The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, June 26, 1903, Image 8

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    mil m. ji xuum mmwi
eiiiiik wittM. am HKf mils.
Ilcst Couuti Srrvu, Tntcs Otxxl. Dro
In time. floll irr rtnuMdM.
ygswji mil fii.kjfi.n
Harness& Shoe Shop
Hnvlnifoponed n HnrnoRB Shop and Hlioo
rcpuliiiiK IniHlnuKH I donlro to iiilorm the
people of NuiimliH iiml vicinity tlint X nm
prepared to do nil kinds of
Shoe Repairing
Harness Repairing
And Oiling
Good Hand Made Harness a Specialty
All nro Invited to cnll In nnd fico mo.
Donlor lu
Highest market price paid for Hides,
Lard, Tallow, etc.
Proprietors of tho
Livery & Feed Stable
Good Dray in cennoction with Livory
Satisfaction guaranteed.
' 0318
' Htnndurd nnd reilHtored, Hired by Republi
can, 1!:1!iVj. Dntn, Bud In Vern by Tnlnverii,
2:3U; 2iidunm,lletiyTrotw(od by MoMuhon,
2 21. Red buy. bluolc points, () jonni old,
HtnndM in liniKlH blub, wcIkIir I2un poundM.
Ho luiHKood lituh nctlnn wltn tlnoHlylc.
Yon will mulcts no mlmulte by broedlni; to
Ilopubllrnn Jr. mm Nome of IiIh oldent coltH
nioHoUlng for 8300.
Rtnndnrd and registered. Hired by Pat Ij..
2.0!l,S'. Inini, Hndlo Vera bv Tulnvorn, 2.3";
2nd dam, Homy Trotwood by Mu.Mahon, 2.21.
I)rU tiny, bluuk poliiiri, ti yen in oiu , hiuuuh
'(IJ.J hands hlih, weighs 1300 pound,
It t'l Iiothch will mulct,- tbo wmion of 1903 nt
Mnpln Hideo Htoek Farm, 2tf ioIIuh hoiiiIi
cunt of Howe, nl 810 to ItiHiuu mnrn In foal.
Cnro will lio tuloMi to prevent accident but
nbonld nuyOL'Qtir will bo at tho owuor's rlok.
Thos. H. Jones, Owner
Howe, Nebraska
. fgJrK
Of Onlft'itton, Toxiul
"Wine of Cardul Is indeed a blessing
to tired women. Having Buffered for
seven years with weakness and hear.
Inii'down pains, and havlnit tried sev
eral doctors and different remedies
wllh no success, your Wine of Cardul
was the only thing which helped me,
and eventually cured me It seemed to
build up the weak parts, strengthen
uic system cuu turrcti iricjjuiuiiiicj.
Bv "tired women" Mrs. Adams
means nervous women who hnvo
disordered incnsoa. fnlliucr of the
womb, ovarian troubles or any of
theso ailments that women have.
You can euro yourself at homo with ;
tins igreat women s rcmouy, v mo 1 1
o Cardui. Wine of Cardui has -h
cured thousands of cases which S
doctors havofaileiUobonefit. Why I
not begin to got well today? Ail
druggists have 81.00 bottles. For M
any stomach, liver or bowel diRor- ',
der Thodford'a Black-Draught
should bo U3ed.
rorrtdv!i-cr.:i1litrmturo,ft(!ilrra8. trlvlnu jf
eyuM'twai, '1 In l.titlcV AitviMiry J)i-ui- 'A
infill, 1)u Q) r.ttnnowi Modliituo Co.,
f J
ii ij v v- v ' v-, wvk h w iw sya
fc W 1U V" V , -- w w " w" -
sssV B "bsbbw
Xxifxx;a.trs?jcrriig azaaag
The Nebraska Advertiser
XV. XV. Bander W. F. Handera
W. W. Sandeiis & Soii, Prop's.
FIUDAT, JUNE 20, 1003.
Mr, nnd Mrs. Ed h. Culver and
children returned to Omaha Tuesday.
