'" """ BHW' '' SISfSF 2j TVT?W; .. -y ft ' -. 1 1 i MMMV I3B9EBK !WES rrtMcwKiki jgJuaiMLHftft w ' m 9 &(MMjiwjiLiimyiJ VOLUME XLV1I NEMAHA, NEBHASKA, PUIDAY, MAY 29, 1903 NUMBER 40 nT mmkwm AJfH) &J ' I V kV.I - 7 I t V 1 Hdtf&ua SUttiefHi -4 1 1 f w iiiiilMHWJEWWjte ffjltttnKiMiltmmmmmMtimMttfmm i m m m nwfUM kidl. . r-i in i J - I; a- jLocftl ISTows 295 ---"" --- '"" Still It rains. Sec M T Mill for llrfc Itinurulica. Try tho Dcyob paint, sold by J. W. Kerbs, Auburn. Puro linseed oil DO cento pot BHoh at Hill's drug store. tflne lino of Wall Paper Juat received at Heeling's drug store, See W. W. Harris of South Auburn for Clothing and Dry Goods. iir .--- -fcirtu - A high grade bam paint for 03 cents per gallon at Hill's drug ntoro. a.ir 1,1 itoii Wi T. iiall in acting as B. & M.agent during W. E. Wheeldon'o absence, Edwards & Bradford Lumber Co, are headquarters for screen doors. Southern strictly pure white lead 0& cents per pound ut Hlll'e drug store. For the best pftint on the market go to Edwards & Bradford Lumber Co. Wm, Smiley has moved Into his hew house. He has a nice little home. Walter Curttrlght has been Very sick with typhoid fever, Ho Is now a little better. Elder Self of Nebraska City will preach at the Christian churoh next Sunday. i- - - - - Call on Edwards & Bradford Lum ber Co. for furniture. A car lgad juBt received. in " ---- -1 ' J. H Littrell has had a new stairway put la on the Bouth side of tail brick building. . Rev. M. S, Foutch preached an ex cellent memorial sermon at the Metho dist church Sunday night. Mr. and Mrs. B.Stroble of Brown Villa were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Rumbaugh last Sunday. Clarence Peabodyi who Is oa the B. & M, bridge gang, came home last Fri day, returning to work Mouday. MiHB Nellie Sanders returned home Monday from Auburn, where she had been vhiting friends for ft week, EIIIb Young has bought a forty acre farm on the Missouri bettom northeast of Nemaha, where he is now living. Mr, and Mrs, Jos. Bunger, sr., re- turned to Nemaha Tuesday after a few days' visit with friends at Brownvllle. - i - CANE SEED FOR SALE 5,000 pounds at Si, 50 per 100 pounds, At farm. N. C. Jarvls, Nemaha, Neb. Many caves and cellars in Nemaha were Quoded by the heavy ruins this week the editor's being ameng the number, Any farmer having two or three 'cows can make meney by buying a separator from Edwards & Bradford Lumber Co, Frank Smith, a Peru normal student, Visited Emery Howe from Friday until Monday) when he went to Jehnaon, where he will work this summer. W. H. Linn, the dentist, will be at the Park hotel, Nemaha, next Monday, prepared to do all kinds of dental werk. Beginning with July be will be here the first Tuesday of each mentb in Btead of the first Monday. W, Wi Sanders bus bceu eltuti'd lay delegate from the Bfovnvllle and Nek malm circuit to tho Nebraska annual conference of the Methodist Episcopal church, Mrs, O. E. Homx returned from Vcrdn Thursday of last week' Her sister, Miss Ethel Sherwood, came with her and will make her home In Nemaha, Parties wanting Ico will be uccotns modated on Tuesday, Thursday, Satur day imd Sunday of each week, from T to 0 o'clock In the morning. E. L. PAM0, John Minich was walking with a crutch Saturday on account of a badly bruised leg. One of his horses got down and as he was helping It up he got kicked, M. T. Hill had another laqge glnss put In one of his store Windows Tuess day to leplace tho broken one. He has had iron rods put across the windows to protect them , Charley Colerick, who has been in Oklahoma for some time, visited Ne maha friends soveral days this week. He is going to work at his trado as a barber In Lincoln. James A. Stephenson, Rufus Rowen, Marshall Wobb and David Brlmble went over to tho Nishua (lshing last week, They caught a good many tlsb and had a good time, x The recent heavy rains have washed out a lot of dirt underneath one of the