been having very warm weather this week. Pure linseed oil 50 cents per gallon al Hi. To drug store. Flue line of Wall Paper just received at Keeling' drug store. Prof Harriott of Browuville was a Nemaha visitor Tuesday. dee V. W. Harris of South Auburn for Clothing and Dry Goods. A high grade barn paint for 05 cents per gallon at Hill's drug store. Mrs. Alice A. Minick of Browuville was a Nemaha visitor Friday. A fine line of silverware suitable for wedding presents at Keeling's. Mre. Alien A. Minick baB had an addition built to the hotel Hopsun. Southern strictly pure white lead 0 cents per pound at Hill's drug store. Win. Anderson of Auburn visited Nemaha frieuds Fiidtiy and Saturday ,t Just received, a good line of fiy netB by Ed wards & Bradford Lumber Co. Cyrus Minick went to Bracken Weduesday morning to assist in bar vesting. The thermometer at the depot at 10 o'clock Wednesday morning was 99 in the shade. A Qne line of summer dusters and lap robes at Edwards & Bradford Lum ber Company. A. F. Walsh has laid a sidewalk between Vandersllce's store and E. E. Rumoaugh's residence. Joe Bunger and family left for Holdrege. Nebr., Friday morning, to visit friends until Monday. Miss Maud Rlsser of Lincoln ar rived in Nemaha Thursday afteruoen on a visit to Miss Helen Hoover. A full line of all kinds of sewinS machine needles kept in stock by the Edwards & Bradford Lumber Co. Miss Belle Galbraith started for St:' Paul, Minn., Tuesday morning, where she will make her home with her siss ters.) A. R. McCandless has a fine new rubber tired buggy, in which he takea his ease in driving when he can get a little leisure time. Dr. W. H. Linn will be in Nemaha two days, Monday and Tuesday, July 6 and 7, at the Park Hotel, doing all kinds ef dental work. Mrs. Frank Titia and June and Miss Lulu LeibhaVt went to Gretna, Nebr., Wednesday, to visit their sister, Mrs. Patterson, and friends. The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Gillespie died Sunday and was buried Monday. The causo of his death was whooping cough. H. M. Tollinger has been sick with asthma this week. W. V. Steuteville has been looking after the business of the Edwarbs & Bradford Co. John Burns of Idaho, a grandson of Wm. Burns, is visiting relatives in Nemaha and vicinity this week. He arrived Saturday of last week: Mrs. Warren Galbraith started for St. Paul, Minn., Tuesday. She will viBit friends there a few days and then oinher husbtnd at Livingstone, Mont. Geo. Christy has been appointed on a committed by the State Horticulture society, to confer with the Worlds Fair commission in regard to Nebraska's ex hlbit. Married At the ofilce of the county judge, in Auburn, Nebt.. by Judge It, P. Neal, on Wednesday, July 1, mo:), Mr. James Shubert and Miss Lora Me Ninch. Judge John S. Stall was in Nemaha last Saturday.' The judge is a caiidi date for re-election, atid the district could make no better choice for that positiou. A meeting of the excutlve committee of the old settlers association was held last Saturday afternoon, and arranges mentsjlmvo been started for the annual renulon and picnic in August. The Masons have had their hall and the lower rooms repapered, and the building now looks like a new one, as they had it newly sided, a new roof put on, and the building painted. A. J. Baldwin of Stella was in Ne maha Tuesday in the interest of the state Insurance Co. of Nebraska, for which he is state agent. He appointed VV, W. Sanders agent for Nemaha. H. 11. Howe departed for New York early Saturday morning. Ho will meet Hon. Church Howe at that point and from there he will join Mrs. Howe and after visiting awhile, will return home Herald. Mr. E. O. Stokes of Nemaha and Miss Mattie Chandler were married at the residence of the bride's parents in Richardson county, on Monday eves ning, June 20, 1093. Rev. DeForest Austin performed the ceremony. Mrs. Wightman and son, Cbas . Pas coe, of Fremont, Nebr. , visited Nems aha friends a few hours last Saturday. Mrs. Wightman is a Bister of Thos. H. Jones, living near Howe, and formerly lived in Brownville. Blind Boohe gave an entertainment in Nemaha last Saturday that was well patronized. He would please the public better if ha would give us some thing new occasionally, and not repeat the same program year after year. In responce to requests Miss Marie Hoever played a fine solo, which Boone ret peated. The passenger train from the west was four hour late Tuesdey on the ac count of a wreck at Strang. The pas senger train ran into a freight train . The enginer and the fireman jumped and escaped with bruises. The express messenger was somewhat bruised but was able to go through to the city. None of the passengers were iajured. Rev. M. C. Aleridge, who has pres sided over the destinies of the Cumber land Presbyterian churches at Provids ence near Brownville, with bis family, took