Wo had another splendid rain Thurs
day. It was mixed with hall In places.
Gall in and see us if you want to
snbacrlbe for any paper published in
the United StateB.
The train struck a yoarliag calf ben
longing to Charity Ilowe Tuesday
night and killed it.
For bast assortment of Dry Goods
and Shoes go to tho Daylight Store of
South Auburn W. W. Harris, prop'r.
Volume 48, No. 1.
The Advertiser begins a new volume
this week, starting on its 48th year.
"Now is tho time to subscribe."
The celebrated Bliud iioono Concert
company will give an entertainment at
Hoover's opera house Saturday night,
June 27. Admission, 25 and 85 cents.
Reserved seats on salo at Heeling's
drug store.
H. M. Tollluger and family went to
Nebraska City Wednesday afternoon
to visit Mr. Bordwoll and family. W.
V. Steuteville ran the lumber yard and
hardware business until Mr. Tolliager's
return Thursday evening.
Fourth of July rates.On July 3
and 4 the Burlington route will soil
round trip tickets between stations
distant not more than 200 miles at
very low rates. Minimum rate, 50 cts.
Tickets good to return until July 0.
Dr. C. M, Keeling of Springfield
South Diikota, and Ed L. Culver and
family of Onaha, Nebr., arrived in
Nemaha last Saturday afternoon to
.titend the family reunion at-tho home
of Dr. aud Mrs. W. W. Keeling on
Suuday. ,
Dr. Gaither reports the following
Monday morning, Juue 22, to Mr.
aud Mrs. Weldon Shiveley, u tine
Thursday, Juno 25, to Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Argabright, a flno son.
Ou account of poor health J. H. Hoov
er has decided to close out his grocery
business in Notnuhu and is selling his
goods out at coat. Mrs. Vuva Ilalney
of Urownvillo is assisting in the store.
Bid has been in business in Nemaha for
the past 48 years, being the pioneer
merchant of tho county. II o Is certain
ly deserving of a rest.
Children's day was observed by the
Methodist Sunday school with a bjaii
ful service Sunday nijflili. The
of the exercises were by tho umUtr
children. The enturtiunmont wau oiu
of the best over given. Mr. C. L.
KubhoII, Mrs. A. It. McCumlleHH and
Miss Lulu Cooper trained the children.
The house was crowded although t.a
threatened storm kept tnniy uwy. The
collection amounted to $:U12.
A family reunion whs held lnBt 'Sun
day at the homo of Di. and Mis. W..W.
Keeling. All of their children weit?
present. Tliia is the iirsl time all have
been together for many ears. Thote
presuui were four bods, Dr. C. M. Keel
ing of Springfield. South Dakota, John
11. Keeling and family of Sttelbyvllle,
Iud., Dr. J. E. Keeling aud family oi
Sulphui lUll, Ind, aud V. F. Keeling
and family of Nmahn, and the dnuu'h-
ter. Mrs. Ed L. Culvci with hor hus
band and children, of Omaha. All en
joyed tho reunion very much.
Bottor Than a Plnstor.
A pleco of flannel dampened with
Chamberlain's Ptiiu Balm and hound
ou the affected parts, is butter than a
plaster for a lame back and for pains
intlio side and chest. Pain Balm has
no superior as alinim cut for the re
Mef itf deep seated, mtnoiiiar, aiidrheiio
matin pains. For sale by W. W
Keelinn. DniRRiHt.
A Lessoa iu Health
Healthy Uidneya tiltr tlie Impurities
from thu blood, and uiiW.'hs they .do
hh tioml health is lrrpowslii!t Fo'
le'n Kidney Cure makes 6.mtul kid
ipyrt and will postilvHy c'lie nil lonnt
f Mduey and 1Ii(I1t " dlsen-o li
,'nmghfeiis the vvhoio dynium. M '
nin' '
Willio Kerkor came very near being
killed Wednesday. lie was watching
W. W. Sold saw lumber, and stepped on
tho log carrier. When it started back he
was thrown down and into the frame
work, one foot catching so ho was
thrown across a piece of tho frame.
