The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, June 05, 1903, Image 5

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lUULiH TVtmnlifi Mnlii
UViuinnv, "i(
Lincoln Dtmvor
Omha I-Iolorm
Ciiiouo Xlutto
Ht..ToHOh Salt, l.,uk City
ICniiHiiH City IjoiM1mh(1
Ht.Il.oulH find all Sim J'YujioIhoo
I'oIjiIm IUiihI mid .Vnd fill I'olnt
outH AVMt
No. U7 I'nNRtiiiL'Hr, iliillyexrcptHiin
iliiy, lor TtcuiiiHoli, lii'iitrlce,
HoldrrKoiind nil point west , (1:40 n id
No, 98 PAHH4iimir,lnllyixccit Mon
day, for Nebraska C'lly. CblcuKo
and nil polnlH north nnd east ItOOp in
No, 110 Local froltilit, dully oxcopl
Hiuxliiv, for AtriilBon nnd Inter
mod I ft to HlnilotiN 7t30 p in
No, 112 Local fiolulit, dully except
Monday, for NehriiHkn Chy nnd
Intorniodlntu hUUIodb 2:00 a in
Steuplntf, dining Mn rocllntiiK olmlr oiirH
(neats frtxjjoii ihrottKli trnliiN, TlokntH Hold
nnd lmKU(n ohenked to any point In tho
United HI ut oh or Cunnda.
For Itiforinnllon, tnnpH, tlmo tablcx and
tlckutKcnll on or wrlto to V. E. Whcoldon,
imont, or .1, KrunclH, (Jonoral PuHHiniKor
Agent, Otnnlin, Nob.
IPVatclt Maine
All klndswf work guaranteed
liring In your Jlejmlr work. You get
Right Prices and Rest Work,
Perkins' Jewelry Store
Kidney Trouble Makes Ton Miserable.
Almost everybody who reads the news
papers Is sure to know of the wonderful
cures maae by Dr.
Kilmer's Swamp-Root.
the rrreat kidney, liver
i and bladder remedy.
It la the rreat medl-
i cj.l triumph of tho nine
teenth century: dis
covered after years of
, scientific reiearch by
ur. Kilmer, the emi
nent kidney and blad
der specialist, and Is
wonderfully successful In promptly curing
lame back, kidney, bladder, urlo acid trou
bles and Brlght's Disease, which 13 the worst
form of kidney trouble.
Dr. Kilmers Swamp-Root Is not rec
ommended for everything but If you havekld
ney, liver or bladder trouble It will be found
Just the remedy you need. It has been tested
In so many ways, In hospital work, In private
practice, among the helpless too poor to pur
chase rollof and has proved so successful In
every case that a special arrangement has
been made by which all readers of this paper
who have not already tried It, may have a
sample bottle sent free by mall, also a book
telling more about Swamp-Root and how to
find out If you have kidney orbladdet trouble.
Vhen writing mention reading this generous
offer In this paper and
snd your address to
Dr. KUmer&Co.,Blng
hamton, N. Y. The
regular fifty cent and nonootswunp-iux.
4oluur sum r told by all good druggists.
' A sallow comnloxion. dizzinnss
biltousness nnd a coated tongue
are common indications of hvor
and kidney dtseasos, Stomach and
bowel troubles, severe as thoy tiro,
givo immediuto warning by pain,
out liver and kidney troubles,
though loss painful tit tho start, are
much harder to cure. Thedford's
Black-Draught iiover(fails to bene
fit diseased liver and weakened kid
neys. It Btira up the torpid liver
to tlirow off tho genua of lover and
ague. It is a certain prevent ivo
of cholera and Bright's diseaso of
tho kidneys. Willi kidnovs re
inforcod by Thedford's Black
Draught thousands of persons liavo
dwolt imuiuno in tho midst of yel
low fever. Many families livo in
perfect health ami h'avo no other
doctor than Thedford's Black
Draught. It 1h always on hantf'for
use in an emergency nnd saves
many expensive calls of a doctor.
Mulllm, S. C, March 10, 1901.
I have uied Thedford's Black-Draught
forthree years and I have not had to jo
to a doctor ilncc 1 have been taking it.
It is the best medicine for me (hat is
on the market for livei and kidney
irouDies ana dyspepsia and other
complaints. Rev. A. O. LEWIS.
J VrT"
Tf nr? ' V-l a J '
fl H A" J J:
Ak r7 'Sfi
hv rc
The Nebraska Advertiser
W. W, Sanpkiir, I'tiblinhor
FUI DAY, JUNE B, 1003.