approaches to the bridge east or J. W. Webber's farm residence until it is in a very dangerous condition for creasing. The Rebecka lodge initiated four new members Wednesday night Mr. and Mrs. A, R. McCandless and Mr. and Mrs. Earlo Gilbert. Ice cream and cake were served after the lodge adjourned , W. W. Sanders, editor of The Adver tiser, has been appointed postmaster of Nemaha, in place of Miss Lillian M. Minick, who sent Id her resignation about two weeka ago. It will probably be three or four weeka before the change takes place. Cards are out for the marriage of Elmer E.Allen, cashier of the Bank of Nemaha, and Miss Lillian M. Min. ick, the present postmistress of Nomas ha, which event will take place at the home of the bride'a mether Wednesday evening, June 10th. A new Arm has opened busibess in Nemaha, It Is Littrell fc Jarvis, white washers and general rustlers. Charley Littrell and Claud Jarvis are the members of the firm. They are ready to do whitewashing, clean yards and cellars and anything in this line, There was an active demand for flsb giga this week. The blacksmiths were kept busy two or throe days making giga, and the hardware merchants sold all the loose rake and hoe handles they had in stock and then took off the rakes and hoes and seld the handles. A good many flab were caught, Will serve Ice cream in the rear room of the "New Model Meat Mars ket" on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday afternton and evening nt each week. You can have a dish of ice cream, a ring of bolocna or a hnnu- dried beef if you want to wlx it that way. come In and see our dIrcahpa how we serve you. Youra for square ousinesB, e, l. Paris. S Another laraa invoinfl of $ fHatSf Laces, Veilings, Flowers just received by MR THEO HILJU a(4tKi-Ht-t1-K We Point with Pride TO THE FACT That we have tho largest and most complete line of Drugs and Medicines) Druggists' Sundries, Paints, Oils, etc., etc., over in Nomaha. "Wall Paper, too we carry a big stock. If you will lot us iiguro on that Paint Bill you will scve money. Respectfully, JVV T HILL FOR SALE A geod residence, orchard and 12 acres ef laud with it, for sale adjoin ing the townhlto of Nemaha. Call on or write F. G. Hawxby, South Auburn, Nebr iw - it Just received, a car load of? ISalt h Gilbert & McCandless "- I In i'osjumne to tho call published in The AdvertlMfr, a few nerpuna who are Intereoted lu tho XTomaha cernotery met at the Methodist chuich last Sut urday afternoon. E L. Woodward and John I. Drossier wero ttppuluted n committee to nue about opening a road to tho cemetery, and aldo to nee about securing moro land. John 1. Dressier and NY, VV, Sanders were elected nieni bora of tho board uf trustees to fill the vacancies caused by the death of Mart May and tho resignation of Mrn. Rose Gilbert. The board was reorganised by the election of Sojtnour Howe pros idfht and John I. Diesel or secretary and treHflurt'r. Hon. Church Howe came In from Auburn Wednesday evening and visits d Nemaha friends until 11 o'clock tho next day. Church in looking well and says he feels ten yearn younger than ho did six years ago. lie says he is not a candidate for United States senator or for any other ofllue, as he Iww positively and finally retired from politics. 11 1b position as consul at Shellluld, England, is a very agreeaulo one and he Is enjoy ing life. lie expects to stait east next Monday, where he will visit foi a month, leaving for England July 1st. i nit hi in ii inmnnn..i.wiM Old paperB for sale ut thin olllce. Not from any or all hard Spring wheat is Pillsbury's Best Flour made, but from such only as stands the Pillsbury tests. i tv V, tf K '. KG i m "M " tc 1 tC r. m. , A i i s ' t i 4- I t i ' 1 h y i o h i $ 4- 4 ,i ' ( v -1 4 4- t 4 4-4-4- t ! r 1 1 ;?i i I ii&iiit1til1cil4lil4li I MI'FFFF Wl PIS 1 , 'fi i ' f" bA ' trr ; i . 4,ivi .V. KMWK.K' jlMf ... . 4 ml te5i rffc-rw 'I rfr- m.iit r. -ill r ,ttVv