Tho carrier struck him across tho
bowels. Fortunately W. V Sold saw
him and stopped the carrier Instantly
or ho would have been killed. One
anklo is bruised, and hoi is also badly
bruised across tho bowels and fears are
entertained that he is injured intern
ally. Ho is resting fairly well and it
is hoped be will soon bo well again.
It was a nurrow escape from death.
The livery stable was unfortunate
Inst week bo far as runaways were con
cernod, but fortunate in tho fact that
little damage was done. On Wednesday
Miles Knapp drove a traveling man to
Howe. As bo was taking out tho grips
the horses started to run, Mr. Knapp
caught tho lines and hold te them for
nearly a bleck, when another man ran
aud stopped the horses. Mr. Knapp's
clothes wore almost torn off of him but
he wob not much hurt. The next day
Mrs. Knapp was driving a horse when
itstepped on a board which flew up
and struck it. The horse ran and Mrs.
Knapp was jerked out over tho dash
board. The shafts were broken nnd
the dashboard splintered but Mrs.
Knapp escaped with n few bruiscB.
The horse was caught afterBgoing a
short distance.
Married. At eight o'clock last Tues
day evening nt the homo of the bride's
parents at Lincoln, Dr. Guy It. Taylor
and Miss DeHa Gilford, in the presence
of several relatives and friends. The
Doctor is one of our citizens and is en
joying a good practice here. The bridt
Is unknown to the writer, but knowing
the Doctor's good judgment, wo do
not hesitate to say that she is one of
Lincoln's beet young ladles. After the
ceremony the newly married couple
took the M. P. train for Auburn where
they are now stopping with the groom',
parents, except what time the Doctor
is kept hero attending to his practice.
They will go to housekeeping in a faw
days in the house now occupied by S L.
Wirick. Tho News joins in with Doc
tor's many friends in wishing him and
his bride much joy, also a hearty wels
come for the bride to our city. John"
son NW8. r
If you ure contemplating n change
of location and want land cheap, call
at this office. We can interest you.
HoiiiZ's Restaurant
Fresh Candies, Nuts, Fruits, Cigars.
Fratdi Bread, Buns und Cakes alwuys
oti hand.
Drop in and see us.
How's This?
WootrorOno Hundred Do 1 1 am Reward for
nnyense of Catarrh thut cannot be cured by
Mnl I'hC'h in rrhUuro,
;F. J. CHENEY J: CO., Props., Toledo. O.
We, tho undersigned, have known F. J.
Cheney for the lust 15 years, nnd believe hliu
purlcctly honorable In ull business trausae.
tlons aud tluanolully able to carry out nny
obligations inude by their Ilrm.
Wi'Htdc lruax, wholehiile druggists, Toledo.O.
Wnhllng, Klunan & Marvin, wholesale drug-
gluts, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally.nct
log dheelly upon the blood nnd mucous sur
faces of the system. Price 7fic per bottle. Sold
by all druggists. Testimonials free.
nail's Family Pills n.o the best.
Cured by Ono Bottle of Oharauerlaiu'a
Oough Bemody
"When I him the grip hiHt winter
(the second one) I actually cured my
ielf with one bottle of Chamberlain's
Cougli Itemedy," aiyB Flunk vV. Perry
Editor of the Enterprise, Shortville
V. Y. 'This is the honest truth. 1"
.it limes keep fmtn coughing mjeelf to
pleees bv taking ono teaspoontnl of
thieitMM'jdy, a ud wli e it the connliiiiK
Siiell would come on at nilit ,1 would
take a doM; and it sreinc'd that iu tho
briefririfc interval the tjougli vvould piisn
It and 1 would goto sleep peifectlj
free from conpli nnd Un acconipaiiyiiiK
pains. To say tlmt tho teiuuuT ncud
its a most aureeable mirprije is putting
It verv mildly. Iliad no itleu
would or puuld kiiocl; mil (he iip
simply because I had nevor Isietl a tr
sui.'l' a purpose, (nit it (I t', 'tntl i' eeein
ed with tlm.eeoud atiank ot cutichiiii
tlie remedy cini.ed it to in t, ot.lj be til
Ims duration, but the pains ern far
leiriH ti'vepf, and I had not ih d the-contents
ol' one bottle ho Nut xp . Orip hud
bade nii adh;u." For s.ilu bj Kaelu.g.