Convict In llnwnll Do Not ,Mke Any
Effort to Kucnpn from -
"The moHt unique method for ban
dling petty violators of tile law," re
marked n gentleman in Washington
to a 1'oHt representative, "1b in daily
operation ut Jlilo, the capital of the
ibluml of Hawaii. I wub seated on tho
porch of the Hllo hotel one day last
"winter trying to evade the mosquitoes
and the sunshine, when I noticed a
Hcorc of natives in striped cunvnu uni
forms break into a de-ad run in the di
rection of the jail. The heavy iron
doom swung open to udmit them and
they filed in one by one to become pris
oners for the night. I 'learned later
that these men were 'hhort-term
convicts, und that their hurry was in
spired by fear that they might be
'locked out of jail.'
"But how did they escape?" he wbb
"Escape?" repeated the narrator.
"They did not escape, they were
turned loose at seven in the morning
and instructed to report behind the
bars tit five in the afternoon. Let mo
explain: An alleged criminal is tried,
convicted and sentence passed upon
him. .Should his term exceed one year
he is conilned in u cell on the. thirajL
tloor of the Jail, from which escape
practically impossible. If he is a
'short-term' man, however, he is fitted
up with a blue and white striped can
viib suit and hired out by the day to
contractors or the managers of neigh
boring plantations. His wages, usu
ally U5 cents per day, are paid to the
city. These fortunate convicts are
bfth fed and lodged in jail, and in ad
dition to their clothes are allowed u
small ration of tobacco. Every morn
ing after breakfast they may be been
embarking on their duties. They are
not guarded in any manner, shape or
f onii in fact, it resolves. Hself into an
extreme case f honor among thieves."
"It isn't once in a year thnt escape
is even attempted, and the records in
the county jail show but one instance
where hucIi an attempt has been suc
cessful. Jt i amusing to see thet-'e be
lated culprits, running at the top of
their tipecd for fear the doors of this
novel institution will be closed against
them. Those thnt may arrive later
ane admitted through another entrance
arid an additional three or four days
are added to their term as punishment
for their tardiness."
"How do you account for this pecul
iar system being still in vogue?" was
"It exists merely because of its efll
clency. Ililo is n coast town; the
Pacific ocean guards it snfely on the
east, while to the westward there is
nothing but the high rond nnd the
jungle. The jungle and the sea mean
death and the high road capture; so
you see there is a stronger force than
honor which impels the return 4f the
sonvict t( his prison home."
To some people u small daily income
in? better than a large fortune. Chica
go Daily News.
Virst and Last. Casper "Among
the ancient doctors bleeding the pa
tient was the first operation in treat
ing a case." Charlie "And now it's the
last." Harvard Ltimpoon.
The man who is clever in scheming
to get invitations in his youth, will
Had his-cleverness valuable in schem
ing to get out of accepting them in bib
old age. Atchison Globe.
He Was Easy "It's easy enough to
make friends," said Spenders, bitterly,
"but' pretty hard to keep them." "Oh,
1 dun't know," replied Landers. "I've
got a number, of friends who seem per
fectly willing to let me keep them." -Philadelphia
Living VersAiG Rooming. Stran
ger "How many people live in
this city?" Citizen "About 200,000."
"So? J had thought you hnd a popla
tion of at least 300,000." "Oh, so we
t have, But only two-thirds of theun
live. The res-t room und board." Bal
timore American.
Mother "Have you any waterproof
boot for a boy?" Salesman "We
hnve waterproof boots, mu'am; but
, they are not for boys." Mother
i "Why don't you have some for boys?"
Salesman "Wheiv somebody hns in
visited a boot that has no opening for
the foot to get. into it, we may hope for
boys' waterproof boots, not before."
Uob'ton TrantcripU
Still Useful. "Yes, poor old sport,
when he had money he had a good time,
but he went broke." "Then starved ?"
"I should say not. He secured a splen
did position in a swell boarding houfce."
"What doing?" ".liibtha tosltaround
the boarding home parlor posing as
the star boarder, meanwhile complnin
ing loudly before prospective boarders
about the bad cose of gout contracted
there "Baltimore Herald.
Forty-Mile S-tretcli Iatc-Completed
for Amerlrnn Ijiitt-arirlc In Un-
it.iitiKnn Province
The solution of rondmaking prob
lems that is going on in the province
of Bntangas, on the island of Luzon,
under the direction of Oen. J. Franklin
Bell, has been thorough and rajrid
during the last season. Under Spanish
rule the roads were entirely neglect
ed, and during a large part of the year
following the rainy season the thor
oughfares were wholly impassable.
The laboring people during this period
were thrown out of work, nnd the
whole province suffered severe loss in
nearly every industry, says u Wash
ington report.
(Jen. Bell set to work early laflt Ben
son to remedy the situation, nnd hns
now completed more than -10 miles of
macadamized road in one straight
stretch, giving the region a thorough
fare over which communication with
the outside world may be maintained
th year through. This road runs
from Calambau, in Lagunn province,
to Bntangas, in Bntangas province.