their departure yesterday for Harrlsonville, Ohio, where he engages in ministerial work. Their many Nemaha ctuntry friends wish them success in their Ohio borne. Herald. Beatrice Ohantauqua Low Eate3 via Bur lington Boute The Burlington offerB tickets to Ben atrice and return from Nemaha at 82.25 on July 10 to 23, inclusive; res turn limit July 24. Ask the ticket agent for particulars. One Minute cough cure gives relief in one minute, because it kills the mi crobe which tickles the mucous mem brane, causing the cough, and at the same time olears the phlegm draws out theinflammation and heals and sooth es the affected parts. One Minute cough cure strenghens the lungs, wards off pueumonia and is a harmless and never failing cure in all curable caaeB of ctughs, colds, and croup. One Min ute cough cure is pleasant to take, harmless and good alike for young and ld.-W. W. Keeling. Ypu never beard any one using Fos ley's noney and Tar and not being satisfied. M T Hill. Wo huvo a full lino of tho cel ebrated Rubv Spectacles at reasonable prices. Your eyes tested free, at Hill's DrugStore Robert M. Cricbton and Miss Sadie Scott both of Auburn, were married at the home of the bride's father, M Scott, at high noon Wednesday of last week by Rov. S. W. Pringle. Tbeniooin is a son of Prof. Cricbton and has many friends in Nemaha. He has for pome time held a responsible position with the Carson National bank. A very pretty lawn wedding occurred at the beautiful farm homo of Casner Barnes and wife, southeast of this city, last Wednesday evening, "when their eldest daughter, MioB Katio Barnes, was united in marriage to Dr. Wm. II. Linn. The ceiemony was performed by Rev. S. W. Pringlo of the Presbyu terian church. Promptly at eight o'clock the wed" dine march was played by MIbs Clara Brock, who presided at the orsan. The ribbon young ladles passed out of the house inthe following order: Lys dia Barnes and Leta Linn, Mabel Ma jors and Mabel Bridges, Gertie Conner and Bessie Anderson, Julia Mclninoh and Nina Skeen. Between the aisle formed by the lines of ribbon came the bridal party, Miss Mattie Barnes and the best man, Mr. Carl Cartney of Des weese, Nebr., followed by the bride and groom, who took their places in front of a tastefully arranged bank of flowers and evergreens. In a short, Impressive ceremony Rev. Priugle pronounced the words that united the lives of the young couple. About 130 invited guests, relatives and friends of the contracting parties, were present. After congratulations lunch was served. The bride is one of Nemaha county's most popular school teachers, having taught in different parts of the county for a number of years and by her pleas ing disposition and many talents has won a host of friends wherever she is kuown. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. James H. Linn of Lincoln. He alse has been a school teacher in this county, but is now a dentist at Johnson where he located some tisae ago and has built up a very good business. The bride received a large number of valuable, useful and ornamental gifts as tokens of rememberance from her numerous frieuds, who wish the newly wedded couple a long, prosperous and happy life. Auburn PoBt. For host assortment of Dry Goods and Shoes go to the Daylight Store of South Auburn W. W. Harris, prop'r. Old papers for sale at this ofilce. Tha Easy PHI Dewitt's Little1 Early Risers do not gripe nor weaken the system. They cure billlousness, jaundice, constipa tion, and inactive liver, by arousing the secretions, moving the bowels gent ly, yet eflectually, and giving such tone and strength to the glands of the stomach, liver and bowelB that the cause of the trouble is removed entire ly. These famous little pills exert a decided tonio eflect upon the organs involved and if their use 1b continued for a fewdays there will be no return of the trouble, W. VT. Keeling. David Maxwell of Iowa, arrived in Neumha tho first of last week and visited relatives until Monday of this week. He Is a brother ef tho late John Maxwell, but had not learned or his brother's death until ho got of r of the train at Nemaha. He has boon away for about a year and during that time none of his relatives heard from him. Ray Sold, son of J. II. Sold, ran a nail through his hand a few days ago. He started to run across the porch, which was wet, when his feet slipped. Ho threw out his hand to catch himself and struck a nail in a board, which ran through his hand oxcept tho skin on the outside. It was a painful wound but ho getting along niculy. Tho iollowlnj; olllcers were plected InBt Sunday at tho M. E. Sunday school for the ensuing six months: Supt. I. N. Cooper. Ass't Supt. Florence Minick. Sec'y Genova West. Ass't See'y Nellie Sanders. Trens. May Kerker. Librarian Grace Jarvls. Ass't Librarian Lala Hill. Organist Mrs. Lillian Allen. ABB't Organist Lulu