Traveling is Dangerous
Constant motion jars the kidneys
which are kept in place in tho body by
delicate attachments. This is tho rea
son that travelers, trRlnmen, street car jljlnooin
men, teamsters and all who drivo very
much, suffer from kidney disease in
borne form. Foley's Kidney Curs
strengthens the kidneys nnd cures all
forms of kidney and bladder disease.
Geo. E. Uausan locamotive engineer,
Lima, O., writes, "Constant vibration
of the engine caused me a great deal of
trouble with my kidneys, and I got no
relief until I used Foloy'i Kidney Cure.
M T Hill.
Foley's H$noy and Tar contains no
opiates and can safely ba given to
children M. T. Hill
Holds Up a Congressman
"At the ond of tho campaign."
writes Champ Clark, Missouri's brilli
ant congressman, "from overwork
nervous tension, loss of sleep and con
stant speaking I had about utterly col
lapsed. It soomed that all of my
organs were out of order, but three
bottles of Electric Bitters made me all
right. It's the best all-round medis
cine over Bold over a druggist's counts
er." Overworked run-down men nnd
weak, Bickly women gain splendid
vitality from Electric Bitters. Try
them. Only 50c. Guaranteed by
Spring Ailments
There is an aching and tired feeling,
the liver, bowels, and kidneys become
sluggish and inactive, the digestion
impaired, with little or no appetite no
ambition for anything and a feeling
that the whole body and mind need.
toning up. The troublo is, that dur
ing the winter, there has been an over
accumalatiou of waste matter in the
system. Ilorbine will remove it, se
cure to tho secretions n right exit, and
glvo strength in place of weaknesB.
50c at Hill's.
World-Wide fieputatiou
White's Croani Vermifuge haB ac
hieved a world wide reputation as be
ing the best of worm destroyers, and
for its tonic influence on weak aud un
thrifty children, as it neutralizes the
acidity or sourness of the stomach,
improves the digestion and assimila
tion of food, strenghtens the nervous
system nnd restores them t the health
vigor.'and elasticity of spirits natural
to childhood. 25c at Hill'b.
Cures When Dootors Fail
Mrs. Frauk Chinsson, Patterson, la.,
writes June 8th, 1001 : '-I had malaria
fever in a very bad form, was under
treatment by doctors, but as soon as I
stoppod taking their medicine the fev
er would return, I used a sample
bottle of Ilerbine, found it helped me.
Then I bought two bottles, which
completely cured me. I feel very
grateful to you for furnishing such a
aplendlf medicine, and can honestly
recommend it to those suffering wit'i
malaria, ns it will aurply cure them."
Ilerbine, 50c bottle at Hill's.
Makes Kidneys and Bladder Right
For Hiilohy M.T. Hill.
Cures Goldsi Provonts Pneumonia
Cor halo by M. T. Hill.
tops t2i cotar Ja anil Iio7.o luntfii
Watcli Wffaltei'
All hinds of work guaranteed
llrint in your Hepalr work. You yet
llitjht Prices and Heat Woik.
Perkins' Jewelry Stor
l&ezzzsa gaaotjr jsjgf,
W.M. OAill'HhLL, PrCH.
hdiMK Us
Cn73-tal Stock, 05 OOO
CwVrr-.... 3 ...V-t'&J-i'. Cifihm -i--, CS;"ur. , ..ti," i'fii i'.iii'"l STTT.f i " f
Nemaha, Nebr.