There Is a gap of ten miles, which will
be built before the year is out, giving
50 miles of good roads such as the Phil
ippines never saw before outside of
den. Bell hnB decided to use a novel
menus of transportation over his new
road. That is, to run regular trains of
wagons hauled by traction engines.
Passengers and freight are to be taken
at a nominal rate, and the trains will
be run on schedule time. Two or three
side lines will be built in the course
of next year. The engines nnd ears
will have wide tires, and so will im
prove the road with use. The speed
to be made will be about five miles an
hour. The road fund derived from the
yearly taxes- is to be applied to con
necting these macadamized roads
with the one already built.
Oen. Bell has asked the island gov
ernment to procure nnd sell to the
nntives at cost price carts with wide
tires and with wheels revolving on
axles. The native cart has narrow
tires and the wheels are solid on the
axles, the latter revolving with the
wheel in two wooden pins in the box
of the vehicle. The effoot of such
carts on n roadbed is to cut. and gouge
it as if the cart were a plow. Oen. Bell
asks that every old cart in the prov
ince be displaced by the Jiew ones,
which will be offered to the natives at
a low price nnd on Idng time. Other
wise it h proposed to tax the narrow
tired carts heavily.
Cattle Do DiiiiuiKe In IIhwuII.
Great damage has been done in Ha
waii by cattle which graze in. the
mountain forests and destroy the
ferns which protect tho ground nnd
Enable it to retain the moiBturo. The
lonsequence is an alternation of
loods and drought ruinous to th
iurar crops.
"Why He TlNn(cree1.
Foreman of the Locked-in Jury (im
patiently) The rest of us are agreed,
nnd you would see the case as we do
if you had an ounce of brains.
Obstinate Juror (reflectively) But
that's just the trouble. I've got more
than an ounce. Stray Stories.
Ik A IllMlllfMt.
Mistress Didn't you hear me ring
Maid I kind of thought I did,
ma'am; but 1 wasn't sure.
"Well, next time, please, give me the
benefit of the doubt." Pucic.
Quo Mluute cough cure wives relief
in ono minute, because it kills tho mi
crobe which tickles the raucous mem
brane, causing the cough, and nt the
same time clears the phlegm drawn out
the int lamination and heal and sooth
es tho a Hooted parts. Ons Minute
cough cure slrengheua the Jmiga, wards
oil pneumonia and is a lmrtulf!;?H uud
never failinc eurw In all curnVle cases
of coughs, coble, nnd croup. Otifl Min
ute cough cure is pleasant to take,
harmless and good alike for young and
old.- W. W. Keeling.
Stand Like a Stono Wall
Between your children und the tors
tines of itching and burning eczema
scaldhcad or other diseaara. How?
why, by using Biickluu's AvnicnSnl ve
eat th's greatest lie.tb-r Quickest cure
for Ulcers, Fever Siro, Salt ltlipum,
Outs, Burns, oi Hrtiint-rt InfallibV
for Pile,-. if)i at l'einu'H drug store
Roveals a Croat Sec rot
It is often asked now Mich startling
cures, that puzzle the best physicians
are effected by Ur Kmn's New Diss
covery for Consumption. Here's tu
eurut It cuts flat tho phlegm and
gflrm-infeeted union, and lets the.lite
giving oxygMi eurioh nnd vilalizu the
blood. It heals the Inflamed, cough
worn throat and lunge. Hard colds
and stubborn couphs soon yield to Dr.
King's New Discovery, the most in
tallible remedy for all throat and lung
d-vises. tiiifisniiteod bottles ftlh: and
61.UJ. Trial butxleu tree at Keelin's.
Tho Advertioer and the Western
Swino Breeder one year for $l.Ilo; the
Advertiser and Poultry Ttplcs one
your for $1,115; Tho Advertiser and the
Daily Omaha News ono year lor ;
tho Advertiser and tho Iowa Homo
stead, Poultry Nows and Home
stead Ilistitute numbers pueyear foi
$1.32;,thoAdvortiser and the Nebratku
Farmer one yeor for Si .35 ; the Adver
tiser nnd the Chicago Weekly Intel
Ocean ono year for Sl.60;th Adver-.
User and the Somi-VVeekly St. Louis
Globe Democrat one year for SI. 75;
tbo Advertiser and tho SemiMWeekly
Nebraska Sta te.Journal onoyear for
$1.85. Theso are some of our clubb
ing offers, but wa have others, Can
you beat them nny where?