Cooper. The annual school meeting was held at tho school house Monday night. Tnere was a good attendance of school patrons. The report of the director showed 104 children of school age in tho district. Outstanding warrentB, about $2300, with about 81000 in the county treasury for the district. Tho school house bonds havo been paid in full. O. J. Thorp was re-elected a member of the school board and W.W. Seid was elected to succeed H. M. Tollinger. A 25 mill tax was levied. FOB SALE A good residence, orchard and 12 acres of land with it, for sale adjoin ingthe townsiteof Nomaha. Call on or write F. G. Hawxijy, South Auburn, Nebr. If you are contemplating a change of location and want land cheap, call at this ofilce. We can interest you. Foley's Honey and Tar is peculiarly adapted for asthma, bronchitis and hoarbenesB. M T Hill. A Weak Stomach Causes a weak body and invites diss ease. Kodol dyspepsia cure cureB and strengthens the stomach and wards off and overcomes disease. J. R. Taylor, a prominent merchant of Chriesman, Texas, says, "I could not eat because of a weak stomach. I lost all strength and run down in weight. All that money could do was done, but all hope of recovery vanished, Hears ing of some wonderful cures effected by use of Kodol I coucluded to try it. The Hrat bottle benefitted me,and after taking four bottles I am fully restored to my usual strength, weight and health W. W. Keeling. Call and see us for reduced rateB on magazines and newspapers. Stand Like a Stone Wall Between your children and the tors tures ef itching and burning eczema scaldhead or other diseases. How? why, by using Bucklen's ArnlcaSal ve earth's greatest healer. Quickest cure for Ulcers, Fever Soros, Salt Rheum, Cuts, Burns, or Bruises. Infallible for Piles. 25c at Keeling's drug store Reveals a Great Secret It is often asked how such startling cures, that puzzle tho best physicians are effected by Dr. King's New Diss covery for Consumption. Here's the secret. It cuts out the phlegm and germsinfected mucus, and lets the life giving oxygen enrich and vitalize the blood. It heals the inflamed, cough worn throat and lungs. Hard colds and stubborn coughs soon yield to Dr. King's New Discovery, the most ins fallible remedy for all throat and luug diseases. Guaranteed bottles COo and 01.00. Trial bottles free at Keeling's. What Thin Folks Nood Is v gt enter power of digesting and assimilating food. Foi th.un I)r Klng'n New Life Pills work wonder They tone and regulate the digestive urgane, gently pxpel all poison from thosyBtem, enrich the blood, improve appetite make healthy flesh. Only 25o at Keeling's. DoWltt's Witch Hazol Salvo The only poaltlve cure for blind, bleeding, Itching and protruding piles cuts, burns, bruises eczema and all ab rasions of tno sklti DoWltt's Is tho only Witch Hazel Salve that Is made rom the pure, unadulterated witch hazel all othots are counterfeits. DoWltt's Witch Hazel Salvo is miulo to cure counterfeits nro made to sell. W.W. Keeling. Old papers for sale at this ofilce. To Improve the appetite and strengi then the digestion, try a fow doses of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab lets. Mr.K.II. Seltz of Dotoit, Mich., sayB, "They restored my appetite when impaired, relieved me of a bloated feeli ing and caused a pleasant and satisfac tory movement of tho bowels." There are people in this community who need jutttutch a medicine. For sale by W W Keeling, druggist Every box warranted. A New Invention Minick'sFleldCorn Husking Maohino husks the corn from the stalk, leaving stalks standing in the Held. Exclusive Btato and manufacturer's right for sale by the inventor and patentee. Corres pondenoo solicited. Address 4 4 H. T. MINICK, Nemaha, Neb. What is Foloy's Kidney Cure? Answer: It la made from a prescript tion of a leading Chicago physician, and one ef the most eminent in the country. The ingredients are the purest that money can buy, and are scientifically combined to get the best results. M T Hill. far Those Who Live on Farms Dr,Bergin, Pana, III., writes: "I have used Ballards Snow Liniment; always recommend it to my friends, and I am confident that there is no better made. It is a dandy for burns. Those who live en farms are especially liable to many accidental cuts, burns and bruises, which heal rapidly when Ballard's Snow Lini ment is applied. It shonld always ho kept in the house for cases of emers gonoy . 25o, 50, and 81 ,00 at Hill's. CDr. 5. W. Keeling, Nomahn, Nobraskn. Of fioo in Keeling drug store. WESLEY H. CLARK Denleijln Windmills and Pumps, Tanks, Pipes, etc. ALL WORK GUARANTEED 'Phone calls nnswered promptly. NEMAHA, NEBK. Undertaker Funeral Director and Embalmer I KEEP IN STOCK A COMPLETE LINE Or Caskets Itobes and Funeral Supplies HEAESE IN CONNECTION BUUBBRT, NErKASKA J vtommmmm&mmem? 'jwmi'&v JfttKittftiMtrtffJa '? t-ra a thjtfr