Stilt littko City
Stin JPrunoisao
A.nd all XJointa
Oin lia
St. .TohopIi
Kuiihub City
St. IjouIh find nil
I'olntH ICast nnd
No. 07 Pnsscncer, dully oxcoptSun .J'
dny, for Tccumsoh, llcntrlco,
Holdrogo nnd nil points west 0:40 n m
No.08 FnflHoneer, dnllyexcoptSnn
dny, for Nobrnskn City, Chicago
nnd nil points north nnd cast 4t00p m
No, 110 Locnl frolglit, dally except
Sunday, for Atchison nnd Inter,
mediate Btntlons 7:30 p m
No. 112 Locnl freight, dnlly except
Mondny, for Nobrnskn Cljy nnd
lntermodlnte Btntlons 2:00 n m
Sleeping, dining nnd reclining chair cars
seats freol on through trains. Tickets unlit
nnd bnggato chocked to nny point In tho
unueu HintOH or Canada.
For information, maps, tlmo tables nnd
tickets cnll on or write to W. E. Whcoldon,
ngont, or J, Frnncls, General Pnssengor
Agent, Omaha, Nob.
DeWltt's M Salvo
Fop Piles, Burns, Soros.
Needed in Every Home
t dictionary;
A Dictionary of ENGLISH,
Biography, Geography, Fiction, ate.
Now Plates Throughout
25,000 New Words
Phrases and Definitions
Prepared under tho direct super
vision of W. T. HARRIS, Ph.D., LL.D.,
United States Commissioner of Edu
cation, assisted by a largo corps of com
petent specialists nnd editors.
Rich Bindings 2364 Quarto Pages
5000 Illustration
B3ST The International was first issued
in 1SD0. 8iicceedinrj (he "Unalridaed."
The New and Enlarged Edition of the
International was issued in Uctooer,
1900. Get the latest and best.
Wo also publish
Webster's Collegiate Dictionary
with Glossary of Scottish "Woidsnnd Phrases.
1100 1'aces. HOO lllaitratloni. 8Iio 7x10x2 6-8 Incliei.
"First-claBS In quality, Eocond-clnss In size.'
Specimen pages, etc. of both
books scut ou application.
Springfield, Ma9.
fr chlldretif safe, .Tare. So eptaCaVI
For bale by M. T. Hill.
Will Oure Consumption
A A Uerren of Finch, Ark.
wiites, "Foley's Honey and Tar is tho
best preparation for coughs, colds and
lung trouble. I know that it has oui-
1 ed consumption in the first stage.
M T Hill.
OverWork Weakens
Your Kidneys.
Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood.
All the blood in your body passes through
your kidneys once every three minutes.
i r.e Kianeys are your
bipod purifiers, they fil
ter out the waste or
impurities in the blood.
If they are sick or out
of order, they fail to do
their vork.
Pains, achesandrheu
matism come from ex
cess of uric acid in the
blood, due to neglected
kidney trouble.
Kidney trouble causes quick or unsteady
heart beats, and makes one feel as though
they had heart trouble, because the heart is
over-working in pumping thick, kidney
poisoned blood through veins and arteries.
It used to be considered that only urinary
troubles were to be traced to the kidneys,
but now modern science proves that needy
all constitutional diseases have their begin
ning in kidney trouble.
If you are sick you can make no mistake
by first doctoring your kidneys. The nlld
and the extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer's
Swamp-Root, the fjre.U kidney remedy is
coon realized. It stands the highest for its
wonderful cures of the most distressing cases
nd Is sold on it's merits ST'i?!
y all druggists in 1
.ent and onc-dcllr.i
S3. You may have a i!
sample bottle by mail iior.u of &Taair-niwt.
free, also pamphlet telling you how to find
cut If you have kidney or bladder trouble.
Mention this paper whr n writing Dr. Kilmer
fit Co., Blrnhamtcn. N. Y.
"TI" , T .
Marja --..;.
K. K.
ALLIS.V, Vlct-l'rui
ALLRN, Cashier.
if ty- tjKi;,
l ..IT"'"J
Sl 1
' "WEBSTER'S li M"