Cured by One Bottlo of Chamberlain's
Cough Eomody
"When I bud the grip last winter
(the second one) I actually cured ray
self with one bottlo of Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy," spys Frauk tV. Porry
Editor of the Enterprise, Shortvllle,
N. Y. 'This is tho honest truth. I
at times keep from coughing myself to
pieces by taking ono teaspoenful of
tbisremedy, and wh e n the coughing
spell would cone on at night I would
take a dese and it seemed that in the
briefest interval tho ceugh would pass
off und I would go to sleep perfectly
free from cough and its accompanying
pain?. To say thnt the remedy acted
as a moat agreeable surprise is putting
It very mildly. I bad no idea that it
weuld or could knock nut the grip
simply because I had never tried it far
such a purpose, but it did, and itseem
ei witli the second attack of coughing
tho remedy caused it to not only be of
less duration, but the pains were far
less sever, and I had hot used the con
tents of ono bottle before Mr. Grip bad
Jiude raa adiou." For sale by Keeling.
DeWltfs ffia Salvo
For Piles, Burns, Soros.
How's This?
We otter Ono Hundred Dollars Kcwnrd for
anycaseor Catarrh that cannot bo cuieil by
Hall's Catarrh Cure,
JF. J. CHENEY A CO., Props., Toledo, O.
,We, Uio unilersJcued, havo known 1 J.
Cheney for the last 15 years, nnd bollevo him
perfectly houorubJe In all business transac
tions und flnuuclally uble to carry out uny
obligations mndo by their rirni.
Woht A'lruax, wholesale druggists, Toledo.O.
WaldhiR, Klnnau & Marvin, wholesale drug
gists, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is tnkon Internally .not
Ing dlteotly upon tho blood nnd mucous nr
faces of thosyHtem. Price 7cc per bottlo. tJold
by all druggists. Testimonials froe.
Hnll's Family Plllisnie th best.
Ouros When Doctors Fail
Mrs. Frank Chl;is3on, Patterson, In .
writes June 8th, 1901 : "1 bad malaria
fever in a very bad form, was under
treatment by doctors, but as soon as 1
stopped taking their medicino the fev
er would return, I used a sample
bottlo of Ilorbinc, found it helped mo.
Then I bought two bottles, which
completely cureu me. J feel very
grateful to you for furnishing stioha
splendid medicine, nnd con honestly
recommend It to those suffering with
malaria, as it will surHy cure them."
Ilerbine, r.Oc bottle at Hill'p
ELM Kit E.
Capital Stock, S5 OOO
Editorially fearless
Consistently Republican Always
Nows from all parts of tho world. Woll writton, original Btoiios.
Answers to quorioK on all subjects rtiirlos on Health, tho Home, Now
Books, and on Work About tho Farm and Garden.
The I.vTKn Ocka.v is a member of the Associated Proes and also is th
only western newspaper rWMvinu; the entiro tolographic. nuws service o
tho Now York Sun and special cablo of the Now York World, besides
daily ropoila iVoni over 2,000 spueitil correspondents throughout tho coun
try. No pen can tell more (fully why it ifi the bost on earth,
62 twelve page papers 52 One dollar a vear
Brimful of news from everywhere and
a jurcat cast of sjmcuii mattur . . . .
Suh.irrihi' fa? The Advertiser andjhe Weekly Inter Ocean one year, lofk
jxijurs for $l ,50,
Spring Ailments
There is an aching and tirod feeling,
the liver, bowols, and kidneys become
sluggish and inactive, the digestion
impaired, with little or no appetite no
ambition for anything and a fooling
thnt tho whole bpdy nnd mind needs A
toning up. The trouble is, that dur
lug the winter, there has been an ovetjT
accumulation of waste matter in the
system, rierbine will remove It, se
cure t the secretions a right exit, and
give strength in place of weakness.'
Th Ensy Pill
Dewitt's Little Early Risers do not
gripe nor weaken the system. They
cure billlousne8.B, jaundice, constipa
tion, and Inactive liver, by arousing
tho secretions, moving tho bowelB gent
ly, yet effectually, and giving such
tone nnd strength to tho glands of the
Btomuch, liver and bowels that tho
causo of the trouble is removed entire
ly. These famous little pills exert a
decided tonic eflect upon the organs
involved and if their use is continued
for n few days there will be no return
f the trouble. W. Yf. Keeling.
Windmills and Pumps,
Tanks, Pipes, etc.
'Phono calls answered promptly.
Funeral Director
and Embalmer
Robes and
Funeral Supplies
Makes Kidneys and Bladder Rlnht
Foi sale by M.T. Hill.
Cures Coldsi Prevents Pneumonia
For ulo by M. T. Hill.
far children! cafe, mure. No mplattm
For sulo by M. T. Hill.
tops tlkncoufibi and hale lungs
F. fi. ALLEN. VlccPrcs. t
ALLEN, Cafihler.
Xi.;..;xc-waj..liorit;i:v.w.,..w....,wocio. " , na. . iuot
ottV "M